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My love simulation with them — Chapter 91

But it was made for himself in Nanxiang. Strictly speaking, it was not included in the recipe of “Li Ke Li Ke”. It was not for sale and had no price at all.

What to do about this?

Just when Nishiki Chishu was in a dilemma and didn’t know how to answer——

“No problem, this customer, the arrangements will be made immediately, but I hope the customer will be prepared. Our store’s charges are a bit higher. The price of a set meal (set meal) is about 6,888 yen. “

“Six thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight?! Toki-kun, you–uh-huh!”

Let’s not talk about why Nanxiang Shi suddenly wore the chef’s clothes. The outrageous price alone made Nishiki Chishu’s eyes widen.

She was about to say something, but Nan Xiangshi covered her mouth the next second.

“Nearly 7,000 yen for a set meal?”

Nanxiang Shi’s words made Akasaka Kazuya hesitate when he entered the store.

Because this is too expensive.

Even if he just found an izakaya and ate and drank until he was full, it would only cost about 7,000 to 8,000 yen.

A set meal here costs 7,000 yen…

He opened his mouth, originally wanting to refuse.

But when the aroma from the kitchen penetrated his nose, the words of rejection that came to his mouth unexpectedly turned into: “Okay. Then it will be troublesome for the general.”

But after saying this, he clearly regretted it – why did he suddenly agree?


Did it actually sell?

Also unexpected was Nishiki Chishu. Her eyes widened, obviously not wanting to believe that 6,800 yen had suddenly been credited to her account.

She was pulled away by Nango Toki with her mind filled with dullness. She was also stuffed with a dinner plate with her mind filled with dullness. Then she served Akasaka Kazuya in front of her blankly – not even the words “please use it with caution”. I forgot to say that.

On the other side, Akasaka Kazuya didn’t care about Nishiki Chishu’s mental state.

After all, the set meal cost him seven thousand yen, so he had to see what it was like.

Already a little hungry, he just lowered his head and glanced at the dishes in front of him.

The crystal-clear shrimp rolls are dotted with a handful of shredded seaweed, and the soy sauce-roasted tofu is slightly tantalizingly brown, making you want to eat with your fingers.

But after digging through these, perhaps what attracted him the most was the exquisite soup rice in front of him.

Garnished with bonito flakes and chopped green onion, the soup is rich and whitish, and there is arctic clam meat at the bottom of the soup.

Exquisite and compact, it gives people an indescribable feeling of love when looking at it.

Looking at this dish that was too delicate for a cafe like Rico Rico, Akasaka Kazuya’s heartache of losing 7,000 yen slightly dissipated.

At the same time, the fragrant fragrance also arouses the most primitive desire to eat.

He couldn’t help but hold the small bowl of rice with soup and lowered his head to take a sip of the soup.


Akasaka Kazuya was stunned.

An indescribable deliciousness suddenly surged onto the tip of the tongue as the delicious soup entered the mouth. At the same time, a warm feeling that could not be described in words suddenly rose in the chest.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

The warmth from the heart, and the delicious taste that slowly blooms on the tip of the tongue.

Let Akasaka Kazuya feel it clearly.

Not only the exhausted body, but also the mental fatigue seemed to be invisibly healed.

The constant pressure from the boss at work, the anger and anger from my wife…

I already wanted to give up on my life.

In front of this dish full of magical power, it seems that it doesn’t matter anymore.

Perhaps, I should never have been so cowardly and compromised in life.

The small warmth was like a flame, igniting a torch in his already tired heart.

Akasaka Kazuya closed his eyes, tears oozing out of the corners of his eyes unconsciously.

Only Nishiki Chishu next to him looked at him as if his whole body and mind had been sublimated, and opened his mouth a little at a loss.


It’s not just a meal.

Why is this person in front of me so anxious? Are you crying?

Chapter 96. Which timeline is this in Nanxiang time? (4000 words)

Nishiki Chishu never thought about it.

Why do the guests who come to dine have tears in their eyes while eating, with a peaceful expression, as if their whole body and mind are being purified at this moment?

Have a meal…Is that all? How long has it been since you had a meal?

Nishiki Chishu looked at Akasaka Kazuya in front of him repeatedly, and his heart moved.

She thought of the most likely reason.

Could it be because the other party spent 7,000 yen, but the food Nanxiang made tasted mediocre, and he was trembling with distress…?

Don’t tell me, this is really possible.

If she were to spend 7,000 yen on a soup meal like a big guy, she would probably have tears in her eyes and be so heartbroken that she couldn’t breathe.

Thinking of this, Jinmu Qianshu opened her mouth: “Guest, you…”

“…” Akasaka Kazuya.

Akasaka Kazuya didn’t speak. He was still immersed in the deepest emotion and happiness in his heart, so he just waved his hand to Nishiki Chishu, interrupting her thoughts of continuing to speak.

Then he lowered his head and tasted it quietly.

At this time, he felt that the quiet environment of ‘Li KeLiKe’ was really good.

Let him quietly savor the food in front of him.

He picked up the shrimp roll next to him and took a bite.

The shrimp meat wrapped in it is very delicious, and there are even carefully prepared crab roe particles wrapped in the dough.

The soft and delicate feeling made him exhale comfortably.

It was as if all the grievances and negative emotions over the years were exhaled with this breath.

The joy and happiness of childhood.

The confidence of youth.

Nowadays, I feel depressed and depressed in middle age.

I ate the food in front of me bite by bite with an almost pilgrim mentality, feeling the emotions surging in my chest.

Akasaka Kazuya couldn’t help but think.

Why did you become what you are now?


Or is it workplace pressure?

Maybe both.

But perhaps the most important thing is my own cowardice and humility when facing this.

Don’t dare to take a step forward, let alone resist a step.

Under the attention of Nishiki Chishu, he stood up and bowed deeply to the other party. This made Nishiki Chishu, who had always paid attention to him, panic:

“Thank you, you are such a great chef and great cooking.”


Nishiki Chishu opened her mouth wide.


Let’s have a meal.

Is it worth bowing? As for that?

Does this mean it’s delicious?

Nishiki Chishu, who has been in the industry for more than half a year, can’t understand it at all.

It’s not like Chisuke Nishiki has never seen a happy guest eating and drinking.

But this was the first time she saw someone bowing to herself after eating like this.

The key is–

Nishiki Chishu looked at the 10,000 yen that the other party placed on the table, opened her mouth wide and wanted to stop him as he turned to leave:

“Hey! Guest! I haven’t given you any change yet!”

“It’s okay, I will come again.”

The other party smiled freely, turned and left.


What’s going on?

Will you come again?

No…I may not recognize you if you come again.

And what does your coming back have to do with me giving you change?

Nishiki Chishu didn’t understand what was going on at all. Sakura’s lips opened and she called out several times, but got no response. In the end, she could only watch the other person’s back disappear from her sight.

“What’s going on…this is all…”

Looking at the 10,000 yen in his hand, Nishiki Chishu was very happy that his ‘Riko Rico’ cafe had made money.

But the situation just now was too inexplicable, and she didn’t understand what happened at all.

But since all 10,000 yen are left.

You must be quite happy eating it?

Nishikiki Chisuke put the money into the front pocket of her ‘Riko Rico’ uniform, and at this moment she became very interested in the dishes prepared by Nango.

That’s a dish that can sell for 10,000 yen, and it doesn’t make people feel like they are being taken advantage of!

What does it taste like…

Especially since she was standing at the bar in front of Rico Rico, she could clearly smell the fragrance coming from the backstage.

This made Nishiki Chishu, who had only eaten breakfast, feel even more hungry.

She took her legs out and was about to go to Nanxiang’s kitchen to get something to eat, and then——

Something happened that surprised her…

“it is finally over.”

Wiping the fine beads of sweat on her forehead with the back of her white hand, Inoue Takina slowly exhaled.

The process of purchasing goods at the ‘Lico Rico’ cafe is actually not complicated.

But since ‘Li KeLiKe’ itself is near a residential area, the place is relatively remote.

So basically Inoue Takina and Kurumi were responsible for checking the goods and bills themselves, and then having someone bring the goods back with them.

It usually doesn’t take this long at all.

But today, Hutao wandered off somewhere to be lazy, so the inventory of goods was basically completed by Inoue Takina alone.

And this person’s speed is naturally much slower.


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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