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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 108

The mysterious woman’s every move was with a domineering eye, as if everything in the world was like an ant in her eyes, not worth mentioning.

Around her, there seemed to be countless brilliant clusters of light, peerless and dazzling.

Faintly, I can see that there is a black and a white yin and yang qi, spreading out towards the surroundings, invincible and domineering.

This mysterious woman is actually carrying a rare yin and yang qi!

If you feel it carefully, this mysterious woman’s aura has already reached the holy level!

This is a saint-level powerhouse!!

“Xuantian Sect….”

“A thousand years ago, Liu Ruoxian was a peerless Tianjiao of Danwu double cultivation, and he was arrogant, even though many super sects threw olive branches and wanted to invite Liu Ruoxian to join their sects, but they were all rejected by Liu Ruoxian one by one.”

“With Liu Ruoxian’s talent, you don’t need to rely on any sect at all to achieve the Great Sage, even if you become the Great Emperor, it is not impossible.”

“Now, in a backward Xicheng, there is actually a sect that can make Liu Ruoxian put away his arrogance and join it to become an elder.”

Hai Muliu swept his gaze to the Xuantian Sect below again, with a touch of curiosity and thought.

“Presumably, this Xuantian Sect has some means.”

She muttered to herself.

At this time, her gaze stayed at the foot of Xuantian Sect Mountain, in the Xuanhuang City.

“It’s ….. It turns out that the three major dynasties of the West City? It is suspected that there is also a holy place of Daoyi established by Nangong Yue? “

Hai Muliu was slightly surprised.

She didn’t expect that Xuantian Sect would have three emperors and one sect attached.

The scale and prosperity of Xuanhuang City were somewhat beyond her surprise.

Even, I don’t know why, she faintly felt a hint of threat on a stone tablet outside Xuanhuang City, as well as a stone tablet at the mountain gate of Xuantian Sect.

“It seems that this Xuantian Sect is far more simple than it seems, there is something.”

Taking a peek at the whole picture, Hai Muliu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he muttered in his heart.

“But… I have achieved the holy level, I have the posture of being invincible in horizontal pushing, and I can’t stop the Xuantian Sect from taking Liu Ruoxian away. On Hai Muliu’s delicate face, a touch of pride appeared.

Saint level, that is a martial artist standing at the top of the pyramid, he can split mountains and rivers with a wave of his hand, and he has comprehended a trace of law and Taoism.

When the saint-level is dispatched, it will be worshiped by countless martial artists, and it is extraordinary, and in a single thought, it can flow hundreds of thousands of miles!

Today, she wants to take Liu Ruoxian away!

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in her heart, the momentum on her body was slightly released, and she shouted softly:

“Liu Ruoxian, do you remember me, an old man?”

“Come out and see you.”

As if the words were spoken, the entire void that shook was buzzing and trembling, with the slightest ripple.

The entire Xuantian Sect was reverberating with voices.

The elders, disciples and others in the sect raised their heads one after another, and were slightly stunned when they saw the peerless figure in mid-air.

This breath….. It’s a saint-level powerhouse!

“Elder Liu even knows a saint-level powerhouse.” Everyone exclaimed in their hearts.

The terrifying and domineering aura made them feel trembling and their scalps tingling.


Inside the ruins of the Zongmen Qixia Palace.

Liu Ruoxian sat cross-legged, and various pictures of the Great Ancient Refining Sect appeared in her mind, and the whole person was in an epiphany.

Suddenly, a soft shout interrupted her cultivation.

After hearing this voice, her expression was slightly stunned at first, and she seemed a little stunned.

Then her expression turned angry.


She gritted her teeth and muttered.

Almost instantly, she could hear who the voice was about.

Thousands of years ago, Hai Muliu and her were the peerless pride of the East and West Cities.

Hai Muliu is carrying a rare holy body, and has a talent for defying the heavens on the way to martial arts.

Hai Muliu thought that there was no man in the world who could be worthy of him, so he pursued her.

But…. Is it okay for a woman?

Of course not!

Liu Ruoxian is essentially a traditional woman, so she naturally rejected Hai Muliu decisively.

After that, Hai Muliu has been stalking her all the time, and her skin is extremely thick.

Unexpectedly, after she was resurrected from a wisp of remnant soul, Hai Muliu came to the door again!

“With Hai Muliu’s temperament, if I don’t show up in time, maybe there will be some big trouble.”

“Let’s go out and have a look.”

Liu Ruoxian thought in her heart.


Her whole body turned into a streamer, left the ruins of Qixia Palace, and flew towards the mountain gate.


At the mountain gate.

A tall and proud figure floated in.

After Hai Muliu saw Liu Ruoxian appear, her face was overjoyed, with a fiery expression in her eyes.

“Ruoxian, I finally saw you.”

“Since your accidental fall, I have been secretly investigating the murderer, I didn’t expect that it was the rebel who did it, if I had known, I would have slapped Nangong Yue to death.”

Hai Muliu said with some excitement.

“Hai Muliu, there is no possibility between you and me, don’t waste any more thoughts.” Liu Ruoxian’s face turned cold and said directly.

“Ruoxian, don’t hide it, I’m here to take you away today.”

“It’s a mere broken sect, why do you want to stay in it as an elder? Could it be that the master of Xuantian Sect taught you to pour ecstasy soup? “

“Go, go to the end of the world with me, wander the world.”

Haimulyu said.


“Hai Muliu, if you dare to say anything disrespectful to the Palm Sect again, then don’t blame me for being polite.”

Liu Ruoxian snorted coldly, and the aura around her body became much colder, and there was a tendency to perform supernatural exercises if she didn’t agree with each other.

The master helped her reshape her body, gave her a great opportunity, and even helped her kill the rebels with her own hands in the holy land of Daoyi.

She can’t repay such a great kindness.

She doesn’t allow anyone to be disrespectful to the master, not even a word!

The position of the master in her heart is incomparably lofty and cannot be violated.

After perceiving the breath on Liu Ruoxian’s body, Hai Muliu was slightly stunned.

She didn’t expect that Liu Ruoxian would have such a big reaction.

“It seems….. The Xuantian Sect Sect really has two brushes, so that the arrogant Liu Ruoxian can maintain it like this. Hai Muliu murmured inwardly.


Hold the main peak.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, exuding a strong and domineering aura around his body, and the space around him was filled with the slightest ripple.

Above his head, there was a faint phantom of a divine beast condensed and emerged.

A trace of the true dragon breath and the aura of the Five Elements Law spread in the main hall.

It is like a holy dragon, entrenched in the main hall, overlooking the world.

At this time, Xu Mo’s eyes opened slightly, and there was a faint river of stars flowing in his eyes, which looked extremely extraordinary.

“My cultivation has broken through from the early stage of the quasi-emperor to the peak of the quasi-emperor.”

“It’s a pity….. After all, he did not break through to the realm of the human emperor. “

Xu Mo’s face was filled with a hint of regret.

If other quasi-emperor warriors in the outside world heard this, they would definitely vomit blood in frustration.

Ordinary quasi-emperor warriors, from the early stage, to the late middle stage, and then to the peak, can not do it at all without a hundred years.

However, Xu Mo has broken through from the initial stage to the peak in just a few days, and he is still not satisfied?

People are more infuriating than people.

Xu Mo sensed the power in his body, and he was finally a little satisfied, as if a young dragon was reviving in his body, which was extremely terrifying.

At this point, he seemed to have sensed something.

Open the system sect map.

A woman with a squinting expression, proud of all things in the world, and peerless elegance, appeared in his sight.

“Huh? It’s actually a saint-level powerhouse? “

When he sensed the conversation between Hai Muliu and Liu Ruoxian, his whole face twitched violently.

Is it so bloody?

“This one is called Hai Muliu, it’s really a wonder.”

“I felt that no man was worthy of her, so I turned to pursue Liu Ruoxian.”

“What kind of brain circuit is this?”

Xu Mo was shocked by Hai Muliu’s three views.

Immediately, his expression became a little dissatisfied.

“It’s okay to chase my elders, and now you still want to coerce Liu Ruoxian to elope? Brave the world? “

Liu Ruoxian, as the peak master of Shendan Peak, managed Shendan Peak in an orderly manner, and the thousand girls sent by the Wanchu Dynasty were also properly arranged by her, and her command had just recruited four human emperors and one quasi-saint.

Now in the Xuantian Sect, the most powerful development is the alchemy of Shendan Peak.

How could he let Hai Muliu abduct management talents like Liu Ruoxian?

As soon as his sleeve robe rolled up, he directly used his great magic power and walked towards the mountain gate.


At the mountain gate.

Hai Muliu has been persuading Liu Ruoxian to follow him out of Xuantian Sect.

But they were all sternly rejected by Liu Ruoxian!

Hai Muliu lost her patience, and she was ready to use the magical means of her saint-level powerhouse to forcibly take Liu Ruoxian away.

Just as she was about to do it.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds in the entire sky were reversed, roaring in all directions, blooming countless golden rays of light.

It’s as if heaven and earth are celebrating the great man who is about to be born.

A majestic and irresistible coercion began to spread all around.

With the appearance of the terrifying momentum, a man with a handsome face, a slender figure, and a domineering and majestic man suddenly appeared in Hai Muliu’s sight.

Liu Ruoxian was shocked, and hurriedly bowed respectfully: “Meet the master.” “

At the same time, her heart was also slightly nervous and worried, the head coach should not misunderstand her previous relationship with Hai Muliu, right?

She doesn’t want to make a bad impression on the coach…..

After all, he has a trace of illusion about teaching.

“He’s the head of the Xuantian Sect?”

Hai Muliu only felt a terrifying momentum, overwhelmingly swept towards him.

Under this momentum, she actually rose a trace of invincibility!!

Even, she faintly felt a trace of real dragon coercion!

Carrying the power of the dragon!!

“It’s strange, the root bones and face of the Xuantian Sect are so young, and they have such momentum? And with the power of the dragon? “

“Could it be the reincarnation of an ancient dragon?”

She was shocked inwardly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

She thought that her talent should be the first day of pride, no one can compare, and no man can match her.

But now she finds out that the idea seems wrong?

The talent of the Xuantian Sect is much more terrifying than her!


The author has conjunctivitis, his eyes are full of red bloodshots, and he is still working hard to code words, too dedicated (boasting…. )


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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