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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 71

After suppressing the shock in my heart.

Suddenly, the village chief Zhan Wushuang sensed that there was a place in the sect that was inspiring him.

Sensing this, he hurriedly used his magical means and came to an ancient majestic, golden statue of a god.

This statue of a god exudes a mysterious and mysterious aura of ancient gods!

“This…. This is an ancient god statue?! “

Zhan Wushuang exclaimed, his whole person’s expression was full of shock and horror, and even his breathing became rapid.

He could clearly perceive what a terrifying coercion emanating from this statue of an ancient god!

It’s like a true god descending!

He had obtained a drop of divine blood by accident before, so he was amazingly talented and became a quasi-emperor powerhouse.

Now when he saw this statue of an ancient deity, he had a hunch:

If he can observe this statue of a god, he may be able to comprehend the true ancient god cultivation method!!

When the time comes, he will inevitably break through to the emperor level and become a saint-level powerhouse, even if it is impossible to become a great emperor.

“This is a real great opportunity!”

“Xuantian Sect actually has a statue of an ancient god, this kind of background is simply terrifying.”

“What kind of terrifying existence is the master?”

Zhan Wushuang was shocked in his heart.

For a while, in his heart, he was even more in awe of the master.

“Statues of ancient gods?”

He moved his gaze to the statue, and hurriedly calmed down, put aside distracting thoughts, and began to seriously observe the statue of the god.


The statues of the ancient gods emitted a brilliant golden light, making them even more majestic and domineering.

Wisps of strange energy, like a galaxy, spilled down on Zhan Wushuang in large swaths.


The Golden Light Heavenly Master also felt a sense in his heart and came to a [Spell Secret Realm] in the sect.

In the secret realm of spells, there was a terrifying aura of spirit runes and magic spells.

Obviously, in this [Spell Secret Realm], there is a powerful and terrifying and invincible spirit rune and magic spell inheritance!

“Enter the secret realm of spells, and you can obtain the supreme inheritance.”

With a hint of heat and excitement in his eyes, the Golden Light Heavenly Master stepped into the secret realm of the spell.


The divine operator sensed his heart and came to the sect building [Tianyan Pavilion], and began to comprehend the secret technique of derivation.

Granny Gu came to the [Gu Garden], and there were countless Gu worms and various Gu magic techniques in the Gu Garden.

The Old Man of the Five Poisons came to the [Ruins of the Poison Emperor], which was left over from an emperor who specialized in poison tens of thousands of years ago, and had various poison art inheritances.

Dongpo Immortal came to the [Strange Pavilion], which contains a variety of skills such as qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, and after comprehending a certain realm, you can enter the Tao from qin, chess, calligraphy and painting!

The First Knife Emperor of the Butcher came to the [Forbidden Land Demon Cave], which is suspected to have a supreme sword inheritance.

The madman was still in the mountain protection array, sitting cross-legged and seriously comprehending the mystery of the formation.

Everyone in the remnant village has found a place of inheritance and comprehension in the sect!

They were overjoyed and excited, and they entered the retreat one after another.

As for the old man Kurong, he returned to the Divine Soldier Peak and came to the Sword Shrine to comprehend the refining techniques of the Ancient Refining Sect.


Hold the main peak.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightenment futon.

In the map of the system sect, after seeing that Zhan Wushuang and the others had found their respective inheritance places, his expression was slightly surprised.

He didn’t expect that the sect building that the system had taken the initiative to offer before would come in handy at this moment.

Obviously, when the Warriors, Butchers, and the others come out of their respective ruins again, their cultivation will also skyrocket!

“Among these relics, each has a powerful supernatural power inheritance, which can not only allow the elders to enter it for training in the future, but also allow Tianjiao disciples to enter it and obtain inheritance.” Xu Mo thought to himself.

Immediately, Xu Mo moved his gaze to Zhan Wushuang and the others in the sect map again, with a hint of expectation in the depths of his eyes.

He really wanted to see what would happen to the people of Zhan Wushuang, the butcher, the Gu mother-in-law and the others after they walked out of the ruins?

At this time, he saw that Longfengtai disappeared in the map of the sect.

Meng Chen and Xu Yixi had a draw.

And got the rhyme and law given by Longfengtai, and gained a lot.

After that, Xu Yixi was even more energetic, climbed the cloud dragon ladder directly, and passed the test.

Xu Mo naturally issued a decree, announcing that Xu Yixi had officially become an inner disciple and had ascended to the Tianjiao list.

“Ding, the sect sensed that the host had recruited eight elders at one time, and he was very excited and happy in his heart, and he hereby presents you with a big gift package.”

“Your one-time [King Realm Peak Realm Powerhouse] attack has been upgraded to a one-time [Human Emperor Realm Peak Powerhouse Attack].”

“Your [Sect Leader’s Pressure] has been boosted again!”

“You have obtained the [Atavistic Blood Pool].”

“You got a drop of [True Dragon Liquid].”

“Ding, the sect built the Spirit Beast Garden, and after sensing that the sect was getting stronger and stronger, but there was no divine beast guarding it, I felt very guilty in my heart, and I took the initiative to present you with the [Mountain Protecting Divine Beast] template.”

A series of prompts from the system sounded in Xu Mo’s mind.

The corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfied arc.

This is already a mature sect, well, very sensible.

He started looking through the rewards in the system.

“From [King Realm Peak Realm Powerhouse] to [Human Emperor Realm Peak Powerhouse Attack]?”

“Very good, very good.” Xu Mo nodded with satisfaction.

The royal realm is the highest realm of the royal rank.

Above the royal domain, there is the royal level.

The imperial level is divided into two small realms, which are the quasi-emperor and the human emperor.

Now that Xu Mo has a one-time peak attack of the Human Emperor Realm, he can already kill the vast majority of martial artists.

This will be one of his hole cards and will not be used lightly.

“The coercion of the head of the sect has also increased.” Xu Mo muttered.

The coercion of the master has absolute suppression of the warriors.

“[Atavistic Blood Pool], the divine beast bathes in it and is constantly refined, and you can obtain the ancestral bloodline!”

“It’s a good treasure pool.”

With a wave of Xu Mo’s hand, the [Atavistic Blood Pool] appeared in the Spirit Beast Garden.

“The sect’s building spirit beast garden is also very sensible, and it actually took the initiative to present the [Mountain Protecting Divine Beast] template.”

“The huge sect, there must always be a mountain protection beast, right?”

Xu Mo muttered.

Immediately, he waved his hand, only to see a token with golden light and a mysterious aura appear in front of him.

This is exactly the Mountain Guardian Divine Beast Token.

As long as you click on the token, you can get a mountain protection beast.

Without the slightest hesitation, he clicked directly to open the token.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained a mountain protection beast.”

“Soon, a divine beast will come to take refuge.”

The voice of the system sounded in Xu Mo’s mind.

“I don’t know what kind of divine beast is coming to take refuge?” Xu Mo raised his eyebrows and thought to himself.

After suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Xu Mo moved his gaze to the last reward in the system.

“[True Dragon Liquid], born in the True Dragon’s Nest, is an adult dragon clan who collects the essence of all things in heaven and earth, smelts it in the leylines and ferments it, and then brews the liquid, once this true dragon liquid is consumed, the internal organs are glowing, it will be nourished, the bone marrow can be replaced, and its own physique will be greatly improved.”

“After swallowing the True Dragon Liquid, it can not only make the Dao body more perfect, but also improve a great realm.”

After seeing the introduction in the system, Xu Mo was slightly surprised.

He never expected that the system would actually reward such a holy relic.

“If I swallow the True Dragon Liquid, my strength will definitely break through to the Land Immortals!”

Xu Mo waved his hand.

A drop of golden liquid the size of a fist suddenly appeared and floated in midair.

An extremely terrifying true dragon coercion spread out in all directions.

The real dragon, that is the legendary top divine beast, has an invincible posture, and is invincible horizontally.

Under the pressure of this true dragon, the space is constantly collapsing and distorting, which is extremely terrifying.

In the middle of the entire Xuantian Sect, the wind and clouds suddenly reversed, roaring in all directions, and even the sun and moon dimmed a little.

Rao is Xu Mo has a supreme hegemonic body, but under the pressure of this true dragon, he is also a little uncomfortable.

“True dragon liquid, it’s really domineering and invincible.” Xu Mo’s face was overjoyed.

He could clearly perceive what terrifying energy was contained in this drop of golden true dragon liquid.

Without hesitation, Xu Mo waved his robe, and a strong force swept out.

The real dragon liquid was swallowed directly by him!!


As soon as the true dragon liquid entered the abdomen, a strong and domineering force was vented in Xu Mo’s body.

It seems that Xu Mo is going to be forced to burst!

He hurriedly ran the Taishang Magic Method to devour and dissolve the true dragon liquid.


Xu Mo grinned in pain, cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead, his fists were clenched, and he was holding on.

With the passage of time, Xu Mo sensed that his roots, bloodline, comprehension talents, and internal organs were all getting a great improvement, and he was evolving in the direction of perfection.

Every bone of his shines brightly.

The internal organs are constantly tempered and nourished, becoming extremely tough and shining brightly.

Even, every cell contains terrifying energy.

After Xu Mo finished refining the true dragon liquid, his physique would be even more perverted than the [Supreme Overlord Body]!

At this time, Xu Mo’s body was full of majestic blood and blood, like a round of flood and famine, revealing panic and coercion.

If there were ordinary warriors here, they would inevitably be suppressed into a blood mist by this coercion.

In his body, it was as if there was an adult true dragon, which was constantly recovering.

A faint wisp of true dragon coercion and aura emanated from his body.

The True Dragon Liquid contained a huge amount of dragon power, and in a short period of time, Xu Mo was unable to refine it all.

For the next period of time, he was in retreat and refining.


At the same time as Xu Mo refining the true dragon liquid.

A hidden place, the Fire Lin Cave.

This is a blessed place, a space of its own.

A majestic and incomparable aura of divine beasts spread from the Huolin Cave.

As far as the eye can see, hundreds of mythical beasts are playing in the Huolin Cave!

These mythical beasts have lion heads and antlers, tiger eyes, elk bodies, dragon scales and oxtails, and are extremely powerful.

This is a unicorn!

An adult unicorn with a domineering and majestic appearance and a terrifying coercion on his body was watching hundreds of unicorns frolicking not far away.

He is the patriarch of the current Qilin clan – Shi Lin!

“Father, yesterday I had a feeling that I needed to leave Huolin Cave.” A small unicorn, with firmness in his eyes, said to Shi Lin.

His name is Huoyunlin, and he is the son of Shi Lin, and he is the descendant of the next generation of Huolin Cave.


“You’re leaving Huolin Cave?”

Shi Lin’s sharp eyes stared at the little unicorn fiercely, and his body exuded a coercion that made the void tremble!

A wave of anger erupted throughout the Huolin Cave!

“As the next generation of the Huolin Cave, why don’t you stay in the Huolin Cave to cultivate, but you want to leave?”

Shi Lin was a little angry.

He hated iron a little, and wanted to beat Huo Yunlin violently!

“Father, I feel that I will have a great opportunity after leaving.” After Huo Yunlin felt his father’s anger, he had no choice but to tell the truth.

“Big chance?”

Shi Lin was slightly stunned, a little surprised.

As a top-level divine beast, the unicorn was invincible in ancient times, possessing great coercion and extraordinary powers.

Although the bloodline is declining now, it is still the top divine beast in heaven and earth, unshakable.

“Could it be that Wu’er has been instructed by Ancestor Qilin to get a great opportunity in the outside world?” Shi Lin was a little excited.

He hurriedly asked, “What big chance?” Come on. “

“If it’s true, I’ll let you out of the Fire Lin Cave.”

Huo Yunlin’s expression was solemn, and he said seriously: “I want to go to Xuantian Sect and become the mountain protector beast of Xuantian Sect, this is my chance.” “

After hearing this, Shi Lin was slightly stunned at first, and then a little confused.

In an instant, he reacted, his face became extremely pale, his eyes spewed angry flames, and even the momentum around him became extremely terrifying at this moment.

“You… You’re going to become a mountain protector? “

Shi Lin was about to explode on the spot, and he wanted to slap this rebel to death.

“Rebel, what a rebel!!”

“Why did I give birth to such a loser thing as you?”

Shilin is on the verge of vomiting blood!

As a Qilin clan, it is a divine beast favored by heaven and earth, with a transcendent status and crushing all races.

If nothing else, casually taking out a unicorn can become a terrifying existence that is at least the cultivation of the Great Emperor with the blessing of the bloodline of the divine beast.

Even if it is to become a god-level or an immortal-level, it is not impossible.

As a result, now, the son of his Qilin patriarch, the next generation of descendants of the Huolin Cave, is actually going to run away to be a mountain protector beast of a sect?!

This made Shi Lin almost faint with anger.

In order to cultivate Huo Yunlin, he has given Huo Yunlin all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures since he was a child.

It took great effort and cost to cultivate this heir.

Huo Yunlin’s own bloodline is top-notch, and he even has a trace of atavistic bloodline, whether it is understanding, talent, or bone bloodline, he is the first person in the Qilin clan for tens of thousands of years.

In the future, he will inevitably be able to step into the supreme realm, lead the Qilin clan, re-suppress the heavens and the earth, and regain his glory.

Now Huo Yunlin is actually willing to fall and run to be a mountain protector beast of a sect?

Isn’t he fragrant when he is a top divine beast?

Forced to be someone else’s pet?

Besides, he has also heard of the great sects between heaven and earth.

But Xuantian Sect? What a broken sect, he hadn’t heard of it at all!

“Rebel, what a rebel, you want to be angry with me!” Shi Lin roared, shaking the entire Huolin Cave and trembling.


There is a shift at night, and the baby is tired to death


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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