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My love simulation with them — Chapter 60

“Only one simulation left?”

Frowning his eyebrows and looking at the simulation number at the bottom, Nanxiang Shi remembered.

The last time he simulated a happy ending for Goto Ichiri, he only had one simulation opportunity left.

After the simulation, he used Ryo Yamada’s IF route card, which essentially consumed props and did not count the number of simulations.

It makes sense that there is only one chance left.

Do you want to simulate a happy ending in a simulation opportunity?

Will it be a bit difficult?

Nanxiang Shi touched his chin and quickly shook his head.


It won’t be that difficult.

He also simulated a happy ending with Ichiri Goto’s score of 92, and Ryo Yamada’s happy ending with a score of 89 in one go.

I can be considered as familiar with the simulation.

Furthermore, Nishiki Chishu was the first girl who had an [admiration] towards him from the very beginning.

This is simply a BUFF that comes with Tianhu’s start.

One chance to simulate the perfect happy ending.

Is it too much?

Having said that, Nanxiang felt that it was not as extreme as imagined.

Thinking about this, Nanxiang didn’t hesitate and opened the simulation menu simply.

[Start simulation? 】

【yes! 】

[Current simulation remaining times: 0]

When Nanxiang sank his consciousness into the simulation.

[After leaving the stars, when you returned home, you followed your usual habit of looking narcissistically in the mirror. Even if the learning environment you are in now is very bad, you have never given up. Your optimism without any basis or reason is your greatest strength. The advantages】

[Sitting in front of the short round table, you are in a good mood as you recall today’s perfect outdoor performance. 】

[Not only because of today’s successful outdoor performance, but also because of the blond-white-haired girl you met during the performance—Nishiki Chishu. 】

[As you are naturally sensitive to interpersonal relationships, you soon realized that hidden under the sunny and cheerful appearance of the other party was an undisguised admiration for you. She and her companions seemed to be very impressed by your performance. I was interested and even asked about your next performance time. 】

[You told them about your recent activities in Shimokitazawa, and then watched them leave. 】

[At this time, sitting at home, you became very interested in this woman who suddenly broke into your performance and admired you, so you decided to——]

[1. Actively prepare for tomorrow’s performance and hope to attract them. With your good looks and guitar skills, it is definitely not a problem to continue to develop in-depth with the other party. 】

[2. It’s too tiring to practice guitar all the time, why not learn to relax. 】

[3. If you like her, you must get her. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle. Prepare for tomorrow’s performance and at the same time prepare to follow the blond girl! 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】


Putting aside the fourth item where there is no daily choice of simulation times, the first three are enough to surprise Nanxiang Shi.

Because no matter how you look at it, the first three items are not very serious.

Especially the third item.

I started following you right away…Are you serious? Are you sure this isn’t a crime?

Nanxiang Shi felt that sometimes the love simulator could really be renamed a crime simulator.

This third option is still the same death option.

Nanxiang Shi focused on the first option and the second option.

The second option is for him to switch to learning to relax.

But according to the behavior of the previous system, if you study in the simulation, then it is estimated that the follow-up will be all about learning.

And the system text in front of the love simulator has almost made it clear.

Chisuke Nishikiki was interested in his guitar skills.

Focusing on studying and alienating the guitar is completely detrimental to the relationship with Nishiki Chishu.

The second option can also be passed directly.

Nanxiang touched his chin.

Selected the first option.

Nishiki Chishu herself has a good impression of him.

It is better to actively prepare for the performance here, and not to make extraneous things and make some showmanship. It is safer to continue to increase the other party’s favorability through the performance.

[You have decided to actively prepare for tomorrow’s outdoor performance. You are very confident in your appearance and guitar skills, and you feel that attracting her, who is cheerful and lively, will not be a problem at all. 】

【Your understanding of music has deepened. 】

[The next day, you continued to perform in the square of Shimokitazawa. Due to your active preparation, this open-air performance also achieved gratifying results and attracted many listeners. 】

[And just as you expected, Nishiki Chishu came to the scene again. 】

[She was very satisfied with your carefully prepared outdoor performance, and her admiration for you increased. 】

[But this time, you, who had been prepared for a long time, did not get too entangled with other listeners, but made a special trip to make time for her. 】

[Sitting on the edge of the bench in Shimokitazawa Square, you chatted with her very passionately. 】

[Through chatting, you discovered that Nishiki Chishu not only likes music, but she also likes movies very much. Using your own speaking skills and the wonderful movies you have seen in your previous life, the atmosphere between you has become very warm. 】

[She seems to be born with a happy spirit, outgoing and sunny, always answering questions with a smile, looking free and carefree, as if all the positive words in the world can be applied to this happy girl. 】

[In the square of Shimokitazawa, the setting sun falls on her face with a bright smile, making her as beautiful as the mythical goddess of the setting sun. 】

[That day, you chatted with the sunny and cheerful girl for more than an hour, and then she reluctantly left after the urging call from Inoue Takina. 】

[Watching her leave, you sigh at her extraordinary appeal. Under her influence, you decide——]

[1. There is nothing wrong with your previous choices. Continue to devote yourself to preparing for the performance, and your relationship with her may be able to take a step forward. 】

[2. We have been performing in the open air continuously, so we still need to learn to relax, right? 】

[3. Don’t hesitate! If you like it, you will get it! Secretly buy a locator online and follow her! 】

【4. Simulate it yourself! 】

“Another option?”

Nanxiang, who was still immersed in the simulation, was stunned for a moment.

He didn’t expect that the option would come so quickly this time.

It was obvious that he had just made the choice.

There was something strange in Nanxiang, but it was just a dense selection of options, which couldn’t mean anything – maybe it was because the other party had a high degree of favorability towards me?


“Three options, three options, what’s going on with you?”

Nan Xiangshi couldn’t help but twitch his lips when he looked at the three options that were full of criminal atmosphere.

Stalking a young girl?

Regardless of whether this behavior is illegal, if the other party notices it, the consequences will not be simple – the favorability will be greatly reduced, right?

The second option is also outrageous. Why do I love learning so much?

What about love? Have you figured out your place in the love simulator?

Nanxiang Shi shook his head.

“The first option seems to be the most reliable.”


Just as he expected, after choosing the previous option, he actually had a deeper connection with Nishiki Chishu in the simulation.

We even chatted with each other for more than an hour.

If this continues to develop, becoming lovers will definitely not be a dream.

In comparison, the three options are too intense.

If you want to get it, follow it…

Nanxiang Shi raised his hand and continued to choose an option.

[Two open-air performances, both times got her approval. There is no doubt that if you continue to prepare for open-air performances, she will definitely become your die-hard fan. 】

[You have found the direction you need to work on next and continue to prepare for outdoor performances. 】

[Everything is just as you thought. She will show up on time for every outdoor performance you perform. Standing in the back row, she will always cheer for you happily. Her excitement and unabashed love make others subconsciously I think she might be your girlfriend. 】

[After every performance, she, who is warm and generous, will take the initiative to find you and share with you her joys, sorrows and joys of the day. 】

[Every time at this time, you would always listen quietly to what she said, interjecting a few words from time to time to make her laugh. 】

[It is very easy to communicate with you who has excellent communication skills. Her face always has a more cheerful and happy expression than usual. 】

[She smiles longer and makes more small gestures with you. 】

[She will poke your face with her finger when you are not paying attention. When you look over, she will put away her finger again and look at you with a smile. 】

[When you feel tired, she will also enthusiastically give you a special bento from ‘Sensu-sama’ packed in a small box. According to her, she seems to make a living by running a certain coffee shop. 】

[And looking at her bright smile every time, you can’t help but smile knowingly. 】

【Happiness can infect other people. 】

【You became friends with Nishiki Chishu. 】

“It went well, very well.”

Seeing this smooth development, Nanxiang was very satisfied.

It seems that reaching a perfect ending in one go is no longer a problem.

[Daily meetings continue. 】

[Your relationship with the blond-haired woman has gone further. Every time you finish your outdoor performance, she will always thoughtfully hand you a handkerchief and an ice-cold drink while waiting behind you…]

[In order to live up to her who takes time to listen to your performance every day, you are determined to continue to study guitar skills. 】

[Everything seems to be going smoothly. 】

Chapter 74. You feel sorry (4000 words)

[Everything seems to be going smoothly. 】

After seeing this sentence, Nanxiang only had one thought.

Thank you so much.

This is not the first time Nanxiang Shi has seen this.

And every time this sentence appears, what was originally a good start for Tianhu will develop into a world-shattering direction.


“What exactly went wrong?”

Nanxiang searched for information in his mind.

Was it the wrong choice?

But if you think about it carefully, there are three options in total. The second option is to put down the guitar skills and study instead, and the third option is to follow Chisuke Nishiki in the tail row.

There should be no problem at all if you choose the first, more normal option.

Nan Xiangshi frowned and thought for a long time, unable to come up with a correct answer.


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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not work with dark mode