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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 103 The War Begins (Additional Update for Rewarding the Leader of Nuan Shuyou for Smiling)

Chapter 103 The War Begins (More updates to the Nuan Shuyou helmsman for giving a reward to the smile~)

The old man in black robe didn’t care about arguing with the strong man and looked into the distance.

After the group of black figures approached, the old man suddenly opened his eyes wide and his face flushed.

“Young escort leader, why didn’t you tell me earlier that you were going to deal with such a bunch of beauties? I don’t want the spiritual crystal anymore. Just give these beauties to me. I happen to be short of a few swordsmen!”

After saying that, the old man turned back and said to the warriors in the Body Tempering Realm: “Don’t hurt the lives of those beauties later. Capture them alive to me. Each beauty will be exchanged for ten spiritual crystals.”

A sneer escaped from the corner of You Hong’s mouth. He was too lazy to talk nonsense to this old pervert. He was fully focused and ready to take action at any time.

The strong man on the side smiled disdainfully, they were just a group of girls, there was no need for such a big show.

Shi Lan and others drove the dragon horses under their crotches with all their strength and hurried on.



Suddenly there was a series of explosions, and several iron ropes burst out of the ground, blocking the group of people.

Shi Lan and Wu Lingkong reacted almost at the same time, slapped their horses on the back, and soared into the sky.


The dragon horses were unable to stop the horses’ hooves, and the horses in the front stumbled instantly and rolled away.

At the same time, more than ten rays of escaping light shot out like rainbows, heading towards the group of people!

The size of the dragon horse coupled with its galloping speed, the huge impact it carried was quite frightening. The iron rope was carried far away, and several gray-headed warriors at both ends were not paying attention, and were pulled out by the iron rope and rolled away. All over the place.

Before these warriors could stand up, several air arrows fell like meteors, nailing several of them to the ground.

Wang Ning and others were able to halt their horses, got off their horses, drew their weapons, and faced the group of Body Tempering Realm warriors who rushed out.

Shi Lan stood in the air, holding the Shenyun Bow, with lightning-like eyes. Without hesitation, he drew the bow string again and aimed at the more than ten escaping lights that were coming towards him.

Three four-foot-long air arrows condensed at the same time and roared out!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the air arrow hit three escaping lights.

The light shield condensed by the innate true energy could not stop even a single breath, so it was penetrated. Before the three figures inside could parry, they were pierced through the chest by the air arrows, leaving a transparent hole the size of a sea bowl, and they died instantly!

Among the three Xiantian realm warriors, the strongest was only at the third level of the Xiantian realm and could not withstand Shi Lan’s Qi arrows.

Opening the bow and instantly killing three Xiantian realm warriors, Shi Lan’s expression remained unchanged, murderous intent condensed in his eyes, and he drew the bow string again.

Who are these people? Shi Lan doesn’t want to ask. To deal with people who are obviously coming with bad intentions, first beat them until they can’t move, and then slowly ask them why they came.

If someone is accidentally beaten to death, it is only those people who are to blame.

Wu Lingkong summoned his spear and was about to step forward when a bright sword slashed out from the valley.

A man in green clothes, holding a long sword, flew out of the valley and blocked her way.

Seeing that three of his companions were dead in an instant, those who rushed towards him were stunned, and then scattered in all directions, circling left and right and continuing to rush towards Shi Lan.

A trace of ridicule flashed in Shi Lan’s eyes, he loosened the bowstring, and three air arrows roared out again.

The air arrows were like maggots attached to bones, followed by three escaping lights. No matter how they dodge, they could not get rid of them, and they were quickly shot one after another!

The Shenyun Bow is a magical weapon, and the air arrows lock onto the target first and then leave the string, so there is no risk of missing the target.

Shi Lan killed nearly half of the Xiantian realm warriors who rushed forward in an instant with two bows!

Seeing this scene, You Hong’s pupils narrowed.

“Young escort leader, prepare to take action. This little girl’s bow and arrow are too powerful.” The strong man standing not far from him frowned and said in a low voice.

You Hong nodded and looked at the old man in black robe, “Let’s do it together and I will suppress the woman’s long bow.”

“Be careful when you strike, don’t break this girl doll.”

The old man in black robe laughed strangely and waved his hand. The four long swords held by the maid behind him buzzed, were instantly unsheathed, and floated quietly beside the old man.

With a thought in You Hong’s mind, a pair of gloves as thin as cicada wings attached to his palms, and his body turned into a rainbow, rising into the sky.

Shi Lan’s third round of Qi arrows had just left the string, when a red palm beam of more than 20 lengths was shot out of the air.

Even from a distance of nearly a hundred feet, Shi Lan could feel the scorching heat emanating from this giant palm.


There was an explosion, and three qi arrows were intercepted by the palm. The three qi arrows melted, and the palm was reduced to less than three feet in size, and continued to slowly shoot towards Shi Lan.

As soon as Shi Lan touched the bow string, a figure passed over the palm prints and came to her in an instant. He grabbed the long bow with one hand and reached out to slap her with the other hand!

Shi Lan’s expression changed slightly. He didn’t have time to summon his halberd, so he raised his hand and clenched his fist to greet him.


Shi Lan only felt pain on his fist, as if he had hit a steel wall. He loosened the strength in his hand, and the Shenyun Bow came out of his hand, and his body hit the ground uncontrollably.

You Hong flew upside down in the air for more than ten feet before he stabilized his figure. His expression was startled, and his right hand was shaking slightly. As soon as his fists and palms met, he felt a huge and powerful attack, which almost directly broke his wrist bones!

Not only is the innate true energy, but also mixed with the strength of the muscles and bones!

Shi Lan’s Jade Forging Technique has already reached the fifth level. His muscles and bones are so strong that Xiantian realm warriors cannot compare with them. His strength is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

Compared with the innate Qi, Shi Lan’s strong physical body is another reliance. If it hadn’t been too sudden and she hadn’t used even half of her strength, this punch would have been enough to take away You Hong’s arm.


Shi Lan stepped on the ground and slid nearly two feet away before steadying himself.

Just as she stood firm, Shi Lan felt a darkness above her head. She looked up and saw a hammer as big as a millstone smashing down on her head. A bare-chested, burly man held the handle of the hammer with a grin on his face.

“Little girl, without that long bow, I’ll see how arrogant you can be!”

“Stop! Come back quickly!” You Hong’s expression changed and he roared.

The strong man’s movements did not stop at all, and the hammer still hit it with great force!

The old man in black robe who came from the side saw this scene and looked unhappy, “This rude man must be angry with me, what a pity for such a beauty!”

You Hong looked ugly and threw the Shenyun Bow aside like a discarded shoe. This time he really made a mistake.

Seeing the hammer coming, Shi Lan did not dodge. He raised his hands and stepped down suddenly with his right leg. The innate energy continued to flow into the Feiyun boots on the sole of his feet.


There was a loud noise, like thunder on the ground, suddenly exploding!

The ferocious smile on the strong man’s face froze at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with disbelief as he stared under the hammer.

Shi Lan folded her hands and held the hammer. The spiderweb-like cracks on the ground were centered on her right leg and spread out for tens of feet. Several cracks also burst out on the armor.

The strong man looked at Shi Lan’s arm, which was not much thicker than a bamboo pole, and couldn’t recover for a moment.

Shi Lan looked indifferent, swung the hammer away with his hand, raised his hand and punched the strong man on the chest.


The upper body of the strong man instantly exploded into a bloody mist and was torn into pieces by the violent punch!

Thank you Tingertips Qiyue Book Friends for your support. Thank you.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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