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My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade! — Chapter 97

Originally, Ji Xuan stayed in this small town, had nothing to do to study medical skills, and treated the people in the town, but he lived an ordinary and comfortable life.

She knew that she looked delicate and vulgar, and for the sake of unnecessary trouble, she never showed her true face, with a hat on her head and a white veil covering her face.

What she didn’t expect was that by chance, the leader of the Fire Wolf Gang saw her true appearance and showed her favor in every way.

But she decisively refused.

Today, the leader of the Fire Wolf Gang completely lost his patience and ordered his subordinates to go out, wanting to move her forward and snatch her back to the sect.

The Fire Wolves are a notorious and hated gang in the vicinity.

Her talent is mediocre, not only does she have no talent in alchemy, but even her martial arts have only stepped into the realm of quenching her body, so how can she be the opponent of the Fire Wolf Gang?

She could only run away in a hurry.

In the rear, the warriors of the Fire Wolf Gang chased closer and closer, exuding a rolling momentum on their bodies.

“Am I going to be captured and brought back to the Fire Wolves?”

“No, even if I die, I won’t choose to give in!”

Ji Xuan’s eyes carried a hint of determination.

It was clear that she had risen to the worst.

“Little Divine Doctor, you can’t run away.”

“It’s your blessing that the helper can take a fancy to you.”

A warrior of the Fire Wolf Gang spoke.

Soon, several warriors arrived in front of Ji Xuan and surrounded Ji Xuan.

“After all…. Can’t you escape? Ji Xuan’s face was pale, with a look of humiliation, his fists were clenched, and even his nails were almost buckled into his palms, shedding scarlet blood.

Her eyes stared at the several warriors in front of her, and her eyes burst out with anger that seemed to be substantial.

On her face, with a touch of determination, just as she was about to blow herself up.


I saw that the wind and clouds in the entire sky were upside down, roaring in all directions, and countless golden lights bloomed, as if some great terror was about to be born.

A majestic and incomparable terrifying coercion spread all around, like the power of heaven and earth.

Even the space is constantly crumbling and distorting.

Around Ji Xuan and the others, countless terrifying hurricanes were set off, sweeping the heavens and the earth, which was extremely terrifying.

Along with coercion appeared.

The crowd looked up.

Oh, my God? What do they see?

The huge body of a dragon suddenly appeared in mid-air, releasing a terrifying and domineering evil aura.

No, it’s not right …..

More than one dragon!

It’s a whole nine dragons!!

The nine dragons are huge, covering the sky and the sun, and their aura is strong and domineering, like a terrifying existence that has recovered from ancient times.

Their eyes are cold and indifferent, looking down on the world, as if everything in the world is like ants in their eyes, not to mention.

What shocked the warriors of the Fire Wolf Gang even more was that these nine mighty and invincible dragons were pulling a dragon chariot!

The dragon chariot bloomed with brilliant golden light, and there were even wisps of Dao rhyme law revealed, which was extremely extraordinary.

On the dragon chariot, there sat a man with a handsome face, majestic and domineering, and a strong breath.

This picture is as if the Heavenly Emperor of the Ancient Heavenly Court is on patrol.

The man sat on the dragon chariot and played with a small white fox in his hand.

“This…. What is the origin of this man? “

“You actually used nine dragons to pull the cart?”

“Big shots, absolute big shots.”

“This is a powerhouse who landed from which domain, right?”

Several members of the Fire Wolf Gang couldn’t help but exclaim after seeing the majestic man who appeared in mid-air.

They could clearly perceive that a terrifying and powerful aura swept over the sky, making them feel trembling, their scalps exploding, and their hairs standing on end.

It’s as if the other party’s one thought can wipe them all out.

They were scared to pee and tremble.

Ji Xuan also raised his head, and when he saw the nine dragons and majestic men in mid-air, there was a deep shock on the amazing face under the white veil.

Xu Mo played with the fox apricot’s tail, his eyes lowered, and swept down.

I have to say, the feeling of petting the fox is pretty good.

However…. Fox Apricot is uncomfortable.

If she had turned into a human form at this time, she would have been able to see her delicate and fair face with a blush.

For the fox girl, the tail is the most precious place and cannot be touched.


Who made her the handmaiden?

What is the master doing, she naturally can’t resist.

Xu Mo moved his gaze to the Fire Wolf Gang below, as well as Ji Xuan’s body, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing an interesting arc.

He had just passed by this place, and suddenly he sensed something, and his majestic divine sense was released, sensing that several warriors were chasing a girl.

He was intrigued and ready to help the girl.


“This girl seems to have an extremely domineering aura in her body?”

Xu Mo raised his eyebrows, with a hint of surprise on his face.

In his mind, a thought suddenly popped up, “Could it be that this girl is a child of luck?” “

As soon as the mind moved, the dragon viewing technique was opened.

Xu Mo’s deep eyes flowed with a touch of gold.

A line of information appeared in his line of sight.

“Name: Ji Xuan

Bone age: 15

Cultivation: The early stage of the quenching realm

Constitution: Poison Pill Holy Body

Luck: 30,000

Loyalty: 0″

After seeing the basic information, Xu Mo’s face had a hint of surprise.

Do I rub?

Is it really a child of luck?

This luck is very royal.

A girl who casually rescued turned out to be the son of luck.

“Just let me see what type of luck you are.”

Xu Mo shifted his gaze to the physique and luck column.

“Poison Pill Holy Body? Luck is worth 30,000? “

No wonder he sensed a strange domineering power from the girl’s body just now.

It turned out to be a holy body with poison pills.

According to his experience of reading fantasy novels in his previous life, if he hadn’t made a timely move, I am afraid that this girl would have awakened the Holy Body of Poison Pill at a critical moment, and then killed the pursuers in seconds, and finally grew into the strongest person of the Erysipelas double cultivation that everyone feared.

Soon, dozens of plots were constructed in Xu Mo’s mind.

Ji Xuan below had a hint of hesitation and struggle on his face at the moment, and then became resolute.

If this senior who suddenly appeared can come to the rescue, today’s crisis will be solved!


She knelt directly on the ground, with sincerity in her expression, and said in a respectful tone:

“Ask my seniors to save me!”

“My name is Ji Xuan, and I am a little miracle doctor in Qingyang Town.”

“The warriors who rounded me up are members of the Fire Wolf Gang.”

“The leader of the Fire Wolf Gang sent his subordinates to forcibly snatch me away and occupy me.”

After hearing this, several Fire Wolf Gang martial artists on the side turned pale with fright and trembled.

They also fell on their knees and begged for mercy.

Xu Mo looked at Ji Xuan for a while, and then stayed on the body of the Fire Wolf Gang, with a cold expression, as if he was looking at a few ants.


As soon as the words fell, it was like a word followed.

An irresistible invisible force suddenly crushed towards several warriors.

Wherever the invisible force passed, even space was constantly crumbling and distorting.

Burst! Burst! Burst!

The bodies of several martial artists of the Fire Wolf Gang exploded directly into a blood mist!

A pungent smell of blood permeated the surroundings.

After seeing this scene, Ji Xuan’s expression was full of horror, his mouth opened slightly, and even his breathing became short.


“The predecessor just said a word, and he shocked several martial artists of the Fire Wolf Gang to death?”

“The strength of the predecessors…. It’s so strong! “

She was directly shocked by the supernatural methods of her predecessors.

“Is the address of the Fire Wolf Gang’s sect nearby?” Xu Mo asked in a majestic voice.

Ji Xuan was slightly stunned, she couldn’t figure out why her predecessors asked this question, and subconsciously replied: “Yes, it’s thousands of miles away from here.” “

At this moment,

Ji Xuan only felt a majestic and domineering divine sense of coercion, which began to spread all around.

Under this coercion, she involuntarily gave birth to the idea of kneeling down and surrendering, bowing and worshipping.


Xu Mo used his divine sense to find out the specific location of the Fire Wolf Gang.


Fire Wolves.

The gang leader was sitting directly above the main hall of the sect, and the aura around his body was rolling, like a fierce tiger entrenched.

“Little Divine Doctor, soon you will be caught by me…..”

As soon as he thought of the appearance of the little divine doctor, there was a touch of heat and greed in the depths of his eyes.

In the heat of the moment,

His expression was horrified, his whole expression was full of horror and fear, and his body was involuntarily shaking violently.

“This…. This is the breath of great terror!! “

He exclaimed, he could clearly sense that an irresistible domineering divine sense was falling.

The martial artists in the sect were shocked.

“How could the Fire Wolves offend such a terrifying being?” The gang leader’s scalp exploded, and a strong life-and-death crisis erupted in his heart.

Divine consciousness swept through the void, and space trembled.

The entire Fire Wolf Gang was directly razed to the ground.

As for the gang leader and others, they were also crushed into a blood mist.


Retracting his divine sense, Xu Mo re-cast his gaze on Ji Xuan below.

“Alright, I’ve extinguished the Fire Wolf Gang.” Xu Mo said lightly.

Ji Xuan: ???

She looked stunned.

What the?

The Fire Wolves have been wiped out?

Thousands of miles away, directly extinguished the Fire Wolf Gang?

Ji Xuan only felt a roar in his head, and his expression was full of shock and horror.

The supernatural means of her predecessors have far exceeded her imagination.

“Do you have a teacher?” Xu Mo asked.

“My talent is mediocre, I wanted to worship the Holy Land of the Great Alchemy Sect Dao Yi before, but unfortunately I was turned away, and the Martial Dao Sect was unwilling to accept me.”

“I don’t have a sect yet.”

Ji Xuan replied respectfully, with a hint of gloom in the depths of his eyes.

After Xu Mo heard the answer, he was very satisfied.

Such a talented Tianjiao disciple, he definitely missed it.

“You are not mediocre in talent, on the contrary, you have a rare peerless physique [Poison Pill Holy Body].”

“Those who are carrying the [Poison Pill Holy Body] will burst out of their bodies from time to time with powerful poisonous gas, which can wipe out all vitality.”

“Once you successfully awaken the [Poison Pill Holy Body], you will become a Tianjiao martial artist who cultivates poison, pill, and martial arts, and you will be able to become stronger by devouring poison, and you will have the posture of becoming a great emperor.”


“People who possess the [Poison Pill Holy Body] will have extremely domineering poisonous gas in their bodies, and it will be difficult to awaken and control it, and they will eventually be eaten to death by the poisonous gas.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

“What? I’m carrying the [Poison Pill Holy Body]?! “

Ji Xuan was completely stunned by his physique.

She didn’t expect that she was not mediocre in talent, but had a rare domineering physique!

“Will it eventually be swallowed up by poison gas?”

There was a hint of unwillingness and grievance in her expression.

“Ding, the sect senses that the host has harvested a son of luck, and will take the initiative to send you a [Tianjiao Disciple Cultivation Gift Package].”

“You have obtained the [Poison Summoning Pill], there is a seventy percent probability that you will successfully awaken the [Poison Pill Holy Body], once you awaken the physique, the devouring poison will become stronger, and even the gods will tremble after the poisonous gas is cast, and they will be invincible and domineering.”

“You have obtained the [Nine Shades Poison Codex], the top-level poison magic magic technique, with the blessing of the poison pill holy body, the power is endless.”

“You have obtained the [Poison Eater Hand], and the poison gas can be turned into a huge gray-purple hand to suppress the Cosmos.”

“You have obtained a high-grade immortal-level magic weapon [Demon Cloud Lock Immortal Diagram], although it is a high-grade immortal-level magic weapon, its power is almost the same as the best immortal-level magic weapon, once the picture scroll is unfolded, it can trap all strong enemies!”

The prompt sound of the system sounded in Xu Mo’s mind.

Xu Mo’s expression was indifferent, he was used to the sensibility of the sect.

“This seat is the head of the Xuantian Sect, and there are magical means to help you awaken the [Poison Pill Holy Body].”

“Are you willing to worship the Xuantian Sect?”

He said in a majestic voice.

“Can the seniors help me awaken the [Poison Pill Holy Body]?”

Ji Xuan was slightly stunned, and then showed ecstasy and excitement.

If she awakened the [Poison Pill Holy Body], she would become a Tianjiao martial artist of the three cultivators of Poison, Dan, and Martial Arts, her eyes became hot, and her whole heart was beating faster.

“It turns out that the predecessor is the head of the Xuantian Sect!” Ji Xuan was shocked in her heart.

Now Xuantian Sect is in the West City, full of mythology.

Even the three major dynasties of Xicheng were attached to the Xuantian Sect.

Many powerful warriors went to Xuanhuang City one after another, in order to gain the appreciation of Xuantian Sect.

It is even rumored that the head of the Xuantian Sect is the reincarnation of a god and demon from ancient times.

Now, such a big man actually wants to accept her? It is also necessary to help her awaken the [Poison Pill Holy Body].

This is a great opportunity!

She was overjoyed and showed an expression of excitement and excitement.

“Yes, I do!”

“The disciple is willing to worship the Xuantian Sect.”

With a plop, she knelt directly on the ground and said respectfully.

At this moment,

Her loyalty rose to 85.

After Xu Mo saw the change in loyalty, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a satisfied arc.

“Now that you have become a disciple of my Xuantian Sect, this seat will naturally help you awaken the [Poison Pill Holy Body].”

“This is the [Poison Summoning Pill], there is a seventy percent probability that you can successfully awaken the [Poison Pill Holy Body].”

Xu Mo waved his hand.

Suddenly, black clouds rolled in the entire sky, as if some terrible existence was about to be revived in the black clouds.

An elixir wrapped in billowing black gas suddenly appeared in front of Ji Xuan.

As soon as the [Poison Summoning Pill] was born, a domineering and boundless poisonous gas swept away.

Fortunately, Xu Mo had prepared and arranged a ban, otherwise a radius of tens of thousands of miles would be engulfed in poisonous gas and cut off his vitality.


My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!



Story of: My sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade!

Xu Mo traveled through time and became the headmaster of Xuantian Sect.

The mountain gate was broken, the inheritance was cut off, and he was the only one left in the sect, which was about to fall completely.

Fortunately, the sect is so impressive that it can automatically upgrade.

"The main peak of your sect, after seeing the decline of luck, took the initiative to offer a golden dragon of luck."

"Your Sutra Collection Building dislikes the sect's collection of exercises that are too low-level, and is automatically deducing upgraded exercises."

"Your mountain sect felt very guilty when he saw that he was naked, so he presented the mountain protection formation and stone tablet to the sect."

"Your spirit beast garden sensed the birth of a cub of a divine beast, and with a thought, prepared to lure it back to the sect."

"Not to be outdone, your inheritance tower has secretly contacted a peerless talent..."


Unknowingly, Xuantian Sect grew into a behemoth, and its strength crushed countless martial arts sects and dynasty nobles.

Xu Mo: I really didn’t work hard, but the sect was too ambitious.


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