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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 101

After hearing this domineering and majestic voice, everyone was shocked.

“Shhh What kind of horror is this? “

“Before the person appeared, he shattered the momentum of the quasi-emperor realm with a word?”

“Do you want to be so awesome?”


The martial artists and alchemists who were watching felt their scalps tingle.

There’s a great terror coming!

They all raised their heads, wanting to catch a glimpse of the majesty of the peerless powerhouse that shook the quasi-emperor realm with one word.

And Su Lao was also horrified in his heart, with a touch of jealousy in the depths of his eyes.

Ye Yi sat on top of the dragon chariot, he raised his eyelids, and a touch of surprise appeared on his originally casual face.

Su Lao Nai is his protector.

He knew very well how powerful Su Lao’s strength was.

The quasi-emperor realm is not just talking.

However, now, the momentum has been dispersed by a mysterious powerhouse?

Su Quan’s face froze slightly, and he faintly felt a sense of oppression.

Nangong Yue sat cross-legged, spitting sea flames all over her body, she had swallowed an elixir just now and was recovering from her injuries.

She had closed her eyes.

With Ye Gongzi making a move, Liu Ruoxian can suppress it with just one hand, and she has regained her calm and calm demeanor.

Suddenly, however, she heard a majestic voice.

It was like an immortal above the Nine Heavens drinking lightly, directly dispersing the momentum of the quasi-emperor realm.

This made her mouth open slightly, and her expression was shocked.

“Could it be…. Liu Ruoxian has the power of Tongtian behind her? “

“It is this force that has resurrected Liu Ruoxian, and it is even more cultivated to break through the peak strength?”

She thought to herself.

For a while, everyone was curious about this majestic voice.

They raised their heads and waited for the sound master to arrive.

At this moment,

I saw the wind and clouds in mid-air rolling upside down, roaring in all directions, and countless golden lights bloomed.

A terrifying and boundless, domineering aura began to sweep across the heavens and the earth.

Faintly, it seems that you can hear a roar like a dragon’s groan, like a real dragon dispatching!

Looking up, I saw the heads of nine dragons, poking out of the auspicious clouds.

In a short period of time, the complete and huge bodies of the nine dragons appeared in mid-air.

Jiaolong is born!!

The eyes of the nine dragons, with indifference and arrogance, looked down below.

It’s as if everything in the world is like ants in their eyes, not worth mentioning.

Rao is far away, and he can sense the terrifying aura coming from the nine dragons.

Some lowly martial artists, after seeing the nine dragons make a move, couldn’t resist the terrifying aura of the dragons, and knelt directly on the ground.


What made everyone even more shocked was that the nine dragons were actually pulling a dragon chariot.

This is a full nine dragons, and it is only a trace away from transforming into the existence of a real dragon.

As a result, now only with the dragon chariot?

When did Jiaolong become so cheap?

It was obvious that the master of the dragon chariot had reached a terrifying level of dignity and transcendence.

Everyone looked towards Long Yuan, wanting to see what kind of big man he was worthy of the nine dragons pulling the cart?

I saw that the dragon chariot was engraved with mysterious runes, which were extremely strange and extraordinary, like the chariots of ancient gods.

Even faintly able to perceive that there were wisps of Dao rhyme law aura emanating from the dragon chariot.

The moment some warriors saw the dragon chariot, they seemed to have realized something in the dark, and hurriedly sat cross-legged and began to feel it seriously.

On the dragon chariot, a handsome face, extraordinary temperament, majestic and domineering man sat on it.

The man’s eyes were lowered, and from time to time he stroked the white fox in his arms.

Behind the man, stood a tall, delicate-looking girl, with a respectful face, as if she were a humble maid.

Nine dragons pull dragons!

With the domineering and extraordinary temperament of the man.

It’s like the Emperor of Heaven in the ancient heavenly court, looking down in all directions.

After Liu Ruoxian saw the man appear, her body shook suddenly, and her delicate and fair face was full of surprise and excitement.

Even the eye sockets are a little red.


“How can I be worthy of the care of the master and come in person?”

Liu Ruoxian was greatly moved in her heart.

She thought just now that she was going to die at the hands of the quasi-emperor powerhouse, but she didn’t expect the master to come in time.

“The Sect Leader came to the Daoyi Holy Land from the Xuantian Sect, so the Sect Leader still cares about me a little bit?” Liu Ruoxian was secretly happy in her heart.

Suppressing the distractions in her heart, she hurriedly knelt down to greet her.

“Respectfully in charge!”

After Ling Xue saw the domineering and majestic figure of the Sect Leader, her eyes were filled with heat and awe, and she hurriedly knelt on the ground, “Respectfully Sect Leader!” “


Ye Yi was stunned.

The whole person fell into shock and grievance.

At the moment when the Nine Jiaolong Sacred Wheel just appeared, the three glazed red tigers he used to pull the dragon chariot knelt directly on the ground, trembling, with deep horror and fear in his eyes, and even his head was on the ground.

The glazed red tiger got rid of the shackles, and the dragon chariot overturned directly.

Fortunately, he has strong strength, otherwise, I am afraid that he will fall to the ground at the same time as the dragon chariot overturns.

His dark eyes were filled with grievance and anger, and his face flushed.

The glazed red tiger dragon chariot has always been a necessary weapon for him to go out, and it is very stylish.

Every time you sit on the glazed red tiger dragon chariot, you will be worshiped and admired by countless warriors, and it belongs to an absolutely eye-catching existence.

This made him feel fluttering, his vanity was greatly satisfied, and he had a sense of superiority.

Results Now!

Someone is even more pretending to be a force than his dragon chariot!

actually used nine dragons to pull the dragon!

The glazed red tiger was directly paralyzed to the ground.

Jiaolong is an extremely powerful existence, and it is actually used to pull a cart?

Isn’t it too extravagant and lavish?

He felt his pride and vanity, and was directly trampled on the ground by the other party!

After Su Quan saw the Nine Jiaolong Saint and the domineering man appear, his whole mouth was wide open, enough to stuff an egg in, and even his eyes were about to pop out.

Even in Dongcheng, where martial arts were prosperous, he had never seen such a big battle.

There has never been a sect holy place with such an extraordinary car!

Nangong Yue was stunned at this time, and even her breathing became much shorter.

One dragon is already very precious, but the other party uses nine dragons to pull the car?

The martial artists and alchemists on the square looked shocked, and they looked at the Nine Jiaolong Saint Chariot with incomparable awe.

Such a big man is definitely not something they can provoke.


On the Nine Jiaolong Holy Ring.

Ji Xuan stood respectfully behind the head of the sect.

Her gaze glanced downward, sensing the shock and awe of the crowd.

This feeling of being watched by thousands of people, she felt it for the first time, which made her blood slightly warm, and she looked at the head of the sect with even more awe.

Xu Mo sat on the Nine Dragons Sacred Rim with a majestic face.

He played with the tail of the fox apricot in his arms, his eyes lowered, and swept downward.

His eyes stayed on Liu Ruoxian and Ling Xue who were kneeling on the ground.

With a wave of his hand, a soft and irresistible force swept out.

“Get up.” He said lightly.

Liu Ruoxian and Ling Xue were lifted up by the soft force.

Then, Xu Mo moved his gaze to Ye Yi’s body.

“It’s you, you want to keep the elders of my Xuantian Sect as slaves for five hundred years?”

Xu Mo’s voice was not loud, but with great oppression, it made the hearts of everyone present sink,


“He’s the head of the Xuantian Sect?”

“Now Xuantian Sect has a great reputation in the West City, Great Xia, Wanchu, Shenzhou, the three major dynasties are all attached to Xuantian Sect, and the heritage is extremely profound.”

“No wonder it can be worthy of the nine dragons pulling the cart, it turns out that it is the head of the Xuantian Sect!”


The onlookers were shocked again.

And Nangong Yue was even more shocked.

In a short period of time, Xuantian Sect rose strongly in Xicheng.

Destroy the Jiuli Dynasty and subdue the remaining three dynasties…..

These terrifying deeds made Xuantian Sect mysterious and terrifying in the minds of the warriors of Xicheng, and it could not be violated.

It is even rumored that the head of the Xuantian Sect is the reincarnation of an ancient god and demon.

Rao is in Nangong Yue’s heart, she has already made up the Xuantian Sect’s head brain very mysterious and powerful, but after seeing it appear with her own eyes with the Nine Jiaolong Saint Ring, she realized that she was very wrong.

The background of the Xuantian Sect was even more terrifying than she imagined.


When Xu Mo’s gaze fell on Ye Yi’s body, Ye Yi suddenly felt his scalp explode, his hairs stood on end, and even goosebumps came out one by one.

As if he was being targeted by an ancient god and demon, he felt trembling in his heart, and he didn’t dare to look directly at its majesty.

However, when he remembered that he was the descendant of the Holy Feather Sect, he was a little more confident.


“This son is the descendant of the Holy Feather Sect in Dongcheng, and the heritage of Dongcheng is much deeper than that of Xicheng.”

“Accepting the Dan Fairy into the Holy Feather Sect as a slave for five hundred years can be regarded as her creation.”

Ye Yi said lightly, his chin raised slightly, and he regained his former pride.

In the Holy Feather Sect, there are saint-level powerhouses in charge!

That’s what he relies on the most.

With his status as a descendant of the Holy Feather Sect, he was confident enough to walk sideways in Xicheng.

“Like ants, they dare to speak wildly and take the elders of this sect as slaves?”

“Look for death!”

Xu Mo muttered lightly, with a slight amount of murderous intent on his body.

After Liu Ruoxian heard the domineering words of the Palm Sect, her eyes were red, and she was about to cry when she was moved.

A thousand years ago, she also went to Dongcheng, so she naturally knew how deep the water in Dongcheng was.

Ordinary warriors can’t grasp it at all.

However, now, for her sake, the head of the sect wants to offend a super sect with a saint-level powerhouse in charge, and she only feels warm in her heart.

Ye Yi’s face changed slightly, and he could naturally sense the cold murderous intent emanating from Xu Mo’s body.

He looked panicked, and hurriedly said to the protector Su Lao beside him: “Protect me!” “

After hearing the young master’s words, Su Lao took a step forward, and his whole body exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

The momentum soared into the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds, and there was a faint roar.

“I have to admit that your Xuantian Sect has a great reputation in Xicheng.”


“The background of the Holy Feather Sect is definitely not something you can imagine.”

In Su Lao’s deep eyes, a golden light suddenly burst out like a substance, piercing through the void!


He let out a loud cry and threw a punch at Xu Mo in mid-air.

Suddenly, with him as the center, countless golden fist marks condensed from the aura appeared, and they continued to blast down towards Xu Mo.

Each fist mark carries boundless might, and everywhere it passes, even the space is constantly collapsing and distorting.

Xu Mo glanced at Su Lao lightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a relaxed and disdainful expression.

He directly used the [One-Time Human Emperor Realm Peak Powerhouse Attack] rewarded by the system.

The aura in his body has reached the realm of the human emperor.

He stretched out his hand lightly and stretched out his index finger.

I saw that the sky was suddenly sprinkled with extremely rich starlight, converging on his index finger.

Star Finger Eruption!

A terrifying star burst out from his index finger.

A pale blue glow swept through the void, carrying a chilling aura.

Su Lao suddenly felt his scalp tingle, and a strong life-and-death crisis erupted in his heart.

Before he could react.

Starlight to.

A burst of blood light erupted.

A bloody hole appeared on his forehead, and with an expression of grievance and unwillingness on his face, his whole body fell straight down.

And the countless fist marks he cast completely dissipated.

Poke the quasi-emperor to death with one finger!!

Just ask who else?

The onlookers of martial artists and alchemists, after seeing the Xuantian Sect’s master stabbing the quasi-emperor powerhouse to death with one finger, their mouths opened wide, and their eyes were about to pop out!

“it! A finger stabbed to death the quasi-emperor? “

“Do you want to be so awesome?”

“Xuantian Sect is in charge, terrifying!”


Many martial artists and alchemists exclaimed.

Su Quan also fell into a state of shock and bewilderment.

When did the powerhouse of the quasi-emperor realm become such a rookie?

Poked to death with a finger?

Nangong Yue on the side was directly dumbfounded.

Oh, my God?

What did she just see?

Su Lao, who was in the realm of the quasi-emperor, was poked to death with a finger?

She was so shocked that her mind went blank.

Liu Ruoxian stared blankly at the corpse on the ground, and in her heart, she became more and more in awe of the Master of the Sect.

On the Nine Jiaolong Holy Ring, Ji Xuan and Fox Xing’er, their eyes were full of shock and incredulity.

“The master is really powerful.” They murmured in their hearts.

“Ding, the sect sensed that Su took the initiative to attack with the hole card human emperor and achieved good results, and felt very proud and proud, and took the initiative to send you a one-time [saint attack].”

The prompt sound of the system remembered in Xu Mo’s mind.

Xu Mo smiled slightly, showing a relieved expression.

As soon as the human emperor was used to attack, the sect sent a saint to attack.

Such a sensible sect is the only one, right?

Immediately, Xu Mo cast his gaze on Ye Yi’s body again, his eyes with a little coldness.


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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