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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 84

Xu Mo was slightly surprised in his heart, he didn’t expect that this young man who came out of the Ancient God and Demon Cemetery would have a luck value of 150,000!

It is much more majestic than the reincarnation of the Great Sage’s Shangguan Qingqi.

“This seat is the head of the Xuantian Sect, and this ancient god and demon cemetery is the forbidden place of the Xuantian Sect.”

“Tell me why you woke up from the Graveyard of Gods and Demons.”

Xu Mo got straight to the point.


“This ancient god and demon cemetery belongs to the forbidden land of Xuantian Sect?”

“It’s… How is this possible?! “

Ye Yantian exclaimed in his heart.

Although he had a broken memory in his mind, he knew what the ancient gods and demons represented.

Countless years ago, the ancient gods and demons fought each other.

In that battle, the sky was stained with blood, and the heavens and the earth were shattered.

Many gods and demons fell one by one, and their bodies were buried in unknown and mysterious places, forming cemeteries.

These cemeteries of gods and demons have great coercion, and ordinary warriors will only have one fate when they enter them, that is, they will be wiped out by the will of gods and demons and become the nutrients of the cemetery.


Is it such a terrifying cemetery, and it actually belongs to a sect?

What sect is so awesome that it can be built on the ancient gods and demons cemetery?

This made Ye Yantian’s eyes look horrified, his breathing became short, and he looked at Xu Mo with incredulity in his eyes.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the shock in his heart, he said slowly:

“To tell you the truth, my memory is broken.”

“I vaguely only remember that in the last life, I fell in a big battle with a strong enemy.”

“As for why I was resurrected in the Ancient Gods and Demons Graveyard, I don’t know.”

“All I know is that in this life I want revenge and find my wife.”

Ye Yantian muttered.


“Memory mutilation?”

Xu Mo was slightly surprised.

With his experience of reading fantasy novels in his previous life, he has already made up some plots in his brain.

Ye Weitian was a terrifying-level powerhouse in his previous life, and his wife accidentally disappeared or fell in order to save her.

In a fit of rage, he went to war with a strong enemy, only to be defeated.

As for why he was resurrected in the Ancient Gods and Demons Cemetery, there are only two possibilities, the first is that he himself used great magical means to bury himself in the Ancient Gods and Demons Cemetery in exchange for a trace of life.

The second is that those close to him buried him in a cemetery and used anti-heavenly means to help him resurrect him in the future.

Either way, it all shows that Ye Zhitian was a supreme existence in his last life, and he may have surpassed the Great Sage!

is even more bizarre than Shangguan Qing’s life experience.

Xu Mo smiled slightly, he was very glad that he had read a lot of fantasy novels in his previous life.

After crossing into this world, any child of luck appears, and he can guess a general background.

“It seems that Ye Shuntian is a son of luck of the revenge flow + rebirth flow.” Xu Mo muttered in his heart.

“Your memory is broken now, and your cultivation is only in the early stage of the Qi Sea Realm.”

“Do you think you still have any hope of revenge? Not to mention the search for a wife. “

Xu Mo said lightly.

“This…….”Ye Yitian’s face was gloomy.

Yes, he has a broken memory now, and he doesn’t even know who the strong enemy is, and in addition to his low cultivation, how can he talk about finding his wife in his memory?

“When my strength recovers to a certain level, I can awaken all the memories of my previous life.” He muttered.

It seemed that he had seen through Ye Shuntian’s thoughts, Xu Mo said lightly:

“Why don’t you worship my Xuantian Sect? Become a disciple of my Xuantian Sect? “

After hearing this, Ye Yantian hesitated with a touch of thought on his face.

In his last life, he was the strongest, powerful and terrifying, and had an invincible appearance.

Although his cultivation fell after the resurrection, he had a touch of arrogance in his heart.

It can be seen from the word “against the sky” in his name.

If you don’t even accept the heavens, will those who dare to rebel succumb to a sect and become a disciple of the sect?

Xu Mo could naturally see Ye Shuntian’s inner thoughts.

However, the son of luck has already taken the initiative to send it to the door, how can he miss it?

He also has a hole card, and under this hole card, Ye Yantian will beg him to worship in Xuantian Sect.

“You have been sleeping in the Ancient Gods and Demons Cemetery for a long time, and under the tempering of the corpses, bloodlines, and consciousness of the gods and demons, your roots and bones have already undergone earth-shaking changes.”

“Now you have the reincarnation body of gods and demons, which is a rare holy body in heaven and earth, and you have an invincible posture.”

“As long as you worship my Xuantian Sect, this seat naturally has a way to awaken the reincarnation body of gods and demons in your body.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

“You can let me awaken the reincarnation of gods and demons?”

Ye Shuntian exclaimed, his expression was full of excitement and excitement, and even his breathing became much shorter.

He was naturally able to perceive that after his resurrection, he had an invincible holy body.

This kind of holy body is even more domineering and terrifying than his physique in his previous life!

If he can awaken this holy body, his martial arts achievements will definitely surpass those of the previous life! Proud!

In Ye Shuntian’s heart, he had a strong curiosity about Xu Mo.

First of all, the sect has an ancient god and demon cemetery, and then it can allow him to awaken the reincarnation body of gods and demons.

Such methods are simply terrifying!

“Could it be…. The head of the sect is also the reincarnation of a powerhouse of the Great Terror level? Ye Shuntian thought to himself.


Without the slightest hesitation, he knelt directly on the ground, with great respect in his expression, and said:

“Please take me!”

“The disciple is willing to worship the Xuantian Sect.”

After seeing Ye Shuntian’s respectful appearance, the corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfied arc.

Under the operation of the Dragon Viewing Technique, he could clearly see that Ye Yantian’s loyalty had risen directly from 0 to 75.

“Okay, this seat will allow you to worship in the Xuantian Sect.”

“From now on, you are the miscellaneous disciple of my Xuantian Sect.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

“Ding, the sect sensed that the host had recruited a son of great luck, and its heart was greatly excited, and it took the initiative to send you a [Tianjiao Disciple Cultivation Gift Package].”

“You have obtained the [Gods and Demons Yin and Yang Codex].”

“You have obtained the [Reincarnation Breathing Method].”

“You’ve got the [Divine Killer].”

“You’ve obtained the [Demonic Marksmanship].”

After hearing the sound of the system, Xu Mo’s face had a hint of relief.

As soon as the son of luck was recruited, the sect sent a gift package for the cultivation of Tianjiao’s disciples.

Just ask, is there a more sensible sect than this?

“This is the [Reincarnation Breathing Method], which has great power and can help you awaken the reincarnation of gods and demons in your body.”

Xu Mo flicked his fingers, and a golden light instantly submerged into Ye Zhitian’s eyebrows.

“Reincarnation breathing?”

Ye Yantian was shocked in his heart, and he suddenly felt that there was an esoteric and complex supernatural power technique in his mind.

The breathing method is a magical technique in ancient times, and it has long been lost.

He didn’t expect that the master would actually master the breathing method!

Moreover, it is also the top 10 reincarnation breathing methods!

For a while, in his heart, he became more and more in awe and curiosity about the master.

“If you have the breathing method, why don’t you hurry up and awaken the reincarnation body of gods and demons?” Xu Mo scolded.

After hearing the scolding of the master, Ye Zhitian was shocked and woke up from the shock.

He hurriedly calmed down, got rid of distracting thoughts, and seriously comprehended the reincarnation breathing method.


A powerful force erupted from his body in an instant.

The terrifying momentum set off a huge hurricane around it, which was extremely terrifying.

Even the surrounding void was buzzing and trembling, with the slightest ripple, as if it couldn’t withstand the pressure.

Ye Yantian only felt a violent aura in his body, and he was rampage, as if a real dragon was about to recover.

He spewed dragon-white gas from his mouth and nose, and a roar sounded in his body.

A sharp and intense pain came from the body.

It was as if the body was going to be crushed into a blood mist by some kind of force!

He clenched his fists, even his nails were buckled into the flesh and he didn’t know it, cold sweat flowed down his forehead, and his body trembled slightly.

“The breathing method is really domineering!”

Accompanied by severe pain, Ye Yantian could clearly perceive that his roots, bloodline, talent, understanding, etc., were all evolving in the direction of perfection, which was extremely terrifying.

Faintly I could perceive that Ye Yantian’s body exuded a trace of life and death, yin and yang, which was very weird.

Around him, it was as if there were countless gods and demons emerging one by one.

The surrounding flowers and trees lost their vitality and withered in an instant.

However, the next moment, it came back to life and became verdant.

As time passed, the aura on his body gradually became stronger.

Xu Mo quietly observed the changes in Ye Yantian’s physique on the side, “The reincarnation body of gods and demons is indeed a rare holy body, and it actually carries a trace of reincarnation breath, and it is blessed by the breath of ancient gods and demons. “


About a quarter of an hour later, Ye Shuntian slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, a terrifying aura burst out like a substance, piercing through the void!

His eyes, one pitch black, the other brilliant gold.

One seems to have an ancient god in it, and the other seems to have a terrifying demon god dancing in it.

Gods and demons!

“I have successfully awakened the reincarnation body of gods and demons!”

“Eternal life is seen in reincarnation.”

“Who dares to call it invincible, who dares to say that it is invincible, only I am against the sky!”

Ye Shuntian said in a low voice, with a domineering look on his face, and he already had the demeanor of a peerless powerhouse.

He could clearly perceive what a terrifying talent the god and demon reincarnation body had!

It is not difficult to surpass the previous life.

After awakening the reincarnation body of gods and demons, his cultivation soared from the peak of the Qi Sea Realm all the way to the peak of the Innate Realm!

It has crossed two great realms.

The momentum was released, and the surrounding void was constantly crumbling and distorting.

He slowly stretched out his hand, holding life in one hand and death in the other.

Extremely scary.

Even his memory has recovered a little.

Faintly, I can see the vague figure of my wife.

“Thank you for your kindness!”

Ye Shuntian knelt on the ground with a sincere expression.

In this moment, his loyalty rose from 75 to 90.

After Xu Mo saw the change in loyalty, he smiled slightly, with a satisfied expression on his face.

“You have awakened the reincarnation of gods and demons, and this seat will give you another chance.”

“These are the two supernatural power exercises [Gods and Demons Yin and Yang Canon] and [Chaos Demon Marksmanship], with the blessing of the reincarnation body of gods and demons, the two exercises will burst out with infinite power and have an invincible posture.”

“There is also a superb immortal-level magic weapon [God Killer Spear], which kills the world and is domineering.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

Then he flicked his fingers again, and two golden rays of light submerged into Ye Shuntian’s eyebrows.

Ye Yitian suddenly felt that there were two more powerful and obscure exercises in his mind.

Just by looking at it, you can perceive the extraordinaryness of these two exercises.

The exercises he practiced in his previous life, compared to these two exercises, were simply rubbish and not worth mentioning.


I saw that the wind and clouds in the sky were upside down, roaring in all directions, black clouds were overwhelming, and even the sun and moon were a little dim.

A fierce and boundless spear, mixed with boundless might, floated in mid-air.

This spear is red all over, and the body of the spear is engraved with all kinds of mysterious runes, revealing infinite killing intent.

If you are a warrior with a weak mind, I am afraid that you will be swallowed up by the killing intent on the spear in a few minutes.

The spear was buzzing and trembling, and the void was so shaken that it rippled, as if celebrating its birth.

After Ye Yantian saw this spear, his face was overjoyed.

He had a vague feeling that this spear had been made for him.


“Just what I want!”

Ye Yantian grabbed the crimson spear body and swung it violently into the void.

The void collapsed and twisted, so it wasn’t amazing.

“The great grace of the sect, the disciple has nothing to repay, and he will swear to protect the Xuantian Sect in the future!”

Ye Shuntian held the god-killing spear in his hand, knelt down on one knee, and was firm.

His loyalty, from 90 to 100, is directly full.

With a wave of his hand, he let him awaken the Holy Body, and even gave him supernatural skills and divine weapons.

This kind of background is simply terrifying.

I’m afraid that even with his experience in the previous life, he can’t see through the teaching.

In his heart, there was only a deep awe.

“Okay, get up.”

Xu Mo waved his hand lightly, and a majestic and incomparable aura swept out, lifting Ye against the sky.

“Your current identity is a miscellaneous disciple in the Xuantian Sect.”

“If you want to become an outer or inner disciple, you only need to pass the test of the Cloud Dragon Ladder.”

Xu Mo opened his mouth to speak, and then he glanced at Ye Shuntian lightly, and his whole figure flashed, disappeared in place, and returned to the main peak.

“Cloud Dragon Ladder?”

“I have the reincarnation body of gods and demons, and I should be proud of the first day of the sect.”

“How can you live up to the high expectations of the sect leader and only be a mere miscellaneous disciple?”

Ye Shuntian muttered, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

He left the Cemetery of Gods and Demons and walked towards the Cloud Dragon Ladder, and the aura was terrifying wherever he passed.


An hour later.

Under the cloud dragon ladder.

Many sect disciples raised their heads and looked at a young figure on the Cloud Dragon Ladder.

“Who is this man? How come I haven’t seen it before? “

“Could it be the newly recruited disciple of the Sect?”

“He climbs the Cloud Dragon Ladder so fast, and it seems that he is a peerless genius with a demonic talent.”


“Oh my God, he has surpassed Shangguan Qing’s record and set a new record on the Cloud Dragon Ladder!”



Many disciples exclaimed.

You must know that Shangguan Qing is recognized as the first person in the sect!

As a result, now, someone is even more demonic than Shangguan Qing, and he directly refreshed the record.


The third one is sent, and there is the last one


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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