Switch Mode

My love simulation with them — Chapter 61

He had no choice but to put this matter aside for the time being and immerse his consciousness into the simulation again.

[Everything seems to be going smoothly. 】

[But as time continues to pass, you are keenly aware of it after having been in contact with Jinmu Qianzhu for a long time. 】

[Under the girl’s lively, happy and carefree face, there seems to be other, more hidden, unknown emotions hidden. 】

[You can only feel this emotion, but you can’t guess what it is. 】

[However, occasionally after the performance, when I talk to Nishiki Chishu about the future or future dreams, she, who has always been an eccentric and happy elf, will always show an indescribable relief at this time, or look down on it. emotions. 】

[You realize that she may be hiding something from you, but as a friend, you can’t get to the bottom of this issue. 】

[Gradually, for some reason, the days when she comes to your outdoor performance are becoming fewer and fewer. 】

[You gradually begin to feel a little uneasy, but every time you meet her, she is still so happy, and you don’t see any worries]

【She will always be happy when chatting with you. When I talk about being happy, I will still cover my stomach with one hand as usual, reaching out to pat your back affectionately, laughing until I shed tears. 】

[You sense something is wrong, but when the words come to your lips, you always fail to say them. 】

[After another performance, you meet her as usual. 】

[But this time, you changed your usual hesitation and thinking and asked what was on your mind. 】

In the simulation, the long river of memory flows slowly.

“Yo! Ah Shi! Your performance today was really good! How did you do it? You can actually give such an outstanding performance every time.”

Sitting on the bench, she stretched out her hand cheerfully and waved to Nan Xiangshi who had just finished her performance, saying, “Hurry up, this way, this way.”

As if she didn’t care about other people’s eyes at all, she sat on the bench as if on a swing, kicking her fair and pink calves one after another, looking happy and comfortable.

Nan Xiangshi put the guitar between the two of them, and there was some silence.

“What’s wrong?”

There was some strange sound, and the white feet that were kicking forward stopped.


A long silence.


After a moment of silence, he made a sound and looked ahead at the fountain at Shimokitazawa Square.

The sun sets and the fountain gushes.

Water droplets refract light.

The entire Shimokitazawa Square is set off with an indescribable sense of poignancy.


She, who was always lively, seemed to notice something and fell silent.

Silence spread wordlessly between the two.

A while passed.

“Thousands of bunches.”

A sudden sound.


Boredly counting the cracks in the floor, she subconsciously raised her head.

“You must have something on your mind, right? If you don’t mind, you can talk to me.” He said.


His sudden speech made Nishiki Chishu unable to help but open his mouth.

Originally, she was going to use the usual joke-like phrase “What’s on your mind” to get over it.

But when Jinmu Qianshu saw his face without any hesitation or confusion, she fell into silence again.

She looked up.

A white dove flew across her eyes.

After a while.

“There is something I want to say.”

There was still a somewhat cheerful voice.


“But I don’t want to say those words to Ah Shi in this state just yet.”

This sentence made Nan Xiangshi tilt his head.

In the setting sun, the girl sitting on the bench was hugging her knees, her fair chin resting on her knees, and she was looking at him with her head sideways.

Seeing him looking over, Nishiki Chisuke tilted his head and laughed “hehe”.

Then she stood up directly and pointed at Nan Xiangshi’s face: “Because you have such a handsome face, but you dare to show such a boring expression in front of me! Master Qian Shu, I am really dissatisfied!”

She pretended to be angry, put her hands on her hips cutely, turned around and touched something again and threw it over.

Nanxiang subconsciously caught it and felt a cold touch.

Look down.

It turned out that what I bought was a bottle of orange-flavored soda.

“Drink it quickly and don’t look like that again.”

Nishiki Chishu hugged his sizable chest and hummed proudly: “In front of Lord Chishu, it is enough to be happy.”

Nanxiang Shi couldn’t help but glance at her, and then drank it in one gulp, with a look of disgust on his face:

“It’s so sweet, and why is it a bit astringent?”


Nishiki Chishu put the guitar aside with a smile: “This is my favorite drink.”

“Is it?”

“Of course! Otherwise I can swear!”

She stretched out her five fingers and made a funny gesture to swear.

“That’s not necessary.”

The atmosphere gradually became lively due to her efforts.

She started talking and laughing with Nanxiang as usual.


“Oh – I’m so satisfied.”

Stretching greatly, she exhaled comfortably.


“Let’s talk about my business tomorrow.”

She murmured to herself as she looked at the beautiful scenery of the fountain in Shimokitazawa Square and the setting sun.


he asked, sitting next to her.

“The reason…how to put it…um…uh…ah…right…hehe…”

As if she thought of something, she turned her head and gave him the cutest and most energetic smile in the world.

“Lord Qian Shu, I don’t want to ruin such a beautiful scenery for the time being.”


[In the face of her statement, as a friend, you can only respect her. 】

[You also know that since she has said this, there is a high probability that you will get the answer from her tomorrow. 】

[This time, in order to satisfy her, you worked hard to prepare all night, and even put on headphones to practice for a long time.

【You have never looked forward to tomorrow so much. 】

【Time continues to go on. 】

[A night is long, but a night is also short. 】

[After recuperating for the night, you took all your equipment and headed to Shimokitazawa Square again. 】

[You have performed outdoors at Shimokitazawa Square several times, and now you have a considerable number of passers-by fans. 】

[Although Nishiki Chishu ridiculed the fact that most of them were women, you didn’t care. 】

[For you, working hard to do a good job in this outdoor performance is the real key. 】

[After debugging all the equipment normally, you stand on the steps of Shimokitazawa Square and look down. 】

【Usually, you can see that familiar figure in that position. 】

[But something seems a little different today. 】

[She did not appear at her usual location. 】

[You feel strange, and there is a sudden feeling of uneasiness in your heart. But with your complete preparations, the outdoor performance was successfully completed. 】

[After the performance, you did not deal with the fans as usual, but came to the bench where you often meet her. 】

[She who made an appointment with you did not show up as promised. 】

[The bench has lost its usual temperature. 】

[That day, you sat on the bench and waited for a long time. 】

[You don’t understand why she, who always keeps her promises, didn’t show up. 】

[Her absence has become a regret in your heart. 】

[But just thinking without taking action will not give you the answer. 】

[Thinking of this, you did not hesitate, continued practicing the guitar, and continued the career of outdoor performances, hoping that your music could attract her again. 】

[Your guitar skills have improved by leaps and bounds during this period. 】

[The rapid improvement of your guitar skills will also bring you a large number of listeners and fans. 】

[Gradually, your fame did not stop at the square in Shimokitazawa. Someone posted your video on the Internet, and you soon gained a large number of young fans on the Internet. 】

[But you don’t care about this, you just play as always and wait for that person to appear. 】

[Since you only performed in Shimokitazawa Square and no one showed up in other performance halls or other places, you were nicknamed ‘Shimokitazawa’s Guitar Immortal’. 】

[Performing day after day has made your guitar skills more and more sophisticated, and your number of fans has also increased. Finally, people from music magazines and TV stations came to interview you. 】

[The host is curious about why you are so dedicated to Shimokitazawa Square, because as long as you are willing, countless bands are willing to invite you to join, and your stage should be more than this. 】

[Facing the camera, you just smiled and didn’t say much, but your eyes stayed on the bench not far away. 】

[In fact, you have been vaguely certain in your heart that the happy and joyful girl who was like a flash in the pan in your life will probably never appear again. 】

[You really want to know what she is doing, and also want to know if she has forgotten you as a friend. 】

[But these words are all stuck in her mouth now, unable to be conveyed, transmitted, or let her know. 】

[You are no longer obsessed with Shimokitazawa. While using your fame to help end the band’s reputation, you also began to consider horizontal development. 】

[The following year, with excellent grades, you were admitted to Tokyo University of the Arts, where you continued your studies. 】

[In school, you are not limited to guitar, you are involved in vocal music, opera, percussion and other music. 】

[But what shocked everyone was your unparalleled talent in composing. 】

[While you were studying at school, you composed many songs that were very popular among young people. 】

[On the Internet, you have become the “Guitar Immortal of Shimokitazawa”, and you have also gained the title of “Young Composer of Attack”. 】

[You don’t care about these things. You are immersed in your own music world. Your musical attainments are getting higher and higher. You write more and more songs and are recognized by more people. 】


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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not work with dark mode