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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 47

“Old man Kurong, this seat gives you a chance.”

“As long as you are willing to worship the Xuantian Sect as an elder, this seat can save your life and save you from death.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

After hearing this, the old man Kurong’s body shook suddenly, and his face showed ecstasy.


“You can restore my vitality and blood?”

“Is this true?”

The old man Kurong subconsciously exclaimed, his whole breathing became rapid, his expression was excited, and even his body was trembling violently.

He never thought that the Xuantian Sect would allow him to regain his vitality and avoid death.

It was not easy for him to step into the realm of the grandmaster, and he was naturally unwilling to fall like this.

In his heart, a strong desire to survive burned.

Neither mortals nor warriors want to face death.

Who doesn’t want to enjoy the world of flowers? Who wouldn’t want to live a few more years?

After Qin Luoshen on the side heard Xu Mo’s words, he was stunned, and his heart was extremely shocked.

She could clearly perceive that there was already a trace of death on the body of the old man, and it was obvious that he had run out of oil and was about to fall.

As a result, the Xuantian Sect actually had a way to make the old man Kurong reverse his vitality and regain his life?

Oh my God, what kind of supernatural means is this?

Even if it’s an immortal, I’m afraid it’s just that, right?

She looked at Xu Mo’s figure blankly, with a pair of beautiful eyes with disbelief.

“Nature is true.”

“This seat never lies.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

The Xuantian Sect was constantly developing and growing, and it just needed to absorb disciples and elders.

Although the strength of the old man Kurong is only in the early stage of the Grandmaster Realm, it is okay.

If the old man Kurong knew that Xu Mo was a little disgusted with his lowly cultivation in his heart, maybe he would vomit blood and die directly.

I’m a powerhouse in the early stage of the Grandmaster Realm.

Is it so worthless in your eyes?

Isn’t it a bit too much of a bully?

After the old man Kurong received Xu Mo’s affirmative reply, he hardly hesitated.

He used his last strength to kneel on the ground, and said with a reverent and respectful expression

“Ku Rong, meet the master!”

“From today on, I am the elder of Xuantian Sect, and I swear to serve Xuantian Sect to the death.”

“I’m good at refining weapons, and I have a very high attainment in refining weapons.”

“In the Xuantian Sect, I can help the master refining weapon!”

A touch of pride appeared on the old man’s pale face.


“Do you know how to refine weapons?”

Xu Mo was slightly surprised.

Originally, he thought that he had picked up an ordinary elder, but he didn’t expect that the other party would be proficient in refining weapons.

This was a big surprise to him.

“Returning to the master, I am very talented in refining weapons.”

“Many martial artists fought for their heads in order to get the magic weapon I refined with my own hands.”

The old man Kurong said truthfully.

Compared to his martial arts achievements, his talent for refining weapons is peerless.

“Okay, from now on, you will be the refining elder of my Xuantian Sect.”

“There is a Divine Soldier Peak in the Xuantian Sect, you will be in charge of this peak and inherit the refining weapon of my Xuantian Sect.”

“There are many miscellaneous disciples in the sect, you can choose your own refining disciples, and this seat will not intervene to stop it.”

Xu Mo said in a majestic voice.

At this moment, he noticed that there was more name on the column of the system elders, and the name of the old man Kurong was added.

“Obey the orders of the Sect.” The old man Kurong hurriedly thanked him.

If you feel it carefully, the dead air on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

“Ding, the sect sensed that the host had subdued a refining elder, and they were very excited and excited, and took the initiative to offer you a six-grade pill [Vitality Qi and Blood Pill].”

After hearing the sound of the system, Xu Mo showed a satisfied expression.

Originally, he was going to return to the sect with the old man Kurong and let Liu Ruoxian refine the elixir such as qi and blood to treat the old man Kurong.

Who knows, the sect is very sensible and offers a six-grade [Vitality Qi and Blood Pill].

“This is the [Vitality Qi and Blood Pill], if you take it, you can restore your qi and blood, be full of vitality, and your strength will return to the peak.”

Xu Mo waved his hand.

Accompanied by the glow of the sun, a pill that exuded a rich medicinal fragrance floated impressively in front of the old man Kurong.

After the old man Kurong saw this pill.

He was utterly agitated, with heat in his eyes, shortness of breath, and trembling body.

“It’s… This is the Six-Pin Pill?! “

He couldn’t help but exclaim, he could naturally see the six golden Dan patterns wrapped around the pill.

He didn’t expect that in the hands of the master of the sect, he actually held the six-grade [Vitality Qi and Blood Pill].

The teaching background is really profound.

In today’s world, there are only a handful of six-rank alchemists, so six-rank pills are also extremely rare.

If this pill is released to the outside world, it will definitely cause a sensation and set off a bloody storm.

“With this elixir, I can reverse life and death.”

“Thank you for your kindness!”

“In the future, I will swear allegiance to Xuantian Sect to the death, and I will swear my liver and brain for the master!”

The old man Kurong said excitedly.

After feeling the little vitality left in his body, he didn’t dare to be careless.

Grab the pill directly and swallow it into your stomach.

Suddenly, a majestic and incomparably powerful force was vented in his body, replenishing his qi and blood vitality, and even the broken meridians and Dao bases, etc., were being repaired one by one.

His face gradually returned to ruddy, and the aura around him was constantly returning to its peak.

After a long time.


He exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and the whole person was refreshed, full of qi and blood, and the momentum was incomparably magnificent.

Not only has his injuries healed, but even the realm has broken through to the late stage of the Grandmaster Realm, and he is only a trace away from the peak!

There was ecstasy and excitement on his face.


The old man Kurong knelt directly on the ground, and said excitedly: “I can’t repay the kindness of the master of the sect, I will definitely inherit the Xuantian Sect refining weapon in the future!”


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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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