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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 87

The fox demon clan is a top-level divine beast in ancient times, with an invincible posture of horizontal pushing.

In the secret realm of Qingqiu, there are nearly a thousand fox demon girls living.

These fox demon girls have delicate and simple faces, and they all exude a charming aura on their bodies.

A female fox with a domineering aura and a delicate face stood on the top of the Qingqiu Secret Realm, looking at the fox demon descendants below, with relief on her face.

She is the patriarch of today’s fox demon clan – Fox Mei Niang!

“If it weren’t for the fact that there is a Zimu River in the secret realm, my fox demon clan is afraid that the bloodline will wither, and the offspring will be scarce.”

She muttered to herself.

Although the fox demon clan is a top-level divine beast, it has a charming body, and it has also been remembered by many human races or demon powerhouses.

A certain fox demon ancestor with magical means accidentally obtained the Zimu River with miraculous uses in an ancient ruin.

Drinking the water of the Mother and Child River can lead to pregnancy.

So far

The fox demon clan closed the Qingqiu Secret Realm enchantment and cut off contact with the outside world.

In the martial arts world, the fox demon has also become a legendary existence.

At this time, a fox demon girl with a stunning face, a perfect figure, and a moving temperament slowly landed beside the patriarch fox Meiniang.

This fox demon girl, whether it is her figure, face, or temperament, can be called a disaster for the country and the people.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this fox demon girl is put in the outside world, it will definitely make countless martial artists obsessed.

She stood there, and even the heavens and the earth became much darker, like the only protagonist between heaven and earth, which made people involuntarily want to move their eyes to her.

The eyes are smart, the skin is fair, and there is an occasional hint of playfulness and cuteness on the face.

Even if it’s the Daji of the King of Trouble, that’s just it, right?

The patriarch fox Meiniang moved her gaze to the fox demon girl, and there was a hint of love and relief on her face.

Her daughter, Fox Xing’er, is a peerless genius who has been rare in the fox demon clan for tens of thousands of years.

Now the four tails have been successfully awakened!!

The number of tails of the fox demon represents the richness of its ancestral bloodline.

If you can successfully awaken the Nine-Tails, you will completely have the bloodline of the ancestor, obtain the inheritance and supernatural power of the ancestor of the fox demon, and have unlimited achievements in the future.

Of course, under such talent, Fox Xing’er has also become the descendant of the fox demon clan.

“Mother, I have something I want to discuss with you.” Fox Xing’er spoke.

“No matter what, my mother will promise you, so let’s hear it first.” Fox Mei Niang said dotingly.

Fox Xing’er is the hope of the future of the entire fox demon clan, and she will try her best to meet any requirements.

“I…. I just had a feeling that I was going to leave the Qingqiu Secret Realm and go to the outside world. Fox Xing’er said directly.

She could clearly sense that there was a place called Xuantian Sect that was inspiring her.

The inspiration is strong.

It made her a little irresistible, and even involuntarily rose up in awe and surrender.

After hearing her daughter’s words, Fox Meiniang looked slightly stunned, and she couldn’t react.


“You’re leaving the Qingqiu Secret Realm?!”

Hu Meiniang asked in disbelief, with a pair of beautiful eyes with a deep shock.

Immediately, her body exuded a majestic, domineering and terrifying momentum, which began to sweep through this world, which was very terrifying.

The wind and clouds in the entire sky were upside down, roaring in all directions, and the black clouds were overwhelming, as if a fierce beast was roaring wildly in the black clouds.

It’s like the power of heaven and earth!

The void was constantly crumbling and twisting, as if it could not withstand the terrifying pressure, and there were ripples.

Even the entire Qingqiu Secret Realm was buzzing and trembling, as if it was about to fall apart at any time.

In her eyes, Fox Xing’er has always been a good fox.

Not only does he have peerless talent, but he also cultivates hard, and he looks like a good student.

As a mother, she is also very proud and proud.

As a result, now, Fox Xing’er actually has the idea of going to the outside world?

She was already angry.

Ever since the fox demon clan had the Zimu River, they closed the Qingqiu Secret Book Enchantment.

Under the brainwashing of the patriarchs of the past generations, the fox demon girl understood two truths:

First, the outside world is dangerous.

Second, men from the outside world are dangerous and will take them away as pets and keep them in captivity.

However, now, as the descendant of the fox demon clan, Hu Xing’er actually ignores the clan rules and wants to go to the outside world?

The fox girl was so angry that she was about to vomit blood.

This stupid girl, is this a broken brain in cultivation?

“Well, I’d like to hear what you’re doing in the outside world?” She tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart and asked in a deep voice.

“I vaguely sense that there is a great opportunity in the outside world, even the fate of the entire fox demon clan, waiting for me to obtain it.” Fox Xing’er can naturally sense the rolling momentum on her mother’s body.

But she was not afraid at all, her eyes looked directly at her mother, and her expression was determined.


“There is a big chance, even the fate of the entire fox demon clan?”

Fox Meiniang’s heart moved, and the anger in her heart subsided slightly, with a thoughtful expression.

“Could it be that after Xing’er awakened the four tails, the ancestral bloodline in her body became more intense, and she was recognized by the ancestors, and the ancestors were given the opportunity in the dark?” Fox Meiniang thought to herself, faintly excited in her heart, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes.

My daughter is amazing.

Not only is the descendant of the fox demon, who has been rare for tens of thousands of years, awakened Siwei, but also obtained the approval of the ancestral bloodline and gave birth to induction, and is about to get a chance.

Fox Meiniang’s expression became proud and proud.

The fox demon clan is destined to regain the glory of the ancestors under her leadership!

“Xing’er, I blamed you just now.”

“Tell me what kind of great chance is it?”

Fox Meiniang hurriedly asked, with a touch of expectation on her face.

“Mother, I have a feeling in my heart that I want to go to the Xuantian Sect in the outside world and become the personal maid of the Xuantian Sect.” Fox Xing’er said her inner feelings.

After hearing this, Hu Meiniang looked stunned, and her originally proud and proud expression froze directly on her face, and the whole person fell into confusion.

The mouth was wide enough to fit an egg, and even the eyeballs were about to pop out.

It took a long time for her to react from her stunned and bewildered state.

“You…. What did you just say? “

“You want to go to Xuantian Sect and become the maid of Xuantian Sect?!”

“And, it’s still a personal maid?”

Fox Meiniang’s eyes widened.


There was a more terrifying and domineering coercion on her body than before.

Even the sky changes color, and the void trembles!!

Even the strong momentum directly rolled up the hurricane and raged around.

“Rebel girl, rebel girl, you’re really angry with me.”

“Who are you?”

“You are a peerless demon that has been rare for tens of thousands of years in the fox demon clan, and you have awakened the four-tailed bloodline, and you are the introduction of the next generation of the fox demon clan.”

“As a result, you are now willing to fall into self-depravity, and you actually want to become someone else’s handmaiden?”

The fox almost vomited blood, the whole person exuded rolling coercion, and her eyes stared at the fox apricot, eager to dig out the fox apricot’s brain to see what was inside.

She almost wondered if the Hu Xian’er in front of her had been taken away?

How could you say such a foolish thing?

The peerless pride of the dignified fox demon clan, as a result, wants to take the initiative to be a maid for others, so he asks if it’s ridiculous?

She was about to be unable to suppress the anger in her heart, and wanted to beat Hu Xian’er to wake up.

The fox demon clan is a top-level divine beast, and during the ancestor period, it was even more invincible and suppressed the universe.

As a result, there is now such an unassuming descendant.

Want to be a maid for someone else?

Hu Xian’er’s expression was firm, she had already expected the scene in front of her.

After all

His noble identity and superb talent are the hope of the fox demon clan in the future.

When she first came up with this idea, she was shocked herself, wondering if she was crazy.

But I don’t know why, the inspiration in her heart became stronger and stronger, and her thoughts became more and more determined.


In the Qingqiu Secret Realm, after nearly a thousand fox demon descendants sensed the patriarch’s anger, their faces turned pale with fright, trembling, and hurriedly hid in their caves, for fear of offending the patriarch’s majesty.

And the fox demon elders who were cultivating in retreat, after sensing this domineering and domineering aura, they were shocked and woke up from the retreat.

“What’s going on?” They looked shocked and confused.

The Qingqiu Barrier was extremely strong, and they were not worried about the invasion of foreign enemies.

With doubts in their hearts, they cast their supernatural powers and walked in the direction of the aura explosion.


More than a dozen streamers fell.

More than a dozen middle-aged women with a light demeanor landed.

“Patriarch, what’s going on?” The elders asked.

“Alas~~” Fox Meiniang sighed.

“Rebel girl, it’s just a rebel girl!”

She wanted to find a crack in the ground to get into.

Fox Xing’er was a peerless pride in the clan before, which made her feel proud and proud.

Now he actually wants to go to Xuantian Sect and become the handmaiden of Xuantian Sect?

It’s a slap in the face.

How should she face the elders of the clan?

After Hu Xing’er saw the elders coming, her eyes were firm, and she said truthfully: “Elders, I have a feeling in my heart that I want to go to the Xuantian Sect in the outside world and become the maid of the Xuantian Sect. “

After hearing this

The elders were stunned and shocked.

Oh, my God?

What did they hear?

Fox Xing’er wants to take the initiative to become someone else’s maid?

This made their heads roar, and even their thoughts stopped for a moment, looking incredulous.

It took them a long time before they came to their senses from the shock.

Fox Xing’er is the future hope of the entire fox clan, how can she have such a confused idea?

Being a maid to someone else?

Do you want to lower your value so much?

Anyway, they are also top-level divine beasts, but their descendants actually gave birth to such stupid ideas!

Isn’t she fragrant when she is a fox demon young master?

Do you have to be a maid?

They now finally knew why the patriarch was so angry.

So, the elders began to persuade:

“Xing’er, you are confused, I think you have gone crazy.”

“You have a noble status and represent the face of our fox demon clan, how can you be a maid.”

“My little ancestor, the outside world is very dangerous, and men are also dangerous, so you must not touch it.”

“Listen to the elder’s advice, the water outside is very deep, and you can’t grasp it.”

“Otherwise, Elder Ben will go out and catch a few men with fine skin and tender flesh and come back, Xing’er, you will stay obediently in the Qingqiu Secret Realm, what kind of maid will you be? We don’t have to be wronged! “

“That is, there is no record in the fox demon classics, which ancient sect is called Xuantian Sect.”

“It must be a small broken sect, and he dares to let the fox demon heir be a maid, it’s really hateful!”


Many elders persuaded one after another, resolutely opposing Fox Xing’er going out.

Fox Xing’er has lived in the Qingqiu Secret Realm for a long time, and has never seen the sinister outside world, in case she was abducted as soon as she left the Qingqiu Secret Realm, then their fox demon clan would be completely finished!

Fox Xing’er’s expression was firm, and the persuasion of the elders did not shake her inner thoughts in the slightest.

“Elders, you keep saying that men are dangerous.”

“But… You haven’t even seen a man…”

She couldn’t help but ask.


The elders were choked by Hu Xing’er’s words, and they didn’t say anything for a long time.

Yes, the Qingqiu Secret Realm has been closed for thousands of years, where have they seen any men….

“Rebel girl, you dare to contradict the elders!” The foxy girl’s face was bloodshot, and the momentum of her whole body exploded, shaking the surrounding space and constantly collapsing and distorting.

“Mother, elders, I have made up my mind.”

“My inner induction tells me that this is not only my personal chance, but also the fate of the entire fox demon clan.”

“Please allow me to leave the Qingqiu Secret Realm and go to Xuantian Sect.”

Fox Xing’er said in a sincere tone.


“Well, since you have made up your mind, I will not stop you.”

“Go ahead.”

Fox Meiniang said angrily.

“Thank you, Mother.” Hu Xian’er’s delicate face was full of excitement and excitement.

With a wave of her hand, Fox Mei Niangyu used a magical power to directly open the Qingqiu Secret Realm Enchantment and send Hu Xian’er out.

“Patriarch, what are you?” The elders were shocked in their hearts, and their expressions were full of doubts, and they were a little puzzled by what the patriarch was doing.

Fox Xing’er is the descendant of the fox demon clan, so she sent it out like this and let Hu Xing’er be a maid?

This is the luck of the fox demon clan.

“Don’t worry, I’ll secretly follow Xing’er along.”

“A small sect dares to let my daughter be a maid? When I descend on Xuantian Sect, I will inevitably destroy it with a slap and bring it back to Xing’er. “

Fox Meiniang’s eyes were slightly cold, and she said.

In her opinion, Fox Xing’er is equivalent to a rebellious period, and she can only follow it.

He has never been beaten by the outside world.

When he saw the sinister outside world, he would naturally obediently follow her back to the Qingqiu Secret Realm.

“Patriarch wise, this is a good idea.”

On the beautiful faces of many elders, they all said with surprise.

Qingqiu is secret outside the borders.

Fox Xing’er raised her eyes slightly, and after sensing the direction of Xuantian Sect in her heart, she turned into a streamer and headed towards Xuantian Sect.


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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