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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 12 Jade Forging Art

When Shi Feng walked in, Shi Lan had already eaten.

Seeing Shi Feng come in, Shi Lan put down his chopsticks, “Have you eaten? Together?”

What Shi Feng had thought of on the way was choked in his throat, and he refused helplessly: “Thank you, eldest son, I am not hungry.”

Shi Lan didn’t care. She just said casually that the medicated food Zique sent was not enough for her to eat alone. It was just a habit and she was just being polite.

“What’s the matter with you coming to see me at this hour?”

Shi Feng stepped forward and handed over the wooden box in his hand, “This is a century-old blood ginseng that my subordinates got by chance. It is very effective in replenishing vitality and nourishing qi. The eldest son has just started practicing martial arts and needs tonic.”

Shi Lan’s eyes lit up, he took the wooden box and opened it directly. A nearly foot-long blood ginseng lay quietly in the box, with lush roots and a strange fragrance.

The main function of blood ginseng is to nourish blood and calm the nerves. The reason why Shi Lan was happy was because she had heard someone mention it in her previous life. Blood ginseng seemed to have miraculous effects on menstrual cramps.

After getting excited, Shi Lan closed the box and coughed twice. Shi Feng was so sensible that she felt a little embarrassed.

“Master, although this blood ginseng is not too old, its medicinal effect is not weak and it can be regarded as a spiritual material. You have just started practicing martial arts, so it is best not to take more than half a penny each time.”

“I have accepted this great gift. From now on, I no longer need to call you eldest son, but brother!”


elder brother?

Shi Feng looked strange. He was four years older than Shi Lan. How could he call him brother? Besides, why did Shi Lan think of him as his brother?

As soon as the words came out, Shi Lan also noticed something was wrong. He knew that he was a little superior, and said with a sly expression: “You can pretend you didn’t hear what I said just now…”

After saying that, Shi Lan sat down and continued to eat the medicinal meal.

Shi Feng responded in silence, not knowing what to say. He felt a little worried in his heart. Could it be that Shi Lan had been pretending to be a man for a long time and had something wrong with his thinking?

The only sound left in the room was the sound of Shi Lan eating.

“Anything else?”

Shi Lan finished the medicinal meal in three gulps, and when he saw Shi Feng still standing aside, he couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

“No…it’s okay. Young Master, please rest early.”

Shi Feng walked out of the room, closed the door, stood up and quietly climbed onto the roof, found a comfortable corner and lay down.

Looking at the familiar bright starry sky in front of him, Shi Feng’s thoughts gradually began to empty out.

It has been fourteen winters and summers since he came to Shi Mansion, and it is now his fifteenth year.

After entering Shi Mansion, he was completely insulated from the hunger and cold in the past. All that was left in his life was martial arts training and the tasks assigned to him by Shi Tianlu.

He thought his life would go by like this until he met Shi Lan.

Shi Lan, this name, he had only heard from other guards and servants five years ago. He was born with a useless body, weak-tempered, and useless. Anyway, there were no words of praise.

Shi Lan has no sense of presence in Shi Mansion. He has always regarded Shi Lan as an irrelevant person.

Until five years ago, Shi Tianlu asked him to be Shi Lan’s secret guard, and the eldest son became the eldest lady.

Shi Feng was a little surprised when he heard the news at first, but he quickly calmed down, it was just an ordinary task.

As the contact with Shi Lan became longer and longer, Shi Feng discovered something different in Shi Lan, simplicity, gentleness, kindness, and forbearance that ordinary people could not imagine.

When Shi Lan looked at the maids in the mansion, his eyes were full of suppressed envy. These ordinary things, such as jade hairpins and plain skirts with red makeup, were unimaginable extravagances for Shi Lan.

Shi Lan lived this kind of life for nearly twenty years.

Gradually, Shi Feng seemed to like the feeling of watching Shi Lan in secret. As long as he looked at Shi Lan, his mood would calm down and he could forget all the troubles and troubles he encountered during the mission.

But today, Shi Feng suddenly found that the feeling in his heart disappeared, as if there was a chasm between him and Shi Lan, a chasm that could not be crossed.

Shi Lan sat on the bed and summoned the panel of the Empress Development System. The system took away her first-level skills and gave her a chance to win a lottery as compensation. Today’s mission was not in vain.

Looking at the roulette wheel on the lottery interface, Shi Lan said without hesitation: “Lottery.”

The roulette wheel rotated rapidly and stopped abruptly after a few breaths.

[Congratulations to the host for winning the three-star skill: Eye of Heaven. 】

Celestial Eye Gazing Technique…

Waves of huge information poured into Shi Lan’s mind.

It took nearly two hours for Shi Lan to digest this information.

“What a celestial eye-gazing technique!”

Shi Lan opened his eyes, filled with wonder.

The technique of looking at the Qi of the Heavenly Eye can be used to observe the Feng Shui pattern, explore the trend of the earth’s dragon veins, and observe the level and length of a person’s luck.

Although it was of little help to combat power, Shi Lan knew in his heart that the auxiliary function of the Sky Eye Technique should not be underestimated.

Thinking of the rewards from the previous novice mission, Shi Lan clicked on the system temporary storage. In addition to the body tempering pill and the white crane skirt, there was a booklet with a cyan cover.

Shi Lan took out “Forged Jade Jue” and started to read it. Half a quarter of an hour later, Shi Lan closed the book, as if he had some enlightenment.

This jade-forging technique is divided into nine levels. The body-tempering realm can only be practiced at the first to third levels. The sixth to ninth levels require cultivation above the innate realm.

After practicing the Forged Jade Art to perfection, you can condense it into a glazed jade body. The body looks like glazed jade, just like soft jade, and is difficult to be damaged by ordinary magic weapons.

According to Su Lanyue, there are four levels of martial arts in the world: inferior, medium, superior and the legendary supreme technique. The “Vajra Divine Fist” she practiced belongs to the superior technique in the body tempering realm. Law.

I don’t know what level this “Jade Forging Art” belongs to.

Shi Lan sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and started the first level of the Jade Forging Art.

I don’t know how much time passed, but a ray of air was born in Shi Lan’s body. The air traveled throughout her body and began to temper her muscles, bones, skin and flesh.

This stream of air was so weak that it circulated in her body before disappearing without a trace.

After this stream of air disappeared, a terrifying feeling of hunger surged up. This feeling of hunger made Shi Lan feel that his stomach began to twitch.

Shi Lan opened his eyes, ran out of bed, dug out the bag of dry food from the closet, and wolfed down the food, but the hunger in his belly still didn’t go away.

Glancing at the dark sky outside, Shi Lan hesitated for a moment and turned his attention to the wooden box containing blood ginseng on the desk.

“It seems like you can’t eat too much at one time…”

Shi Lan opened the wooden box and hesitated a little. How much was the half coin?

The hunger in his belly couldn’t stop rising. Shi Lan’s eyes turned green and he couldn’t care about so much anymore. He would eat later.

Shi Lan grabbed the blood ginseng and took a big bite like a radish.

The taste is slightly astringent and a little sweet.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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