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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 101 Big Opportunity

The tent was blown apart by the strong wind whipped up by the fist, and the snow on the ground was lifted several feet high.

The man never expected that Shi Lan would react so quickly and strike so decisively. He couldn’t dodge and was grazed on his left shoulder by the fist.


There was a crisp sound of bone cracking, and the black shadow flew backwards. The punch sent him flying dozens of feet, straight out of the camp.

When he landed, half of the black shadow’s body was already unconscious. He was filled with shock and did not dare to neglect, and his figure disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Shi Lan jumped into the air, glanced around, and frowned when he found nothing unusual.

“Who was it just now?”

Wu Lingkong came to Shi Lan. She had also noticed the movement just now, but her reaction was not as fast as Shi Lan.

Shi Lan shook his head, “I didn’t see it clearly, but he was able to run so fast after taking a punch from me. This man is not weak.”

Although the Vajra Divine Fist is only a body-tempering technique, it is also a boxing technique with top-notch offensive power driven by the innate true energy.

Moreover, Shi Lan’s true energy is as strong as the ordinary eighth level innate realm, far superior to that of warriors at the same level, and it is even more powerful to activate the Vajra Divine Fist.

Even if Shi Lan had just struck hastily, he had at least used nearly 80% of his strength. After taking this punch, he could disappear from her perception in an instant. The strength of the person she just spied on should not be underestimated.

The rest of the people had already been awakened by such a big movement and gathered around.

After taking a look at the sky, Shi Lan looked at Wang Ning and the others and said, “Dawn is not far away. Let’s pack up and prepare to leave here.”

No matter who the person you just spied on is, it’s always a good idea to get out of here as soon as possible.

The black shadow stumbled into the Huoyun Escort Agency, sneaked all the way, came to You Hong’s room, and knocked on the door.

The room was brightly lit and very bright.

You Hong was sitting cross-legged on a wooden couch, practicing Kung Fu with his eyes closed. A stream of red air visible to the naked eye was flowing between his mouth and nose.

Swallowing the wisp of red air into his belly, You Hong slowly opened his eyes and looked at the door.


“Xu Sheng.”

You Hong raised his hand and the door slowly opened.

A figure staggered into the room.

After seeing the condition of the person in front of him clearly, You Hong’s expression changed slightly, he stood up from the couch and helped the person in front of him sit down.

“How could it be so seriously injured? Did you fight against them?”

Xu Sheng shook his head, “No, I just went to inquire about it and was discovered accidentally.”

After checking Xu Sheng’s injuries, You Hong frowned. The left shoulder blade and the left arm bone had all been shattered, and the muscles were shattered into a puddle of mud. The injury was quite serious.

Moreover, You Hong could tell that Xu Sheng only received one punch, and maybe he was beaten like this before he could get a real punch. The punch was very heavy.

“Among these people, can anyone find traces of you?” After temporarily stabilizing Xu Sheng’s injury, You Hong asked with a serious look.

Even he couldn’t detect Xu Sheng’s concealment methods. If someone in this group could detect Xu Sheng, wouldn’t it mean that he was stronger than him?

Thinking of this, You Hong’s heart tightened. Could it be that someone stronger than him was not a warrior in the Earthly Evil Realm?

Xu Sheng shook his head, “I accidentally showed my traces myself, not by them.”

Hearing this, You Hong looked slightly relaxed and said, “What on earth is going on?”

Xu Sheng coughed twice, a trace of rosy color appeared on his pale face, and said excitedly: “Chief escort, there is a big opportunity for these people!”

You Hong was stunned, “What great opportunity?”

“Spiritual crystals, a lot of spiritual crystals!” Xu Sheng wanted to raise his hand to make a gesture, but unfortunately the left half of his body had completely lost consciousness, so he had to give up.

“What a great opportunity this is.” You Hong shook his head slightly.

“This group of people carry at least tens of thousands of spiritual crystals, or even more!” Seeing You Hong’s calm expression, Xu Sheng raised his right hand with some difficulty and made a gesture.

“I saw an open cloth bag containing at least thousands of spiritual crystals. There are more than a dozen such bags.”

You Hong’s expression didn’t change much, and he shook his head again, “Not all bags contain spiritual crystals.”

“Chief escort, if I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t say anything. These cloth bags are all engraved with formations. Although the formation patterns are a bit unfamiliar, they should be of the same type as the Spirit Sealing Formation!”

Hearing this, You Hong stood up suddenly, paced back and forth, his hands behind his back, clenching his fists tightly, obviously struggling in his heart.

Thousands of spiritual crystals are not worth taking the risk, but tens of thousands or more spiritual crystals will have a certain appeal.

“In addition to spiritual crystals, I also felt the breath of third-grade fire spiritual materials in that tent.” Xu Sheng added another piece of fire.

You Hong’s heart beat like a drum, and he returned to Xu Sheng in two steps, “Are you sure you feel the third-grade fire spiritual material?!”

Xu Sheng thought for a while and said hesitantly: “I’m actually not sure, but that breath definitely does not belong to the category of second-grade spiritual materials.”

You Hong’s breath was a little hurried. If there really was a third-grade fire spiritual material, if he could get it, this might be the biggest opportunity in his life.

He is not yet fifty years old. If he can use these third-grade spiritual materials to enter the Earthly Evil Realm before he turns fifty, he may have the opportunity to touch the legendary Tiangang Realm in the future.

You Hong gradually calmed down. The opponent’s strength was unknown, and his identity and background were unclear. Even if he wanted to attack, he couldn’t do it forcefully. At least he had to be unable to grasp the handle.

“How much have you discovered about the strength of this group of people?”

Xu Sheng thought for a while and said: “There are not many Xiantian realm masters in this group. I looked around and only saw two people. I was beaten like this by one of them.”

After You Hong pondered for a while, he took out a healing pill and gave it to Xu Sheng, saying, “You should have a good rest during this period. I will keep an eye on that group of people myself.”

Shortly after Xu Sheng left, You Hong walked out of the room holding a few letters, summoned a few confidants, and sent the letters out.

As soon as dawn broke, Shi Lan and his party left the city and continued to advance along the original route.

You Hong led several Xiantian realm warriors and circled around Shi Lan and his group. While waiting for a reply, he paid close attention to the people moving forward.

Not long after leaving the city, Shi Lan and others encountered a small group of beasts, about three to four hundred animals, mixed with many ordinary beasts.

When You Hong saw this group of beasts, he didn’t take it seriously. He had heard people say for a long time that some monster beasts suddenly appeared nearby. For this reason, he specially surveyed the area.

Xiaobo’s herd of beasts could not even threaten the warriors at the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm. He could kill them all by himself.

However, this wave of beasts may allow him to see part of this group of people’s methods.

However, in the eyes of the demon-suppressing army, this monster is no different from its free military exploits.

Thanks to the book friends Ice Soul Dream and After the Storm There May Be Ice and Snow for the reward.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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