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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 110

The main peak of the Xuantian Sect.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, his body exuding a terrifying and domineering aura, and the space around him was collapsing and distorting.

In the entire hall, there was a faint trace of true dragon coercion and the aura of the Five Elements Law spreading.

It is like a holy dragon entrenched here, overlooking the world.

There was even a wisp of the ancient gods’ panic and coercion sweeping through.

Below the main hall.

Shi Lin, Fox Meiniang, and Hai Muliu stood respectfully, their eyes filled with awe.

They could clearly perceive what a terrifying coercion the master possessed.

Under this pressure, they only felt trembling in their hearts and tingling in their scalps.

“Is this the two saint-level powerhouses in the Spirit Beast Garden and Tu Mountain?” Hai Muliu looked at Shi Lin and Fox Meiniang quietly.

The Qilin clan and the fox demon clan are both top-level divine beasts.

Divine beasts, favored by heaven and earth.

It is no exaggeration to say that every divine beast has the qualifications to at least achieve the Great Emperor.

And the cultivation of the divine beast is also very different from that of the human race, and it only needs to constantly awaken the ancestral bloodline and comprehend the ancestral inheritance.

Under the same realm, the divine beast has an invincible posture!

Hai Muliu never expected that in the Xuantian Sect, there were two major races, the Qilin and the Fox Demon!

She could sense that there was an aura from Shi Lin and Fox Meiniang’s bodies that was not weaker than her in the slightest.

“I don’t know why the master summoned me to come?” Fox Meiniang asked respectfully.

Shi Lin and Hai Muliu also pricked up their ears, ready to listen to the palm teaching’s speech.

Xu Mo’s deep dark eyes swept downward, and asked in a majestic voice:

“Can you wait to know the Holy Feather Sect?”

“Hui Yu is in charge of the sect, but the sect to which the ten human emperors belong?” Shi Lin replied.

“Not bad.”

“The Holy Feather Sect sent ten human emperors to descend and want to destroy the Xuantian Sect.”

“My Xuantian Sect is majestic, how can I easily offend?”

“Order the three of you to go to the East City and completely remove the Holy Feather Sect!”

Xu Mo said lightly, and the aura on his body was even more oppressive.

“Obey the orders of the master!” Shi Lin, Hu Meiniang, and Hai Muliu hurriedly respectfully accepted the order.

“Hai Muliu, this operation is your vote.”

“After the destruction of the Holy Feather Sect, you can become the official elder of the Xuantian Sect.”

Xu Mo raised his eyelids, moved his gaze to Hai Muliu’s body, and said.

“Is this a vote?” Hai Muliu clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of determination.

“Please rest assured, the Holy Feather Sect dares to offend the coercion of my Xuantian Sect? When it is extinguished! “

She said respectfully.

“Stand down.”


The three of them retreated in unison and left the main peak.

Xu Mo looked at the backs of the three of them leaving respectfully, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a satisfied arc.

The strength of Hai Muliu, Shi Lin, and Hu Meiniang has all stepped into the realm of saints.

The holy level is divided into four realms, quasi-saint, saint, saint king, and great saint.

The three saints are strong and powerful, which is enough to push the invincible!

He took out the enlightenment futon and prepared to retreat and practice.

His strength has already stepped into the peak of the quasi-emperor, and he is only a glimmer of opportunity away from the realm of the human emperor.

Strive for this retreat and be able to break through to the realm of the Human Emperor in one fell swoop!

Outside the Xuantian Sect.

Shi Lin, Fox Meiniang, and Hai Muliu gathered and prepared to go to Dongcheng.

“I’m familiar with the work of destroying the sect.”

“The last time the sect leader sent me to destroy a small dynasty called He Jiuli.”

Shi Lin’s chin was slightly raised, and his expression was proud, as if he was announcing that he was the gold medal fighter under the master.

“Hmph, the fox clan has just joined the Xuantian Sect, and they haven’t made any contributions yet, so don’t rob me of the head this time.” Fox Meiniang said lightly.

“Don’t rob me either, I have to turn positive.” Hai Muliu said anxiously.

After hearing this, Shi Lin and Hu Meiniang cast a strange look at Hai Muliu.

Hai Muliu is also a saint and a strong man, and he was tentatively designated as an intern elder by the head of the sect.

It seems that in the eyes of the head of the sect, the saint is also like an ant, not worth mentioning.

The three of them turned into a streamer of light and headed towards Dongcheng.


East Side.

Holy Feather Sect.

In the main hall of the sect.

Sect Leader Ye Zhentian’s body exuded a domineering and tyrannical aura.

Even the space around him was constantly collapsing and distorting, with the slightest ripple.

A murderous aura as cold as bone marrow swept through the hall.

At this time, Ye Zhentian was like a beast that was about to get out of control, and like a volcano that had been silent for a long time, it was about to erupt at any time.


“The ten Human Emperor realm powerhouses sent out by my Holy Feather Sect have all fallen?”

When Ye Zhentian saw the contents of the intelligence jade slip, he roared wildly, shaking the entire sect building into a buzzing and trembling, as if it was about to fall apart and completely disintegrate.

His eyes were bloodshot, and the momentum on his body was even more oppressive.

Many elders below the main hall trembled and their scalps tingled after sensing the terrifying aura coming from the sect master’s body.

The strength of the sect master has already stepped into the realm of saints.

The Holy Feather Sect can be named with the word “saint”, and naturally there are saint-level powerhouses in charge.

While many elders were afraid of the sect master’s coercion in their hearts, they also felt incredible and shocked.

Ten human emperor realm powerhouses are enough to sweep through the West City, but they were all killed?

The background of Xuantian Sect far exceeded their imagination.

“Xuantian Sect killed Wu’er, and even killed the ten human emperors of my sect, this kind of blood feud is not shared!”

Ye Zhentian roared in a hoarse voice.

Originally, he thought that sending ten human emperor realm powerhouses would be enough to destroy the Xuantian Sect.

Unexpectedly, the ten human emperors fell one after another.

This made him feel both shocked and angry, and felt a painful drop of blood.

Ten Human Emperors, that is the strongest person that the sect has spent countless efforts and treasures piled up.

As a result, they were all killed!

“It seems that I underestimated the foundation of Xuantian Sect.”

“In the Xuantian Sect, there are saint-level powerhouses in charge.”

Ye Zhentian’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he muttered in a cold voice.

“But so what?”

“The strength of the deity has stepped into the realm of a saint.”

“This time, the deity personally descended to Xuantian Sect, and I want to torture the head of Xuantian Sect to death before I can vent the hatred in my heart!”

As soon as he finished speaking, his entire body flew into the air of the sect.

“Within the Holy Feather Sect, the elders above the quasi-emperor realm gather !!”

Ye Zhentian shouted violently.

After sensing the summons of the Sect Master, many elders flew out of the various caves of the Holy Feather Sect one after another, converging in mid-air.

As far as the eye can see, there are dozens of quasi-emperors, five human emperors, and two quasi-saint powerhouses.

“Everyone, come to the West City with this seat and destroy the Xuantian Sect!”


Just when Ye Zhentian was about to lead many strong people to dispatch.

Suddenly, I saw the wind and clouds in mid-air rolling upside down, and the sky changed color!

A majestic, domineering and domineering aura began to sweep across the heavens and the earth,

The terrifying momentum directly collapsed and distorted the oppression of the void, as if it couldn’t bear it!

Even, there is a rhyme and law aura landing.


“Just the Holy Feather Sect, dare to say that you will destroy my Xuantian Sect?”

A cold snort came from the sky.

As if the words were spoken, and like the ancient gods announced, a terrifying and powerful invisible force began to sweep around it, which was extremely terrifying!

With the slightest ripples in the space, I saw three figures wrapped in brilliant golden light, appearing in mid-air.

As far as the eye could see, a huge divine beast appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

This is a unicorn!

This is a unicorn, the legendary top divine beast! With a domineering and invincible posture!

This unicorn looked majestic, spitting hot flames all over its body, and there was a domineering look in its eyes, as if all the people in the Holy Feather Sect below were just ants.

Immediately after the Qilin, a huge phantom appeared.

This is another top-level divine beast, the legendary fox demon!

The fox demon’s eyes were indifferent, and his body exuded a powerful aura, and the oppressed people trembled, about to suffocate!

Didn’t you say that the fox demon was closed in the secret realm of Qingqiu and never set foot in the world?

Why is there such a powerful fox demon in the world?

Two top-level divine beasts descended on the Holy Feather Sect!

Then, another beautiful figure emerged.

This is a woman of peerless elegance and dazzling.

The woman’s eyes were lowered and her expression was contemptuous, as if she were an immortal overlooking the world, cold and ruthless.

On her body, she exudes a strong black and white yin and yang qi, stirring up the wind and clouds, which is extremely terrifying.

If you sense it carefully, the aura on this woman’s body has already reached the realm of a saint!

After Ye Zhentian saw the two divine beasts and a saint descending, his eyelids jumped, his expression was full of horror, and his whole heart was beating faster.

“Is this the essence of Xuantian Sect?” There was deep jealousy in his eyes, and at the same time boundless anger!

He hadn’t come to Xuantian Sect for revenge, but Xuantian Sect sent someone to fight back?

Just ask if you are aggrieved?

“Shi Lin, fox girl, you go and clean up these little things.”

“As for Ye Zhentian, leave it to me.”

“He…. It’s my vote. “

Hai Muliu said lightly, she looked at Ye Zhentian with indifference in her eyes.


Hu Meiniang and Shi Lin glanced at each other, and did not compete with Hai Muliu for the head.

After all, Hai Muliu still has to turn positive.

Fox Meiniang’s body exuded an invisible power, and began to sweep downward, and in an instant, a large number of sect elders and disciples fell, and were crushed into a blood mist!

As for Shilin, it is simple and crude.

At the foot of the huge unicorn, the Xuantian Sect’s building palace collapsed, and dozens of sect elders were trampled to death.

Hai Muliu’s body released two qi of yin and yang, like the breath of reincarnation, and blasted towards Ye Zhentian!

After Ye Zhentian saw that the sect was destroyed and the elders and disciples died in large numbers, he became wide-eyed, his expression was angry, his eyes were bloodshot, and he attacked Hai Muliu with murderous energy.

Suddenly, the spiritual power in the entire sky was agitated, various magical runes appeared, and supernatural powers emerged one after another.



An hour later.

With a domineering and boundless yin and yang qi swept through the void.

A saint! Fall!

Ye Zhentian was directly blasted through his chest by the two qi of yin and yang, and his soul was killed!

Saints also have strengths and weaknesses!

Although Ye Zhentian and Hai Muliu are both in the realm of saints.


Hai Muliu is carrying the Yin and Yang Holy Body, which is a rare battle body between heaven and earth, and under the same realm, he has an invincible posture!

How can it be compared to Ye Zhentian?

On this day, the Holy Feather Sect was bleeding like a river, and even the sky was stained with blood, and corpses were everywhere.

At this point, the Holy Feather Sect was completely destroyed!


On the other side, Dongcheng, Dan Pavilion will be.

In a splendid and magnificent hall.

The head of the Dan Pavilion Guild sat upright on the glazed throne above, and under the gorgeous robes, there was a faint smell of strong and suffocating.

His slender fingers, constantly tapping on the armrests of the chair, gave people a sense of oppression.

“The four human emperors sent out by this seat, one quasi-saint, actually took refuge in the Xuantian Sect again?”

“It’s kind of interesting.”

The head of the medicine Tongsheng muttered lightly, his face was a little ugly.

He originally sent five powerhouses to destroy the Xuantian Sect.

As a result, who knows, the meat bun beats the dog, and there is no return!

The five powerhouses took refuge in Xuantian Sect one after another.

Don’t be too aggrieved by this feeling!

This is equivalent to a slap in the face, slapping Dan Gehui’s face fiercely, and it hurts hotly.

“Hmph, I don’t believe it, a small Xicheng Xuantian Sect can still be a Longtan Tiger’s Den?”

“This seat should send four quasi-saints to Xuantian Sect again!”

“This time! Xuantian Sect should be destroyed! “

Following his will, the four powerhouses of the Dan Pavilion Society went out again.

A few hours later.

Yao Tongsheng sat on the glass throne, and suddenly he knocked on the armrest of the chair and paused slightly.

He sensed the intelligence and was shocked.

Mind and soul are thrown into it.

When he saw the contents of the information jade slip, Yao Tongsheng’s face changed suddenly, and his body stood up from the glass throne with a bang.


“Holy Feather Sect…. Destroyed? “

“Two divine beasts and a saint realm powerhouse sent by the Xuantian Sect were slaughtered?!”

“Even Ye Zhentian in the saint realm was slaughtered?”

He couldn’t help but exclaim, the content of the intelligence jade slip made him horrified!

The foundation of Xuantian Sect is terrifying!

At this time, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly roared:

“Quick! Intercept the strong man who was sent out a few hours ago! “

“Stop them!!”

“Don’t set foot in the West Side!!”



My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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