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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 109 Reputation

There was a moment of silence.

About half a stick of incense later, a gust of wind swept past, and a burly figure appeared directly in front of everyone.

This is an old man in his seventies, more than seven feet tall, with white beard and hair. He is wearing a loose white gown and his back is as straight as a green pine.

In Shi Lan’s perception, the old man’s aura was constantly changing. One moment it was no different from a mortal, and the next moment it was as unfathomable as the vast ocean.

“See the old sect leader.” Qiu Hongxin bowed slightly.

The elders standing in front of the main hall bowed deeply and said, “See the old sect master.”

“Hongxin, why are you asking me to come out?” The old man asked softly after glancing around.

Qiu Hongxin stepped forward and briefly explained the cause and consequences of the matter.

The old man’s calm expression turned gloomy. He glanced at Sikong Qian beside him and looked at Shi Lan, “Your Excellency, you are the Demon Suppressor Army?”

Shi Lan nodded, “Not bad.”

Seeing the gloomy look on the old man’s face, Sikong Qian felt uncertain for a moment. He didn’t know what the old sect master was thinking, so he said tentatively: “Old sect master, please listen to my explanation…”

“Bastard!” the old man shouted angrily. Before Sikong Qian could finish his words, he slapped him away and flew him away.

Sikong Qian flew dozens of feet away, smashed a wall, and flew into a side hall without any movement.

Seeing the old man’s anger, all the elders fell silent. The few elders who had just spoken for Sikong Qian also watched him closely and did not dare to say anything.

“Sikong Qian robbed the demon-suppressing army and died unjustly. How to deal with it is left to chance. I, the Qianyun Sect, have no problem. Are you satisfied with this answer?” The old man retracted his palm and looked at Shi Lan.

“Old Sect Leader, I’m afraid this is inappropriate… Elder Sikong…” An elder spoke cautiously.

“Whoever dares to say more will get out of Qianyunmen with Sikong Qian today!”

As soon as these words came out, no one in the room dared to say anything, but everyone felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Inexplicable people come to the door and want to take away the elders of their sect. The old sect leader also comes to help outsiders. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the cohesion of the sect.

At the same time, everyone couldn’t help but feel a little awe towards Shi Lan and others. After all, even the old sect master had to speak softly in front of them.

When Qiu Hongxin saw this scene, he sighed in his heart. If he didn’t do this, the entire Qianyun Sect would be in danger of destruction. This can only be blamed on Sikong Qian for provoking someone he can’t afford to offend.

The old man raised his hand and Sikong Qian, who was in a semi-conscious state, floated out of the side hall and landed in front of Shi Lan and the others.

Shi Lan knelt down, woke up Sikong Qian, and said, “During the melee that day, did you ever see the long bow in my hand?”

Sikong Qian looked at the old man, and then scanned around the silent classmates. For a moment, he felt despair, shook his head, and said: “I only have those spiritual crystals in my hand, and nothing else.”

Shi Lan sighed secretly. It seemed that the eight achievements of Shenyun Gong were taken away by Yang Kun in the chaos.

“In the final analysis, Elder Sikong is a member of the Qianyun Sect. I believe that the Qianyun Sect has its own rules on how to punish him, so I won’t do anything for him.”

In the end, Shi Lan did not take Sikong Qian away, but returned the disposal rights to Qianyunmen.

The Qianyun Sect is a seventh-level force after all, and there is no benefit in making enemies. Moreover, the reason why the old man has such an attitude is just because of his status as a demon-suppressing army, so he must have a grudge in his heart.

Things can’t be done forever, not to mention that the death or immortality of a Sikong Qian doesn’t hurt at all, there is no need to make enemies for him.

Qiu Hongxin arranged for someone to re-wrap the spiritual crystal and deliver it to Shi Lan and the others.

The old man sent Shi Lan and his party to the foot of the mountain alone. After watching Shi Lan mount his horse, he cupped his hands and said, “I, Liu Huaxing, accept this favor today and wish the girl and her party a safe journey.”

Shi Lan did not take Sikong Qian away, which was equivalent to saving some face for the Qianyun Sect and preventing him from becoming a laughing stock. With the power of the Demon Suppressing Army, this treatment was already a liberal one.

Shi Lan didn’t say much, turned the reins and was about to leave, when Liu Huaxing stopped him again.

“Girl, please stay. I am getting old, and for a moment I forgot to ask the girl her name. Please leave your name.”

“Old Sect Master Liu, you’re welcome, I’m Shi Lan.”

Watching Shi Lan and others go away, Liu Huaxing let out a long breath and looked up at the sky, his eyes full of worry. It seemed that the last time he saw the demon-suppressing army was more than two hundred years ago.

I’m afraid it’s going to be uneasy again…


Qiu Hongxin came to Liu Huaxing’s side and bowed to say hello.

“Hongxin, I will go into seclusion later. As long as there is nothing that affects the life and death of Qianyun Sect, don’t disturb me. Also, send people to the west to inquire about information. If you find out anything… be prepared in advance. “

Liu Hua Step out.

Now it’s time to move faster.

Wu Lingkong looked at Shi Lan who was walking silently ahead, feeling a little complicated. She didn’t quite understand why Shi Lan let Sikong Qian go at first. She didn’t wake up until Liu Huaxing spoke at the foot of the mountain.

Whether it’s the way she handles things or her mental stability, Shi Lan is much better than her. She doesn’t look like a person under twenty years old at all.

His talents are extraordinary and his manners are smooth and worldly. Such a character was actually born in a wild land like the Chengtian Territory. He truly lives up to the saying that when things go to extremes, they must be reversed.

Shi Lan sat on the horse and stared at his system panel, unable to recover.

Host: Shi Lan

Cultivation level: Seventh level of Xiantian realm

Root bone: 9 (Innate spiritual body, once in a thousand years.)

Kung Fu: Yuqing Creation Art (Level 1), Vajra Divine Fist (Dacheng), Forged Jade Art (Sixth Level)

Supernatural power: celestial eye gazing technique (three stars)

Strength evaluation: small success

Reputation: 1240 (somewhat famous)

Shortly after leaving the Qianyunmen station, Shi Lan heard a system notification in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement of ‘somewhat famous’. 】

[Achievement rewards are distributed. 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting three primary lottery opportunities and one reset lottery opportunity. 】

Shi Lan hasn’t paid much attention to the reputation value since he completed the last reputation mission. The last time he took a glance, it was still around a hundred. Now for some reason, it suddenly jumped to nearly a thousand, and he also achieved an achievement.

In addition, the system also released a new reputation task.

[Long-term reputation mission released: ‘Make a name for yourself’]

[Task requirements: Within three years, gain a total of 100,000 reputation points. 】

[Task reward: It depends on the time the host completes the task. 】

[Punishment for mission failure, close the primary lottery roulette. 】


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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