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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 70

After Qin Luoshen and Meng Chen appeared, they first moved their gaze to Ku Rong and the village chief and the others.

Ku Rong is the refining elder of the Xuantian Sect’s Divine Weapon Peak, and they naturally know each other.

“I’ve seen the Elders!”

The two bowed slightly to Ku Rong.

Ku Rong carried his hands behind his back, his chin raised slightly, and he glanced at the village chief and the others next to him intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was showing off his identity as an elder to the village chief and others.

“Well, okay, are you two going out to go down the mountain?” Ku Rong said to Qin Luoshen and Meng Chen.

“No, I sensed a sword qi erupting at the mountain gate, so I came to investigate.” Qin Luoshen said.

“You’re a newly recruited disciple in charge of the sect?” Meng Chen moved his gaze to Xu Yixi.

“Yes.” Xu Yixi nodded, he could clearly perceive the terrifying aura on Qin Luoshen and Meng Chen.

The talent of the two is not much different from him.

“There are many heavenly arrogances in the Xuantian Sect, although I have a wine sword immortal body, I can’t be complacent.” Xu Yixi adjusted his mood.

“Do you dare to fight?” Meng Chen asked, exuding a domineering sword aura on his body.

“Why don’t you dare?!” Xu Yixi said with a smile, he poured a big sip of wine, and the whole person looked free and easy.

It seems to sense the fighting spirit of the two.

In the middle of the Xuantian Sect, countless golden rays of light suddenly appeared, and even faintly able to see the phantoms of various divine beasts appearing.

A ring that exudes a mysterious atmosphere and is carved with golden dragons and colorful phoenixes appears in mid-air.

This is the dragon and phoenix platform of the sect’s building!

When Tianjiao’s disciples are sparring, they will automatically appear, and no matter whether they win or lose, they will descend the rhyme and laws for the disciples to understand.

Meng Chen hugged the golden wire big ring knife and flew into the Tianjiao ring first.

Xu Yixi poured a big sip of wine again, and the whole person was very arrogant, and then flew towards the dragon and phoenix platform in mid-air.

Qin Luoshen’s eyes had a look of interest in them.

Meng Chen comprehended the sword qi day and night, and he had reached an unbelievable level in terms of knife technique.

And although Xu Yixi had just entered the mountain gate, he saw that his sword qi was agile and elegant.

The exchange between the two must be very exciting.

She also performed the supernatural body technique and flew into the air, ready to watch this exchange.

Tianjiao’s tricks also allowed her to gain some valuable experience from it.

The appearance of the Dragon and Phoenix Terrace attracted the attention of the entire sect.

Miscellaneous disciples, inner disciples Shangguan Qing, Wang Hao, Xiao Feng, Su Chen, Chu Luo, Xia Luoyin, outer disciples Li Ruolan, Tuoba Wu, all sensed and flew out of their respective caves.

Get ready to watch the battle of the heavens.

Immediately afterwards, the sword qi and sword qi on the dragon and phoenix platform were intertwined, and the space was buzzing and trembling.

Meng Chen and Xu Yixi started the battle.


Outside the mountain gate.

After the village chief and the others saw Shangguan Qing and the others appear, they were stunned again.

Do I rub?

So many sons of heaven?

Is Xuantian Sect a Tianjiao wholesaler?

So many popped up at once.

It took them a long time before they were relieved from their shock.

They took a deep look at Ku Rong, “What kind of shit luck did this guy go to be able to inadvertently worship such a terrifying sect.” “

Among them, the cultivation belongs to the existence of the tail of the crane.

Now he is better than them and has become an elder of Xuantian Sect.

Ku Rong seemed to feel everyone’s gaze, and his expression looked arrogant again, his chin slightly raised, and his hands behind his back.

“Ku Rong, in order to be more sincere, you report the Xuantian Sect Master, and we will wait at the mountain gate.” The village chief spoke.

The rest nodded.

“Okay.” Kurong did not shirk either.

His expression was solemn, the expression on his face became extremely awe-inspiring, and he bowed respectfully in the direction of the main peak of the sect:

“Ku Rong greets the master!”

“I returned from the old village and brought back some old friends I knew before, please take them in.”

When the words fell, the expressions of the village chief and the others looked a little nervous.

For fear that the Xuantian Sect Sect would turn them away, in this case, they would miss a big opportunity.

If some of the warriors who knew them saw that they showed nervous expressions, their jaws would definitely drop in shock.

The village chief and others, each of them are peerless and ruthless, and they have a great reputation in the outside world.

As a result, now that he met the head of a sect, he showed a nervous expression?


Xuantian Sect, the main peak.

Xu Mo was sitting cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, in a state of cultivation.

There was a dragon-like white gas spewing from his mouth and nose, and his body exuded a strong and domineering aura.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, and slowly opened his eyes.

Open the sect system map.

I saw Xuantian Sect in mid-air, and the dragon and phoenix platform appeared.

Meng Chen and Xu Yixi were competing against each other, and the terrifying sword qi and sword qi set off a hurricane, which was extremely terrifying.

“This Meng Chen is a martial idiot.”

“Last time I sparred with Qin Luoshen, and this time I sparred with Xu Yixi.”

“With such an enterprising heart, with the addition of the [Sword Emperor Overlord], the future martial arts achievements will definitely not be low.”

He whispered.

At this time, he pulled his gaze to the mountain gate, and after seeing the old monsters of the old village coming, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing an interesting arc.

In fact, when Ku Rong and the people from the old village had just arrived at the mountain gate, he had already sensed it.

“Sure enough, just like the bloody routine in fantasy novels, the people in the old village are all old guys with missing arms and legs.”

“According to the bloody routine, these old guys are invincible, and everyone has a big secret.”

Xu Mo smiled slightly, just in an instant, he made up a series of bloody plots in his brain.

“With the addition of these old monsters, the strength of Xuantian Sect should go further!” Xu Mo muttered softly.

He cast the Divine Avatar Technique, disappeared directly in place, and headed towards the mountain gate.


At the mountain gate.

The village chief and others were waiting anxiously.


A majestic, domineering and terrifying coercion began to sweep across the heavens and the earth.

Under this coercion, the village chief and the others only felt that their scalps exploded, their hairs stood on end, and even goosebumps came out one by one.

Like the power of heaven and earth.

Even, in the hearts of the village chief and others, they involuntarily gave birth to a feeling of kneeling and surrendering.

“What a horrible coercion!!” The village chief and the others exclaimed in their hearts.

With the appearance of coercion, a man with a handsome face, a dusty temperament, and a domineering and majestic man suddenly appeared.

This man’s eyes were deep, and there seemed to be a galaxy flowing in his eyes, and the aura around him was terrifying, and even all kinds of divine beast visions were condensed around him.

As soon as he appeared, even the heavens and the earth were eclipsed.

After Ku Rong saw this man appear, he hurriedly bowed respectfully: “Ku Rong, meet Master Zhangjiao!” “

“He’s the head of the Xuantian Sect?” The village chief and the others looked up, only to see this figure in mid-air as if they were panicking, making people dare not force their eyes.

They found that the Xuantian Sect was extremely young, both in terms of face and bones.

“Could it be that the Xuantian Sect is in charge of the sect and the reincarnation of a supreme terrifying being?” In their hearts, a terrible guess came to mind.

“Meet the Xuantian Sect!” The village chief and the others didn’t dare to be careless in the slightest, and hurriedly said.

“Well, I know what you’re here for.”

“Tell me what you’re up for.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

Xuantian Sect is not a cat or a dog, it will be taken in.

He first had to find out the details of these people before deciding whether to accept the other party or not.

Otherwise, if anyone comes and takes them in, then Xuantian Sect will be too unqualified.

“Zhangjiao, we are all powerful warriors, in order to avoid the enemy, we chose to isolate ourselves from the world and live in seclusion in the old village.”

“I am the village chief, my real name is Zhan Wushuang, I once accidentally obtained a drop of blood from an ancient god, and now I have embarked on the road of martial arts, and now my strength has reached the quasi-emperor realm.”

Zhan Wushuang sat in a wheelchair and spoke.

“The blood of an ancient god, a quasi-emperor powerhouse?” Xu Mo was slightly shocked in his heart.

Above the royal level, it is the royal realm.

The emperor level is divided into two small realms: quasi-emperor and human emperor.

He didn’t expect that this old man who had lost his limbs and was in a wheelchair was actually a quasi-emperor powerhouse!

In the sect, Liu Ruoxian, who cultivated both Danwu and Wu, was only a king-level powerful realm at his peak.

This old man who has lost his limbs is a few points more talented than Liu Ruoxian.

“I’m called a formation madman, I’m good at formation, and my strength is a king-level powerful realm.”

“My name is Jin Guang Heavenly Master, and on the way to the spell, I have extremely high attainments, and my strength has stepped into the realm of kings.”

“My name is God Operator, I am good at deducing heavenly machines, and my realm is a king-level powerful realm.”

“My name is Gu Mother-in-law, I am good at giving people Gu poison, and my strength is the realm of kings.”

“My name is the Old Man of the Five Poisons, I am carrying the Five Poison Body, as soon as the poisonous gas comes out, the world is gloomy, and my strength has stepped into the realm of king-level power.”

“My name is Dongpo Xian, I enter the Tao with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and my strength is the king of the realm.”

“My name is Butcher, I am nicknamed the First Sword Emperor, and my realm is the peak realm of the royal realm, and I am only a little bit away from stepping into the imperial level.”

The rest of the people, one by one, introduced themselves.

“I rub?”

“All of them are king-level powerhouses?!”

“In the remnant old village, the highest strength should be the village chief Zhan Wushuang, which is the quasi-emperor realm, followed by the butcher first sword emperor, which is the peak realm of the king domain, and it is only a trace away from the quasi-emperor realm.”

“Among these eight people, the lowest strength is the king-level power realm.”

Xu Mo was calm on the surface, but surprised in his heart.

He never thought that these old men in the old village would be so strong!

If it weren’t for the fact that he had the [Sect Leader’s Coercion], he really wouldn’t be able to deter these people.

He moved his gaze to the old man Kurong, his expression a little strange.

I don’t know how this product is mixed, he is also a crippled old villager, but Ku Rong is just a peak powerhouse in the Grandmaster Realm, and he hasn’t even reached the King Kong Realm.

“The enemies who can make these old guys dodge, I’m afraid that their strength is at least at the peak of the emperor level, or even a saint-level powerhouse, right?” Xu Mo secretly guessed.

“Please take us in!” Zhan Wushuang said in a sincere tone.

Before entering the mountain gate, they had already sensed the terrifying essence of Xuantian Sect.

Worshipping the Xuantian Sect will become a great opportunity for them!

The eight old men of the remnant village moved their eyes to the master of the sect with a strong look of anticipation.

“Well, you are all in different aspects, and you have extremely high attainments.”

“In that case, I will take you in.”

“From today onwards, you are the elders of the Xuantian Sect, and you can be in charge of a peak alone.”

“There are many peaks in the sect, and you can find the peaks to live in.”

“In addition, there are miscellaneous disciples, outer disciples, and inner disciples in the sect, and you can find disciples with excellent talents among them to accept them as personal inheritance, and this seat will not interfere and obstruct them.”

Xu Mo said lightly, his heart was already happy.

In a short period of time, eight king-level powerhouses were accepted.

The strength of the Xuantian Sect has become more and more powerful and terrifying.

“Thank you, Mentor!” Zhan Wushuang and the others looked excited, and hurriedly thanked them.

At this time, Xu Mo found that on the column of the elders of the system sect, there were more names such as Zhan Wushuang, Array Maniac, Golden Light Heavenly Master and others.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, revealing a satisfying arc.


His figure flashed, and he performed his supernatural body method and left the mountain gate.

Only the excited and excited Zhan Wushuang and others remained.

“Okay, now that you and I are both elders of Xuantian Sect, follow me into Xuantian Sect.” Old Man Kurong said.

Then he led the crowd through the mountain protection formation.

When everyone entered the mountain protection formation, their faces showed shocked expressions.

Because they found that the mountain protection formation was extremely powerful, if it weren’t for the fact that they had already been recognized by the master, I am afraid that even if they were king-level powerhouses, they would be killed by the mountain protection formation.

And the madman in the array, after entering the mountain protection formation, fell directly into an epiphany.

He sat directly cross-legged and carefully studied the mystery of the mountain protection array.

This mountain protection array is an opportunity for him.

He could even faintly perceive that there was a building in the sect that contained thousands of formations.

After he studies the Transparent Mountain Protection Array, he will go to this sect building.

“This array of madmen, really a madman, just stepped into the sect, and began to study the mountain protection array.” Granny Gu said speechlessly.

Immediately after, they threw down the array of madmen, passed through the mountain protection array, and stepped into the sect.

As soon as I entered the sect.

Zhan Wushuang, Gu Mother-in-law, Butcher and others were suddenly shocked.

They found that the aura inside the sect was countless times more abundant than that in the outside world!

In the Xuantian Sect, there is suspected to be a super spiritual vein!!

What shocked them even more was that on the main peak of the Sect Leader, a golden dragon phantom hundreds of thousands of zhang long appeared from time to time, swimming in a huge painting.

“This…. This is the Golden Dragon of Luck?!! “

“Hundreds of thousands of zhang long golden dragon ?!!”

Everyone was directly stunned.

In addition to the Golden Dragon of Luck, they found that this huge painting was also a supreme treasure that suppressed luck.

At this moment, they knew why when the god operator deduced the essence of the Xuantian Sect, he vomited blood and passed out, and even the compass was about to collapse.

Even if it is ten gods, it can’t deduce the essence of Xuantian Sect!!

“If we can worship the Xuantian Sect, we will inevitably be blessed with luck, and our cultivation will go further.”

They looked excited and excited.


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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