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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 126 Kong Ming Jing

Shi Lan didn’t speak anymore, but walked silently towards the depths of the treasure house. She had her own set of rules for how to behave in the world.

Without receiving a response from Shi Lan, Samsara also fell silent. The treasure master followed it. This was the default law in all the worlds.

Moreover, it spared the lives of these people and avoided the crime of killing. It couldn’t quite understand why Shi Lan still adhered to the so-called benevolence and righteousness.

Naturally, reincarnation will not understand. What Shi Lan is particular about is not the word benevolence and righteousness at all, but the moral bottom line as a human being.

Morality is invisible and intangible, but it gives people reason and wisdom, which is the biggest difference between humans and other species.

Half a moment later, when Shi Lan was about to browse the entire treasure house, Samsara spoke again: “On the right front, in the second row of wooden shelves, in the middle of the third floor from the top, there is what you want.”

Shi Lan paused slightly, changed direction, and followed what Lun Samsara said, arriving in front of a palm-sized brocade box.


Looking at the note under the brocade box, Shi Lan opened the brocade box and took out a cyan crystal the size of an egg.

“This is?”

“The Kongming Crystal contains the power of space. I can help you get a storage magic weapon. With the help of the Kongming Crystal, you can create a storage magic weapon without consuming much energy.” Samsara explained.

Although it couldn’t figure out why Shi Lan was a little angry, it didn’t want to create a barrier with Shi Lan because of this trivial matter.

Shi Lan has been thinking about the storage-type magic weapon for a long time, and when Samsara mentioned it at this time, he couldn’t help but feel flattered.

Shi Lan didn’t hesitate much, put the Kong Ming Jing back into the brocade box, picked up the brocade box and walked towards the Jade Gate.

Lei Chen, who was standing outside the door, glanced at the brocade box in Shi Lan’s hand and waved his hand, “You can go back on your own.” After that, he walked into the treasure house.

Shi Lan didn’t say much, and walked through the air, heading towards the mountain top yesterday.

Lei Chen glanced at the treasure house and when he saw several hills made of spiritual crystals, he suddenly frowned slightly and raised his palm to smooth the hills.

Part of the spiritual crystal pressed at the bottom of the hill has lost its luster and lost all its spiritual energy.

After holding this part of the spiritual crystal in front of him and looking at it for a long time, Lei Chen secretly wondered how this spiritual crystal could suddenly lose its spiritual energy…

Shen Tianlan quickly entered the main hall, where Gu Rongyue was closing her eyes and adjusting her breathing.

Hearing the commotion, Gu Rongyue opened her eyes and saw Shen Tianlan entering the palace. There was a hint of joy in her eyes. After she noticed the undisguised aura on Shen Tianlan’s body, she became even more happy. She quickly stood up and said: “Senior Brother Shen, congratulations on your entering the evil realm. .”

Shen Tianlan nodded nonchalantly, “I have some things to deal with, so I can’t excuse you for the moment. Please forgive me, Junior Sister Gu.” After that, he quickly walked to the back hall.

Gu Rongyue looked a little disappointed, watching Shen Tianlan enter the back hall, secretly envious in her heart: “Senior Brother Shen has been practicing martial arts for eight years, and has already entered the Earthly Demon. He is the best among the younger generation. In the future, he will definitely be able to enter the realm of all phenomena, and even the soul can be expected.” “

Not long after Shen Tianlan entered the back hall, the elder from Miaoyin Valley slowly walked into the main hall with a strange look on his face.

“Elder Feng, what happened?” Gu Rongyue asked with some confusion.

“Shen Tianlan just broke into the Earthly Evil Realm during the battle in the ring…”

“Senior Brother Shen, haven’t you even taken the Qizhen Kailing Jade Liquid?” Gu Rongyue was surprised for a while, and even more envious of Shen Tianlan’s talent.

“After Shen Tianlan broke into the Earthly Evil Realm, he gave up. The leader of this martial arts meeting… is Shi Lan.”


Gu Rongyue froze on the spot, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

Shen Tianlan entered the back hall and walked slowly to a side hall. Just as he raised his hand to knock on the door, the door opened automatically and a familiar voice came from his head.

“come in.”

Shen Tianlan carried him into the hall. After taking two steps, he bent his knees and knelt down in front of an old man in gray robes.

The old man in gray robe is sitting cross-legged on a jade couch. He is about sixty years old. His hair is as black as crystal and his expression is plain. There is an untouchable sense of distance lingering around him.

This is the founder of Tianlei Palace, Lei Wuji, an old antique who has lived for nearly three thousand years.

Shen Tianlan kowtowed and said: “Disciple, I am ashamed of my master’s teachings and disobey my order. Disciple…”

“I know everything. Get up. You are not wrong this time.” The old man shook his head slightly, raised his legs and sat down. Following the old man’s movements, the sense of distance lingering around him slowly dissipated.

“Tianlan, this time you can admit defeat calmly, which makes me very happy. Only when you can let go can you take it.”

Lei Wuji took two steps and changed the subject, “But you are still a little immature in your behavior. What you said on the stage may bring some trouble to that girl.”

Shen Tianlan looked slightly stunned, “Why?”

“No matter what that girl took from the treasure house, the treasures in my Tianlei Palace treasure house are enough to make Tiangang Realm warriors put down their bodies and take advantage of them… Do you understand?”

“How dare they…” Shen Tianlan fell silent mid-sentence.

“This area is tens of thousands of miles away. On the surface, I, the Heavenly Thunder Palace, respects me, but secretly, even ten Heavenly Thunder Palaces cannot suppress the demons and monsters.”

Lei Wuji shook his head slightly and said, “You don’t have to worry too much. That girl’s background is probably much more terrifying than you think.”

With such strength at such a young age, there must be a top expert behind him to train him.

Suddenly, a trace of surprise flashed in Lei Wuji’s eyes. He turned his head and glanced meaningfully in the direction of the treasure house. After entering the treasure house, he only took out one Kongming Crystal.

From this point of view, there should be a strong man above the Wanxiang Realm accompanying him.

After all, warriors under the Vientiane Realm are not qualified to touch space at all, and even taking the Kongming Crystal will have no effect.

Shen Tianlan was silent for a long time, then bowed and prostrated: “Disciple, please be taught.”

“Go back, you have just made a breakthrough, please stabilize your cultivation.”

Lei Wuji waved his hand, and a jade bottle appeared in front of Shen Tianlan.


Shen Tianlan agreed, waved his hand to put away the jade bottle, turned around and left the side hall.

The door to the side hall was closed tightly again.

Shortly after Shen Tianlan left, Lei Chen pushed open the palace door, walked up to Lei Wuji, and bowed.

“Grandpa, are you looking for me?”

Lei Wuji nodded slightly, “Let me tell you, anyone who has Shi Lan’s ideas is an enemy of our Tianlei Palace.”

“Why is this?” Lei Chen asked puzzled.

“Just do it.”

Lei Wuji ordered Lei Chen to do this, just to make Shen Tianlan feel more comfortable, and at the same time to sell the strong man behind Shi Lan a small favor.

“Yes.” Lei Chen responded somewhat uneasily.

“Stop scheming about things that can’t be put on the table every day. After all, you are the leader of a force and are more generous. In this regard, you are not as good as Tian Lan.” Lei Wuji scolded.

Lei Chen sighed secretly. He didn’t think it was tight. The whole palace wanted to drink the northwest wind. Although he thought so in his heart, he still respectfully agreed verbally.

“Grandpa’s lesson is that I will give the order right away.”

Thanks to Luohua Aluohua book friend for the reward~


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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