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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 103

Xu Mo’s eyes lowered and he glanced at the Dao Yi Holy Land below.

Many of the elders trembled and bowed their heads, not daring to look at them.

Under the terrifying and domineering coercion of the Xuantian Sect, they only felt trembling in their hearts, and they couldn’t afford the slightest resistance, and their hearts had already risen up with the intention of surrender.

At this time, Xu Mo saw the name of the Daoyi Holy Land in the column of the belonging forces of the system sect.

All it takes is for Liu Ruoxian to completely rectify the Daoyi Holy Land.

Xu Mo moved his gaze to Su’s body again.

“You are the elder of the Dongcheng Dan Pavilion Society?” He asked in a majestic voice.

Su Quan only felt a majestic and incomparable coercion sweeping over the world.

“Yes.” Su Quan nodded and said hurriedly, for fear of causing dissatisfaction with this peerless ruthless man.

“Since you are an elder of the Dan Pavilion, then you are also good at alchemy?” Xu Mo asked again.

“I’m already a sixth-rank alchemist, and I only need a chance to become a seventh-grade alchemist!” After saying this, a touch of pride involuntarily appeared on Su Quan’s face.

In today’s world, no matter where the six-rank alchemist is, he will be treated and status transcendentally.

Sought after by countless warriors.

“Good.” Xu Mo said lightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfied arc.

He could sense that the aura on Su’s body had reached the realm of the royal realm.

Six-grade alchemist + powerhouse of the realm of the king’s domain.

Such a special talent, Xu Mo will naturally not let it go.

“This seat gives you two choices, either surrender to this seat, worship the Xuantian Sect, and become the alchemy elder of the Xuantian Sect.”

“Or…. Obliterated by this seat strongly. “

After hearing this, Su Quan’s expression was slightly stunned, and he couldn’t react.

Or surrender? Or obliterated?

There was a hint of struggle and hesitation on his face.

He didn’t expect that the Xuantian Sect would actually make such a request?

Once he switched to the Xuantian Sect, what would it mean?

It means that he betrayed the Dan Pavilion Society!

In the future, he will definitely bear the wrath of the Dankaku.


It is very likely that the Dan Pavilion will send a strong person to come to Xuantian Sect to ask for guilt!

He had been in the Dan Pavilion Society for hundreds of years, and he knew very well what a terrifying foundation the Dan Pavilion Society had.

There was once a sect with a saint-level seat that offended the Dange Society, and the president of the Dange Society was angry and directly sent a strong person to directly destroy the sect overnight.

That time, the Dan Pavilion Society showed its foundation to the many forces in the East City, which made the countless forces in the East City jealous and fearful.

In the Dan Pavilion Society, there is a great terror that cannot be violated.

There is a popular saying in Dongcheng that it is better to offend the Holy Rank than to offend the Dan Pavilion Society.

Now the head of the Xuantian Sect actually ignored the majesty of the Dan Pavilion Society and wanted him to join the Xuantian Sect.

Aren’t you afraid of the revenge and monstrous anger of the Dan Pavilion Society?

Although he had to admit that Xuantian Sect had great power in Xicheng, it was still too much worse than the Dange Society.

“I don’t know if the Xuantian Sect really has hole cards and is not afraid of the Dan Pavilion Society, or is it reckless for a while?” He thought to himself.


“Looks like you don’t agree?”

Xu Mo frowned slightly, and a wisp of terrifying power emanated from his body, sweeping across the heavens and the earth, and he had lost a trace of patience.

After feeling this might, Su Quan’s face changed slightly, and his whole body trembled suddenly.

Almost without any hesitation, he knelt directly on the ground and said respectfully:

“I am willing to surrender and become an alchemy elder of the Xuantian Sect!”

Just kidding, if you don’t choose to surrender, do you choose to be obliterated?

He finally got mixed up with the sixth-grade alchemist, and he became a powerhouse in the realm of the royal domain.

Alive, you can enjoy the worship of countless people.

If you’re dead, there’s no fart.

“Very well, after a while, you will be glad and proud of your decision.”

“Hand over a wisp of soul blood.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

Su Quan had no choice but to hand over a wisp of soul blood to offer.

After receiving the soul blood, Xu Mo could clearly feel that Su Quan’s life and death were in his thoughts.

Even if they are millions of miles apart, they can wipe each other out.

At this time, in the column of the elders of the system sect, Su Quan’s name suddenly appeared.

Su Quan also acquiesced in the fact that he had become an elder of the Xuantian Sect in his heart.

As for the anger of the Dankaku…..

We’ll talk about that then.

“During this time, you first follow Elder Liu and completely rectify the Dao One Holy Land.” Xu Mo commanded.


Liu Ruoxian and Su Quan hurriedly responded respectfully.

Xu Mo looked at the Daoyi Holy Land below, and then withdrew his gaze.

With a thought in his mind, the Nine Jiaolong Sacred Wheel turned into a streamer of light and headed in the direction of Xuantian Sect.



The West City, the East City, all shake together!!

Like a hurricane, heavy news began to sweep through the two major cities.

“I’m Cao, have you heard, the Dan Fairy who fell thousands of years ago has been resurrected!!”

“It turns out that there is another hidden secret to the accidental fall of the Dan Fairy thousands of years ago, that is, Nangong Yue designed to kill the Dan Fairy in order to obtain the inheritance of the Dan Fairy, and committed the crime of killing the teacher.”

“Fortunately, the Dan Fairy used his great magical powers to retain a wisp of remnant soul, so he had a trace of vitality.”

“At the Dan Dao Conference, the Dan Fairy came with an invincible posture, pierced Nangong Yue’s vicious face, and cleaned up the portal, and finally killed Nangong Yue.”

“Not only that, Fairy Dan also worshiped the Xuantian Sect! became the alchemy elder of Xuantian Sect. “

“At the Dan Dao Conference, the Xuantian Sect Leader came on the Nine Jiaolong Holy Rings.”

“One finger to kill the quasi-emperor powerhouse, but also to wipe out Ye Yi, the heir of the Holy Feather Sect! It has a domineering majesty and an invincible posture. “

“Su Quan betrayed the Dange Society and switched to Xuantian Sect.”

“Presumably, the Holy Feather Sect and the Dan Pavilion Society are already in a rage, right?”


In the east and west cities, many warriors talked one after another, with a look of horror.

At the Dan Dao Conference, the Xuantian Sect was strong and domineering, and it became a topic of conversation among martial artists.

They never imagined that the Xuantian Sect Leader would actually wipe out the descendants of the Holy Feather Sect!

It also made Su Quan an alchemy elder!

Whether it is the Holy Feather Sect or the Dange Society, in the eyes of ordinary martial artists, they are all behemoths and unshakable terrifying existences.

The martial artists of the eastern and western cities seemed to be able to imagine that the Holy Feather Sect and the Dan Pavilion would be furious and send a strong man to descend on the Xuantian Sect.

Their faces are full of excitement, and they have a lively look again.


Dongcheng, Holy Feather Sect.

In the main hall of the sect.

A middle-aged man with a majestic face and a gorgeous robe sat on a glass throne.

His eyes are deep, as if there is a galaxy flowing, and he can see through the vicissitudes of all things.

There was a faint powerful and domineering coercion on his body, which spread out in all directions.

The domineering coercion directly crushed the space, constantly collapsing and twisting, and it was almost unbearable.

Above the man’s head, there was a brilliant glow emerging, condensing the phantoms of various divine beasts.

This middle-aged man is none other than the Holy Feather Sect Master, Ye Zhentian!

The cultivation is extremely strong and unfathomable.


Ye Zhentian was shocked, with a touch of disbelief in his expression, and the aura around him was even more oppressive.

“What’s going on?”

“My son….. My soul card, inch by inch? “

Ye Zhentian was shocked.

He could clearly perceive that Ye Yi’s soul card was shattering inch by inch!

This also means that Ye Yi has fallen!

“Who is it?!”

“Dare to kill my son?!”

His eyes suddenly became cracked, his face distorted, and a shocking anger erupted from his whole body.

A domineering, terrifying aura began to sweep through the Holy Feather Sect.

The sky changes color, and the void trembles.

Under the terrifying coercion, the entire Holy Feather Sect was buzzing and trembling, as if it was about to fall apart and completely disintegrate at any time.

In the mid-air of the Holy Feather Sect, the wind and clouds were reversed, the black clouds were overwhelming, and the eight directions roared, as if an ancient demon god was reviving in the black clouds.

Everyone in the Holy Feather Sect sensed the sect master’s rage, and their expressions were full of awe and horror.


Under the rage, Ye Zhentian directly spurted out a large mouthful of blood.


A jade slip appeared in his hand, which recorded what had happened in the East City recently, and he began to browse it.

“Xicheng Xuantian Sect?”

“A small broken sect in Xicheng dares to kill Wu’er?”

“It’s just looking for death!”

“This seat will smash your bones piece by piece, and then extract your soul, and burn it day and night with the earth and yin fire, so that your life is worse than death!”

Ye Zhentian’s eyes were bloodshot, and his aura was tyrannical, like a demon god who was about to get out of control, which made people tremble.

Ye Yi has been extremely talented since he was a child, and under his careful cultivation, his cultivation has reached the realm of king-level power.

The future has the posture of achieving great sages.

It’s the Qilin of the Holy Feather Sect!

As a result, now, it will be wiped out by an ant sect in Xicheng?


An extreme anger grew in his heart.


As more than a dozen streams of light fell, the elders of the Holy Feather Sect also descended.

After sensing the terrifying aura on the master’s body, they hurriedly stopped cultivating and exited their respective caves.

“Boss, what’s going on?”

An elder hurriedly asked, they had never seen such a gaffe and anger in the Sect Master’s temper.

“The Qilin of the Holy Feather Sect…. It’s fallen! Ye Zhentian said in a hoarse voice, like the sound of a blade cutting through an iron sheet, which made people shudder.


“The young master has fallen?”

“How is this possible? The young master has a quasi-emperor realm protector by his side, and who dares to touch my young master of the Holy Feather Sect? “


Many of the elders were shocked, their expressions were full of anger, and the aura around them was rolling.

“It’s a small sect that has recently risen in Xicheng, called Xuantian Sect!”

Ye Zhentian’s eyes burst out like a substantial rage, piercing through the void!

“The sect of Xicheng?”

“Even if the young master is in Dongcheng, no one dares to move.”

“The people of Xicheng, dare to kill the young master of my sect?!”

“Please agree with the sect, I will rush to Xicheng and destroy this sect with one slap!”


Many elders are invited to fight!

this day.

The Ten Human Emperor Realm powerhouses of the Holy Feather Sect dispatched, carrying monstrous anger and heading towards Xicheng.

Everywhere he passed, the terrifying coercion emanating from the Human Emperor realm made countless warriors bow and worship, trembling, and the oppressive void collapsed and twisted.


The other side.

Dongcheng, Dan Pavilion Meeting.

A splendid and extremely magnificent hall.

A man with a restrained breath and a resolute face sat directly above.

Faintly I could perceive that under his delicate robes, there was a strong and domineering aura seeping out and sweeping out in the main hall.

His slender fingers tapped at the armrest of the gilded throne.

This man is the president of the Dan Pavilion Society, Yao Tongsheng.

Suddenly, Yao Tongsheng’s fingers tapping on the armrest paused slightly, causing the dozens of Dan Pavilion elders in the main hall to also suffer cardiac arrest.

“It’s kind of interesting.”

“The newly rising Xuantian Sect in the West City not only killed the young master of the Holy Feather Sect, but also robbed an elder of my Dan Pavilion Society?”

“Hehe, it seems that my Dan Pavilion Society has not been dispatched for a long time, and the world has forgotten that the Dan Pavilion Society is terrifying.”


Yao Tongsheng’s expression had a hint of meaning.


Under his orders, five Dan Pavilion elders were dispatched.

Among them, the four elders are in the realm of human emperors!

And one more….. It is a terrifying existence that surpasses the realm of the human emperor!

The five Dan Pavilion elders, carrying an oppressive aura, descended on the Xuantian Sect in unison.

They want to see, what kind of sect is in Xicheng, dare to dig into the corner of their Dan Pavilion Society?


Xuantian Sect, the main peak of the sect.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, exuding domineering coercion all over his body.

Faintly, he could sense that there was a wisp of true dragon coercion and the aura of the Five Elements Law, sweeping out in the main hall.

It is like an adult true dragon, entrenched above the main hall, overlooking the world.

Open the sect system map.

Xu Mo pulled his gaze towards Xuanhuang City.

At this time, the Xuanhuang City has become the most prosperous and lively place in the West City.

There is an influx of warriors every day.

On this day, Liu Ruoxian carried the Daoyi Holy Land and settled in Xuanhuang City!

Since then, in the Xuanhuang City, the three major dynasties have been established, and there is a holy place in the town.

After dealing with the affairs of the Daoyi Holy Land, Liu Ruoxian asked for instructions, so that Su Quan became the head of the Daoyi Holy Land, and he returned to the Divine Dan Peak of the sect.

At this point,

Xu Mo was covered in golden light, as if an ancient god above the nine heavens had descended, sitting here.

The attachment of the Daoyi Holy Land made Xuantian Sect’s luck more prosperous, and Xu Mo also received the blessing of luck.

Of course, the size of the Fortune Golden Dragon has also become more majestic and huge.

“Ding, after the sect sensed that he was famous in Dongcheng, he felt very proud and proud, and he was excited to take the initiative to present you with a big gift package.”


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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