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My love simulation with them — Chapter 92

Fortunately, Inoue Takina has a lot of patience.

While it was still early, I kept counting until now, and it’s finally over.

Please ask the delivery person to help load these goods into the car. Inoue Takina also got in the car and ignored the lazy Hutao.

Since she likes to be lazy, let’s find a way to get back to ‘Riko Rico’.

The delivery van soon arrived at a small warehouse.

Then there was another round of unloading and putting everything into the warehouse. Then Inoue Takina stretched tiredly and breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s finally over.”

Every restocking day is almost torture for her.

But it had to be done.

After all, Chisuke Nishikiki, who is always laughing and joking, is not reliable at all, and Mizuki Nakahara has been drinking all the time and his brain has been damaged.

Relying on these two people to take charge? It feels like it would be faster than burning all the ledgers.

So in the end you have to rely on her.


“Although I can handle these things very well, the business of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’…”

Inoue Takina’s eyes became a little gloomy.

Because the only thing I can get is coffee.

‘Li Ke Li Ke’ has been barely maintaining a balance of payments, relying on regular customers to foot the bill.

But how much of it can be accounted for by just relying on the income from acquaintances?

Therefore, the balance of revenue and expenditure of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ has always been unbalanced, and occasionally there is even a deficit.

If this continues, let alone supporting orphanages.

Whether ‘Liko Rico’ can continue to exist is a question.

At the same time, there is also the problem of Qian Shu’s heart…

Various problems accumulate in the chest

Not only financial, but also psychological pressure… What should we do about these?

She sighed, closed the door to the warehouse, then took a detour, thinking about the solution, and walked in the direction of ‘Li KeLiKe’.


She found Mizuki Nakahara standing on the side of the street, looking incredulous.

Inoue Takina, who was already in a bad mood, saw that the other party hadn’t even entered ‘Riko Rico’ yet and started working…

This made her depressed mood even worse.

‘Li KeLiKe’ is already like this, but one of these friends of mine want to be lazy and fish.

Is this life still unbearable?

“Sister Ruixi, what are you doing?! Didn’t I tell you before I went to replenish the goods that you should guard ‘Riko Rico’?”

Inoue Takina walked forward quickly and made a scolding voice to Nakahara Mizuki.



Even though he was scolded by him, Nakahara Mizuki still had a look of surprise on his face and his mouth wide open in astonishment.

Inoue Takina couldn’t help but wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows: “What happened?”


Trying to close his mouth, Nakahara Mizuki swallowed, then stretched out his hand and pointed in front of him, his voice trembling: “Um…Takina, did we go to the wrong store?”

“Ah? Sister Ruixi, I told you to drink less. What do you mean by going to the wrong place? Isn’t this the ‘Li Ke Li Ke’?”

Inoue Takina slapped Mizuki Nakahara’s finger away with dissatisfaction, and then looked sideways at her cafe.


She was also stunned.

There is no other reason.

In the original impression, the ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ cafe should be deserted and empty, but now it is already overcrowded.

There was even a long queue from the door.

This can simply be said to be an unprecedented event.

From it, one could also hear Nishiki Chishu’s hurried voice, which had never seen such a big scene before:

“Ah! The set meal for table two!”

“Please use a hot towel. The ice water is here.”

“Sorry, there are too many people. I didn’t hear you clearly just now. Could you please tell me the order again?”

“…” Inoue Takina and Nakahara Mizuki.

The two of them looked at each other, then wiped their eyes, and after confirming that they were not hallucinating, their expressions were dull.

Among them, Inoue Takina is even more so.

Because she understands.

How good is your own cafe?

Not to mention queuing up, she rarely saw full customers even on rest days like Saturdays and Sundays. At most, the business was better than usual.

As for normal times…

The situation was so miserable that Inoue Takina almost didn’t want to think about it.

And all this happened before my eyes.

It was obviously beyond the understanding of this young girl who was very serious in everything she did.

If it weren’t for the fact that the sign ‘LycoReco’ hanging at the door was indeed her own sign, she wouldn’t have believed that the cafe in front of her was the ‘LycoReco’ where she worked.

“Is this…really ‘Lico Lico’?”

Somewhat unbelievable, Inoue Takina asked in a low voice.

“you ask me?”

Nakahara Mizuki also didn’t know how to answer.

She just took some time to get hangover medicine so as not to affect her work status.

When I came back, I found that ‘Riko Rico’ was no longer the ‘Riko Rico’ I was familiar with.

She even wondered for a while whether she had suddenly gained the ability to travel across world lines.

This world line is actually the world line where ‘Riko Rico’ became popular…?


“Takina?! Mizuki-san?!”

A cheerful voice came.

Inoue Takina and Nakahara Mizuki saw Nishiki Chishu running towards him with a worried look on his face.

“Thousands of bunches?”

Looking at the shadow of the person in front of her, Inoue Takina was a little dazed, and subconsciously opened her mouth: “Qian Shu… didn’t you go to the dormitory to rest?”

“Ah? Going to take a rest? The business of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ is so good, how can I go to take a rest?”

“No… Qian Shu, you have congenital heart disease…”

Seeing Nishiki Chishu sweating profusely, Inoue Takina couldn’t help but feel concerned.

You must know that Nishiki Chishu has been unable to do too strenuous exercise due to congenital heart disease, otherwise the heart load will not be able to keep up.


“Huh? Congenital heart disease? Of course that thing has been cured.”


Nishiki Chishu’s voice was so natural that Inoue Takina and Nakahara Mizuki were stunned again.

The two of them could no longer help looking at each other, and began to wonder what kind of beautiful and happy world they were in.

Especially Nakahara Mizuki, probably because she was deceived by Nanxiang Shi before, she already somewhat believes in the existence of certain superpowers in the world.

At this time, I saw the fiery condition of ‘Riko Rico’ and Nishiki Chishu’s words that ‘congenital heart disease has been cured’.

Nakahara Mizuki couldn’t help but said to Inoue Takina beside him:

“Could it be that the two of us really crossed the world line…? What exactly is going on?”

“…I don’t know. But crossing the world line…”

Inoue Takina wanted to open her mouth to refute, but all the things happening in front of her were so unreasonable that she couldn’t understand it at all.

Fortunately, at this time, Nishiki Chishu came into play.

She grabbed their hands without hesitation:

“Oops! There’s no time for you two to discuss here! Come and help! We’re so busy!”

“…” Mizuki Nakahara and Takina Inoue.

The two people, who had no idea what was going on, were dragged by Nishiki Chishu into ‘Riko Rico’.

“When the meal is served later, I will trouble Takina and Mizuki-san to pick up the meal from the general (chef).”

“Wait a minute—Qian Shu, what are you talking about?”

Inoue Takina opened her mouth. It was obviously a familiar workplace but now it was so unfamiliar: “What general?”

She didn’t remember that there was a chef in ‘Riko Rico’.

Is this really the workplace I am familiar with?

Different world?

Inoue Takina and Nakahara Mizuki were shocked to the point of numbness.

However, she just asked a question, and then Nishiki Chishu laughed “hee hee”:

“Oh, it’s natural that Takina and Mizuki-san don’t know. It’s Nango, General Nango!”

“Nanxiang time…? General Nanxiang?”

Isn’t that person just a psychic?

Why are you still involved with the chef?

Which timeline did this happen on?

We should just go out for a while, right? Why don’t you recognize ‘Liko Rico’?

The two of them couldn’t accept it and couldn’t help but reach out and lift the curtain of the kitchen.

When the two of them saw the figure of a handsome young man in a white chef’s uniform in the kitchen, skillfully walking between the pots and stoves.

They both finally understood.




Really traveled through time.

Chapter 97. I don’t even know how to lose this simulation (4100 words)

What happened?

who I am?


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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