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My love simulation with them — Chapter 79

Goto Ichisato was slightly hunched over and carrying his guitar bag, thinking thoughtfully as he walked into the stars.

Although it was just a fragment of memory, she clearly remembered that the family situation in Nanxiang had always been very embarrassing.

I don’t know how his life is lately…

Goto Ichisato let out a small sigh, and then secretly glanced at the band members who had gathered together temporarily because they had nothing to do in the stars.

Then he quietly sat down next to Kita Ikuyo while they were not paying attention.

how to say…

Looking at the friends who are discussing the next official performance.

Goto Kazuri could feel a subtle feeling in his heart.

There was still an impression in her mind.

In my impression, not only did she like Nanxiang Shi, but Ichichi Hongxia, who always cared about others and treated others warmly, also liked Nanxiang Shi very much.

It’s not even just Hongxia.

Goto Kazuri secretly glanced at Ikuyo Kita, who was smiling and happily talking about his thoughts.

Her well-groomed appearance is eye-catching, and her cheerful attitude is also impossible to ignore.

But he was such a person – in his memory, he also liked Nanxiang senior.


Whether it’s Hongxia or Kita-san, they all need to pay careful attention.

Goto Ichiri thought this in his heart, and finally looked secretly at the blue-haired girl with tear marks on the other side who was holding her chin in her hands and didn’t know what she was thinking.

Neutral and delicate face, cool, elegant and lazy attitude of a young lady.

Yamada Ryo…

In her impression, although Yamada Ryo also liked Nanxiang very much, he did not express his love directly.

But the passionate love hidden under that cold appearance cannot be ignored at all.

You can’t just relax when dealing with Liangsang…

After such a brief analysis, Goto Ichiri suddenly discovered that he had been surrounded by powerful enemies without even realizing it.

Each of your friends may become your competitor.

A sense of crisis inexplicably rose from his heart.

But Goto Kazuri just let out a small breath, then clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

No, no problem! One mile! You have to believe in yourself!

If it were a normal competition, I might not be able to compete with everyone.

But, the situation is different now.

Everyone has no memory! I am the only one who retains the memory.

To some extent, I am actually far ahead of everyone else!

Moreover, senior Tiannanxiang sent me to the station the day before yesterday…

This kind of progress must be the fastest among everyone, right?

Goto Kazuri began to gain confidence.

Hehe… As long as I continue to maintain my current advantage, I can naturally win Nanxiang Senior.

“Huh? Little Loneliness? What’s wrong with you?”

“Ah…uh…no, it’s nothing.”

Hearing Ichichi Hongka’s concerned greetings, Goto Ichiri broke away from his random thoughts and wiped the saliva from his mouth with his sleeve.

“Really…? Now we are talking about Nanxiang-san.”

“Hey? Senior Nanxiang?”

There was something strange about Goto Ichiri.

Why did the bandmates suddenly mention Nanxiangshi?

But…how should I put it…it doesn’t really matter.

Goto sat upright, with an indescribable calmness.

She has the most say when it comes to Nanxiang issues.

Because no one present knew Nanxiang Shi better than she did.

Oh, this is the importance of intelligence.

Everyone’s intelligence is too behind.

One step is slow, and every step is slow.

Senior Nanxiang sent me directly to the station.

Just the two of us!

Do you know what the relationship is?

At this moment, Goto Ichiri, who had his head lowered, actually felt a little proud in his heart.


“Speaking of which, he invited me to his house for dinner today.”


Goto Ichiri raised his head in astonishment and looked at Yamada Ryo who said this with a straight face.

“What’s wrong? Lonely?”

Yamada Ryo looked over expressionlessly.

“No, it’s nothing.”

Not daring to look at others, Goto lowered his head, but his heart was already filled with turmoil.

Invited to his home? Just Liangsang? Two people alone? !

Obviously I’ve never been there!

Goto Ichiri’s original elated mood disappeared and he began to think wildly.

On the other side, Yamada Ryo just looked at it strangely, and then continued:

“Speaking of it, I really didn’t expect it. That person’s family situation seemed to be very poor. He lived in a very simple rental house.”

“Hey…? Is that so?”

Ichichi Hongka and Kita Ikuyo were both interested.

“Well, I went in and took a look. It’s a one-bedroom apartment with very poor sound insulation. You can clearly hear the voices of people walking on the street. It’s also very small and there are mold spots in the corners.”

One bedroom.

That is, the kitchen, living room, and sleeping room are all one place.

“That’s amazing. Can you study in a place like that?”

Kita Ikuyo blinked his eyes brightly.

If it were her, she probably wouldn’t even be able to read in a place like that.

After all, she couldn’t hear any noise at all when she was reading.

It’s easy to get distracted just by hearing noise.

“Ryo, why did Ryo-san go to Nanxiang senior’s house?”

Goto Ichisato, who didn’t say much, stretched out his palm and reluctantly opened his mouth.

“I was hungry, and Shi asked me to have a meal, so I went over.”

“Shi…Liangsang…the sound is so close…”

Listening to Yamada Ryo mouthing Nango’s name, Gotou’s voice stuttered with envy.

She originally thought that her progress was the fastest. She originally thought she should be sure of victory.

“Are you very close? Pretty ordinary, right?”

Yamada Ryo held up his face and answered with an indifferent attitude.

This sentence said by Yamada Ryo was so confident that Goto didn’t know what to say.

“When you’re hungry, go trouble Nanxiang Sang… Liang, sometimes you really have to change your ways.”

Itachi Hongxia lay on the table and poked Yamada Ryo with her hand.


“Don’t say ‘Hey’, I don’t think this is good either! That’s a man and a woman alone! Although I believe in Nanxiang-senpai’s character, accidents will inevitably happen! After all, Ryo-senpai is so cute.”

Kita Ikuyo couldn’t help but stand up.

I feel so envious to be alone with Ryo-senpai…ah! wrong! It is very impure!

“Really? But I don’t think anything will happen.”

Yamada Ryo replied calmly.

“This, this is not necessarily true. That…boys are very scary creatures. If they are alone together, something might really happen.”


Yamada Ryo glanced at Goto Kazuri who stood up tremblingly strangely.

Is loneliness originally designed to be so afraid of boys?

She tilted her head, then shook her head, and answered Goto Kazuri: “I think it’s totally fine. He won’t do anything to me at all.”

“Is there any evidence? If there is no evidence, then Ryo-san should stay away from Nanxiang-senpai…?”

Goto Ichisato spoke softly and stuttered a bit.

Why can’t we get closer without evidence?

In the eyes of loneliness, is time so terrible?

Yamada Ryo was surprised that she didn’t understand Goto Ichiri’s logic, but she still answered the question.

“That person drank the coffee I drank without changing his expression, and he looked like he didn’t care.”

“Indirect kiss…?!”

After hearing these words, Goto Ichiri opened his mouth first, and then he seemed to have lost all his strength and sat down suddenly.

More than just beating his own pace.

She even completed a task like indirect kissing that seemed impossible to her?

Isn’t this right?

Obviously I was the one who went with Senior Nanxiang first.


Goto Ichiri covered his face.

It’s over, it’s all over.

She clearly has a good hand.

And right next to her, Kita Ikuyo also opened his mouth wide, his cute and cheerful face full of disbelief.

What did her favorite senior Ryo say?

Indirect kiss?

Or with a boy?

She opened her mouth and ran directly to the vending machine outside the door as if she couldn’t accept it, bought a can of drink, and then ran to Ryo Yamada.



My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
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Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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