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My love simulation with them — Chapter 76

Thinking of this, she spoke simply:

“Well… although some of what you just said are a bit inaccurate, for example, when I was twenty-seven, I still watched teen romance dramas late at night, and when I was hungover and vomited… everything else is fine. It’s… barely correct.”

She coughed dryly: “I admit that you are a capable psychic, but don’t get me wrong, this does not mean that I believe you.”

“…” Nan Xiangshi shook his head.

Why is Nakahara Mizuki still a bit tsundere?

But okay, now that the topic has reached this point, then…

“It’s my honor that Miss Zhongyuan is willing to recognize me, but through my palm reading just now… I actually discovered something that I have to tell you.”

“Something you have to tell me…?”

Nanxiang’s tone was very serious, which made Nakahara Mizuki a little nervous for no reason.

She couldn’t help but look up at Nanxiang: “Is it important?”

“Quite important.”

Nanxiang Shi said calmly: “In a certain sense, it will even affect the existence of this coffee shop.”

“Please tell me!”

After hearing these words, Nakahara Mizuki, who had already believed Nanxiang Shi’s words, could not control his emotions and stood up immediately.

There is no way.

You must know that ‘Li KeLiKe’ is their last hope.

If ‘Riko Rico’ falls.

Then the orphanage will completely close down due to poor management, and the children living there will also…

Thinking of this serious consequence, Nakahara Mizuki couldn’t be as relaxed as before.

Fortunately, Nanxiang Shi in front of him had no intention of showing off.

After hearing her answer, he spoke without hesitation: “In the near future, maybe a month from now, you will lose someone who is extremely important to you.”

“Losing someone who is extremely important to me?”

Nakahara Mizuki was stunned.

“Well, that person will eventually pass away sadly because his body cannot bear the pain.”

When he said this, Nan Xiangshi stopped talking.

Because he clearly knows that some words should not be finished in full, but half should be left for the other party to think about in order to be more effective.

And it was just as he imagined.

After Nakahara Mizuki listened to his words, various faces appeared in his mind one by one.

In the end, the impression in my mind rested on the face of a sunny, cheerful and energetic girl.

“Thousands of bunches…”

She seemed to have lost her strength and muttered to herself.

Chapter 86. Miss Yamada is really a strange creature (4100 words)

Nishiki Chisuke suffers from congenital heart disease, which is something everyone in ‘Riko Rico’ knows clearly.

This kind of congenital heart disease, according to doctors, cannot be treated at all, and some drugs can only be used to prolong life.

Unlike many movies and TV dramas, although these drugs are on the high side, they are not expensive – after all, Nishiki Chishu’s heart has always been incurable.

But as Nishiki Chishu gets older, she becomes more energetic.

The already defective heart has gradually begun to show signs of weakness.

The doctor once told all the store clerks at ‘Li Ke Li Ke’.

If Nishiki Chishu has a physical problem, it will most likely happen this year.

She even talked to Nishiki Chishu herself, asking her to do whatever she wanted to do quickly and not to have any regrets.

Everyone had been mentally prepared for this outcome, and even Nishiki Chishu had already accepted it.

She still lives a very happy life, always laughing, chatting and joking with others.

But the more calm and relieved she appeared, the harder it was for the people on the side to accept it.

As Takina Inoue, who grew up with Chisu Nishiki and has been almost a sister to her until now, every second Chishu Nishiki smiles will only make her feel deeply tormented.

Inoue Takina even secretly communicated with Nishiki Chishu, saying that she would send her to some high-end hospitals in the United States for a physical examination.

At that time, Nishiki Chishu, who heard Inoue Takina’s words, just showed a funny expression, and then said: “Stop making trouble, Takina, even if we want to go, we don’t have money.”

A helpless but very calm tone.


The store manager Mika had a headache and lost a lot of hair just to pay for Nishiki Chishu’s daily heart care medicines.

As for sending Nishiki Chishu to a hospital abroad?

This is even more impossible to do.

Nowadays, ‘Li KeLiKe’, who is in a tight situation, simply doesn’t have that kind of money.

Therefore, everyone could only look at Nishiki Chishu, look at her, and then——


“Excuse me, do you have any solution?”

Nakahara Mizuki asked Nanxiang anxiously.

Although she kept scolding Nishiki Chishu as an arrogant brat who “doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth”, she had also been infected by Nishiki Chishu’s happiness.

They are companions, the kind of companions who usually despise, sarcastically, and dislike each other, but at critical moments, they cherish and value each other immensely.

“Nothing in the world is absolute. Now even if I tell Miss Nakahara that I have a solution, you must still be doubtful, right?”

“This…” Nakahara Ruixi opened his mouth but did not refute Nanxiang Shi.

It didn’t matter if she believed it herself, but Nishiki Chishu’s body was a big deal that no one could ignore. Naturally, she couldn’t believe others so easily.

And it was precisely because Nanxiang Shi saw this clearly that he spoke like this.

Because he has always understood that he is aware of the human heart.

For people who are very vigilant, tightening and loosening is actually the most important thing.

It is good to pursue the victory, but it is also very important to suspend the offensive and plant a seed of trust in Nakahara Mizuki in his heart.

Then he slowly spoke: “But if Miss Zhongyuan is willing to believe in the possibility, then please accept this.”

Nanxiang Shi said, took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Nakahara Mizuki.


Even Nakahara Mizuki was stunned when he saw the business card taken out of the other party’s pocket.

So professional… He even has a business card…? Nanxiang time…? Nanxiang Psychic Office…?

She lowered her head and glanced at the business card in her hand.

The name of the firm, Nanxiang Shi’s name and contact number are all clearly listed on it.

But what surprised Nakahara Mizuki the most was——

“Why is there no office address on Master Nanxiang’s business card?”

In response to her question, Nan Xiangshi just smiled peacefully:

“Our firm’s main focus is ‘fate’. If there is fate, we will meet. If there is no fate, even if the address is printed on the business card, it will not help.”

Of course this was Nanxiang Shi’s fart. He had always lived in a rented house with air leakage from all sides and poor sound insulation, and had a fart office.

In fact, on his way here, he found a nearby printing shop and printed a decent business card – he had already expected that something like this might happen, so he prepared it in advance. .

I have to say that he is indeed very talented at deceiving people.

“Thank you, Master Nanxiang, but I will accept it disrespectfully.”

Subconsciously adding an honorific, Nakahara Mizuki bowed in thanks.

“There’s no need to be so polite. Although it’s just an ordinary negotiation, it would be great if I could help you. Miss Nakahara.”

Nanxiang Shi replied politely.

His voice paused and then continued: “Then, let’s talk about this guy.”

Having said this, Nan Xiang turned his head and looked at Ryo Yamada, who was sitting next to him.

He approached Ryo Yamada with a smile: “Are you right? Miss Ryo Yamada?”


Yamada Ryo looked over expressionlessly, then shook.

Nanxiang Shi’s smiling face looked like a devilish smile to her now.

She opened her mouth, and then her eyes seemed to have discovered something. She picked up the coffee she had drank on the table with both hands and said respectfully, “Please accept this.”

“…Haven’t you already drank this coffee?”

Regarding Miss Yamada’s behavior, Nanxiang shook his head speechlessly.

Asking someone for forgiveness while holding the coffee you’ve already drank is really…

“Forget it, I happen to be thirsty too.”

Nanxiang Shi, who had just talked a lot, was too lazy to pay attention to these details. He picked up the coffee cup handed over by Yamada Ryo and drank it in one go.

Seeing the way Nanxiang’s throat squirmed when he drank the coffee, Yamada Ryo, who seemed to realize something, subconsciously touched his pink lips.

What does it feel like to kiss a boy indirectly?

Quite interesting.

Then he turned around and said, “Then, let’s discuss how to repay the fifteen hundred yen.”


Miss Yamada’s cold face was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly felt that she had been deceived, and she made a dissatisfied voice without expression: “You have obviously drank my coffee.”

“I never said that after drinking your coffee, Ms. Yamada, I would talk to you or help you pay the bill.”

Nanxiang glanced at Miss Yamada, and then he had an idea in his mind.

He picked up the bass that Miss Yamada had just bought from the side of the coffee shop and handed it to Mizuki Nakahara without hesitation.

“Miss Nakahara, since Miss Yamada has no money to pay for coffee and meals for the time being, let’s mortgage this here temporarily.”

“Hey…? That…”

Nakahara Mizuki looked at the bass guitar bag in front of him and couldn’t help but open his mouth.

To be honest, after listening to so many words from Nanxiang just now, she was already hesitating about whether to charge Yamada Ryo for his meal.

After all, Nanxiang didn’t even confiscate her money for a complete set of services.

Even Ruixi Nakahara would feel guilty if he had to charge his friend’s fees at this time.

“Don’t feel guilty, Miss Zhongyuan. It’s natural to pay back your debts. If you don’t mind, you can use this bass to pay off your debts temporarily.”

Even if Miss Yamada is too liberal, Nango Toki has a way to correct her overly liberal personality.

After all, it has been simulated so many times, and Miss Yamada’s shadow appears every time.

He picked up Ryo Yamada from the side by the back of his collar and said in a calm tone: “If this guy doesn’t come over to settle the bill within three days, just take this bass and pawn it. I estimate I can get twenty or thirty if you resell it.” Ten thousand yen.”

“What’s two or three hundred thousand yen? That’s an Ibanez black headless electric bass, and it’s a second-hand bass for a bass girl like me. It would take more than 400,000 yen to transfer it second-hand to maintain its value.”

Yamada Ryo, who has always been taciturn, is indeed a music fanatic. Even at this time, after she heard the topic of musical instruments, she did not hesitate to launch a long protest against Nanxiang Shi’s words.

“Oh? Wouldn’t that be better?”

Nanxiang held Miss Yamada under his arm like an object and looked at Nakahara Mizuki:

“It seems that as long as you don’t come back within three days to pay back the money, Miss Nakahara, you can pawn the bass and get more than 400,000 yen.”


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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