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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 67

Xuantian Sect, the main peak.

In the map of the Jiangshan Society, the golden dragon of luck with his eyes slightly closed and taking a lazy nap suddenly seemed to have a sense.

It opened its eyes suddenly, its eyes exuding majesty and domineering, and it looked far away in the direction of the old village.

The huge dragon body hundreds of thousands of feet long appeared in mid-air, revealing a panicked dragon power on its body.


The Luck Golden Dragon snorted coldly, and the dragon power on his body was even worse, and a stream of dragon qi erupted from his mouth and nose.


Remnant Village.

The divine operator is deducing the essence and luck of the Xuantian Sect.

When he first started calculating, his expression was relaxed and he didn’t care.

Without him, just because he has reached the point of seeking defeat in Dugu in terms of deduction, no one can compete with him.

If he was in the outside world, there would be a large number of martial artists lining up every day, begging him to deduce the heavenly machine.

But as the deduction progressed, the face of the god operator became a little ugly.

“I rub?”

“What’s going on?”

“The heavens are chaotic and hazy, and no useful information can be deduced at all.”

“I can’t even calculate a hair!”

The god operator wondered inwardly.

It was the first time he had encountered such a strange situation.

Gradually, he began Alexander, frowning.

The hands were even more frantically deducing, leaving only the remnants of the Dao.

The compass in mid-air also bloomed with an incomparably dazzling golden light.

The village chief and other villagers looked shocked when they saw the appearance of the god operator.

In their impression, if the divine operator wants to calculate some kind of heavenly opportunity, he can do it in minutes.

But now, it is very difficult.

“Could it be….. Is Xuantian Sect really lucky? They wondered inwardly.

That’s when it happened.

The god operator in the crazy deduction, as if he saw some great horror in the process of deduction, his face was frightened, and his body was trembling violently.


He directly spurted out a large mouthful of blood and completely fainted.


The compass in mid-air sounded with a crisp sound, and a clearly visible crack appeared.

Pengdi fell to the ground.

The compass, which was originally golden and full of mysterious aura, was extremely dull and lost its luster.

“This….. What’s going on? “

“The god operator passed out?”

The village chief and the other villagers had shocked and disbelief on their faces at the moment, their mouths wide open enough to fit an egg, and even their eyes were about to pop out.

Oh, my God?

What did they just see?

The god operator passed out directly?? Even the compass, which was infinitely close to a saint-level magic weapon, had a crack and became dull.

For a while, in everyone’s minds, a terrible possibility was born:

“Kurong, this guy, the things he bragged about these days are all true!”

Everyone gasped and moved their eyes to the old man Kurong, slightly confused.

The old man Kurong was also stunned at the moment.

Rao had already imagined the essence of Xuantian Sect very well in his heart, but after seeing the divine operator pass out directly, he realized that he was very wrong.

The background of Xuantian Sect far exceeded his imagination!

But he knew how powerful the deduction technique of the divine operator was.

What is the Xuanji Tower of the Great Xia Dynasty and the imperial level map of the Wanchu Dynasty, they are all younger brothers in front of the god operator.

However, just now, in the process of deduction, the divine operator was counterattacked by luck, and directly spurted blood and fainted.

The village chief sat in a wheelchair, his face solemn, and there was a hint of thought between his eyebrows.

After that, he moved his gaze to the unconscious god operator, and a golden light burst out from his eyes.

The golden light shrouded the divine operator.

After a while, the god operator came to his senses.

“What did you see during the deduction?” The village chief asked.

“Golden Dragon…. The Golden Dragon of Great Terror! “

“The background of the Xuantian Sect is definitely not something we can imagine.”

The god operator looked frightened, and said in a trembling voice, covered in cold sweat.

He glanced at the dim compass that had fallen to the ground, and his whole body was dripping blood in distress.

He used his essence blood to refine day and night, and finally refined this magic weapon to an infinitely close to the holy level.

As a result, a crack appeared today.

“You deserve it….”

“I dared to deduce such a terrifying sect, and I was not killed by luck on the spot, which is already the greatest luck.”

The god operator said with palpitations.

“Luck Golden Dragon?!”

After hearing the words of the god operator, everyone’s hearts were shocked.

“Ku Rong, what you said these days is true?”

“There are super spiritual veins in the Xuantian Sect, there are golden dragons of luck, there are profound and mysterious formations, there are ancient ruins battlefields, there are mysterious and unknown great horrors, and there are forbidden places that cannot be snooped on…”

“Even the disciples are all arrogant demons?”

The butcher put down the knife in his hand and was shocked.

“Of course, how could I lie to you?”

Ku Rong put his hands behind his back, his chin raised slightly, and said proudly.


Didn’t you just believe me? Aren’t you going to beat me up?

Now your jaw is on the ground, right? Slap in the face, right?

On this day, in the old village, the old monsters who had cultivated to be strong made a decision together: to go to the mysterious and powerful Xuantian Sect!!

This is their chance!

If you catch it, even if you break through the current bottleneck, it is not impossible!

Even if he is cheeky, he asks Xuantian Sect to take charge of the sect and worship Xuantian Sect.


Xuantian Sect, the main peak of the sect.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, exuding a mysterious and terrifying aura on his body, and the space around him was constantly collapsing and twisting, as if he couldn’t withstand the pressure on his body.

A dragon-like white breath was spewed from his mouth and nose.

Around him, there are faint shadows of various divine beasts, which are constantly condensing.

If there is an ordinary martial artist here, after feeling this momentum, he will inevitably involuntarily give birth to the heart of kneeling and surrendering.


Xu Mo slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a galaxy flowing in his eyes.

“Whew~~” he gently exhaled a breath of turbidity.

“Finally…. From the peak realm of the grandmaster, he stepped into the early stage of the King Kong realm. “

He had a satisfied look on his face.

As soon as you enter the realm of King Kong, you are fierce and invincible, and all laws are inviolable.

At this moment, Xu Mo was full of qi and blood, like a round of flood and famine, and like a holy dragon entrenched, extremely terrifying.

“Ding, the sect sensed that the host had successfully broken through, and was very excited and excited, and took the initiative to offer you a son of luck.”

The cold voice of the system sounded in Xu Mo’s mind.

“Another son of luck??”

Xu Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, “I don’t know what type of son of luck this time is?” “

He was in the system and found a map.

It shows the exact location of the Child of Luck.


A few days later.

In the middle of a dense forest.

“The sword and the red dust are already crazy, and there is wine to step into the sky.”

“The stars tease the sun and the moon, drunk and lie in the clouds and laugh in the world.”

An ancient poem with quite artistic conception resounded in the mountains and forests.

With the appearance of the poem, a man with a long sword on his back, a slightly sloppy appearance, but a handsome and elegant appearance, appeared.

At the man’s waist, a large flask hangs.

He ripped off the flask and poured it into his mouth.


After taking a sip of wine, he was not the slightest drunk, but more energetic.

The man’s name was Xu Yixi.


“There’s a demonic aura here?”

Xu Yixi’s eyes suddenly burst out with sharp light, and there was a faint sword qi gushing out of his body.

The long sword on his back was also buzzing and trembling, as if he also felt the breath of the demon, beating with joy.

Xu Yixi followed the demonic aura and came to a cave.

Inside the cave, the wind gusts, giving people a feeling of trembling.

“Who’s the demon?!”

“Don’t come out to die yet!”

Xu Yixi snorted coldly, his face grim.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an astonishing demonic aura suddenly erupt from the cave.

The demonic spirit rose to the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds in the entire sky were reversed, roaring in all directions, black clouds were overwhelming, and even the sun and moon were a little dimmed.

After Xu Yixi sensed this breath, his face became a little solemn.

The demonic aura in this cave was beyond his imagination.

Amazingly, we have reached the transcendent realm!

And his cultivation was only at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm, and he had not yet broken through to the transcendent realm.

“I was careless this time.”

Xu Yixi took another sip of wine, feeling warm all over his body, making his whole person’s breath a little stronger.

“Even if it’s a demon of the Transcendent Realm, so what?”

“My generation of martial artists should eliminate the demons and defend the Dao and kill the demons in the world!”

A gleam flashed in his eyes, and he adjusted his aura to the peak, ready to go to war at any time.

“Jiji, a mere Qi Sea Realm martial artist, also wants to kill me?”

“If I can devour your qi and blood, my strength should be one step closer, even if I step into the innate realm, it is not impossible.”

With an eerie and terrifying voice, a woman with a billowing black aura suddenly flew out of the cave.

This woman is beautiful and fair-skinned, if she didn’t have a demonic aura, she would have thought she was an ordinary woman.

She looked at Xu Yixi’s gaze with heat and greed.

If she can devour Xu Yixi’s breath, her cultivation will definitely break through!

“Demons! Death! “

Xu Yixi snorted softly.

An extremely cold sword aura erupted from his body.

The sword aura soared into the sky, and a terrifying hurricane of sword qi was directly invisible around it.

The surrounding trees were all flattened by this sword aura.


The long sword behind his back hummed, and then instantly unsheathed, carrying boundless power, stabbing towards the woman.

Wherever the flying sword passed, even the space was buzzing and trembling, as if it couldn’t withstand the sword qi.

On the long sword, countless mighty and invincible golden lights were emitted.

In the blink of an eye, the flying sword had already arrived at the woman’s side, as if the next moment, it was going to blast the woman directly into a blood mist.

However, at this moment, the woman had a sneer on her face.

The sneer was mixed with disdain and contempt.

Her legs instantly turned into eight fluffy legs in an instant!

It’s a spider spirit!

The spider spirit waved his big hand, and his body exuded billowing black gas.

The black demonic energy swept out towards the flying sword, and it was terrifying, as if it was about to engulf everything!

The flying sword bloomed with brilliant light, trying to break free from the shackles of the demonic energy, but was finally engulfed by the demonic energy.

“This spider spirit is so powerful in cultivation, even my flying sword has been swallowed!”

Xu Yixi’s face changed suddenly.

He felt a cold crisis.

“Next, let me taste your qi and blood, it must be delicious, right?”

The spider spirit stared at Xu Yixi with burning eyes.

She waved her hand again, and a terrifying demonic aura swept towards Xu Yixi, wanting to sweep him away.

Xu Yixi didn’t dare to be careless, and hurriedly used his great magic power defense means, and the golden light protected his body.


After all, there is a big difference in the cultivation of the two.

The demonic energy quickly broke through the golden light.

“My life is at stake.”

“Qing’er….. I’m sorry, in this life, I can’t save you from the Lock Demon Tower. “

Xu Yixi muttered, with great regret and guilt on his face.

He simply closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

The spider spirit showed a cruel sneer, she seemed to have imagined how delicious the martial artist’s qi and blood in front of her were.

That’s when it happened.

“Hmph, just a demon, dare to be presumptuous?!”

A domineering and majestic voice came from mid-air.

With the appearance of the voice, a majestic and terrifying momentum, like the might of heaven and earth, began to spread around.

“It’s… This is? “

“This is the breath of the strongest!!”

The spider spirit suddenly turned pale with fright, trembling all over, and the rolling demonic qi was directly oppressed and dispersed.

A strong life-and-death crisis emerged in her heart.

Under this domineering momentum, she felt very small, as if the other party could wipe it out with a thought!

Domineering and invincible!

She looked up and saw a majestic and terrifying being appear in mid-air, like a supreme being like a great sun.

“Senior…. Senior, please spare my life. “

“In the future, I can be by my seniors’ side and be willing to do anything.”

The spider spirit hurriedly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.


“Would you like to do anything?”

Xu Mo in mid-air smiled slightly.

In the sect, there are a thousand girls on the Shendan Peak, how can he go to play with a spider?

“Look at your demonic energy, you have devoured a lot of martial arts qi and blood before.”

“In that case, die!”

Xu Mo snorted softly.

As if he had said what he said, the spider spirit’s body suddenly exploded into a blood mist in midair.

Xu Yixi, who was on the side, was directly stunned at the moment.

Oh, my God?

What just happened?

The spider spirit of the transcendent realm was shocked into a blood mist by a word?!

Do you want to be so outrageous?

He looked at the invincible and domineering figure that appeared in mid-air, the whole person was short of breath, his expression was shocked, and his mouth was wide open, enough to stuff an egg.

Even his eyes were about to pop out.

“This is the coming of the strongest!!”

He exclaimed inwardly.

In mid-air, Xu Mo looked at Xu Yixi, who was already stunned below.

“This is the child of luck offered by the system?”

“Let me see, what kind of demonic talent you have, right?”

Dragon Watching is on.

A row of information appeared in front of him:

“Name: Xu Yixi

Bone age: 16

Cultivation: The pinnacle of the Qi Sea Realm

Physique: Wine Sword Immortal Body

Luck: 25,000

Loyalty: 0″


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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