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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 155 Battle

Another figure was an elegant man who looked to be in his thirties. After hearing the figure’s words, his expression changed slightly, and he asked respectfully with some anxiety:

“Great Emperor, this supreme being who has opened up the long river of time is a human race?”

“Don’t call me Great Emperor. When the ancient body merged into the annals of human history, it had already fallen. I am just a remnant of his soul.”

The figure finished speaking calmly and shook his head slightly: “I am too far away from him to know his whereabouts. I can sense the fluctuations of the long river of time. I have already relied on the power of human history, and…”

“This is not the only thing that has crossed the long river of time. There is also an uninvited guest who will come to the Lingyang Realm three years later.” The figure changed the subject and continued.

The elegant man’s face flashed with horror. He couldn’t imagine what level of power this terrifying existence had reached across time.

“This uninvited guest did not come by his own strength, but relied on a treasure that connects the past and the present. The fragments of this treasure will be revealed in three years.”

The figure shook his head slightly.

“Can you confirm the place of birth?” the elegant man asked quickly.

“Chengtian Domain.”

Actually at the border?

The elegant man felt troubled and asked, “When will the emperor come back?”

After the figure was silent for a while, he said:

“Taishi is competing with Demon Emperor Chen Xin and Demon Lord Ziyun for the ownership of a star field. He cannot turn back in the short term. It will take at least two years.”

“Have you heard anything from the Emperor? Cheng Tianyu is now alone bearing the poison of the demon clan, and our Imperial Court just sits back and ignores it?”

“Taishi’s imperial order is to confine the demon clan to the Chengtian Domain as much as possible. After two years, when he comes back, if he comes back, he can take back the Chengtian Domain in the blink of an eye.”

“Chengtian Domain has millions of miles of territory, tens of millions of demon-suppressing armies, and hundreds of millions of people. Just give up?”

The elegant man’s expression gradually became dull.

The figure looked deeply and said:

“The star field that Taishi fought for has an area that can be used for human cultivation, which is more than ten times larger than that of the Chengtian Territory, and it contains many precious cultivation resources. In the long run, Taishi’s decision is not wrong.”

The elegant man covered his face with his hands and felt a splitting headache. Taishi not only went there himself, but also transferred most of the emperor-level masters away, leaving only a few old immortals who only focused on practicing and extending their longevity.

The entire human race’s cutting-edge combat power was almost exhausted, and countless lives were sacrificed in order to compete for a vast star field on the other side of the starry sky.


The man chuckled, his laughter full of sadness.

“I think Taishi’s decision is very correct. The temporary sacrifice is to lay the foundation for the prosperity of our human race for future generations. Most of the talented people in the Chengtian Domain have established a connection with the history of the human race through the Demon Suppression Order. Even if they die in battle, they will wait until Taishi When we come back, we can still use the history of the human race to resurrect it, and the heritage of our human race will not be damaged…”

The figure spoke slowly.

“I’m talking nonsense to you, a dead man!”

The elegant man was instantly angered, like an angry lion. The entire ancient tower was affected by his breath and trembled slightly.

With a cold snort, the elegant man walked away with a puff of his sleeves.

“The inability to think calmly and weigh the pros and cons at all times is the biggest problem of the human race. Anger will make people lose their minds.”

A trace of memory flashed through the figure’s eyes, and a terrifying rhyme bloomed from the top of the tower, covering the entire imperial palace.

The elegant man quickly left and returned, shouting angrily: “You sealed the entire imperial palace. What do you want to do?”

“Taishi’s imperial order is for you to wait for his return in the imperial palace and not to do any unnecessary things.” The figure’s tone was steady.

The elegant man was silent for a long time and then slowly spoke:

“You are indeed a heartless person.”

“The heart of destroying the past has been annihilated in the ancient times.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure slowly disappeared.

The elegant man took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on the floor of the attic. His boundless consciousness, like a vast ocean, enveloped the crystal album enshrined in the center of the attic.

He wanted to try to get in touch with the emperor, maybe he could get the emperor to take back the imperial order.

A dazzling divine light flashed, and countless Dao patterns containing the breath of the Dao emerged, slowly rotating around the crystal album.

After a while, the man opened his eyes, shook his head with a bitter expression, and sighed: “All spirits are like ants…”

A massive amount of spiritual energy washed away Shi Lan’s physical body moment by moment. The previous scars had long since healed without leaving any traces.

With the Forged Jade Technique running at full power, Shi Lan’s whole body was crystal clear, and his fair skin was almost transparent, and he could even faintly see the lavender blood flowing under his skin.

After being reborn many times, Shi Lan’s body has long been flawless, as clear as crystal. She sits cross-legged on the incomplete wooden couch, with an expression neither sad nor happy, like a god in the clouds, which makes people forget about the world.

As time went by, Shi Lan became more and more like a glistening jade statue. If it weren’t for the clear and powerful heartbeat, he wouldn’t look like a mortal at all.

Shi Lan’s thoughts were completely empty, and there was a clear sky, with invisible spiritual patterns appearing on his body.


An almost inaudible sound flashed by, and the radiant light shining on Shi Lan’s body instantly magnified ten times, and the spiritual patterns were clearly visible.


A loud sound like waves filled the quiet room. This was the sound of Shi Lan’s blood rushing.

The stream of light slowly dispersed, and the loud noise gradually subsided.

Shi Lan slowly opened his eyes, and the purple meaning flashing in his eyes became more intense, and soon gradually disappeared.

Touching the palm of her hand, Shi Lan’s eyes flashed with satisfaction. After entering the seventh level of the Forged Jade Art, ordinary low-grade magic weapons could not break through her body.

For an ordinary warrior in the middle stage of the Earthly Evil Realm, even if she doesn’t use her true energy, she is absolutely sure that she can suppress it within a few moves.

Moreover, not only did she advance to the next level in the Jade Forging Art, but the ‘Hegu Point’ located at the elbow of her left arm was also opened, and her cultivation reached a higher level.

After adjusting his breath and infuriating energy, Shi Lan opened the system panel.

Host: Shi Lan

Cultivation level: Early stage of earth evil realm

Root bone: 9 (Innate spiritual body, once in a thousand years.)

Kung Fu: Yuqing Creation Art (Second Level), Diamond Divine Fist (Dacheng), Forged Jade Art (Seventh Level)

Supernatural powers: Heavenly Eyes (Three Stars), Black Domain (Seven Stars)

Strength evaluation: small success

Reputation: 51600 (initial fame)

The reputation value has exceeded the 50,000 mark, and the goal of the reputation mission is 100,000, which is not far away.

After Shi Lan glanced at his panel, he opened the task interface and found several tasks previously released by the system.


In this confrontation, a total of twenty-two Earthly Evil Realm monsters were killed by her. This number was already astonishing, but Shi Lan was not very satisfied.

This kind of confrontation would not happen every day, and the speed could not be called fast. After thinking for a long time, Shi Lan opened the door and left the quiet room.

Appreciate the fallen leaves to know the charm of autumn, Mu Xuanji, Xianyu, the devil’s gay friend, and the Di Sanmeng book friend’s reward, thank you


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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