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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 68

“Wine Sword Immortal? Luck is worth twenty-five thousand? “

Xu Mo raised his eyebrows, looked at Xu Yixi with interest, and then stopped his gaze on the big gourd on Xu Yixi’s waist.

“I didn’t expect that the son of luck this time was actually a wine sword immortal type.”

“It’s kind of interesting.” Xu Mo muttered in his heart.

“Thank you seniors for your help.”

Xu Yixi bowed respectfully to Xu Mo, and his tone was sincere.

If it weren’t for Xu Mo, it is estimated that he would have been devoured by the spider spirit and reduced to a dried corpse.

“It’s okay, it’s just a trivial matter, not enough to worry about.” Xu Mo waved his hand and said indifferently.

“This seat looks at your cultivation, it’s just the Qi Sea Realm, so you dare to kill demons everywhere?” Xu Mo asked.

In today’s world, there are warriors and demons.

Whether it is a martial artist or a demon, the cultivation of the Qi Sea Realm belongs to the bottom of the existence.

And Xu Yixi dared to rely on the Qi Sea Realm to go out and kill demons.

I have to say, very bold.

“Senior, I was a disciple of Shushan before.”

“By chance, I went down the mountain by chance, and I had a relationship with a simple-hearted banshee Qing’er.”

“Shushan has always taken it as its mission to subdue demons and eliminate demons, as long as it is a demon, regardless of whether it is good or bad, it will be strongly suppressed by the disciples of Shushan.”

“And I have a relationship with a female monster, which is a taboo in Shushan!”

“Shushan expelled me from the mountain gate and suppressed Qing’er into the Lock Demon Tower.”

“After leaving Shushan, I subdued demons everywhere to eliminate demons, on the one hand, to eliminate demons and defend the way, and on the other hand, through experience, I constantly improved my own cultivation.”

“Finally one day, I will descend on Shushan with an invincible posture and rescue Qing’er.”

A touch of sadness appeared in Xu Yixi’s eyes, and he spoke.

He poured a large sip of wine to dispel the gloom in his heart.

“Fall in love with a demon girl, Shushan outcast?” Xu Mo muttered.

Isn’t this the bloody fantasy outcast?

Add a little bit of the bad street plot of Zhengdao and youkai falling in love.

Presumably, if he hadn’t appeared here, Xu Yixi would have awakened the Wine Sword Immortal Body when he was facing the powerful coercion of the spider spirit just now.

At this point, drinking becomes stronger!

Pour a sip of wine and kill the spider spirit in seconds.

Then, by drinking, after upgrading his cultivation to the full level, he descended on Shushan with an invincible posture, slapped the old pedantic in Shushan, and rescued Qing’er.

Almost instantly, Xu Mo made up the follow-up plots one by one.

“The Wine Sword Immortal Body is different from other holy bodies.”

“If you drink alcohol, you will become stronger, and it belongs to an extremely rare immortal cultivation physique.”

Xu Mo muttered.

“Senior, do you think demons are good or bad?”

“Could it be that my generation of martial artists can only suppress all demons without mercy?”

Xu Yixi asked, with doubts on his face.

The canons of Shushan looked a little ruthless and pedantic to him.

“I would like to ask you, a man has committed many evils, committed heinous crimes, and committed a serious crime that is the common anger of man and God, do you say he is good or bad?”

“If a monster has practiced for thousands of years, and finally achieves positive results, and has supreme supernatural powers, but he has never harmed others in the process of cultivation, but is willing to give kindness and help the common people, do you say that this demon is good or bad?”

“In today’s world, all races are competing, vast as the sea, and in addition to the human race, there are many races with the strongest to defend them.”

“Martial artists should pursue great freedom and act recklessly, rather than being bound by canons like Shushan.”

“You, got it?”

Xu Mo said slowly

After hearing this paragraph, Xu Yixi’s expression was slightly stunned, and his whole body shook suddenly.

In an instant, he fell into a state of epiphany.

After a long time, he opened his eyes with a hint of realization.

He…. Enlightened!

With his thoughts in mind, his cultivation broke through from the peak of the Qi Sea Realm to the early stage of the Transcendent Realm.

“Thank you seniors.”

Xu Yixi bowed respectfully, with great gratitude in his expression.

The predecessor just said a word, which woke up the confusion and obsession in his heart.

In the future, his martial arts path will be wider and clearer.

At the same time, a strong curiosity rose in his heart, “What is the origin of the predecessors, not only is the cultivation strong and invincible, but also has such a profound insight into the Dao Law?” “


His eyes lit up.

“Why don’t I worship my predecessors as teachers?”

“The seniors casually pointed me out, and I stepped into the transcendent realm, if I became a disciple of the seniors, I am afraid that I will get a supreme opportunity!”

“I can also become a peerless powerhouse as soon as possible and rescue Qing’er from the Lock Demon Tower.”

After thinking of this, Xu Yixi knelt directly on the ground, his expression full of awe.

“Please accept me as a disciple!”

“In the future, the disciple will swear allegiance to the death.”

Xu Yixi’s tone was firm, and there was an expectant expression on his face.

Xu Mo was about to accept Xu Yixi as a disciple of Xuantian Sect, but the other party knelt down respectfully on the ground and asked to take him in.

The son of luck took the initiative to send it to the door, and Xu Mo naturally would not refuse.


“This seat is the head of the Xuantian Sect.”

“In the future, you will be a miscellaneous disciple of Xuantian Sect.”

Xu Mo said in a majestic voice.

“What, the predecessor is the head of the Xuantian Sect?”

Xu Yixi exclaimed in his heart.

He never expected that the peerless powerhouse in front of him was actually the head of the Xuantian Sect.

During this period of time, Xuantian Sect had a great reputation in the West City.

First, he sent four miscellaneous disciples to directly destroy the Ethereal Palace, and then the Wanchu Dynasty and the Great Xia Dynasty descended together, allowing their princes and princesses to worship in the Xuantian Sect.

It is rumored that the head of the Xuantian Sect is the reincarnation of a supreme being.

For a while, he was shocked by the identity of his senior.

“Ding, the sect sensed that the host had recruited a son of luck, and it was very excited, and took the initiative to send you a big gift package.”

“You have obtained a pot of [Immortal Spirit Wine], and after drinking it, you can awaken the Wine Sword Immortal Body.”

“You have obtained the high-grade immortal-level magic weapon [Evil Sword].”

“You have obtained the [Heavenly Sword Technique].”

“You’ve obtained the [Juggernaut Breathing Method].”

A series of sounds from the system came to mind in Xu Mo’s mind.

The corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfied arc.

Then he moved his gaze to Xu Yixi and said lightly:

“Since you have become a disciple of my Xuantian Sect, this seat should give you some opportunities.”

“You are carrying a wine sword immortal body, this is a pot of [fairy spirit wine], after you drink it, you can awaken the supreme battle body, the wine sword immortal body.”

“From now on, you can become stronger by drinking!”

Xu Mo said lightly.

Then he waved his hand.

With the glow of the sun, a rich aroma of wine began to spread around.

A pot of immortal wine suddenly appeared in front of Xu Yixi.

The aroma of wine overflowed, as if the elixir and jade liquid in the ancient heavenly court had been sprinkled on the earth.

After Xu Yixi smelled the aroma of wine, he took a deep breath, and an intoxicated expression appeared on his face.

Just smelling it makes him feel good.

This kind of immortal wine is simply unheard of and unseen.

Even though he tasted all the fine wines in the world, in front of such immortal wines, he realized that the previous wines were simply rubbish.

He could vaguely sense that if he drank this pot of wine, he would have a great chance.

He jerked the flask and poured it down into his stomach.


After drinking, he couldn’t help but admire.

At this moment, he sensed that there was an extremely terrifying aura in this wine, and it was rampaging through his body.

“This kind of immortal wine can help you awaken the wine sword immortal body, why don’t you hurry up and seize the opportunity?”

Xu Mo scolded.

“Wine Sword Immortal?” Xu Yixi was slightly stunned, and then his face was ecstatic.

He got rid of distracting thoughts, calmed down, and began to carefully perceive the power of alcohol in his body.


He spewed white gas like a dragon between his mouth and nose, and there was a buzzing and thunderous sound in his body, as if a holy dragon was about to be revived.

A sharp pain came from inside the body.

The pain was so painful that he bared his teeth and clenched his fists, even his nails dug into the flesh without even knowing it.

With the loss of time, he found that his bloodline, roots, talents, understanding, etc., were being transformed one by one.

Towards the top.

The aura around him became more and more terrifying.

Faintly, there are various divine beast phantoms condensing in the air, as if celebrating the peerless Tianjiao who is about to be born.


After a long time.

Xu Yixi slowly opened his eyes, and the essence in his eyes burst out.

A strong aura, centered on him, spread out in all directions.

“I have successfully awakened the Wine Sword Immortal Body!”

Xu Yixi muttered.

He can clearly perceive how perverted his current physique is.

After a little operation, the surrounding aura poured into the body frantically.

“Thank you for your kindness!”

Xu Yixi knelt on the ground, his expression full of piety and respect.

As soon as he entered the Xuantian Sect, the head of the sect gave him a great opportunity to awaken the wine sword immortal body.

He was immensely moved.

“This is an immortal-level magic weapon [Evil Sword], as well as two supernatural skills [Tongtian Sword Technique] and [Sword Saint Breathing Method], which can help you practice.”

Xu Mo waved his robe again, and two golden rays of light disappeared into Xu Yixi’s mind.

Xu Yixi suddenly felt that there were two more profound and powerful exercises in his mind.

A swordsmanship.

A breathing method.

They are all top-level cultivation methods, and they have invincible power.

After just a cursory repetition, he could perceive the power and horror of these two exercises.

At this moment, a terrifying and domineering sword aura erupted.

The sword qi was raging, stirring up the storm.

Accompanied by the brilliant glow, a flying sword with a simple shape and exuding panic and coercion appeared in mid-air.

The flying sword made a sword roar, as if it was cheering, happy for its birth.

The terrifying sword qi directly set off one after another super-large hurricanes, flattening the surrounding peaks!

This is the immortal-level magic weapon [Evil Sword]!!

After Xu Yixi saw the birth of the flying sword, he seemed to have sensed it and established some kind of connection with this powerful flying sword.

With a thought in his mind, the [Evil Sword] flew into his eyebrows and disappeared.

Just now, when he was facing the enemy spider spirit, the saber was swallowed by the spider spirit.

Now you have a new fairy sword!

It made his mouth close with joy.

“In charge of the great grace of the teaching, the disciple has nothing to repay, and he will definitely go to the soup for the Xuantian Sect in the future, and he will not give up.”

Xu Yixi hurriedly knelt on the ground, his tone full of respect.

At this moment, his loyalty to Xuantian Sect reached 100, which was directly full.

After Xu Mo saw the change in loyalty, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfied arc.

He waved his robe slightly.

A soft force swept out and lifted Xu Yixi up.

“Edgeworth rides the wind and destroys the demons between heaven and earth.”

“I have fun with wine, but I am crazy without wine.”

“Drink all the rivers, and then drink the sun and the moon.”

“A thousand cups can’t get drunk, only I am a wine and sword fairy.”

Xu Mo accepted a son of luck with a wine sword immortal body, and couldn’t help but be poetic, and opened his mouth to read.

After hearing this poem, Xu Yixi was slightly stunned and fell into thought.

“Only I Wine Sword Fairy…. Only I am a wine and sword fairy….”

“Good name.”

“Zhangjiao, I will be called the Wine Sword Immortal in the future!”

Xu Yixi’s face was overjoyed and he said.

Wine Sword Fairy, listen, how chic and elegant.

It is very much in line with his uninhibited character.

“You return to Xuantian Sect with me first, and when your strength is strong, then go to Shushan to rescue Qing’er.” Xu Mo said lightly.

“The disciple obeys the orders of the master.” Xu Yixi hurriedly said respectfully.

Xu Mo rolled up his robe, used his great magical powers, crossed the endless void, and directly took Xu Yixi to the mountain gate.

After Xu Yixi saw such a miraculous method of the master, he was stunned again.

Oh my God, you’re so powerful, aren’t you?

In the blink of an eye, he crossed the void with him and returned to the sect?

“Teach awe!”

It took a long time for him to hold back this sentence.

“Your current identity is a miscellaneous disciple of the Xuantian Sect, and after you pass the test of the Cloud Dragon Ladder, you can be promoted to an outer disciple or an inner disciple.”

After Xu Mo finished speaking, his figure flashed and returned to the main peak.

“Cloud Dragon Ladder?”

Xu Yixi’s eyes were filled with a gleam.

He poured a large sip of wine, “I have a wine sword immortal body, how can I live up to the high expectations of the sect leader and only be a mere miscellaneous disciple?” “

Just as he entered the sect and was about to go to the sect and climb the Cloud Dragon Ladder.

Suddenly, he saw three big characters at the mountain gate: Xuantian Sect!

His body shook suddenly, and his whole person showed a shocked expression.

“It’s… In these three big characters, there is infinite sword intent! “

Xu Yixi seemed to have grasped something in the dark, and he hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground, feeling it seriously.

He entered an epiphany.

At this moment, his state was the same as Qin Luoshen’s original, and he was attracted by the sword intent at the mountain gate.

On Xu Yixi’s body, a sharp sword aura was revealed.

The terrifying sword aura directly blew small hurricanes, which were extremely terrifying.

The [Evil Sword] also flew out from Xu Yixi’s eyebrows, and a sword roar sounded, hovering around him.

It seems to be guarding the master’s cultivation.

With the passage of time, the aura on Xu Yixi’s body became more and more powerful.

The sword qi around his body was about to condense into substance.


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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