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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 82

Xu Mo waved his hand.

I saw a fairy grass exuding a mysterious aura, floating in mid-air.

The fairy grass is wrapped in a brilliant glow, which is extremely extraordinary, just by looking at it, it seems to be able to make people comprehend a kind of magical power.


Xu Mo’s body exerted a majestic aura.

This Rongdao grass was directly swallowed by him.

Suddenly, a huge amount of energy was vented in his body, as if it was about to burst him.

Fortunately, Xu Mo has a supreme body, and he has fused the true dragon liquid.

Otherwise, ordinary martial artists only need one end to swallow Rongdao Grass, and that is to explode and die.

Around Xu Mo’s body, the terrifying aura oppressed the space to a buzzing and trembling atmosphere, causing a slight ripple.

He didn’t dare to be careless, so he hurriedly calmed down, put aside distracting thoughts, and began to refine the Melting Dao Grass carefully and carefully.

As time passed, the momentum in his body continued to grow stronger.

If it is a fine sensing.

At this time, Xu Mo’s body faintly revealed a wisp of five-element breath.

The Great Dao Law contained in this Rongdao Grass is the Great Dao Law of the Five Elements!

“The Law of the Five Elements Dao?” Xu Mo’s face was overjoyed, and he muttered in his heart.

You must know that the Five Elements Great Dao Law is the top ten Great Dao Laws, and it is absolutely invincible.


While he began to refine the Melting Dao Grass, he comprehended the Five Elements Law of this silk.

The five different auras of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth began to emanate from his body, which was extremely terrifying.

The entire cultivation room was filled with a strong and domineering aura.

Even, even in the mid-air of Xuantian Sect, auspicious clouds of five different colors appeared, as if celebrating the birth of the Five Elements Great Dao Law!

With the addition of the five elements, Xu Mo’s martial arts achievements in the future will reach a terrifying level.

Three Thousand Great Avenues, being able to master one of them is already very powerful.

Not to mention that Xu Mo comprehended the top ten Five Elements Rules!

Although there is only a trace of the law aura in the Rongdao Grass, in the future, Xu Mo can comprehend it through his own talent, be recognized by heaven and earth, and constantly complete the law of the five elements.

At this moment, behind Xu Mo’s head, there was a faint five-element aperture, which was slowly moving, extremely strange.



Xuantian Sect, at the mountain gate.

A terrifying and domineering force, exuding the power of the emperor’s spirit, swept across the heavens and the earth.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds in the entire sky were reversed, roaring in all directions, and even the sun and moon were a little dimmed.

An empress with a noble temperament, a delicate face, and a tall figure appeared impressively.

There was a look on her face, as if everything in the world should have surrendered to her feet.

Empress Xia restrained a trace of the empress aura on her body, and then moved her gaze to the Xuantian Sect not far away, with a touch of respect in her expression.

When she heard that the Xuantian Sect had sent hundreds of Qilin to destroy the Jiuli Dynasty, in her heart, she was already full of awe for the Xuantian Sect.

In a word, a terrible figure who can decide the life and death of a dynasty is definitely not an existence that she can provoke.

She came to Xuantian Sect today, on the one hand, to visit Luoyin, and on the other hand, to make a familiar face in front of the master of the sect, and strive to hug the big tree of Xuantian Sect.

Just as she was about to step into the mountain gate and go to meet the master.

I saw that her eyes were slightly condensed, and her gaze fell to a certain void.

With the slightest ripples in the void, a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a tall figure suddenly appeared.

“Empress Xia, long time no see.” Chu Yuntian said with a smile.

“You’re here too?” Empress Xia was surprised.

“I’m here to see the master, and I’ll take a look at Luo’er by the way.”

“Luo Er has the ancestral dragon body, and with the help of the master of the sect, he has regained the luck of the Dragon Emperor, and it is not difficult to become the emperor in the future.” Chu Yuntian’s chin was raised slightly, and there was a hint of smugness in his words.

“Huh.” Empress Xia said speechlessly.

Luoyin carries the Holy Body of the Great Emperor, as long as she ascends the throne and becomes the empress, she can bless the luck of the entire dynasty, and with the ancient imperial scriptures given by the master, as well as the crown of the three holy spirits, it is not difficult to achieve the emperor.

She was the first to step into the mountain gate.

Chu Yuntian followed.

Soon after entering the sect.

Empress Xia saw a glazed pagoda that reached the sky, and the pagoda exuded a mysterious and powerful atmosphere, and there was a faint rhyme and law.

“What a majestic pagoda!”

“This pagoda is a place for disciples to train, with the existence of this pagoda, the strength of the disciples under the Xuantian Sect will skyrocket!”

Empress Xia was shocked.

In the pagoda, there are sect disciples with extraordinary talents and terrifying breaths, who are undergoing training.

She even sensed the breath of Luoyin in it.

She vaguely remembered that the last time she came to Xuantian Sect, there was no such pagoda yet.

“It seems that the head of the Xuantian Sect is really the reincarnation of a powerhouse of the great horror level, otherwise how could there be all kinds of powerful and infinitely useful sect buildings in the sect, this must be the handiwork of the sect.”

In her heart, she was even more in awe of the master.

Chu Yuntian on the side was also slightly stunned.

He looked up, and the pagoda towered into the sky, as if it could reach the sky!

“What a magical pagoda.” He could clearly perceive what a terrifying coercion was coming from this pagoda.

Immediately after, Chu Yuntian and Empress Xia continued to walk in the direction of the main peak.

Suddenly, they stopped again, and their whole body suddenly shook.

An ancient immortal hall made of bronze appeared impressively in their sight.

Before entering the Immortal Palace, they sensed something.

In the ancient immortal hall, there is a faint transmission of the luck and magic of the ancient sect.

They sat cross-legged and began to take their senses.

Around them, a powerful aura erupted violently.

The bronze immortal hall rained down a large area of brilliance, sprinkled around Empress Xia and Chu Yuntian.

After a long time.

Empress Xia slowly opened her eyes, there was a hint of gold flowing in her eyes, and the whole person looked even more noble and extraordinary.


“Sitting at the door of the bronze hall just now, I actually obtained a magical method of the ancient great sect [Hundred Immortal Breathing Method]?”

“Relying on this breathing method, my strength may be able to break through from the realm of the king realm to the quasi-emperor realm in one fell swoop!”

She exclaimed inwardly, with surprise on her face.

Just take a stroll in Xuantian Sect, you can comprehend a magical technique, Xuantian Sect is simply full of chance creation.

This is the holy place of true cultivation!

At the same time, Chu Yuntian also slowly opened his eyes, and a sharp light burst out of his eyes.

“I have obtained the Ancient Sect Inheritance [Shaoyang Fist], a magical fist method with fierce and invincible power.” Chu Yuntian was stunned.

The Xuantian Sect is becoming more and more mysterious and powerful.

Just passing by a sect building, I obtained a magical power.

Such a mysterious, powerful, and profound sect, just ask who else?!

Even if a pig stays in the Xuantian Sect, I’m afraid it will take off, right?

Empress Xia and Chu Yuntian glanced at each other, and they saw shock and incredulity in each other’s eyes.

After suppressing the shock in their hearts, they continued to walk in the direction of the main peak.

They had not long walked before they stopped again, looking horrified, breathing rapidly, and staring at a small sapling.

“This…. What kind of sapling is this, why does it exude infinite rhyme and law, and the droplets on the leaves seem to contain great chance! Empress Xia muttered.

“Could it be a peach ancient tree seedling? I once saw a sporadic record of the ancient peach tree in a fragment of an ancient book, exactly the same as the small sapling in front of me. Chu Yuntian opened his mouth and said, his eyes could not hide the look of shock.

“What? Peach Ancient Tree?! Empress Xia’s mouth opened slightly and exclaimed.

After entering the Xuantian Sect, Empress Xia and Chu Yuntian were like children from poor families who entered the home of the top rich, and they were shocked and surprised everywhere, and their hearts were extremely uneasy.

Immediately afterward, they passed by the Spirit Animal Garden.

Their expressions were full of horror, and their mouths were wide enough to fit an egg, and even their eyes were about to pop out.

Oh, my God?

What do they see?

Hundreds of top-level divine beast unicorns are exuding the aura of terrifying divine beasts in the spirit beast park, and the sky is full of auspicious clouds.

Some unicorns soaked in a pool of blood, revealing an extremely comfortable appearance.

Some unicorns are playing under an ancient tea tree that covers the sky and the sun, and faintly sprinkled a large number of Taoist rhyme laws from the ancient tea tree and falls on the unicorns.

There are also some unicorns, lying under a towering cliff, as if they have established some kind of blood connection with the cliff.

Even, on the body of one of the unicorns, they sensed a great terror!

It was as if one look from this unicorn could kill them in seconds.

“In the Xuantian Sect, there are hundreds of unicorns in captivity!!” Empress Xia and Chu Yuntian exclaimed in unison.

They now finally know where the Qilin that destroyed the Jiuli Dynasty came from.

Along the way, the shocked look on Empress Xia and Chu Yuntian’s faces never receded, and they came to the foot of the Sect Master’s Peak.

“Great Xia Dynasty, Empress Xia visits the Sect Master!”

“Wan Chu Dynasty, Chu Yuntian meets the Sect Leader!”

The two of them looked respectful and said loudly.


Hold the main peak.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, exuding an aura of invincibility around his body.

Faintly, there is a wisp of true dragon power revealed.

It is like an adult holy dragon, entrenched in the main hall.

Moreover, there is also a trace of the breath of the five elements permeating the main hall.

Xu Mo slowly opened his eyes, and the five elements of breath burst out of his eyes, piercing through the void.

“Finally the melting grass has been refined.”

“Now my strength has gone from the early stage of the land immortal to the peak of the Void Breaking Realm, and I have crossed a whole great realm.”

“There is only a slight opportunity left to successfully buy the king-level power realm.”

The corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfied arc.

“In addition to realm ascension, I have also comprehended a trace of the Five Elements Law Breath…..”He stretched out his hand, and a touch of Five Elements Light suddenly appeared in the center of his palm, which contained terrifying power, as if it was about to destroy the heavens and the earth.

Disperse the momentum on your body.

He suddenly sensed that there were two figures waiting under the main peak.

“Empress Xia, Chu Yuntian?” He released his consciousness and saw the figures of the two of them.

With a big wave of his hand.

A terrifying and domineering force swept out, directly bringing Empress Xia and Chu Yuntian to the main peak hall.

Empress Xia and Chu Yuntian only felt a flower in front of them, and they appeared on the main peak.

The two of them were slightly shocked in their hearts, the strength of the sect was really not something they could guess.

“What happened to you two?” Xu Mo asked directly.

Just as Empress Xia was about to speak, Chu Yuntian on the side spoke first:

“Meet the Teacher.”

“This time I came here, but it was decided by my Wanchu Dynasty that I am willing to belong to the Xuantian Sect.”

“In the future, the Wanchu Dynasty should be respected by Xuantian Sect!”

Chu Yuntian directly explained his intentions.

Originally, on the way here, he was still hesitating whether his decision was right or wrong.

But when he saw that the Xuantian Sect was full of chance creation, he made up his mind: no matter what, he would be attached to the Xuantian Sect!

Empress Xia’s eyes narrowed slightly, with shock in her eyes, and she took a deep look at Chu Yuntian.

“Good Chu Yuntian, you chicken thief! Hugging your thighs so soon? She said to herself.


“The Wanchu Dynasty is going to be attached to this seat?”

Xu Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn’t expect that Chu Yuntian would make this decision.

He stared at Chu Yuntian with interest.

This guy was quite clever enough to seize the opportunity so quickly.

The Xuantian Sect is growing stronger and stronger, and the sect is full of creation, and it is attached to the Xuantian Sect, which is definitely a great opportunity for the Wanchu Dynasty!

“This is the imperial plot of the Wanchu Dynasty to suppress the luck, dedicated to the master of the sect.”

“In the future, the Wanchu Dynasty and the Xuantian Sect will be bound by luck, and I am willing to go to the soup for the master of the sect, and I will not give up!”

As Chu Yuntian spoke, he respectfully offered the Emperor Pole Diagram.

A Taiji diagram that exudes panic and coercion suddenly appeared.

“Okay, this seat will agree to the Wanchu Dynasty to be attached.” Xu Mo nodded.

At this time, he noticed that in the template of the system sect, in the column of belonging to the forces, [Wanchu Dynasty] appeared.

Xu Mo’s sleeve robe rolled up, and the Emperor Pole Diagram flew directly into the air.

The Golden Dragon of Qi Luck, who was resting in the Mountains and Rivers Society, sensed the appearance of the Emperor Diagram, and he suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a scorching heat in his eyes.

The huge dragon body hundreds of thousands of feet long appeared in mid-air.

Swallow the Emperor Diagram in one bite.

With the blessing of the luck of the Wanchu Dynasty, the body of the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck has reached a million zhang! Spectacular!

At this moment, Chu Yuntian’s face showed excitement and excitement.

It’s a complete thigh.

After Empress Xia saw that the Wanchu Dynasty was attached, she also had a hint of determination on her face.

“Master Zhangjiao, the Great Xia Dynasty is also willing to return!” There was sincerity in her tone.

“Okay, in the future, the Great Xia Dynasty and the Wanchu Dynasty will work together to serve the Xuantian Sect.” Xu Mo was satisfied.

Among the forces belonging to the system sect, the name of the Great Xia Dynasty once again appeared.

Followed by

Empress Xia waved her jade hand.

A holy decree that radiated a brilliant glow floated in mid-air.

“I! Empress of Great Xia! May I return to Xuantian Sect! “

As if the words were spoken, a line of handwriting appeared on the holy decree.

With the oath, heaven and earth seem to feel.

I saw that the majestic luck of the Great Xia Dynasty had already condensed into the appearance of a small dragon and flew from afar.

When the golden dragon saw this little dragon, he swallowed it in one gulp.

His body became even larger, as if an ancestral dragon had descended.

The luck of the entire Xuantian Sect is already incomparably deep and unshakable.


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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