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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 72

“Father, whether you agree or not, I will go to Xuantian Sect.” Huo Yunlin said firmly.


Shi Lin raised his claws, wanting to slap the rebel to death.

But as soon as he thought that it was his own, he dropped his claws again, and his whole anger was about to vomit blood, and his ears spewed white gas.

You’re a top-level divine beast, and you ended up being a mountain protector beast?

Isn’t it too cheap and unidentious?

What about your dignity and pride as a divine beast? Eaten by a dog?

“Do you know that you are the next generation of the Huolin Cave, and you are responsible for the future of the Qilin clan?” Shi Lin suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

“Yes.” Huo Yunlin was not afraid of his father’s anger at all and responded.

“Do you know that in order to cultivate your talent, Lao Tzu has fed you all kinds of natural treasures since childhood?”


“Do you know that you are gifted with demons and have the strongest rent-back bloodline in the Qilin clan for tens of thousands of years?”


“I know that you are going to go to a small sect to be a mountain protector?!”

Shi Lin’s expression was full of anger, like a volcano that had been silent for a long time, ready to erupt at any time.

The entire Huolin Cave couldn’t withstand the pressure on his body, and he was trembling slightly, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

The elders of the Qilin clan, after sensing the terrifying coercion coming from the patriarch’s body, their bodies shook suddenly, their faces were solemn, and the aura around them was rolling.

“What’s going on? Who provoked the patriarch to anger? “

“Could it be that other divine beast races are attacking the Huolin Cave?”

The major elders woke up from the retreat one after another, as if they were facing a great enemy, and displayed their supernatural body methods, appearing from all corners of the Huolin Cave.

Some other little unicorns, after sensing the patriarch’s coercion, trembled and shrunk their necks, not daring to offend the patriarch’s coercion.

Moments later,

The major elders of the Qilin clan had already arrived in front of the patriarch.

“Patriarch, what’s going on? Is there an invasion of foreign enemies? The elders asked, their bodies full of momentum, and their eyes burst out like substantial flames.

“Alas, I don’t have the face to say, rebel, you tell the elders about the stupid things you are going to do.” Shi Lin couldn’t wait to find a crack in the ground to get into, and his face turned red.

The heirs he carefully cultivated, and as a result, he wanted to be the mountain protector of a sect?

Just ask if it’s a shame?!

It’s a slap in the face.

“Elders, I have a feeling in my heart, and I have decided to leave the Huolin Cave and go to the Xuantian Sect in the outside world to become the mountain protector of the Xuantian Sect.” Huo Yunlin raised his head, as if he had become a Xuantian Sect Mountain Protector Divine Beast, what a thing to be proud of.

After hearing this, the elders were stunned at first, a little stunned.

Then they plucked out their ears as if they had misheard.


“The young patriarch wants to leave the Huolin Cave?”

“You want to be a mountain protector of a sect?”

They only felt that their heads were blank, and they couldn’t react for a long time, and even their breathing stopped for a moment.

The Qilin clan is a top-level divine beast, even if they don’t awaken the ancestral bloodline, their future achievements will definitely be extraordinary.

As a result, their young patriarch is going to be a mountain protector of a sect?

What sect is so bold that it dares to let the Qilin be a mountain protector beast, let alone the young patriarch of the Qilin clan?

This news made the elders look confused.

“Little Ancestor, the aura in the Huolin Cave is abundant, and there are all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures, it is a holy land for cultivation, is it okay to stay in the Huolin Cave?”

“If you think Huolin Cave is too boring, can we play with you with a few old guys?”

“Don’t go outside, it’s dangerous outside.”

“It’s really not good, I’ll accompany you to go outside for a round and come back, let’s not be that mountain beast.”


The major elders tried their best to persuade the young patriarch.

Who made the young patriarch amazingly talented, and he had awakened a small part of the ancestral Qilin bloodline, which was the hope of the Qilin clan in the future?

“No, I must leave the Huolin Cave.”

“If you don’t agree, I’ll sneak out.”

“I feel in my heart, becoming the mountain protector of the Xuantian Sect this time is not only my personal fate, but also the fate of the entire Qilin clan.”

No matter how the elders persuaded him, Huo Yunlin couldn’t shake the decision in his heart in the slightest.

“Is it the fate of the entire Qilin clan?”

Patriarch Shi Lin was already going crazy.

The faces of the other elders also twitched violently.

A small broken sect that even they have never heard of will become a chance for the Qilin clan?

Patriarch Shi Lin stared at his son deadly.

At this moment, in his eyes, his son is like a teenager in a rebellious period.

There is no way to discipline at all.

“Okay, I agree with you to leave the Huolin Cave.” Shi Lin took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said slowly.

“Really?” Huo Yunlin showed an expression of excitement and excitement.

“Nature is true.”

After seeing his son’s excited expression, Shi Lin almost couldn’t hold back his anger.

As a top-level divine beast, or the young patriarch of the Qilin clan, are you so happy to be a sect mountain protector divine beast?


“Patriarch? Are you….? The elders were puzzled and wanted to dissuade the patriarch’s decision.

“Don’t worry, I have my own judgment in my heart.” Shi Lin said slowly, with a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

Followed by

Shi Lin opens the barrier of the Fire Lin Cave.

After saying goodbye to his father and the elders, Huo Yunlin couldn’t wait to leave Huolin Cave.

“Patriarch, do you really want the young patriarch to become a mountain protector?” An elder looked at Huo Yunlin’s departing figure and asked puzzled.

“Hmph, of course I won’t agree.”

“During this time, you stay in Huolin Cave, and I will follow Huoyun to go.”

“I want to see, what kind of sect is worthy of letting Wu’er be a mountain guardian beast?”

“I will destroy the sect with a slap and bring the fire cloud back, so that it will die and stay in the Huolin Cave in peace.”

The patriarch exuded a powerful aura and said slowly.

“The patriarch is wise!!”

When the elders heard this plan, their eyes lit up and they all exclaimed.

Immediately, Shi Lin used his great magical powers, disappeared directly into the Huolin Cave, and secretly followed behind Huoyunlin.

Outside the Huolin Cave.

Huo Yunlin thought about it, sensed the direction of Xuantian Sect in his heart, and then ran towards Xuantian Sect with anticipation and excitement in his eyes.


A few days later.

Xuantian Sect, the main peak.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, with a terrifying aura on his body.

He is refining [True Dragon Liquid]!

The true dragon liquid is transforming Xu Mo’s internal organs, root bones, bloodlines, etc., so that Xu Mo’s physique will evolve in a perfect direction.

If the refining is completed, Xu Mo’s physique will be much more perverted and powerful than the [Supreme Overlord].

At this moment, his roots, bones, internal organs, etc., all exuded a shining light.

In the blood, there is a trace of gold, holy and extraordinary, domineering and coercive.

In Xu Mo’s body, there was even a trace of dragon might.

Carrying the power of the dragon!!

It’s like a real dragon, entrenched in the main peak, which is extremely terrifying.


Xu Mo slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes burst out like a substantial golden light, deep and full of oppression, as if the holy dragon was glancing.

Between his mouth and nose, he spewed a powerful and hot breath, and even the space was melted, and there were slight ripples.

“Cultivation for… Finally a breakthrough! “

“[True Dragon Liquid] is worthy of being the supreme treasure of the dragon clan, not only improving my supreme overlord, but also allowing me to be promoted from the early stage of the Vajra Realm to the early stage of the Land Immortal.”

Xu Mo muttered, a hint of surprise in his deep eyes.

He could clearly perceive that his physique had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The spiritual power in the body is dozens of times stronger than before.

Even, there is a trace of true dragon blood in the blood!

The momentum was released, faintly revealing the dragon’s might.

“It would be nice if I could get more of this kind of natural treasure in the future.” Xu Mo thought of it.

“Let me take a look at the changes in the sect during this time.”

He opened the system map and browsed it.

Neimen Mountain Peak, Shangguan Qing, Wang Hao, Xiao Feng and others are in retreat and cultivating.

There are many Tianjiao disciples in the sect.

As a Tianjiao, he naturally has his own arrogance and refuses to fall behind.

Faintly, a kind of healthy competition has been secretly formed these days.

Of course, among these disciples, Shangguan Qing’s strength is the most perverted.

Even if Wang Hao, Xiao Feng, Qin Luoshen and the others cultivated, it would be difficult to look at their backs.

After all, Shangguan Qing is the reincarnation of the Great Sage, relying on the memory and inheritance of the previous life, his cultivation has become a thousand miles a day, and he cannot be speculated according to common sense.

Outer Gate Peak.

Li Ruolan was carrying the [Ziwei Star Body], and was sitting cross-legged in the sect’s building [Star Treasure Pavilion], seriously understanding the power of the stars.

Tuoba Wu is carrying the [Royal Beast Holy Body] and is practicing exercises on the martial arts field.

Behind him, in addition to the angry Ancient Demon Ape Phantom, there was also a majestic and domineering Tiger Phantom.

This tiger was obtained by him who went out to practice and killed a demon beast that was about to step into the innate realm.

With the blessing of the ancient demon ape and the tiger, Tuoba Wu’s strength became more and more terrifying.

Meng Chen was holding the golden wire ring knife in his arms, and he was seriously understanding the knife intent.

After learning with Qin Luoshen and Xu Yixi, he gained a lot and had a deeper understanding of sword intent.

On the Divine Pill Peak, Liu Ruoxian selected dozens of more talented disciples from the thousand girls sent by the Wanchu Dynasty and was teaching them alchemy.

In the Divine Soldier Peak, the old man Kurong was in the sword mound to seriously comprehend the refining techniques of the ancient refining sect.

Under the statue of the ancient gods of the sect.

The village chief, Zhan Wushuang, was sitting in a wheelchair and was observing the statue.


The entire sect is running in an orderly manner.

“It’s a good feeling to watch the sect get stronger and stronger.” Xu Mo looked at the sects on the map and said with a relieved expression.

I vaguely remember that when he first became the head of the Xuantian Sect, the mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was severed, and he had to worry about the arrival of the Ethereal Palace at any time.

Today, the Xuantian Sect has grown into a great sect with profound heritage!

Just when Xu Mo was about to close the sect map and continue to cultivate.

With a sudden glance, he saw the figure of a divine beast appear outside the mountain gate.

“It’s ….. A bit like the legendary unicorn? Xu Mo was slightly startled.

“Could it be that the template of the [Mountain Protecting Divine Beast] that the sect presented before building the Spirit Beast Garden is this unicorn?” He stared at the little unicorn on the map and guessed to himself.

Qilin, that is a top-level divine beast, a terrifying existence that can compete with the true dragon clan.

Originally, Xu Mo thought that the template of the [Mountain Protector Divine Beast] sent by the Spirit Animal Garden was a powerful beast.

Who knows, it actually attracted a little unicorn?

Immediately, the corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing an interesting arc.

“Well, having a unicorn as a mountain guardian beast must be very stylish and forceful, right?” Xu Mo muttered.


Xuantian Sect.

Outside the mountain gate.

I saw that countless colorful rays of light suddenly bloomed in the sky, roaring in all directions, and the wind and clouds rolled upside down.

A domineering and majestic momentum swept across heaven and earth.

It was as if some terrifying existence had been born, causing all kinds of visions of heaven and earth.

Accompanied by the glow of the sun, a divine beast with an extraordinary temperament, flowing with a noble atmosphere, and majestic eyes, appeared in mid-air.

This divine beast looked at the Xuantian Sect below.

If you look closely, the eyes of this divine beast are filled with excitement and excitement, as well as a trace of expectation.

The divine beast spewed hot flames from its mouth and nose, as if it could incinerate everything, even Gu Huangyan on the Heavenly Fire List was inferior to this flame.

There was a buzzing and thunderous sound in the body.

Everyone in the Xuantian Sect was shocked when they saw this divine beast appear.

“It’s… What kind of divine beast is this, it actually descended on Xuantian Sect and caused a vision of heaven and earth. “

“It’s a bit like the legendary beast Qilin?”

“I once saw in an ancient book, there are sporadic records about the Qilin, the Qilin is definitely the top existence among the divine beasts, and it can burst out with terrifying power with every move.”

“The Qilin is auspicious, and it can suppress the luck of the sect.”

“I don’t know what happened to this unicorn descending on Xuantian Sect?”

“Did you come to the master?”

Many disciples were discussing.

They looked at the unicorn in mid-air, their expressions full of shock and horror.

This is a divine beast!

Top-notch creatures that only exist in ancient texts.

Shangguan Qing, Xiao Feng, Wang Hao, Qin Luoshen and other Tianjiao disciples were also attracted by this divine beast breath, and they all woke up from their cultivation.

“Ancient Divine Beast Qilin?” Their expressions could not hide their shock.

Zhan Wushuang, Gu Granny, Butcher and others also sobered up from their perceptions, and looked at the unicorn in mid-air.

With their cultivation, they could naturally see that the aura on this unicorn appeared to be very gentle, and there was even a hint of goodwill.

Obviously, this unicorn came here without malicious intent.


“What kind of terrifying existence is the Lord Sect Master?!”

“How can you actually make an ancient divine beast come and take the initiative to show goodwill?”

Zhan Wushuang and the others were shocked in their hearts.

In their hearts, they became more and more in awe of the master of the sect.

In mid-air, Huo Yunlin stared at the Xuantian Sect below.

“Is this Xuantian Sect?” He looked at it curiously.


The last update was sent, and the first ten updates were put on the shelves, and the author did it


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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