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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 139 Promotion

Shi Lan and others soon followed the golden light and stepped onto the deck of the spaceship.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck, Shi Lan saw at first sight a high platform that was more than ten feet high, like a city wall.

The high platform is entirely blue-grey, with dozens of demon-suppressing army flags with gold characters on a black background placed side by side on it, fluttering in the wind.

Under the high platform, four military formations were standing, silently. There were about a thousand people in one formation, the vast majority were men, and the number of women was less than 500.

A young man wearing black armor stood on a high platform with his hands up and down. Next to him was a jade horizontal board like a bulletin board. There were many weak light spots moving slowly on the horizontal board.

The young man had a dull expression, a slender figure, and a face like a crown jewel. There was a pale golden demon-suppressing order hanging around his waist. When he saw Shi Lan and others getting on the deck, he just waved his hand and motioned for them to stand aside.

Seeing this young man, Shi Lan couldn’t help but be surprised. When he was in Shuangyue City, it was this young man who came with the Yunxiao treasure ship. There were many people from the Shengwu Immortal Sect following him at that time.

The Yunxiao Treasure Ship left a very deep impression on Shi Lan, so she also had a deep memory of the Xuanjia general who seemed to have an unusual identity.

Wu Lingkong on the side saw the young man and murmured in a low voice with some surprise:

“It’s actually him, he…”

Halfway through his words, he reacted and fell silent.

Shi Lan subconsciously wanted to ask who this person was, but when he thought of the warrior’s sensitive hearing, the current situation was a bit inappropriate, so he had to suppress this idea for the time being.

Not long after Shi Lan and others got on the deck, hundreds of people came up one after another, and less than half of these people were women.

It wasn’t until the sun was high in the sky that the visitors gradually disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed at noon. The young man on the high platform raised his hand and touched the jade horizontal panel beside him. After a few breaths, he retracted his palm, looked at the four-sided military formation, and said calmly: “Enter the ship. “

The four-party military formation entered the ship’s cabin silently without any hesitation, and the deck was instantly empty.

Shortly after the demon-suppressing troops entered the ship’s warehouse, the airship made a dull roar and began to head west, which was the direction Shi Lan and others were traveling.

A layer of light appeared around the spaceship, blocking the howling wind from the outside world. The people on the deck were not affected at all.

Shi Lan roughly estimated the speed of the airship, and was a little surprised to find that its speed was much faster than that of a warrior in the Earthly Evil Realm using a weapon.

The young man on the high platform took a step forward, crossed a distance of several hundred feet with a snap of his fingers, and came to the crowd.

“Those who hold the rank of centurion and above, come forward.”

The young man glanced at everyone and said.

Shi Lan and Wu Ling got off their horses in the air and walked quickly to the front of the military formation.

Among the hundreds of people, there were only seven officers above centurion, all of whom were centurions, and none of them were centurions.

Among the seven people, in addition to Shi Lan and Wu Lingkong, there is another tall woman who is about twenty-seven or eighty years old. Her cultivation level is at the eighth level of the Xiantian Realm. The remaining four are all men, with their cultivation level at the seventh to ninth level of the Xiantian Realm. No wait.

His eyes swept across the seven people, and the young man’s eyes finally stopped on Shi Lan. He raised his hand and said, “Take out the Demon Suppression Order.”

Shi Lan was stunned for a moment and took out the Demon Suppression Order from his arms.

After the man took Shi Lan’s demon-suppressing order into his palm, he frowned and said, “Did you join the demon-suppressing army after the demonic beasts invaded?”


“It doesn’t matter, these are extraordinary times and you have done extraordinary things. You have been killed, but your military achievements are not enough. I will make an exception and promote you to the rank of captain of thousands. You can make up for your military achievements in the future.”

The man did not dwell too much on this matter. He took off the demon-suppressing order from his waist and put it together with Shi Lan’s demon-suppressing order. The cyan demon-suppressing order quickly turned from green to black, as if it were made of obsidian. Polished.

The revamped Demon Suppression Order soon floated back into Shi Lan’s palm.

Holding the demon-suppressing order in her hand, Shi Lan’s heart moved slightly. After Huangfu Yun died in battle and she entered the innate realm, her demon-suppressing order disconnected from it.

At this moment, this subordinate relationship was re-established, and her demon-suppressing order once again had a superior, subordinate to the Xuanjia general in front of her.

After glancing at Shi Lan, the man suddenly frowned again, “Have I seen you somewhere before?”

Before Shi Lan could speak, the man shook his head again, “Maybe I forgot.”

After saying that, the man ordered the rest of the people to take out the Demon Suppression Order and start rearranging the arrangements.

After learning that Shi Lan was not affiliated with the women’s camp when she joined the demon-suppressing army, the man directly picked her out of the women’s camp.

Women in the demon-suppressing army form their own battalion. In addition to the differences between men and women, their combat methods are also very different from men’s. This is also a reason.

Shi Lan knew nothing about the women’s battalion’s combat methods, so it was obviously inappropriate for him to command the women’s battalion.

Half an hour later, hundreds of auras appeared on Shi Lan’s demon-suppressing order. The four centurions and hundreds of demon-suppressing troops, including Wang Ning, were all under her command.

Shi Lan felt quite pressured by this. She didn’t know how to organize troops, and she didn’t know anything about battlefield command. With these hundreds of people under her command, she undoubtedly had a heavy burden on her.

Shi Lan also tried to shirk the situation on the grounds that she couldn’t understand the battle formation, but the man blocked her back with just one word.

“It’s the general’s job to arrange the troops. When you go to the battlefield, just follow the general’s orders and rush forward. You don’t need to take command.”

Wu Lingkong and other women’s troops returned to the airship and were under the command of a captain in the women’s camp.

“You guys will go into the ship’s warehouse and rest for a while. We will inform you about the subsequent military affairs.”

After arranging these things, the man returned to the high platform again, touched the horizontal panel, and closed his eyes, as if he was sensing something.

The group of people slowly entered the ship’s cabin.

The space in the ship’s warehouse is extremely huge, divided into three floors, each floor is more than thirty feet high.

Two of the floors are quiet rooms for people to practice or rest. Shi Lan calculated the space area and found that this spaceship can accommodate at least more than 200,000 people.

The specifications of the quiet rooms vary. Only officers above a centurion can live in a quiet room alone, while ordinary sergeants have to live in a quiet room with four to six people.

After entering the ship’s cabin, Shi Lan waved away the hundreds of sergeants who were following her and let them go to rest.

Shi Lan is now a captain of thousands, and the quiet room he has been assigned is a space with a length, width and height of two feet.

The layout in the quiet room is quite simple. There is no bed, only a wooden couch with a soft cushion placed on the wooden couch, and nothing else.

After Wu Lingkong explained the basic situation to his new superior, the captain, he came to Shi Lan’s quiet room.


After closing the door of the quiet room tightly, Wu Lingkong lay down on the wooden couch and sighed: “I haven’t experienced this feeling of not being able to say words loudly for a long time.”

Thanks to book friends Yue Xia Tiansu, Ru Ye Sui Feng Luo, Qing Feng Haoyue, Little Muddleheaded Fairy, Zhikong, UO898, Luo XiansenTM, and Zixuan’s Missing Tie A Heart. Thank you.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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