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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 83

“Now that the Great Xia Dynasty and the Wanchu Dynasty have become the subordinate forces of my Xuantian Sect, you two can choose talented disciples from their respective royal families or territories to worship the Xuantian Sect. “

Xu Mo said lightly.

After hearing this, Empress Xia and Chu Yuntian looked shocked, and there was surprise in the depths of their eyes.

If the children of the royal family in the imperial dynasty are continuously transported into the Xuantian Sect, then the strength of the two imperial dynasties will be even stronger.

This is also a great opportunity.

“Thank you for your grace. The two hurriedly thanked each other, their expressions full of gratitude and awe.

“Master Sect, I have a small request, I don’t know…”Chu Yuntian said with a little apprehension.

Empress Xia on the side raised her eyebrows slightly, “This chicken thief, what has you come up with to curry favor with the master?”

The rivers and lakes are not fighting and killing, but human feelings.

In terms of strength, Empress Xia is so much stronger than Chu Yuntian.

But in terms of human sophistication, she is far inferior to Chu Yuntian.

It can be seen from the last time Chu Yuntian offered a thousand girls to the master of the sect, as well as this time he took the initiative to attach.

Chu Yuntian is definitely a good person, and he is very good at sycophancy.


“What a request, let’s hear it. Xu Mo raised his eyelids and said.

“Returning to the sect, I want to relocate the palace hall of the Wanchu Dynasty to the foot of Xuantian Sect Mountain. “

“In this way, you can always admire the majesty of the Sect Leader, and you can also protect the Xuantian Sect. “

Chu Yuntian said respectfully.

He secretly praised himself again in his heart for being a little elf ghost.

Xuantian Sect is suspected to have a super spiritual vein, and the spiritual energy is extremely abundant, if he can move the palace hall to the foot of Xuantian Sect Mountain, his cultivation speed will also skyrocket.

Moreover, Xuantian Sect is full of immortal treasures that can make people fall into epiphany, and after he moves the palace, he will wander around Xuantian Sect every day when he has nothing to do, and comprehend all kinds of Taoist rhymes and supernatural powers.

When Empress Xia heard this, her eyes lit up.

“It’s worthy of you Emperor Chu, you actually came up with such a second of methods. “

In an instant, she figured out the connotation of Chu Yuntian’s move.


She raised her head slightly, with a respectful expression, and said, “Master Zhangjiao, I was about to make this request, but Emperor Chu said it first. “

“The Great Xia Dynasty also wants to relocate the palace hall to the foot of Xuantian Sect. “

Chu Yuntian was slightly stunned, and said with contempt in his heart: “I’m rubbing, are you prostituting my creativity for nothing?”

Empress Xia, who has always been extremely noble, would have such a cheeky side?

“Relocation of the palace hall?” The corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a trace of arc.

How could he not see through Chu Yuntian and Empress Xia’s thoughts?

“Okay, I’m done. Xu Mo said lightly.

With the Wanchu Dynasty and the Great Xia Dynasty guarding at the foot of the mountain, the Xuantian Sect should have a deeper heritage.

Chu Yuntian and Empress Xia’s eyes were filled with joy.

They seem to have been able to imagine that the two great dynasties are about to take off.

“Stand down. “


Looking at the two figures who left, Xu Mo’s expression was very satisfied.

In today’s world, there are countless sects, and the imperial family is also grasping a handful.

There are some powerful and invincible large sects, with many dynasties under their command, sending talents and cultivation materials to the sect.

Today, Xuantian Sect also has two major imperial powers.


“Ding, the sect sensed that there were two major dynasties attached to it, and they were excited and proud, and took the initiative to present a big gift package for you. “

“You have obtained a [Sect Territory Expansion Token]. “

“You have obtained the forbidden land [Tomb of the Ancient Gods and Demons]. “

“You have obtained the [Nine Jiaolong Holy Ring]”

After hearing the sound of the system, Xu Mo smiled slightly.

He has become accustomed to the system’s sensible competition.

Then he was in the system and began to look through the gift packages one by one.

“[Sect Territory Expansion Token], you can expand the sect map according to the mind of the sect. “

“The Great Xia Dynasty and the Wanchu Dynasty are going to relocate the palace hall to the foot of the Xuantian Sect, and the expansion token can just come in handy. “

Xu Mo waved his hand, and a golden token exuding a mysterious aura floated in mid-air.

His mind moved.

I saw that the light on the token suddenly rose.

As far as the eye could see, with Xuantian Sect as the center, a golden circle of light kept expanding towards the surroundings.

The area of Xuantian Sect has expanded by more than several times, and some exquisite ancient buildings have appeared.

Xu Mo opened the map of the sect and said that he was very satisfied after seeing the expanded Xuantian Sect.

Under the shroud of his mind, a vacant land was set aside at the foot of Xuantian Sect for Chu Yuntian and Empress Xia to build the palace hall.

Immediately, Xu Mo fixed his eyes on the second reward.

“[Tomb of Ancient Gods and Demons], in ancient times, a great war broke out between gods and demons, the earth collapsed, the sky was stained with blood, and countless ancient gods and demons fell. “

“The Tomb of the Ancient Gods and Demons? “

“It is estimated that a random corpse dug up from the cemetery is an invincible existence in ancient times, right?”

Xu Mo muttered to himself.

The battle of the ancient gods and demons is too long.

Today’s world has only left a few records, and the truth of them is unknown.

“With this tomb of ancient gods and demons, after the strength of the sect’s elders and disciples reaches a certain level, they can enter it to comprehend the ancient gods and demons exercises. “

While Xu Mo was thinking in his heart, he rolled up his sleeve robe.


The wind and clouds in the mid-air of the entire Xuantian Sect rolled upside down, roaring in all directions, and black clouds pressed the top.

It was as if some great horror was about to befall it, and it was terrifying.

A monstrous aura of death and resentment swept through the Xuantian Sect.

Even, there was a rain of blood in the sky.

The sky is stained with blood!!

One by one, the tombs without tombstones began to land in a corner of Xuantian Sect.

All the elders and disciples in the Xuantian Sect looked up one after another at this moment, their expressions full of horror and shock.

Oh, my God?

It’s a series of graves?!

A grave with the smell of ancient desolation and resentment?

The crowd was shocked.

When the tombs had just landed, they could clearly perceive that there was an ancient aura that broke through the sky in the Xuantian Sect, mixed with infinite death qi.

Under this breath, they all felt their scalps explode, their hairs stood on end, and even goosebumps came out one by one.

The remnants of the dead body alone caused visions of heaven and earth, making them tremble and want to kneel and surrender.


How powerful were the strength of these tomb owners during their lifetimes?

They dare not imagine.

After the [Tomb of the Ancient Gods and Demons] landed, a cemetery appeared in a corner of the Xuantian Sect.

“This is the cemetery of the ancient gods and demons, which is left after the war of the ancient gods and demons, and belongs to the forbidden land of the sect. “

“Those who have not cultivated enough, they must not trespass without permission, otherwise they will be swallowed up by the anger of gods and demons. “

A majestic voice came from the main peak of the Sect Leader.


“Tomb of the Ancient Gods and Demons?!”

The eyes of many disciples widened, their breathing was short, and their hearts set off turbulent waves.

“Hey, what kind of terrifying reincarnation is Lord Sect Master?”

“With a wave of his hand, he will attract a piece of the tomb of ancient gods and demons to land?

Zhan Wushuang and the other elders exclaimed in their hearts.

In their hearts, they felt even more awe of the methods of the master.

The Great War of the Ancient Gods and Demons has passed for a long time, and no one has been able to peek into its truth.

Now that the tomb of gods and demons has appeared, they are shocked beyond measure.

“Could it be…..”

Suddenly, in the hearts of many elders, a crazy speculation popped up:

“Lord Sect Master is the reincarnation of an invincible ancient god and demon?”

They looked in the direction of the main peak with deep awe and horror in their eyes.

In the Spirit Animal Garden.

Lying on the Qilin Cliff, while leisurely basking in the sun and quietly comprehending the ancestor’s bloodline, while taking a sip of the ancient tea of enlightenment, Shi Lin, who sensed the arrival of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, his whole person was agitated and stood up instantly.

“It’s ….. The aura of the fallen ancient gods and demons ?!!”

His eyes were staring at the direction of the Gods and Demons Cemetery, and his mouth was wide open, enough to stuff an egg in.

“Master Sect Leader is too powerful, right? It actually led to the Ancient Gods and Demons Cemetery. He couldn’t help but exclaim.

In his heart, he was also guessing that the master was the reincarnation of a god and demon.

“In the cemetery, it is suspected that there are the remains of the ancestors of our unicorn. “In the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, Shi Lin sensed a feeling of blood connection.

“When my strength is strong, I will enter the Cemetery of Gods and Demons to find out. He thought to himself.

He could clearly perceive that this Ancient God and Demon Cemetery Cloud possessed great crisis and terror.

Even if he is a saint-level powerhouse, there is only one end when he enters it, and that is to be strangled into nothingness by the thoughts left by the ancient gods and demons.


After Xu Mo watched the Ancient Gods and Demons Cemetery land, he was slightly shocked in his heart.

He didn’t expect that the birth of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons would cause such a big commotion.

Next, he shifted his gaze to the last reward in the system.

“The [Nine Jiaolong Sacred Ring] is a magic weapon that is infinitely close to the saint-level level, not only is it invincible in defense and comfortable to ride, but it can also burst out with powerful attacks. “

Xu Mo stared at the introduction in the system, and the corners of his mouth raised a satisfied arc.

In the future, when he traveled, he could be regarded as having a car that was pretending to be forced.

In his last life, he read a fantasy novel with a Nine Dragons pulling a coffin.

The huge scene left a deep impression on his mind.

Now, he has nine dragons pulling chariots.

Although Jiaolong can’t be compared with a real dragon, it’s a bit of a force.

Just by looking at it, Xu Mo could perceive what a terrifying aura the nine dragons exuded.

At this moment,

Xu Mo suddenly sensed that there was a strange movement in the Ancient Gods and Demons Cemetery.

Open the map of the system sect and draw your eyes to the cemetery of gods and demons.

When he saw the scene that happened in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, “I’m rubbing, is it so bloody?”


In the cemetery of ancient gods and demons, there are various corpses of gods and demons buried.

Resentment and death are intertwined, and there are even more remnants of the will of gods and demons.

When ordinary martial artists enter it, they will inevitably be instantly obliterated and engulfed by the will of gods and demons.


Beneath an unnamed tombstone, a hand jerked out of the ground and slapped on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a young man dressed in black, with a handsome face and a hint of doubt in his dark eyes, crawled out of the ground where the corpse of the ancient demon was buried.

“Long years, vicissitudes of life, what year is tonight?”

“I am resurrected….”

“Ah!!It hurts, why is my memory blurred, and the memories of my previous life are suspected to be sealed?”

Just as the boy was about to recall, he only felt that his head was about to explode, as if countless steel needles were piercing.

He stopped reminiscing.

“My memory is missing, and I only vaguely remember that I was killed in the last life, and there is a very important thing to do in this life. “

“That is to ascend to the strongest and find a wife…”

The boy muttered, sorting through the fragmented memories in his mind.

Then he looked around with a look of shock on his face.

“I… Am I resurrected from a graveyard of ancient gods and demons?”

“And after a long period of sleep, my body has actually fused with a trace of the coexistence of gods and demons. “

The boy was surprised.

“Old friends, countless years together, goodbye!”


He calmed down and walked out of the cemetery.

In this life, he wants to become a peerless powerhouse and look for a wife!!

This is the clearest memory in his heart.

Just as he stepped out of the Ancient Gods and Demons Cemetery.

A handsome man, with an extraordinary temperament, and a majestic and domineering appearance, appeared in his sight.

“You…. Who are you?” the young man’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he could clearly sense the terrifying aura coming from this majestic man.

With his current realm, the other party’s one thought can wipe him out!

“Could it be that my enemy from my last life has found it?” the young man became vigilant.

Just when the young man was looking at Xu Mo, Xu Mo was also looking at the other party.

“The boy who came out of the tomb of the ancient gods and demons?”

“It’s kind of interesting. “

The corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing an interesting arc.

Based on the bloody fantasy novels he read in his last life, he has already made up dozens of bad street plots in his brain.

“The Dragon Viewing Technique is on!” Xu Mo said silently in his heart.

There was a touch of gold flowing in his eyes.

“Name: Ye Shuntian

Bone age: 16

Cultivation: The early stage of the Qi Sea Realm

Physique: The reincarnation of gods and demons

Luck: 150,000

Loyalty: 0″

A row of information appeared in Xu Mo’s line of sight.

“Ye Shuntian?”

“The name is a very lucky child. “

Xu Mo smiled slightly.

Then, he moved his gaze to the physique and luck columns.

“The reincarnation body of gods and demons, the luck is worth 150,000?”

“There is such a high luck value. “

Xu Mo raised his eyelids, and he could clearly see the extremely rich, majestic and terrifying purple qi above Ye Shuntian’s head.

“I have been sleeping in the ancient gods and demons cemetery for a long time, and my body has not only devoured a trace of the coexistence of gods and demons, but also has invincible luck. “

“Proper son of luck. “


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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