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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 152 Tree

The man seemed a little helpless when he heard the woman’s words and shook his head slightly.

This man and woman are obviously two demon kings in disguise.

Hearing the woman’s arrogance, Bai Weiyang’s expression did not change at all. He lowered his head again, stared at the horizontal screen, and said calmly:

“Please also ask Mr. Lin to take action.”

“In troubled times, everyone has to punish the evildoers. How can I ask for words when it’s a matter of personal responsibility?” Lin Yusheng’s expression was slightly cold. The hundreds of Confucian scholars had arrived at the Dianjiang stage without knowing when, with solemn expressions.

A dazzling white divine light visible to the naked eye converged from the heads of these Confucian scholars, reflecting a huge figure about several hundred feet high.

The surrounding demonic energy was completely purified, and the unparalleled aura suppressed all directions.

“Disgusting old thing.” The woman frowned slightly and spat.

Another man also frowned, put his hands behind his back, and gently twisted his emerald-like hair.

“How dare you, a monstrous evildoer, spout arrogant words in front of a saint, and yet you will kneel down and kill him!”

Lin Yusheng took a step forward, frowned angrily, and blurted out a thunderous scolding.

A shadow hundreds of feet high was cast on him. Lin Yusheng was blessed by the saint’s shadow, and his breath was no longer concealed, pouring out, washing the world.



A ray of divine light shot out from the phantom, and an unrivaled coercion, like the sky collapsing, swept out and pressed down on the woman.

Just as the woman was about to dodge across the space, the space around her solidified, blocking her movements.


The woman’s body expanded thousands of times in an instant, turning into a giant black tiger covered in black flames, and broke free from the restraints.


The divine light instantly penetrated the giant tiger’s shoulder, and blood flowed down like a downpour.


The giant tiger howled miserably, its eyes were stern, its mouth opened wide, and a pillar of black fire condensed into a thin line, piercing Lin Yusheng’s head.

This thin black line was melted by the white light in the sky a mile away from Lin Yusheng.

Lin Yusheng snorted coldly, and several divine lights burst out again.


A refreshing breeze blew by, and a shadow of a towering ancient tree appeared behind the man on the other side. Demonic powers hung down like silk ribbons to protect the giant tiger. .

The wound on the giant tiger’s shoulder stopped bleeding in the blink of an eye and began to heal rapidly, scabbing over in just a few breaths.


Several divine rays penetrated several layers of barriers, and finally became weak and slowly dissipated.

“The demon who is a psychic of plants and trees, has not touched human blood, and there is still a way to turn back. Don’t be stubborn!”

Lin Yusheng’s eyes flashed with light, he raised his finger and shouted loudly.

“If I don’t help my people, how can I help you? There are hundreds of millions of my people who have died at the hands of your people.”

The man remained motionless, but a few cracks appeared in the shadow of the ancient tree behind him.


The giant black tiger looked up to the sky and roared, and the monstrous sea of ​​black fire rolled out from the barrier and swept towards the battleship, as if it was going to burn the entire battleship to ashes!

The saint’s shadow glowed brightly, and the pitch-black sea of ​​fire collided with the dazzling white light, melting instantly like snow falling into boiling soup.

The dazzling divine light shot out and penetrated several barriers again.

The green-haired man frowned slightly, looked at the giant tiger, and said softly:

“Xiaoyou, stop it. There is still one person on the other side who has not taken action. We have no chance of winning.”

“No! Today I must let this old guy know how powerful he is!”

The giant tiger let out a long roar and stepped out of the man’s protective barrier. Black flames spread all over his body, like a black sun hanging for nine days.

The man shook his head helplessly, the green light in his eyes skyrocketed, the shadow of the ancient tree behind him turned from virtual to real, and streams of vegetation essence visible to the naked eye poured into the black sun in an endless stream.


The essence of the vegetation was like adding fuel to the fire, making the black tiger’s momentum even more terrifying.

“I will do justice for heaven today and accept you, an ignorant monster!”

Lin Yusheng jumped into the air and merged into the saint’s shadow.

“The sage has a word, and the demon must be punished!”

More than a hundred Confucian scholars shouted in unison, and the mantras in their mouths turned into sharp swords of energy, hovering next to the phantom of the saint, and finally condensed into a giant sword that cut the sky.

The phantom of the saint raised his hand and pointed at the giant sword. The giant sword passed through the space, spanning a distance of dozens of miles, and slashed towards the giant black sun in the sky.

A phantom of a tiger’s head formed by condensed black flames poked out from the sun and bit into the giant sword.


A dazzling white light flashed, and the phantom of the tiger’s head was instantly split into tiny sparks. The giant sword continued to attack the giant tiger without losing force.

The giant tiger’s mouth spit out a sea of ​​​​fire, flooding the giant sword. At the same time, there was a burst of space fluctuations all over the body, and he wanted to dodge.

“The evildoer will be punished!”

A long shout that shook the world seemed to contain boundless power, locking the space and instantly freezing the black tiger in mid-air. He could only forcefully connect the giant sword.

The anger in Black Tiger’s eyes disappeared, timidity suddenly emerged, and his expression became a little hasty.

It doesn’t quite understand how more than a hundred ants, plus an old thing whose strength is only slightly stronger than its own body, can exert such terrifying power.


The green-haired man’s expression changed drastically, and he melted into the towering ancient tree without hesitation.

In the void, countless ancient trees, vines, and exotic flowers and plants stretched out from nowhere, turning the void into a dense forest in an instant, full of vitality.

Countless dense forests surrounded the giant tiger and turned into extremely strong barriers to protect the giant tiger in the center.

The white giant sword was as powerful as breaking bamboo, cutting through layers of obstacles. The layers of barriers failed to stop the white giant sword in the slightest.

In the blink of an eye, the white giant sword had arrived in front of the last barrier.

The last barrier was a piece of crystal that was almost like emerald. The sharp white giant sword struck the crystal and was intercepted by it for a moment.


However, in just half a cup of tea, a huge crack appeared on the crystal with a crisp sound.


The giant tiger inside the barrier let out a long and shrill roar.

A green pillar reaching the sky and the earth appeared, and the essence of vegetation flowed out like a mountain and a tsunami. The white giant sword was gradually washed away by the waves of vegetation essence.

The green light slowly dissipated, and a towering ancient tree over a thousand feet tall appeared in the void.

The ancient tree is rooted in the void, its leaves are falling, its branches are falling, its breath is withered, its trunk is full of cracks, and its vitality is greatly damaged, but it still protects the giant tiger in its trunk.

The saint’s shadow slowly dissipated, and Lin Yusheng revealed his figure. Looking at the towering ancient trees, he couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

The main body is so huge, and the energy required for transformation is also extremely terrifying. If a plant of this size takes form, it will at least have the strength of the Yuan Shen realm.

This ancient tree can transform into the Vientiane Realm, so it must have had some adventure.

But it is a pity that the Hao Qi Sword cuts straight to the source. The sword just cut off the vitality of this ancient tree. No matter how great the adventure is, there is no way to save it.

“Evergreen…” The giant tiger retreated into human form and caressed the scarred trunk of the ancient tree. His eyes were slightly moist. For the first time since he was born, he felt regret in his heart.



My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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