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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 119 Song Jue

The next morning, after Shi Lan finished inhaling the first stream of pure spiritual energy that emerged in the morning, he slowly stopped his practice. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Gu Rentong waiting not far away.

“With such diligent cultivation, it’s no wonder that Miss Shi Lan has such power at such a young age.”

Gu Rentong complimented and took Shi Lan to the arena.

Chu Chen originally planned to go back, but as if by some strange mistake, he subconsciously followed him back to the ring.

Except for Shi Lan, the other three who entered the top four were all at the ninth level of the Xiantian Realm. They were all men and were all around twenty-seven or eighty-year-old.

Shi Lan’s opponent was a rather thin man, holding a three-foot green sword in his hand and looking serious.

Elder Xin from yesterday has disappeared, and another older elder has been replaced to preside over the competition.

“The contest begins.”

As soon as the elder finished speaking, the man took a step back, swung the long sword in his hand, and a sword beam more than ten feet long shot out, slashing at Shi Lan without hesitation!

He had clearly seen yesterday’s competition. According to him, Shi Lan should be good at close combat. The best strategy would be to keep a distance and slowly figure it out.

Without hesitation, Shi Lan raised his hand to summon the Ziwei Seven-Star Halberd. He stepped on it suddenly, leaving two shallow footprints on the Black Iron Arena. His figure passed through an afterimage and crashed straight into Jian Gang. .


The sword was smashed into pieces, and a nearly twenty-foot long sword suddenly appeared, from top to bottom, like Pangu opening the sky, slashing down with boundless power!

Facing a halberd, the man’s expression changed slightly, he kicked his feet, and retreated violently. At the same time, three feet of green blade flew out from his hand, turning into nearly a hundred illusory sword shadows on his side, rising into the sky!

More than ten sword gangs, seven to eight feet long, shot out from the shadow of the sword and struck head-on at the sword gang.

There was a crackling sound, and nearly a hundred sword shadows disappeared without a trace. Most of the halberd was consumed by the sword, and it suddenly shrank to less than three feet in size.

The man once again held the Qingfeng in his hand, let out a long roar, and a bright sword beam shot out like the sunset over a long river!

The ponytail tied behind Shi Lan was rolled up high by the oncoming sword energy. The halberd in his hand did not move at all. The halberd’s blade surged and continued to follow the previous trajectory, slashing towards the sword blade.


There was an explosion, and the sword was shattered instantly.

Seeing this scene, the man’s expression changed drastically. He looked at the halberd that was chopped off at the head. The sword in his hand surged, and the innate true energy attached to the sword body, turning into a giant sword more than ten feet long, rising from bottom to top. Soar into the sky and slash towards Ji Gang!


The two Gang Qi connected, and the sword in the man’s hand trembled violently. He felt a terrifying force sweep along the blade and towards his arm!

The man secretly said something bad and quickly abandoned his sword and retreated. Even so, his arm still suffered a lot of shock and some minor injuries.

Stabilizing his body, the man secretly thought that he had a lot of strange strength. Just as he was about to recall the long sword, there was an explosion in his ears as the air was blown away!

The purple halberd pole was like a long stick, instantly hitting his chest.


The man felt as if his chest had been stepped on by a crazed giant elephant. His innate talent was instantly shattered and he was kicked off the ring.

Shi Lan put away his halberd, raised his hand and swung the ponytail hanging on his shoulders behind him, cupped his hands and said, “I accept.”

The man struggled to get up from the ground, calmed down his surging energy, returned the favor with a gloomy look, recalled the magic weapon, and blended into the crowd with a little staggering steps.

Chu Chen’s eyes were full of surprise. In the scene with Yuan Guanhai yesterday, it could be said that Yuan Guanhai was careless and careless, and Shi Lan took the advantage.

Today’s match was a real head-to-head confrontation, and the opponent was extremely careful, but they still lost in just a few rounds.

The seventh level of Xiantian Realm fought against the ninth level of Xiantian Realm, fighting across levels, and Shi Lan swept his opponents directly with overwhelming force. This kind of talent was terrifying.

“In ancient Fengcheng, Shi Lan wins.”

The elder of Tianlei Hall on the side announced the results, motioned Shi Lan to get down, and gave way to the other two people.

Of the other two, one used a broad sword, and the other used seven flying knives. They were a complete set of magic weapons, and their power was not weak.

The two fought fiercely for nearly half an hour. In the end, the man who wielded the flying knife was defeated because he could no longer maintain his true energy.

In this way, only the final decisive game remains.

The winning man did not choose to fight Shi Lan, but readily chose to admit defeat. The competition just now was enough for him to see clearly the power gap between him and Shi Lan.

Just like that, Shi Lan took the leader of this arena as if he were searching for something.

What Shi Lan didn’t expect was that there would be rewards for winning the championship in this arena, and they were quite expensive.

After receiving the ten crystal tablets from the elder of Tianlei Palace, Shi Lan couldn’t recover. She thought that there would be no other rewards this time except the Qizhen Kailing Jade Dew, but she didn’t expect that there would be extra money to earn.

One hundred thousand spiritual crystals is not a small amount.

“Wait here for a while until I finish taking care of things here, and then I will take you to the main peak.” The elder warned, then turned around to deal with some debris.

Shi Lan walked to Gu Rentong’s side, handed over the crystal tablet in his hand, and said, “I’d like to trouble the ancient city master.”

“Girl, you don’t have to be polite.”

Gu Rentong was speechless for a moment, raised his hand to take it, and reminded:

“Although the girl has outstanding martial arts skills today, she still needs to be careful. I just went to find out some information. The strength of the people in the other arenas cannot be underestimated. This time, the spirit-opening jade liquid attracted a lot of people.”

Shi Lan nodded, indicating that he understood.

“Shi…Miss Shi Lan.”

There was a call in his ear, and Shi Lan followed the sound and saw a scholar with a reddish complexion and a package on his back, a scroll in his hand.

When the scholar saw Shi Lan looking at him, his face became more and more rosy. He moved a few steps towards Shi Lan and bowed his hands, “I’m Song Jue.”

“Is something wrong?” Shi Lan asked doubtfully.

“I have something down here that I want to give to the girl.”

Song Jue handed the scroll in his hand to Shi Lan, coughed slightly, and said, “Girl… she is so beautiful and admirable, I have a good knowledge of painting, and I feel itchy for a while… so…”

Shi Lan took the scroll and opened it directly without hesitation.

An ink painting slowly unfolds. In the scroll, a woman in a white dress stands holding a halberd. Her appearance is peerless and graceful, especially her water-cut eyes, which are like the finishing touch, making the whole painting come alive.

This painting can be called a work of art.

The purpose of Song Jue’s painting of this painting was simply to find an excuse to strike up a conversation with Shi Lan. It would inevitably make people feel disrespectful to bump into him with nothing.

But now that Shi Lan seemed to be carefully examining the painting, Song Jue became a little nervous unconsciously. He suddenly lacked confidence in his painting skills, which he had always been quite confident about.

“Thank you. Mr. Song’s artistic attainments are admirable.” Shi Lan rolled up the scroll, looked up at the slightly nervous Song Jue, and said thank you. This feeling of receiving a gift from an admirer made her feel a little subtle. .

Thanks to book friends Yu Qi, Jin Yiwei, Xiao Shang, and My Diao Chan for their support, thank you!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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