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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 147 Hexagram

Sure enough…

In Shi Lan’s mind, she recalled the face of a black-faced old man. The old hunter named Liu Ping from Shuangyue City left some impression on her.

When they were chatting, Liu Ping once said that he had an only son and it had been seven years since he left Shuangyue City to study martial arts.

When he first met Liu Ziming, Shi Lan felt that he looked familiar, but he was not sure yet. After all, Chengtian Domain was so big, so it would be too much of a coincidence to bump into Liu Ziming like this.


Shi Lan reached out and grabbed Liu Ziming’s arm.

“Thousand…Thousand Captain, this…”

Liu Ziming’s face was slightly red. Shi Lan came up and asked him where he lived. How could he not think too much now with this action.

This woman in the demon-suppressing army is really straightforward…

Liu Ziming’s thoughts were ups and downs, and he was a little entangled. If the commander forced him to submit, he would obey or not…

Shi Lan caressed Liu Ziming’s arm and took out a little spiritual light from his sleeve. Then his true energy surged out, and the spiritual light instantly expanded and turned into a huge white bow nearly as tall as a man.

Divine Cloud Bow…

Caressing the bow body, Shi Lan’s eyes revealed a trace of surprise. No wonder there was something on Liu Ziming that attracted her faintly.

“Where did you get this bow?”

“I bought this from an auction not long ago. I have been practicing crossbows since I was a child, so…”

Liu Ziming already understood at this moment that he had misunderstood Shi Lan’s meaning before. While he was slightly relieved, he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

Shi Lan threw the Shenyun Bow back into Liu Ziming’s hands. The aura on the bow was mixed, and it had obviously been handled by many people. At this critical moment, it was simply unrealistic to use this to trace the fish that slipped through the net.

The Shenyun Bow was just a magic weapon, and it was of little use to Shi Lan today. Liu Ziming also obtained it through normal channels, so she naturally had no reason to take it back.

“Come to my quiet room later. I have something to say to you.”

Shi Lan hesitated for a moment, but decided to inform Liu Ziming about the destruction of Shuangyue City.

Liu Ping is just a mortal, and his fate after the city is broken is of course self-evident. Now I am afraid that even the bones may not be found. As a son of man, Liu Ziming should know this.

Liu Ziming felt a little uneasy and thought to himself, could there be something wrong with the origin of this bow?

Before Shi Lan came to the phalanx, he counted the strength of his men and made some redistributions.

She currently has 752 Body Tempering Realm warriors under her command, all with cultivation levels above the seventh level of the Body Tempering Realm, and about 320 people at the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm, most of whom are demon-suppressing troops.

After the invasion of monsters, few of the demon-suppressing troops are weak who can survive to this day.

There are thirty-two Xiantian realm warriors, including the first four centurions.

However, most of them are below the sixth level of the Xiantian Realm, and there are only seven late-stage Xiantian Realm warriors above the seventh level.

The cultivation of the four centurions is among the best among the Xiantian realm warriors. Two of them are at the eighth level of the Innate realm, and two are at the ninth level of the Innate realm.

Shi Lan did not make too many complicated divisions and directly dispersed the warriors from all forces and incorporated them into the four centurions.

These centurions must have more experience than her in how to train these people to cooperate.

As for the eight Earthly Evil Realm warriors, Shi Lan simply did not move and directly organized these eight people into a somewhat special team, which was directly under her command.

After getting a rough impression of the people under his opponent, Shi Lan dismissed everyone and returned to the quiet room.

Not long after, Liu Ziming came to the door.


Liu Ziming bowed and saluted, not daring to go out of his way in the slightest.

“Is your father’s name Liu Ping?”

“How did the captain know…”

Halfway through Liu Ziming’s words, when he thought of Shi Lan’s identity, and then thought of the monster invasion, his heart seemed to be tightened, and the color on his face faded in an instant.

“Twin Moon City has been destroyed by the beast tide, your father…”

Shi Lan hadn’t finished speaking, but Liu Ziming already knew the content of the second half of the sentence.

“How…how could…”

Liu Ziming forced a smile, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He wanted to lift it but couldn’t. He felt as if his chest was about to explode, and there was a hint of sweetness in his mouth.


Shi Lan can only say these two words now.

“Many…thank you…I’ll tell you this, I’ll take my leave…”

Shi Lan watched Liu Ziming leave in a hurry, waved his hand and closed the door of the quiet room, took out the God Transformation Pill, opened the black field, slowly closed his eyes, and began to extract the power of the God Transformation Pill.

The thoughts and feelings in everyone’s heart are only known to themselves, and others will never be able to empathize with them. Just like when a person drinks water, he knows whether it is warm or cold.

Shi Lan doesn’t know what kind of mood Liu Ziming is in now, and he can’t understand it. How to adjust his mood can only depend on him.

“Taoist Chisong, please tell me, what is the result of the hexagram?”

Bai Weiyang sat in front of Chi Songzi and said calmly.

This is a quiet room with a radius of three feet. There are only two people, Bai Weiyang and Chi Songzi. Except for the two chairs sitting under them, there is nothing else in the quiet room.

“General, didn’t Pindao just say that…” Chisongzi smiled coquettishly.

“Ben is going to hear the truth.”

Chi Songzi suppressed the smile on his face and said seriously: “The general is an expert in the Vientiane Realm and a high-ranking member of the Demon Suppression Army. You know the current situation far better than I do, so why should you believe in this illusory hexagram?”

“I only asked about your divination and nothing else.” Bai Weiyang’s expression remained calm.

Chisongzi was silent for a while and said: “Actually, when Pindao learned that the invasion of demon clan had threatened the hinterland of the Chengtian Territory, he had made a plan to get a glimpse of the approximate outcome of this battle.”

“What’s the result?” Bai Weiyang’s expression remained unchanged, and his already straight back became straighter again.

“It’s not clear.” Chi Songzi shook his head.

Bai Weiyang frowned slightly, but did not speak, waiting for Chi Songzi’s next words.

“It seems that there is a great existence that is related to the outcome of this battle. The heavenly secret is in chaos, and no one can find the slightest sign. At least it cannot be calculated with a poor Taoist’s cultivation.”

The quiet room felt a little depressed for a while.

After being silent for a long time, Bai Weiyang’s eyes flashed and he asked: “What’s the divination of our army’s trip to control the demons?”

“Didn’t Pindao just say…”

Bai Weiyang’s suddenly sharp gaze forced Chi Songzi back the second half of his words.

“Although it is not a perfect hexagram, it is still very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of overturning.”

Chi Songzi let out a long sigh and told the truth.

Seeing that Bai Weiyang’s expression seemed to be moved, Chisongzi relaxed and struck while the iron was hot: “Now that the demonic aura in the Chengtian Territory is too strong, the best way to avoid its edge is to gather strength like the general and forcefully attack it. The next best thing is to…”

“That’s enough! I’ll just pretend I haven’t heard those words just now. Heaven knows, earth knows, you know, I don’t know. From now on, if any strange rumors come out, don’t blame me for killing you and sacrificing the flag!”

Thanks to Qin Yanjiu, Like to Breeze, and 20180215162 book friend for the tip. Thank you. I reluctantly rushed out an update today. The company worked overtime too late. I’m sorry.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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