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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 156 Live

After Shi Lan left the quiet room, he first went to find a new armor to put on, and then found Wu Lingkong.

“Ayakora, aren’t there any demon crossbows on the battleship?”

“Of course I brought it with me.” Wu Lingkong nodded.

“Then why not use it?” Shi Lan asked doubtfully. If he killed these monsters with the monster-breaking crossbow first, the casualties would not be so great. She did not believe that Bai Weiyang would take the life of the monster-suppressing sergeant as a trifling matter.

“The attack range of the Demon-Breaking Crossbow is not very far. If you want to hurt the monsters underground, you need to descend to a certain height first. But once you drop the height, some high-level monsters can easily attack the battleship. There may be some Accident.”

“So that’s it.” Shi Lan suddenly realized that if something went wrong with the battleship and all the people on the ship were stranded here, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Is there anything on this battleship that can instantly kill a large number of Earthly Evil Realm monsters?” Shi Lan asked. If there is a large-scale lethal weapon similar to a bed crossbow, the task will naturally be much easier to complete.

“In an instant? Or in large quantities?” Wu Lingkong shook his head speechlessly and said:

“How can there be such a terrifying thing? The Earthly Evil Realm monsters are hidden among thousands of monsters. The distance between them is very far. It is simply impossible to kill them in large numbers at the same time.”

If the demon-suppressing army really had a weapon that could kill demonic beasts in the Earthly Evil Realm like mowing grass, the current situation would not be like this.

Shi Lan was a little disappointed. She actually understood that it was unlikely that such a thing would exist.

“If you want to kill a large number of Earthly Evil Realm monsters in an instant, you have to kill hundreds of thousands of low-level monsters together. I don’t need to tell you what the chances of doing this are.”

Sure enough, we still have to do it step by step…

Shi Lan secretly sighed in his heart, taking advantage of opportunities to achieve success in one step is not possible every time.

“Stone girl.”

A young man walked up to the two people who were talking and said hello. It was Shen Tianlan. He was also among the group of people who had just fought. He was slightly injured, his face was a little pale, and his breath was low.

“Is Brother Shen’s injury serious?” Shi Lan asked.

“Thank you for your concern, girl. It’s nothing serious.” Shen Tianlan shook his head slightly and said: “The casualties are not small this time. I have never seen the shadow of the girl before. I thought you were seriously injured. Now that the girl looks good, you are much better.” Consider it.”

Shi Lan didn’t chat much. After chatting with Shen Tianlan for a while, he returned to his quiet room, calmed down his impetuous heart, and took the time to start practicing.

At any time, improving strength is the top priority.

The battleship turned around and headed southeast.

On the second floor of the battleship, there is a quiet room.

There was a square table in the quiet room. Bai Weiyang sat opposite the red pine tree, holding a green seedling glowing with precious light in his hand.

Apart from the two of them, there was no one else.

“Taoist Chisong, how about the hexagrams?” Bai Wei glanced at Chisongzi and said calmly.

Chisongzi’s forehead was covered with sweat. His fingertips trembled slightly as he touched the three jade tablets placed on the square table. He said in a dry voice: “General Bai, this road is blocked.”

Forced by Bai Weiyang and for self-protection, this is the fourth time Chi Songzi has set up a hexagram to find out whether the trip will be good or bad.

Bai Weiyang’s expression changed slightly when he heard the words “This road is blocked.”

A little while later…


Chi Songzi felt the battleship beneath her feet tremble slightly and changed its direction again.

“I would like to ask Taoist Master to give another hexagram.” Bai Weiyang raised his hand calmly and said.

“General, please spare me. There is really no way to break the situation. This battleship has been targeted.” Chisongzi cried with a sad face. The luck of the trip could not be affected by simply changing the direction of travel.

“There is no way at all?” Bai Weiyang frowned.

Chi Songzi looked at Bai Weiyang with some despair. When she glanced at the green seedling in his hand, her eyes lit up for an instant. After closing her eyes and counting, her expression brightened.

“Maybe there is a way…”

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. The three-day trip was quite peaceful. Most of the warriors on the battleship had recovered from the injuries suffered in the last war.

Except for visiting the wounded a few times, Shi Lan never left the quiet room and practiced almost non-stop.



Several extremely harsh loud noises, accompanied by a violent tremor of the battleship, woke Shi Lan up from his training.

Shi Lan didn’t hesitate, like a tiger and leopard coming out of the cage, he knocked open the door of the quiet room, and after a few breaths, he stepped onto the deck.

After seeing the scene around the battleship clearly, Shi Lan couldn’t help but take a breath of air.

A series of green bamboo vines several feet thick extended from somewhere in the void and were tied to the battleship, locking the entire battleship tightly and preventing it from moving at all.

Two figures stood on one of the bamboo canes. One of them was a woman in black armor, who was the invading demon king in disguise.

Shi Lan had never met her before, but he still learned part of what happened from the words of others.

Bai Weiyang stood on the general stage, looking up at the sky with his hands behind his hands, his expression showing no surprise at all.

Lei Wuji and Lin Yusheng appeared beside Bai Weiyang almost at the same time. Looking at the two figures above his head,

“Sister Zhu, that old thing is the one who harmed Changqing!” The woman in black armor pointed at Lin Yusheng and spoke sternly.

Standing next to her is also a woman, wearing green clothes and a green hairpin, about 20 years old.

After hearing the demon king’s words, the woman in green didn’t say a word. She raised her hand calmly and pointed out in the air. A burst of green light flashed in the air, and the sea of ​​bamboo swayed all over the sky. It was quiet and peaceful, but there was hidden murderous intent.


Before Lin Yusheng could react, Bai Weiyang rose from the sky, and a sword shadow more than a thousand feet long appeared in the sky.

The sword energy roared, and a somewhat illusory land covered with sharp swords condensed in the air, facing the sea of ​​bamboos in the sky.


The shadow of the earth only persisted for a few breaths before it was broken open, and a raging wave of spiritual energy surged in all directions.

The bamboo sea was so thick that it seemed to collapse the void, causing some of the warriors who rushed to the deck to tremble.

Bai Weiyang groaned and fell back to the general platform, looking at the bamboo sea in the sky, his expression remained calm.

In the end, the bamboo sea came to an abrupt end less than three feet away from the battleship.

The woman in green and the demon king both looked at the green seedling in Bai Weiyang’s hand with surprise.

“Give him to me, I won’t kill you this time.” The woman in green stretched out her hand and said.

Bai Weiyang shook her head slightly, “I want everyone to live.”

“Impossible, that old thing must die!” Before the woman in green could speak, the demon king on the side jumped out first.

The woman in green stared at Bai Weiyang and said slowly: “I’ll say it again, leave him to me. I won’t kill you this time. If you insist on not wanting to, I will kill a hundred people every time I take a breath.”

Thanks to 2019021523, Ling Xiaohuang Lingyue, and LOAcss book friends for their rewards. I have not forgotten to add rewards and updates. I will make them up when I have time. Currently: I am the cute Wan Rewards chapter, the meeting leader Ning Ruizhu is a chapter, Qingfeng Haoyue, Rudder Master is a chapter, floating life is as shallow as a dream丶The alliance leader has ten chapters, and I am four chapters short, for a total of seventeen chapters.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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