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My love simulation with them — Chapter 84


“Have we met before? Except for that outdoor performance, I just forgot.”

Nishiki Chishu still had the kind of character that couldn’t hide his words at all, so he asked directly.

“Although I don’t know how Brother Nanxiang knew about my condition, and I don’t know why Brother Nanxiang chose to help me… But I can probably feel that the process must be very difficult.”

Yes, she didn’t know what means Nanxiang Shi used to do it.

But remembering your own preferences and habits, and those of all Rico Rico members, is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

And I don’t know why.

When communicating with Nan Xiang, her keen sense always makes her feel.

It seemed that I had known the young man I was talking to on the phone for a long time at a certain place.

They met, met…and then left him alone to suffer in pain.

This is probably an illusion.

But Nishiki Chishu, who has always been confident in his own feelings, decided to believe this sudden and unreasonable feeling.

On the other side of Nanxiang, after hearing Nishiki Chishu’s words, the hand holding the phone tightened slightly.

He thought of the girl he failed to save in both simulations.

The blond girl who suddenly broke into her outdoor performance life and then suddenly disappeared one day.

The blond girl who worked hard for the orphans in the orphanage in ‘Riko Rico’, and continued to struggle after falling ill, desperately trying to survive, and loved herself the most.

He clearly had two chances, but he failed to save the other party.

They can only helplessly watch the other party’s fire of life extinguish with helplessness and hopelessness.

Although it is a simulation.

But in the simulated memory, my unwillingness and torment could not be erased.

So when I heard Nishikiki Chishu, who was still alive and kicking, asked in a puzzled tone.

Perhaps due to the slight influence of the simulated memory, Nanxiang felt an inexplicable sense of touch.

Then, he shook his head and said with a smile: “No, except for the outdoor performance, I think I have never had contact with Miss Nishikiki again.”

Telling the story after he adapted it from the simulation would easily increase Nishiki Chishu’s favor for him.

But that was false after all.

[You have obtained the specialty sincerity, and now the specialty sincerity level is LV1. 】


The system prompt that suddenly popped up stunned Nanxiang Shi for a while.

Now he really feels that there is something wrong with this love simulator.

How does the specialty of sincerity coexist with the specialty of lying?

He was speechless.

“That’s right…”

On the other side, Nishiki Chishu listened to Nanxiang Shi’s words. Although she did not continue to ask questions, she always felt that her feelings were correct.

She vaguely felt that Nanxiang Shi was hiding something, but she couldn’t ask further.

“Then, as for the agreed time, it will be around nine o’clock tomorrow morning at your Licolic, how about it?”

Over there, Nanxiang made another sound.

“Okay. Qianzhu I am available 24 hours a day, every hour!”

“It’s good that you’re still energetic. See you tomorrow, Ms. Nishikiki.”

Nishiki Chishu’s energetic voice made Nanxiang smile.

“Hey – I’m so disappointed. You can just call me Qian Shu, but I still want to be closer to Nanxiang brother. How about I call you ‘Shijun’ from now on?”

“Hang up now and talk to you tomorrow.”

Without responding to Nishiki Chishu’s words, Nanxiang Shi simply spoke.

“Ah. Okay, bye~ I’ll see you tomorrow, Shi-kun~ I’m leaving it to you!”

Listening to Nishiki Chishu’s lovely protracted voice on the other end of the phone, Nanxiang Shi hung up the phone directly.

Then he looked up at the time.

The time now is around ten o’clock in the evening.

If you want to learn, it is too late now.

As for simulation…

The problem of Nishiki Chishu’s heart has not been solved yet. Even if it is simulated now, it will only lead to a regrettable ending.

In other words——

“Better sleep.”

Anyway, I have to get up early for a run tomorrow, so why not get some sleep now?

Thinking of this, Nanxiang turned off the lights and did not forget to charge his mobile phone. Then he turned over without hesitation and retracted his body into the bed.

His sleep quality is very good and he has almost no symptoms of insomnia.

Soon, light snoring began.

Compared with the relaxed atmosphere here in Nanxiang, the atmosphere of the ‘Lico Rico’ cafe on the other side is completely different.

Although each of them chose to respect Nishiki Chishu’s choice.

But that doesn’t mean they don’t worry about each other.

The appearance of Nanxiang Shi did bring a glimmer of hope that was almost undetectable.

But if it fails in the end, it will be an extreme feeling of disparity from hope to disappointment.

Only Nishiki Chishu can realize it.

With such an uneasy feeling.

All the members of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ have had insomnia tonight.

A night without words——

The next day, Nanxiang Shi got up and ran as usual.

[Your physique has increased slightly, and your exercise value has increased. The current exercise value is 7. 】

There is no change in the movement value.

But it feels really good to be able to improve yourself every day.

After returning home, I simply washed up, found a random set of clothes in Nanxiang, and went out directly. I estimated the time and headed in the direction of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’.

The ‘Lico Rico’ cafe is still the same as yesterday.

There were almost no customers inside, and it was completely deserted.

But other than that…

“This is really…”

Nanxiang Shi took a look inside and realized that except for the store manager Mika, who didn’t know what he was busy with, all the members of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ were present.

Except for Nishiki Chishu, who looked relaxed, the rest of the people had solemn expressions on their faces.

“Ah, Toki-kun! Are you here?”

Nishiki Chishu, who was humming a little tune and looking exactly the same as usual, jumped up to Nango and said, “Hey, welcome to ‘Riko Rico’.”

“Well, here I come, Miss Nishikiki.”

“Really…you just told me to call me Qian Shu——”

“Let’s not talk about this for now and let’s get down to business.”

Nanxiang ignored the girl who deliberately wanted to get close to him.

“Hey…? Shijun is so cold.”

Chisu Nishikiki, who was full of energy early in the morning, pouted cutely.

He quickly took something out of his pocket.

While making this action, he opened the mall interface.

[Do you want to redeem the ‘Universal Healing Medicine’? 】

【yes! 】

[Current heart rate remaining: 330]

I confirmed the feeling of something appearing in my hand.

Nanxiang Shi simply took out the things.

Under the light.

Everyone can see clearly.

When he was lying in Nanxiang’s hand, he was holding a small capsule filled with blue particles that was sealed in a lead plastic plate.

Is that all…?

Everyone present except Nishiki Chishu was disappointed.

Originally, they thought Nanxiang Shi would suddenly take out some high-end, special liquid medicine.

Or certificates from various medical schools in cardiology to prove his identity…

In the end, he just took out a suspicious-looking capsule?

Isn’t this a naked joke?

A capsule.

Can it cure Nishiki Chishu’s seventeen-year-old congenital heart disease?

None of the panaceas that often appear in games or novels contain such magic, right?

“Excuse me, how many courses of treatment do I need to take this medicine for?”

After all, Nakahara Mizuki was the first person present who was persuaded by Nanxiang Shi.

Although she was a little disappointed, she still raised her hand with hope and asked in a low voice.

Maybe after a few courses of treatment, Nishiki Chishu’s congenital heart disease can get better?

But Nan Xiangshi’s next move made her feel heavy disappointment even though she still had hope.

When he saw Nan Xiang, he shook his head, and then said calmly:

“There are only a few courses of treatment and only this capsule.”

Good guy——

At this moment, everyone present was a little unable to hold their nerve.

You must know that this kind of capsule medicine requires at least one or two courses of treatment to be effective.

A capsule…?

Is this really regarded as a panacea in games or novels, or a secret medicine that can restore full health after taking one?

“Mr. Nanxiang…”

Inoue Takina, who has the best relationship with Nishiki Chishu, took a deep breath and finally spoke: “I respect you and like your songs very much, but…”

She didn’t mean to complain about Nan Xiang at all, but there was already a cry in her voice.

“Do you know how much determination Qian Shu needs to make just to stand here? She has put absolute trust in you, and she wants to cure the disease that has troubled Qian Shu for seventeen years with just one capsule… Such words… .It’s just too…child’s play…”

When she said this, she was already a little unable to speak.

That feeling of having great expectations that turn into disappointment.


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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