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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 145 Limit


Shi Lan came to Bai Weiyang, bowed slightly, and looked at him with some confusion.

“Strike at me with all your strength and let me see your limits.”


Shi Lan didn’t react for a moment and was stunned.

“This general has limited Tiangang realm, and there are not many warriors in the late stage of Earthly evil realm. Although you are new to Earthly evil, I can see that your strength is far more than that. I need to have a clear grasp of your strength in order to put part of it into effect. The Earthly Evil Realm warriors are placed under your command.”

Bai Weiyang explained, stepped back nearly a hundred feet, and waved to Shi Lan, “Strike with all your strength, don’t hold back.”


Without hesitation, Shi Lan raised his hand to summon the Ziwei Seven-Star Halberd, and the mighty true energy in his body began to flow.

Hundreds of people around who were about to leave saw this scene and stopped one after another. They were all surprised. Is this a competition?

The halberd blade trembled slightly, glowing with white light. Shi Lan stared at Bai Weiyang closely, concentrating and trying his best to adjust his condition to the best.

Shi Lan actually doesn’t have a clear assessment of the extent of her own strength. This time Bai Weiyang wants to test her strength is also an excellent opportunity for her.

Shi Lan has never been exposed to the level of strength of the Vientiane Realm warriors before, but from the information she has learned before, the Tiangang Realm warriors have already put themselves in danger and survived, and with a thousand years of life, they have reached the halfway point. Immortal flow.

After the Tiangang Realm, the Wanxiang Realm has undergone a complete transformation. In this way, there is nothing wrong with treating it as an ‘immortal’.

Beyond the limits that mortals can reach, it is the realm of all phenomena.


Shi Lan exhaled slowly, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

From the beginning to the end, Shi Lan never said anything ridiculous to tell Bai Weiyang to be careful. Not to mention that she was only in the Earthly Evil Realm now. Even if she was in the Tiangang Realm, she might not be able to hurt Bai Weiyang even a hair.


With a deafening loud noise, Shi Lan’s figure disappeared instantly, leaving only a pit that was more than three feet and nearly ten feet in diameter.

A bright light flashed, and the dazzling halberd broke through the void, spanning a distance of a hundred feet, and instantly struck Bai Weiyang’s head.

Bai Weiyang was slightly surprised. He did not dodge or evade, but raised his fingers lightly. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him gathered into a barrier, intercepting the halberd.

Shi Lan, holding a halberd in his hand, appeared above Bai Weiyang’s head almost at the same time. Holding the halberd in both hands, he slashed down.

At this moment, Shi Lan’s body was glowing with glow, and his aura was like a volcano, filled with overwhelming pressure.

She has mobilized all the strength in her body, and even the jade forging technique has been pushed to the extreme.

The halberd’s slashing force was blocked, Shi Lan’s expression remained unchanged, and the halberd pole in his hand moved slightly, and the true energy that increased by more than twice surged out, and a ‘vibration’ hit, penetrating into the barrier.


There was a crisp sound, and a crack about half a foot long appeared on the spiritual energy barrier, but it quickly disappeared and was filled and repaired by spiritual energy.

This brief confrontation made many people around them change their colors, especially those Xiantian realm warriors.

“At first I heard that Chen Qi’s joints were broken by Shi Lan’s move. I thought someone was spreading lies. Now it seems that it is not groundless.”

“It’s more than that! What Shi Lan did just now, even if a warrior in the late stage of the Earthly Evil Realm wants to take it, he has to pay a price, and it will never be intact!”

Several Earth Evil Realm warriors spoke one after another, whispering in low voices, all with complicated expressions on their faces.

These people are all middle and high-level members of various forces, and even more so, they are the masters of one force. They are all figures who have been running rampant in this party for at least decades.

Now, when they first see a junior who is less than thirty years old, his cultivation level is already close to the same as, or even surpasses, theirs. How can they stay calm?

Shen Tianlan stood among the people in Tianlei Palace, feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations overflowing, and couldn’t help but shake his head slightly.

“How do you feel at this moment?”

Lei Wuji came to the field at some point and stood beside Shen Tianlan.

“My disciple just feels that if I don’t admit defeat if I am above the Martial Arts Association, the outcome may not be any different.” Shen Tianlan said calmly.

“You were born with a thunder spirit body, and fighting across the ranks is commonplace. You can sweep through the middle stage of the Earthly Evil Realm when you first enter the Earthly Evil Realm. You are already extremely talented, but compared to this Shi Lan, you are still far behind.”

Lei Wuji waved his hand and said: “However, you don’t have to belittle yourself. You started too late. Although you tempered your body with thunder day and night, you are still not as good as others who have laid the foundation since childhood. You have only been in martial arts for eight years, so you may not have no opportunities in the future. More than Shi Lan.”

“Master, what you said is wrong.” Shen Tianlan shook his head slightly, and rarely spoke to refute Lei Wuji’s words.

Lei Wuji looked slightly startled.

“No chance.”

Looking at the dazzling woman in mid-air, Shen Tianlan said calmly:

“I’m not as good as her.”

Looking at the barrier under him that was restored in an instant, Shi Lan’s sharp eyes did not dim. He put back his halberd with his backhand, and his figure suddenly sank, and in the blink of an eye he was less than three feet away from the barrier.

The halberd pole in his hand was like a big bow, stretched to the extreme, and then suddenly pulled out, the space trembled, causing a wave that covered the sky!

Shi Lan’s hair was covered with slightly scattered black hair, and his hands remained motionless as he unleashed a powerful ‘Bengjin’ force to strike out!


A gap was opened in the barrier, and Shi Lan was like a fish swimming underwater, passing through the barrier in the blink of an eye, and the true energy fluctuations appeared on the halberd blade again.

The surprise in Bai Weiyang’s eyes deepened, and he raised his hand to hold it lightly. The aura barrier behind Shi Lan quickly closed up, like a giant cocoon, wrapping her in it and began to tighten rapidly.

Hundreds of halberds poured out like a violent storm, striking at the spiritual energy barrier, making a clanging sound and a piercing chirping sound that could not be heard without stopping.

Many Xiantian realm warriors could not bear the bursts of sound, and they retreated hundreds of feet one after another with the sound of breaking through gold and cracking stone, which seemed to penetrate their eardrums.

Half a moment later, Shi Lan lowered his halberd while panting, and was in a state of extreme fighting strength. His energy level could still be sustained because of the spiritual essence, but his meridians could no longer withstand the violent energy. It’s a dull pain.

The spiritual energy barrier had nearly doubled in thickness, making it impossible for Shi Lan to break through and escape.

The slashed halberd could only barely slow down the closing speed of the barrier, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. For a while, Shi Lan was in trouble.

Looking at the barrier that was still slowly closing, Shi Lan tentatively opened the black domain.

The moment the black domain appeared, the spiritual energy barrier instantly collapsed and was then swallowed up by it.

A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Weiyang’s eyes, and then, as if to confirm something, he raised his hand again, and a wave of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, nearly ten times thicker than before, swarmed in!

Thanks to Edward Newgate and Shengze Tianzun book friends for their rewards.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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