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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 100

“This…. This is the breath of the master?! Nangong Yue’s expression was horrified, and her heart set off a turbulent wave, and even her breathing became much shorter.

An unbelievable look.

“No, it can’t be, it can’t be!” The aura on her body became violent.

A thousand years ago, she obviously killed Shizun with her own hands.

How could the Master be resurrected and come?

Dan Pavilion Elder Su Quan’s originally slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, with a hint of horror in his deep eyes.

In his head, a crazy guess popped up: “Could it be….. The Dan fairy came a thousand years ago? “

Didn’t the Dan Fairy fall unexpectedly a thousand years ago? How could it suddenly appear?

A thousand years ago, there was a Tianjiao in Xicheng who had an extremely demonic alchemy talent.

In a short period of time, this Tianjiao Dan Martial Arts Double Cultivator not only became a transcendent existence of a six-rank alchemist on the way to alchemy, but also stepped into the realm of king-level power on the way to martial arts!

Even in the Eastern City, the Dan Fairy has a great reputation, which makes the younger generation of the entire Dan Pavilion Society unable to raise their heads.

A thousand years ago, Su Quan was still a lonely and unknown alchemist, and there was a difference of 108,000 miles between him and a peerless and dazzling Tianjiao like Dan Fairy, and he could only watch the peerless demeanor of Dan Fairy from afar.

He glanced at Nangong Yue lightly, with a hint of doubt in his expression, “Could it be that there is another hidden reason for the fall of the Dan Fairy thousands of years ago?” “

“Or is this someone impersonating the prestige of the Dan Fairy?”

Countless thoughts arose in his heart, ready to wait and see.

Ye Yi, who was sitting on top of the dragon chariot, had a hint of fun in his eyes.

Although he was not born a thousand years ago, he had naturally heard of the prestige of the Dan Fairy.

The many martial artists and alchemists who were watching also had different expressions on their faces at this moment.

Brush brush brush.

Everyone cast their gazes into the air in unison, waiting for the arrival of the powerful aura master.

Accompanied by a terrifying aura and countless golden rays of light.

A woman wearing a turquoise dress, with a delicate and vulgar face, a tall figure, and a cold momentum appeared in mid-air.

This woman looked down below, as if a fairy from above the nine heavens had descended, which was unspeakably precious.

As soon as she appeared, even the sun and moon dimmed a little, as if she was the only one left in the world.

“Meet the Master!” After Ling Xue saw the master appear, her expression was full of respect, and she hurriedly bowed down and said.

“Well, get up.” With a wave of Liu Ruoxianyu’s hand, a soft force swept out, lifting Ling Xue Tuo.

Then she swept her gaze downward, and her gaze stayed on Nangong Yue’s body.


“I haven’t seen you for a thousand years, don’t you recognize what it looks like to be a teacher?”

“Why don’t you kneel down to greet you?”

Liu Ruoxian shouted lightly.

At the same time, an extremely powerful aura was released from her body, which swept through the heavens and the earth.

The terrifying momentum even caused a giant hurricane, and the wind and clouds swirled, which was extremely terrifying.

During this time in Xuantian Sect, her cultivation had surpassed her peak strength and reached the realm of the royal realm!

Just a little bit away, you can step into the quasi-emperor! Become a royal powerhouse.

Nangong Yue originally did not believe that Shizun would be resurrected.

But when she saw the figure that appeared in mid-air, her whole body shook violently, and the depths of her eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

“It’s… How is this possible? She exclaimed inwardly, her mind roaring, and even her thoughts stopped for a moment.

Under Liu Ruoxian’s soft drink, she almost knelt down to greet her.

She finally knew now why Lingxue called her Senior Sister.

This is an insult to her Chiguoguo.

One of the disciples that Master Zun taught casually defeated the personal disciple she had carefully cultivated!

On the way to alchemy, she will never be able to catch up with her master’s attainments!

Su Quan stared at Liu Ruoxian in mid-air, his eyes widened.

A thousand years ago, he had happened to look at the peerless demeanor of the Dan Fairy from afar, although he had become an elder of the Dan Pavilion Society in the past thousand years, but the Dan Fairy still left an indelible impression on him.

The woman who appeared in mid-air was exactly the same as the Dan fairy in his impression!!

“Dan Fairy has not fallen!”

“It seems that a thousand years ago, there was indeed some hidden secrets.”

He murmured in his heart.

He could vaguely guess that the fall of Fairy Dan had a slight connection with his disciple Nangong Yue.

Ye Yi stared at Liu Ruoxian with interest, “The Dan Fairy who fell thousands of years ago was resurrected, which is a bit interesting.” “

His slender fingers kept tapping on the armrests of the chair, and there was a faint aura of oppression on his whole body.

Nangong Yue’s personal disciple Xia Rou looked stunned and shocked at the moment, and she couldn’t react for a long time.

“No wonder she said it was my uncle, I see.” Xia Rou looked at Ling Xue and muttered.

Ling Xue and Zhangjiao are both disciples of Dan Fairy, aren’t they her uncles?

The warriors and alchemists who were watching in the square began to resound a noisy discussion.

“Is this really a Dan fairy? A thousand years ago, the Dan Fairy could be said to be the most brilliant and demonic alchemy genius among the younger generation, crushing other big cities and earning enough face for Xicheng. “

“It seems that the fall of the Dan Fairy has something to do with Nangong Yue?”

“I’ll just say that the Dan Fairy is a strong cultivator, how can he fall so easily.”


Many alchemists and martial artists talked one after another.


“A thousand years ago, you did not hesitate to frame me in order to take away the entire inheritance of the deity.”

“Fortunately, the deity used his magical means to retain a wisp of remnant soul.”

“Today, the deity is going to clean the portal!”

Liu Ruoxian’s tone was cold with murderous intent, and his eyes burst out with anger like substance.

She can be described as a careful cultivation of Nangong Yue.

Sooner or later, his inheritance will be Nangong Yue’s.

But! What she never expected was that Nangong Yue would kill the teacher!

A cold aura of indifference that penetrated into the bone marrow began to sweep across the entire Dao One Holy Land, which was extremely terrifying.

Nangong Yue stared at Liu Ruoxian deadly, her originally delicate and noble face looked a little gloomy and distorted at the moment.

After today, the prestige of the Daoyi Holy Land will be greatly damaged.

The alchemy and foundation that she has painstakingly managed for thousands of years will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

The crime of killing a teacher is a big taboo!

Fortunately, she had already climbed the power of the Holy Feather Sect and the Dan Pavilion Society in the Eastern City.

You can go to the East Side to continue the development.

“Master, Master!”

“I didn’t expect that I didn’t kill you a thousand years ago, but I was careless.”


Nangong Yue’s expression became more and more gloomy, and she continued: “Why don’t you show up sooner or later, but you want to appear at the Dan Dao Conference?” “

“You’re trying to make me infamous and cut off my future!”

The aura on her body was like a fierce beast about to get out of control, and like a volcano about to erupt.

After hearing Nangong Yue’s words, Liu Ruoxian’s eyes became even colder.

“Rebel, you’re hopeless!” She said coldly.

“Master, thousands of years have passed, and my cultivation has reached the realm of the royal realm, which is two realms stronger than your strength back then.”

“Do you think I’m still an ant disciple in your eyes?”

“I could have killed you a thousand years ago, and I could have killed you a thousand years later!”

With a bang, the aura on Nangong Yue’s body exploded, humming and trembling the surrounding voids, causing ripples.

Many martial artists and alchemists in the square felt their scalps tingle after sensing this domineering aura.

The powerhouse of the royal domain is the highest realm in the royal rank.

One step away from the royal rank!

Absolutely terrible!


Nangong Yue directly performed the Divine Avatar Body Method, and her figure flashed.

When he appeared the next moment, he had already fallen in mid-air, far away from Liu Ruoxian.

Both of them exuded a cold murderous intent on their bodies, which made people tremble.

Liu Ruoxian glanced at Nangong Yue coldly, and an unprecedented aura erupted from her body.

“You….. You’ve even stepped into the realm of the King’s Realm? Nangong Yue said with a surprised face.

She didn’t expect that Liu Ruoxian would not only be resurrected by means of great magical powers, but also her cultivation would skyrocket.

“Today! Honza! Clean up the portal! Liu Ruoxian said lightly, coercive.

“Who kills whom, it’s not necessarily….”Nangong Yue said coldly.

As soon as the words fell,

I saw a pale blue flame burning around her.

As soon as the flames appeared, they carried a scorching and terrifying heat wave, sweeping in all directions, as if they were about to incinerate everything.

The sky changes color, and the space is scorched!

The dark blue flame looked extremely mysterious, and the flame slowly spread out like clear sea water when it rose, and the faint ripples were like water waves.

More domineering than the power of Gu Huangyan!

In the early years, she got a big chance by chance and got the sea flame, which ranked twentieth on the Tianhuo list!

It is precisely because of the existence of Haiyan that her alchemy technique has made a qualitative leap and achieved the transcendent status of a six-rank alchemist.

The sea flames spread like seawater, and everyone only felt an overwhelming scorching breath hit them.

“Is this the heavenly fire controlled by Nangong Yue? It’s terrifying. Su Quan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a layer of luster naturally appeared on his body, blocking the scorching aura of the sea flame.

“Sea Flame?” Ye Yi stared at the spreading sea flame, with a trace of heat in his eyes, and a brilliant golden light automatically appeared on the dragon chariot, isolating the power of the sea flame.

Many martial artists and alchemists watching below hurriedly used their supernatural body techniques and fled in embarrassment towards the distance.

Every kind of heavenly fire is a domineering and terrifying existence, and its power is simply not something they can resist.

You can only stand and watch from a distance.


Nangong Yue said lightly.

She directly controlled the sea flame, condensed a fire dragon, and blasted towards Liu Ruoxian.

Wherever the Sea Flame Fire Dragon passed, even the space was engulfed.

Liu Ruoxian’s face was solemn, and she didn’t dare to be careless.

She was well aware of Nangong Yue’s talent.

Like her, in alchemy and martial arts, she has extraordinary demonic talents!


She directly sacrificed the Qingfeng Dan Furnace to protect her body.

Behind her, there was an ancient sacred tree condensing.

The sacred tree covers the sky and the sun, just like the heavenly building trees in ancient times!

Faintly, there are large swaths of brilliance sprinkled.

No, it’s not brilliance, it’s the slightest rhyme and law!

The branches of the sacred tree were like dragons born one after another, and began to sweep towards the sea flames.

This magic skill was obtained by Liu Ruoxian in the sect through the inheritance tower, and it was called [Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree].

It can be visualized that the ancient god tree condenses its body, and has the potential to push horizontally and be invincible.

In the inheritance tower, not only disciples can obtain supernatural exercises and magic weapons, but also elders.


The aura was stirring in mid-air, and all kinds of power runes converged.

The breath of the ancient sacred tree and the breath of the sea flame are intertwined.

The void is trembling!

Both of them are powerhouses in the royal domain, and the fight caused a great battle.

The onlookers of martial artists and alchemists stared at the battle between the two powerhouses of the royal domain.

The decisive battle of such a strong man can make them benefit immensely, and even fall into an epiphany.


A figure in mid-air was slammed into the terrifying spiritual power, and its body slammed into the ground, smashing the ground into a deep pit.

As far as the eye could see, Nangong Yue’s hair was scattered, the corners of her mouth were stained with scarlet blood, and the sea flames around her body had also been extinguished a lot, and her breath was extremely disordered.

There was horror on her face.

She didn’t expect that Liu Ruoxian’s strength was so terrifying, and the peerless supernatural power she displayed could actually shake the power of the Heavenly Fire Sea Flame!


“Today, I’m going to clean the portal!”

Liu Ruoxian, who was floating in mid-air, looked indifferent, without the slightest sympathy.

After Nangong Yue sensed Shizun’s cold killing intent, she panicked.

Completely panicked.

In the heart of the whole person, a strong life and death crisis erupted!

“Ye Gongzi, save me!”

“I am willing to sacrifice the sea flame and alchemy for the Ye family for a hundred years.”

“Ask Ye Gongzi to save me.”

Nangong Yue hurriedly said.

She knew that only Ye Gongzi present had the strength to save her life, so she directly offered all her hole cards.

Ye Yi, who was lying lazily on the dragon chariot, raised his eyelids after hearing Nangong Yue’s words, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

“Offering the Sea Flame? A hundred years of slavery? “

“This price is worth the shot.”

Ye Yi said lightly, as if in his eyes, rescuing Nangong Yue from Liu Ruoxian’s hands was just an ordinary thing.

Then, turning his head, he commanded the old man behind him:

“Old Su, let’s make a move.”

“Rescue Nangong Yue, as for the Dan Fairy Liu Ruoxian…”

“Spare her life, bring her back to the Holy Feather Sect, and be a slave for five hundred years.”

His tone was indifferent, but with a hint of coercion and unquestionable.


From behind Ye Yi, an ordinary old man walked out.

If you don’t look closely, you won’t notice this old man at all.


At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from the old man’s body.

His originally rickety body was also as straight as a javelin.

The domineering aura directly caused the vision of heaven and earth, the wind and clouds reversed, roared in all directions, and even the sun and moon dimmed a little.

Even countless brilliant golden lights rose in the entire sky, which was extremely miraculous.

Everyone present felt an irresistible overbearing coercion sweeping over.

Under this coercion, they involuntarily wanted to kneel down and bow down.

It was as if one thought of the old man could wipe them out.

The aura on the old man’s body has reached the quasi-emperor!!

“Enter my Holy Feather Sect as a slave for five hundred years, spare you from death.”

Su Lao said in a majestic voice, as if an ancient god above the Nine Heavens had sent down a decree.

After Liu Ruoxian sensed this domineering aura, her whole heart trembled.

Quasi-emperor and royal domain, although there is only one realm difference, one is king-level and the other is emperor-level.

The gap is like a heavenly mound, which cannot be crossed.

Her body was trembling violently, her fists were clenched, and her expression was aggrieved, resisting this royal coercion.

Even her knees were bent down with pressure.

However, there was a deep reluctance in her eyes.

She could clearly perceive that a terrifying invisible force swept in from all directions, as if it was about to squeeze her!

“Could it be…. Am I going to blow myself up again today to save a glimmer of life? Liu Ruoxian said aggrieved in her heart.

Just as she was about to give up, she wanted to blow herself up again to keep a wisp of remnant soul.

Thunder rolled in mid-air.

A domineering and majestic voice swept through the heavens and the earth.


“Dare to make my Xuantian Sect elder a slave?”

“Look for death!”

With the appearance of the voice, the quasi-imperial coercion released by Su Lao was directly erased by a mysterious and domineering force, and completely dissipated in midair.



My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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