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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 6

“Let me see how Wang Hao has changed in the past three days.” Xu Mo muttered.

He opened the map of the system sect.

I saw Wang Hao on a flat ground, practicing the [Ancient God Fist Method] over and over again.

The punch is extremely ordinary, without the slightest power.


Wang Hao did not have the slightest discouragement and frustration, his eyes were firm, and he was tirelessly practicing.

It’s as if he has taken his fist as his all!

At the same time, his breathing was rhythmic, making a low, dull sound.

In the past three days, in addition to eating and sleeping, Wang Hao has been practicing boxing.

He could not live up to the high expectations and cultivation of the head of the teaching.

“Cultivating the [Ancient God Fist Method] requires great perseverance.”

“Wang Hao, as the son of the luck of mortal immortal cultivators, the [Ancient God Fist Method] is simply tailor-made for him.”

Xu Mo said with satisfaction.

After seeing that Wang Hao did not slack off in the slightest, he was more relieved.

“Ding, after the sect sensed that there was only one disciple under the sect, it was a little anxious, and took the initiative to send you a Tianjiao disciple with great luck.”

“Click on the [Lucky Disciple] template, and there will be a son of luck who will come to worship the mountain gate.”

The cold voice of the system remembered in Xu Mo’s mind.

“I rub?”

“Another Tianjiao disciple with great luck?”

“The sect is too competitive and sensible, which makes me embarrassed.”

Xu Mo muttered.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and clicked on the [Lucky Disciple] template.


At the same time, Xuantian Sect was tens of thousands of miles away.

100,000 deep in the mountains.

A young man with a delicate face and an extraordinary temperament is hiding in a corner.

His brow furrowed together, his expression wary and guarded, his eyes showing a hint of exhaustion and anger.

On his finger, there is a ring with a simple shape and a faint luster.

The young man’s name is Xiao Feng, and he is hiding from the enemy.

“Senior, how many enemies are left?” Xiao Feng said in a low voice.

“And one more, be careful, he’s coming.” There was a slight fluctuation in the ring, and the voice was cold.

“Okay.” Xiao Feng’s expression became cold.

It didn’t take long.

A man in a black cloak suddenly appeared in Xiao Feng’s line of sight.


Xiao Feng stretched out his hands and slammed forward.

A scorching flame, as if it could incinerate everything, swept out directly!

Wherever the heavenly fire passed, even the space became crumbling and distorted.


“Damn it!”

“Xiao Feng, Senluo Hall will not let you go.”

The man in the black cloak roared, his tone tinged with reluctance and grievance.

If he is tough on the front, he can definitely defeat Xiao Feng.

But who would have thought that Xiao Feng would actually hide in the dark and sneak attack.

His whole body was already enveloped in heavenly fire.

A moment later, under the terrifying power of the heavenly fire, the man in the black cloak was directly burned into nothingness.


Xiao Feng exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, his tense nerves finally relaxed, and he sat directly on the ground.

“Senior, what should I do next?”

“I offended the Senluo Palace, and the Senluo Palace will definitely send a strong man to hunt me down again.”

Xiao Fengdao was on the road, with worry in his tone.

Senluo Hall is an extremely mysterious and powerful sect, and the strong people in the sect are like clouds.

With his current strength, he is not at all the opponent of the behemoth of Sen Luo Dian.

“Xiao Feng, go all the way east.”

“In the memory of this king, to the east, tens of thousands of miles away from here, there was a small sect thousands of years ago.”

“You can hide your identity and worship in this sect, or you may escape the pursuit of the Senluo Palace.”

There was a cold voice from inside the ring.

“Hide your identity and worship a sect?”

Xiao Feng’s eyes lit up, and he looked a little happy.

Good way!

Without delay, he began to make a rapid move towards the east.

“Hehe, if this king is at the peak of his strength, why be afraid of the little Senluo Palace?”

“One slap can wipe it out.”

The cold voice in the ring seemed to be both domineering and lonely…


A few days later.

Xiao Feng arrived at the foot of Xuantian Sect Mountain.

“Senior, are you talking about the small sect thousands of years ago being the Xuantian Sect?” Xiao Feng asked with a somewhat ugly face.

“Yes, it’s Xuantian Sect.” A voice came from inside the ring.

After hearing the affirmative reply from his senior, Xiao Feng was a little embarrassed.

If he had known before that the small sect mentioned by his predecessors was the Xuantian Sect, he would definitely refuse to come.

It is rumored that the Xuantian Sect inheritance has been severed, dilapidated, and has declined.

There were even rumors among martial artists some time ago that the current head of Xuantian Sect offended the Ethereal Palace and was killed by the strong men of the Ethereal Palace.

Such a sect that is about to become extinct, even if it is worshiped in it, what future does it have?

“Senior, you don’t know.”

“The Xuantian Sect inheritance has been severed and has declined.”

Xiao Feng said.


“Xuantian Sect has declined?”

There was a sound of surprise from inside the ring.

“Senior, I think this Xuantian Sect is better to forget.”

“Even if you worship it, you won’t be able to learn any useful exercises at all.”

Xiao Feng said bluntly.

“Confused!” There was a scolding from inside the ring.

“The decline of the Xuantian Sect is just conducive to your hiding.”

“First, there is no strong person in the sect, and the secret on your body will not be discovered.”

“Second, a small sect like the Xuantian Sect in decline can’t attract the attention of a big sect like Senluo Hall at all.”

“As long as you develop within the Xuantian Sect, with your talent and martial arts, you will grow into a giant sooner or later.”

The seniors in the ring said earnestly and earnestly.

“It’s still thoughtful from the seniors.”

“I’m going to worship the Xuantian Sect.”

Xiao Feng said.


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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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