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My love simulation with them — Chapter 65

[She knew that she probably couldn’t hide it anymore this time, so she finally decided to confess to you. 】

During the simulation, various memories began to flash back in Nanxiang Shi’s mind.

In the end, the scene was set in a citizens’ park not far from Nishiki Chishu’s home.

“Toki should know about orphanages and other childcare institutions in Japan, which are the kind of institutions that adopt orphans and are responsible for raising them up.”

Standing on the swing in the park, Nishikiki Chishu turned her head sideways and made a lively sound while swinging forward and backward.

“Know something.”

Nanxiang nodded when he was sitting on the swing next to him, watching her figure rising and falling.

“Hoho… As expected of Mr. Nanxiang, who is well-informed. If you know, it will be easy to handle.”

The swing stopped, and then came the energetic voice of Nishiki Chishu:

“Takina and I were adopted by an orphanage near here and raised.”

When Nango heard these words, he quickly thought of the other black-haired girl who accompanied Nishiki Chishu – Inoue Takina.

It turned out that behind the two of them, there was actually such a fact hidden.

This kind of thing is indeed not something that can be disclosed to others casually.

Nishiki Chishu stretched out her fingers and placed them on her pink lips: “The orphanage that raised me provided my living expenses, including my current dormitory.”

When she said this, she couldn’t help but sigh.

The usually energetic and cheerful tone immediately dropped.

“But how should I put it… It should be said that it is not managed well. Due to the long-term imbalance of income and expenditure, it is unable to make ends meet. In fact, until today, the orphanage’s basic expenses are somewhat difficult-“

“The translation roughly means, oops, we’re almost done.”


Nishiki Chishu jumped down from the swing with light and cute movements, stood in front of Nan Xiangshi, clapped her white hands, and made a gesture of ‘Oh, it’s done’.

Even at this time, this energetic girl still had the leisure to joke in front of Nan Xiangshi.

Although I knew she was trying to liven up the atmosphere by joking.

But even so, this topic is too heavy.

And to be honest, what Nishiki Chishu said was very different from the plot of “Licoris” that Nango knew.

Think about it carefully.

There are no vicious terrorists in this world, there is no Tokyo that is unfortunately attacked every day, and there is no Licoris organization that makes money and gains rights by killing people.

There is just an ordinary orphanage, and Chisuke Nishikiki and Takina Inoue are working hard for this orphanage.

In this world, they are just ordinary girls, and it is natural for them to be bound by money.

Nan Xiang fell silent for a moment.

The atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

For some reason, Nishiki Chishu always felt her chest tightening when she saw him, who was always optimistic, fall into silence.

This feeling… is this probably your first time facing a boy, right?

She didn’t want to see Nan Xiang’s silent expression, so she thought for a while and simply made a funny ‘woo woo’ sound to liven up the atmosphere.

“Uh-huh, it’s over. Ah Shi, you already know this. Come and sympathize with poor Master Qian Shu.”

This in itself is a joke and a word to enliven the atmosphere.


“I have no sympathy for you.”

Nanxiang Shi’s voice rang out.

And these words also stunned Nishiki Chishu, who was still making funny noises just now.

But Nanxiang Shi seemed to ignore the meaning of her expression.

Under her gaze, he spoke calmly and with clear eyes:

“I can’t even relate to you.”

When he said this, he shook his head:

“Unauthorized sympathy and unauthorized empathy are just an insult to you who are working hard to live. I will bless you, but I will never sympathize with you, because you who are working hard to live and improve the current situation do not need the sympathy of others at all. .”


Nishiki Chishu doesn’t need sympathy from others.

To sympathize with the other party without permission, to empathize with the other party without permission, is just rude to them who are working hard.

Nanxiang Shi also believed that with such an optimistic and cheerful heart, she would be able to overcome the difficulties by relying on her own abilities.

Nanxiang Shi’s words were very calm, but every word fell deeply into Jinmu Qianshu’s heart.

She blinked her eyes and stared blankly at the young man in front of her for a long time, speechless for a long time.

Then, under his gaze, she turned back and wiped her face carelessly with her sleeves.



Patting Nanxiang Shi’s back vigorously, Nishiki Chishu, whose eyes were red, puffed up her cheeks angrily: “It’s really… you always say things that make me feel embarrassed.”

She complained, but the dissatisfaction in her voice was undetectable.

Nanxiang Shi and she fell into silence again.

But this time, the silence did not last long.

She suddenly raised her head and muttered in a low voice, somewhat awkwardly.

“But what should I say…Thank you for saying this to me.”

“What? I didn’t hear it.”

Nanxiang Shi turned his head and pretended not to hear.

“You guy! You’ve obviously heard it!”

Nishiki Chishu made a dissatisfied sound.

“I really didn’t hear it.”

“Forget it! Anyway, I won’t say it again if I’m so embarrassed!”

“Huh? Say it again, I will definitely listen carefully this time.”

The voice of complaint in Nanxiang.

“It’s stupid, so I won’t say it again-“

This time, she prolonged her tone, put her hands on her hips, and showed her usual beaming expression when facing Nanxiang again.

She stretched out her white fingers and made a cute face at him.

He looked a little unwilling.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly and her head tilted.


【She is as beautiful as a flower in the morning. 】

[You clearly realized this, but at the same time, you did not forget to ask the other party if they had taken any measures to improve the economic situation of the orphanage. 】

[In this regard, she seemed very confident and said that the dean had already opened a coffee shop called ‘Li Ke Li Ke’. In addition to coffee, they usually provide some desserts, dishes and other things. 】

[They want to rely on the income from the ‘Lico Rico’ coffee shop to stabilize the financial situation of the orphanage. 】

“Relying on the coffee shop to support the financial status of the orphanage?”

When Nanxiang Shi saw this passage in reality, he felt deeply unreliable.

A small restaurant wants to support an orphanage…

How hot does the business have to be?

It is a relatively niche hand-brewed coffee shop…can it be so popular?

The text in the subsequent simulation was just as Nanxiang had imagined.

[When you asked her about the income and expenditure of the cafe, she suddenly became crestfallen. 】

[It turns out that although the ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ coffee shop opened successfully, its business situation was not particularly optimistic due to its geographical location and other factors. 】

[Of course, the most important thing is that there is no capable kitchen chef in the back kitchen of ‘Liko Rico’. 】

[Although ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ is mainly engaged in coffee and dessert business, due to the need to subsidize and improve the economic situation of the orphanage, it is also engaged in catering business such as cooking. 】

[However, the cooking skills of both Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina are only at the level of being able to make a few decent home-cooked dishes. They are just starting out in coffee shops. They mainly serve as waiters, and it is impossible to be qualified as a chef. position. 】

[There is no qualified chef who can take the lead, which makes the business of “Li Ke Li Ke”, which was originally in an average position, only rely on a few regular customers to play games in the store from time to time to support it. 】

[In this situation, let alone subsidizing the orphanage, it is even possible to lose money. 】

[But now, due to their financial situation, they no longer have any extra money to hire a new qualified chef. These days, she and Inoue Takina are actually running around on this issue. 】

[The results can be imagined. 】

[You listened to her troubles quietly, and after thinking about it, you said that maybe you could try the job of chef. 】

[But regarding your self-recommendation, Nishiki Chishu, who has always been optimistic, is obviously a little unsure. 】

[It’s not that easy to find a restaurant chef. It doesn’t mean that you can do it just by being able to cook a few home-cooked dishes. 】

[She tried to persuade you a little bit, but in the end she still couldn’t win over you who was resolute. She finally agreed to give you a try at the ‘Lico Rico’ cafe. 】

“Finally a new scene is open.”

Nan Xiang felt the memories floating in his mind and breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past, the only place where he could interact with Nishiki Chishu was at Shimokitazawa Square.

There is only one place for contact, and the resulting encounter is naturally very single.

And now, there is finally a new place where you can get up close and personal with Nishiki Chishu, and you will surely have a better encounter here.

As for being a chef.

To be honest, Nanxiang Shi was not particularly worried about this.

Although he is his version of himself in the simulation, he also possesses the LV4 cooking skill.

Just working as a chef in a café – not that difficult at all.

Everything seemed so smooth on the surface.


“Although a new map has been opened, the reason why Chishu Nishiki left last week without saying goodbye is still not clear.”

There was doubt in Nanxiang Shi’s eyes.


Everything was going for the better, but the doubts that troubled him were not resolved.

He could only continue to look down.

[Under the leadership of Nishiki Chishu, you quickly arrived at the ‘Riko Rico’ coffee shop. 】

[Here, you also met several other people except Inoue Takina, who you already knew. 】

[You met the store manager Mika, Nakahara Mizuki, and Walnut. 】

[The black-haired Takina Inoue was obviously a little surprised by your arrival. She looked at Nishiki Chishu in disbelief, as if asking what she was doing, but this look was eventually dismissed by Nishiki Chishu sticking out her tongue. It’s past. 】

[As for your arrival, the other people are a little confused. 】

[After Nishiki Chishu’s introduction, their initial confusion turned into surprise. 】

[Your appearance is too young, so they can’t believe that you have the ability to be a chef in a cafe. 】

[In response to their doubts, you didn’t give any more explanation. You just washed your palms carefully, walked to the bar, opened the refrigerator, and picked out the ingredients. 】


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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