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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 31

Cloud Dragon Ladder.

Hundreds of miscellaneous disciples were trying to climb.

They found that the higher they went, the more powerful the Cloud Dragon Ladder became.

Walking in the forefront is Shangguan Qing.

At this moment, Shangguan Qing is step by step, and his steps are firm.

Rao is cloud dragon ladder erupted with strong coercion, and he couldn’t help her.

Behind her, followed by Wang Hao and Xiao Feng.

Among the remaining miscellaneous disciples, there are two men and one woman who are more prominent.

About an hour later.

The assessment is complete.

There are a total of 10,000 steps in the Cloud Dragon Ladder.

Shangguan Qing climbed to the nineteenth thousandth step.

Xiao Feng and Wang Hao climbed the 8,000th step together.

On the top of the main peak, Xu Mo looked at everyone’s performance with a satisfied expression on his face.

“I didn’t expect that Shangguan Qing actually stepped on nine thousand steps, worthy of being the son of luck of the reincarnation of the Great Sage, this may become a record, and no disciple will break it for a long time in the future.”

“Xiao Feng and Wang Hao are also doing well, but it is reasonable.”

Xu Mo muttered in a low voice.

“Shangguan Qing, Xiao Feng, Wang Hao, the three of them have excellent assessments, and they can become inner disciples of Xuantian Sect.”

“From now on, the three of you will move into the mountain where the inner disciple is located and enjoy the treatment of the inner disciple.”

Xu Mo’s majestic voice spread throughout the entire Xuantian Sect.

At the same time, in the sky above Xuantian Sect, a golden list appeared.

[Tianjiao List:

First place: Shangguan Qing.

Second place: Xiao Feng.

Third place: Wang Hao. 】

In the future, the number of inner disciples will increase, and the ranking of the Tianjiao List will also increase.

Although Wang Hao is ranked third, he is the son of the luck of mortal immortal cultivators, and he is determined, if he fights to the death, he may not lose to Xiao Feng.

After Shangguan Qing, Xiao Feng, and Wang Hao saw the Tianjiao list in mid-air, their expressions were filled with a touch of joy.

In the Xuantian Sect, the treatment of miscellaneous disciples alone is already very generous.

The treatment of the inner disciples is only afraid that it will be beyond their imagination.

They couldn’t wait to move into the Inner Disciple Mountain.

At this moment, in the sky above Xuantian Sect, the map of mountains and rivers appeared.

The glow is brilliant, the luck is entangled, there are all kinds of rare and exotic beasts painted and painted in it, mountains and rivers, like a world of its own.

A golden dragon hundreds of thousands of zhang long flew out of the map of mountains and rivers.

The golden dragon’s eyes were majestic, and he swept over the three Shangguan Qing below.

After a moment, it directly exhaled three extremely rich purple gases.

The purple qi is indescribably expensive, and it is integrated into the bodies of Shangguan Qing and the three of them.

“It’s… Is this luck? “

“My luck has increased?”

Shangguan Qing was surprised, she could clearly sense that her luck was skyrocketing.

Even her cultivation realm has improved a lot.

Wang Hao and Xiao Feng’s faces were shocked, and their hearts were extremely uncalm.

Then, the three of them walked in unison in the direction of the main peak and bowed respectfully:

“Thank you for your kindness!”

“In the future, you must cultivate hard, since you have become an inner disciple of my Xuantian Sect, you must not be less.”

On the main peak, Xu Mo waved his hand, and the light in the sect inheritance tower soared, and a strong aura erupted.

I saw three inferior immortal-level magic weapons flying out of the inheritance tower and landing in front of Shangguan Qing and the others.

The three of them once again showed great gratitude, and hurriedly thanked them.

Immediately, they left the Cloud Dragon Ladder and headed to the mountain where the inner disciple was.


Xu Mo moved his gaze to the remaining miscellaneous disciples, and finally stopped on the bodies of the two men and one woman.

“Li Ruolan, Tuoba Wu, and Meng Chen, the three of them have performed well and can become my outer disciples of Xuantian Sect.”

“Don’t be discouraged by the rest of the miscellaneous disciples, the Cloud Dragon Ladder will always exist in the future, and you can be tested at any time.”

After hearing the words of the master, Li Ruolan, Tuoba Wu, and Meng Chen all had excited and excited expressions on their faces.

At the same time, the other miscellaneous disciples showed frustration and disappointment, and their eyes were full of envy when they looked at Li Ruolan and the others.

However, when they thought that they could climb the Cloud Dragon Ladder at any time in the future, their hearts felt better.

At this time, a gentle force directly brought Li Ruolan, Tuoba Wu, and Meng Chen to the main peak.

Li Ruolan, Tuoba Wu, and Meng Chen only felt a change in the scenery in front of them, and they appeared in a majestic palace.

Directly above the palace, a man with a majestic face and an aura that made their hearts tremble was sitting, looking at them.

“Meet the Teacher!”

Li Ruolan and the three of them hurriedly knelt on the ground, their expressions full of incomparable awe.

During this time in the mountain gate, they learned more and more about the horror of the teaching.

In their hearts, the status of the head of the sect is comparable to that of a god!

Xu Mo looked at the performance of the three of them with a satisfied expression on his face.

He wasn’t worried that among these three or hundreds of miscellaneous disciples, there were disciples with bad intentions.

On the one hand, the black tablet at the mountain gate can actively identify the disciples who are loyal and traitorous, and eliminate the disciples who are treacherous and evil-minded.

On the other hand, he possesses the art of dragon watching, which allows him to check the loyalty of his disciples at any time.

“Dragon Watching Technique On!”

“Name: Li Ruolan (female).

Bone age: 15

Cultivation: The early stage of the quenching realm

Physique Talent: The body of the stars, with a keen sense of the power of the stars

Luck: 20,000

Loyalty: 90″.


“Name: Tuoba Wu

Bone age: 15

Cultivation: The early stage of the quenching realm

Physical talent: The body of ten thousand beasts, which can fuse the souls of ten thousand beasts for its own use

Luck: 15,000

Loyalty: 90″.


“Name: Meng Chen

Bone age: 15

Cultivation: The early stage of the quenching realm

Physical talent: Practicing the body of the sword, you can cultivate the supreme sword intent

Luck: 15,000

Loyalty: 90″.

After seeing the extremely rich purple qi above the heads of the three of them, Xu Mo was slightly surprised.

Yes, three sons of luck.


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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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