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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 11

Danwu double cultivation, king-level powerhouse.

It’s kind of interesting.

“This sect leader is curious, why did you fall in the first place? Only a remnant of soul left? Xu Mo asked with interest.

King-level cultivation, that is a peerless powerhouse standing at the top of the warrior pyramid.

How can it be so easy to fall?

After hearing this, Liu Ruoxian was stunned, she didn’t expect that Xu Mo would ask her this question.

There was a flash of remembrance in her eyes, and a hint of anger.

After a long time, she sighed faintly and said slowly

“Thousands of years ago, I was a famous alchemist, and the outside world called me a Dan Fairy.”

“My cultivation has even reached the king level.”

“It’s a double cultivation of Danwu in the true sense.”

“At my peak, I took in a female disciple and taught this female disciple alchemy.”

“I didn’t expect that this female disciple of mine would not hesitate to attack and frame me in order to take away my entire inheritance.”

“In times of crisis, while I blew myself up, I retained a trace of my remnant soul and fell into a deep sleep.”

As she spoke, Liu Ruoxian’s eyes revealed a cold killing intent.

She treats her disciples, pours out her heart and lungs, and teaches them with all her heart.

Unexpectedly, this disciple actually plotted against her behind her back.

Originally, she planned to assist Xiao Feng to grow step by step, and when Xiao Feng’s strength was strong, she would reshape her body and restore her peak strength.

In this way, she can seek revenge.

Let that slut die without a place to bury!

“Sure enough, it’s this bloody routine again.” Xu Mo was not surprised at all.


“Are you willing to become an elder of the Xuantian Sect?” Xu Mo got straight to the point.

Although Liu Ruoxian only had a wisp of remnant soul left, after all, he was a king-level powerhouse before his death, and he was proficient in alchemy.

Let Liu Ruoxian become the elder of Xuantian Sect, and he will definitely earn blood.

“Become an Elder?” Liu Ruoxian showed a thoughtful expression.


After a few moments, she agreed.

With her experience, she can’t see through Xuantian Sect, which shows how profound the foundation of Xuantian Sect is.

She joined the Xuantian Sect as an elder, and she was able to recover her peak cultivation as soon as possible.

In the face of Xu Mo’s wooing, he naturally would not refuse.

At this time, Xu Mo saw Liu Ruoxian’s name in the column of system elders.

“You should be glad you made a wise choice.” Xu Mo said indifferently.

“This is the Soul Nourishing Jade Pendant and the Holy Spirit Grass.”

“You only need to wear the Soul Nourishing Jade Pendant, and you can automatically repair your soul body, which is infinitely useful, and you don’t have to stay in the dark ring all day long.”

“There is also this Holy Spirit Grass, which can make your soul body more condensed and speed up the progress of your reshaping body.”

With a wave of Xu Mo’s big hand, the Holy Spirit Grass and the Soul Nourishing Jade Pendant floated in mid-air, exuding a mysterious and mysterious aura.


“This is an immortal-level magic weapon soul nourishing jade pendant?”

“And the legendary Holy Spirit Grass?”

Liu Ruoxian was stunned, and her breathing became short.

She never expected that Xu Mo actually held such a precious magic weapon in his hands!

It was a long time before the look of surprise on her face receded.

There was a hint of awe in her eyes when she looked at Xu Mo.

It’s a real hammer, and the master is definitely a powerful reincarnation!

Otherwise, he could casually give Gu Huangyan on the Heavenly Fire List, immortal-level magic weapon soul nourishing jade pendant, Holy Spirit Grass and other heavy treasures?

“There is a mountain peak in the sect called Shendan Peak.”

“In the Shendan Peak, there are spiritual grass gardens, alchemy pavilions, inferior immortal-level magic weapons Qingfeng Dan furnaces and other things.”

“In the future, you will live in the Shendan Peak and be in charge of my Xuantian Sect’s alchemy line.”

“At the same time, you are also qualified to recruit personal disciples, and this seat will not interfere.”

Xu Mo said slowly.

After hearing the words of the master, Liu Ruoxian was slightly stunned.

Shendan Peak is simply tailor-made for her.

“Thank you, Master.” Liu Ruoxian said in a sincere and respectful tone, and she also felt a sense of belonging to Xuantian Sect.

Xu Mo saw Liu Ruoxian’s respectful appearance, he nodded, feeling very satisfied.

Then he flashed and returned to the main peak.



Xiao Feng came to a mountain where the miscellaneous disciples practiced and lived.

He saw an unremarkable figure.

This figure did not have the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power in his body, and he was practicing strange fist techniques over and over again.

The fist technique is extremely ordinary, without any power, and it does not cause the slightest vision.

It’s like an old man practicing boxing and exercising.

When Xiao Feng carefully observed this set of boxing techniques, he discovered the magic of this set of boxing techniques.

But what exactly is magical, he can’t say.

Mysterious and mysterious, wonderful.


Xiao Feng could clearly see that between the mouth and nose of this figure, there was a white gas like a dragon, as if a desolate demon cow was reviving in its body.

“This is Senior Brother, right?”

“The elder brother seems to be ordinary, but he actually has great perseverance.”

“Although I can’t see the way out of this boxing method, I can faintly feel that this set of boxing methods is extremely extraordinary.”

Xiao Feng muttered to himself.

“Senior brother!”

“You are?”

“I’m a newly recruited miscellaneous disciple of the Master of the Sect, please take me to familiarize yourself with the sect.”



The other side.

Shen Dan Peak, Elder Cultivation Room.

Liu Ruoxian sat cross-legged.

In front of her, two treasures that exuded a mysterious aura floated out of thin air.

This is naturally the Holy Spirit Grass and the Soul Nourishing Jade Pendant.

“The master of the sect has extraordinary powers and profound heritage.”

“Give these treasures with a wave of your hand.”

“It seems that in the future, I will do my best to assist the master of the sect.”

Liu Ruoxian thought to herself.

She swallowed the Holy Spirit Grass, and a powerful force exploded in her body.

Her body exudes a little luster.

Not daring to be careless, she hurriedly began to refine the Holy Spirit Grass.

As time passed, her soul became more and more solid.


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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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