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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 27

“With the body of a mortal, I am a strong person in the Sect Master Realm.”

At the mountain gate, Wang Hao muttered in a low voice.

The sound was not loud, but it was heard throughout the audience.

“Slaughter me as a mortal?”

“Hubris and ignorance.”

Situ Feng in mid-air laughed angrily.

He could clearly perceive that Wang Hao did not have the slightest aura fluctuation around him.

It’s just an ordinary mortal.

However, the next scene directly made his expression freeze on his face.

I saw that Wang Hao’s body suddenly burst out with an ancient aura against the sky!

He is the son of the luck of mortal cultivation, and he does not respect heaven and earth! Don’t worship gods and Buddhas!

The only thing I respect is the Master Leader!

He absolutely did not allow anyone to be disrespectful to the Master of the Sect, even if the other party was the Ethereal Palace Master, a powerhouse in the Grandmaster realm.


With a resolute expression, he threw a punch into the air.


The entire mid-air suddenly roared in all directions, and the black clouds pressed to the top, as if a desolate giant beast was roaring wildly in the black clouds.

The aura of heaven and earth became disordered at this moment.

Behind Wang Hao, a huge ancient god phantom that supported heaven and earth suddenly appeared.

This ancient god’s face was majestic, and his aura was huge, as if this piece of heaven and earth was about to be exploded by him, a desolate and ancient aura, and the oppressed surrounding space was constantly collapsing and distorting.

The Old Gods are born!

Legend has it that in ancient times, the ancient gods did not practice the Yuan Shen Exercises, but only cultivated the physical body, and the countless races that were pressed could not raise their heads.

The ancient god’s domineering eyes swept the heavens and the earth, and then his gaze stayed on Situ Feng’s body.


At the same time as Wang Hao threw a punch, Gu Shen seemed to feel something, and he also picked up his fist and smashed it towards Situ Feng.

It was as if the whole world was going to be smashed open.


“This is the breath of the old gods?”

Situ Feng’s eyes widened, revealing an expression of disbelief, he never thought that this seemingly ordinary mortal actually mastered the ancient god fist technique!

He felt a hint of threat in the body of the ancient god.

Fortunately, this Xuantian Sect disciple did not cultivate the Ancient God Fist Method to a high and profound realm, otherwise, as soon as the Ancient God came out, the coercion on his body alone would be enough to crush him into nothingness.

After the surprise, Situ Feng’s eyes showed hot greed.

“It seems that the Xuantian Sect is not as dilapidated as rumored by the outside world, it hides a big secret!”

“Today, I should suppress the Xuantian Sect and plunder its opportunities.”

Situ Feng muttered.

Huangfu Yan and the other elders and powerhouses of the Ethereal Palace, after seeing the ancient god fist method appear, their mouths opened wide enough to stuff an egg.

Even his eyes were about to pop out.

This is an ancient god! A forbidden power!!


“Senior brother’s boxing technique is really terrifying!”

“It must be this set of ancient god fist techniques given to senior brother by the master, as well as the mysterious breathing method.”

“If you practice the Ancient God Fist method to the fullest, one punch will be enough to suppress the universe.”

Shangguan Qing glanced at Wang Hao in surprise.

She had long discovered that her senior brother’s fist technique had earth-shattering power, but she didn’t expect it to be the ancient god fist technique.

Senior brother has already made a move, how can she fall behind?

Her beautiful eyes glanced at Situ Feng faintly, and the momentum on her whole body exploded.

An unmatched, scorching and terrifying power, as if it was about to destroy the world, permeated her body.

Behind her, a divine beast bathed in flames and with a huge aura appeared.

This is an ancient phoenix!

Gu Huang hissed, spewed out a hot and terrifying flame, and swept towards Situ Feng and the others.

The power of the flame is actually stronger than Gu Huangyan.

Everywhere he passed, everything burned, and space was scorched into black holes.

Even, there was a faint coercion of the Great Sage powerhouse that began to be revealed.

Heaven and earth are discolored!!

“Humph!” Liu Ruoxian on the side snorted coldly, her eyes with cold killing intent.

With a wave of her jade hand, she directly used her aura to condense a Dan furnace.

The Dan furnace floated in mid-air, its size was huge, and it directly enveloped Situ Feng and the others.

“With the power of aura, condense the Dan furnace!”

“With the blood of a warrior, refine the treasure pill!”

Liu Ruoxian shouted lightly.

She really wanted to turn Situ Feng and the others directly into blood and water and refine a treasure pill!

After Xiao Feng saw everyone make a move, he only felt a lot of blood, and his blood was boiling and burning.

This feeling of guarding the sect together is really amazing!!

“Destroy the Fire Lotus!”

He summoned Gu Huang Yan again and sacrificed the terrifying divine power of [Devouring Technique] to destroy the fire lotus.

A fire lotus suddenly condensed in the sky, full of destructive aura and extremely hot.

It’s as if the sky is going to burn out a big hole!

After Situ Feng saw the scene in front of him, he was completely shocked, and the whole person fell into a state of confusion, and he was directly stunned in place.

After three breaths, he came to his senses.

I’m Cao!

What the are these demons?!

A mortal body, casting an invincible ancient god fist technique.

A strong man with an immortal phoenix body and suspected of being the reincarnation of the Great Sage.

A proficient in alchemy, condensing the Dan furnace with spiritual power, wants to turn us into blood and water, and refine a treasure pill.

A body carrying a Divine Fire Holy Body, fused with Heavenly Fire Gu Huang Yan….

Who the hell said that Xuantian Sect is a dilapidated and declining small sect?

This is clearly a great sect with profound and terrifying heritage!

The disciples are all sons of luck at the demon level.

Terrifying and mysterious, terrifying and undetectable.


New books are uploaded, flowers are collected, rewards are evaluated, and all support is requested!

The data is so bad, does anyone read it? The author is running out of confidence…..


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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