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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 163 Bait

“Your mother is now in Xianwu City. She is safe and sound. Don’t worry about her… take care of yourself…”

“If you encounter any trouble and can’t solve it, just come to me and don’t force yourself to do it alone.”

Looking at the large number of people gradually pouring out, Shi Tianlu took two steps back, got out of the way, and gave a few quick instructions.

From beginning to end, Shi Tianlu never expressed any opinions or suggestions on Shi Lan’s current situation or what he was about to do.

He gave Shi Lan a lot of freedom and turned himself into a reserve force.

Because only she knows her own situation. Shi Lan has been wandering around alone and has been wandering around. She must have her own methods on how to protect herself. If he tries to point fingers, it will only be superfluous.

This is all he can do now.

“Kid, remember… take care of yourself, father.” Shi Lan nodded with a warm feeling in his heart.

After saying that, Shi Lan gently pulled the reins, merged into the crowd, and rushed towards the fortress gate.

Shi Tianlu’s attitude made Shi Lan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling much lighter in his heart.

Shi Tianlu looked at the huge flow of people, took a deep breath, turned around and walked towards his camp. He was also pressed for time.

Shi Lan followed the flow of people and stepped onto the battleship along the golden light.

Not long after, after a rough count of the number of people, the battleship set off and headed northwest at full speed.

After the battleship was launched, Bai Weiyang gathered all the officers above the thousand captain level in a meeting hall, as well as the warriors above the Earthly Evil Realm.

“The area of ​​this war spans nearly ten thousand miles. Our mission is to stop or kill the three beast groups with the presence of the transformed demon king.”

After Bai Weiyang said that, he summoned a light curtain, and an extremely clear map appeared on the light curtain. Three eye-catching spots not far apart were flickering slightly.

“The distance between these three beast groups is about a thousand miles. According to the data, there are only three transformed demon kings in total. Behind them are a large number of low-level demon beasts, almost hundreds of thousands. Their apparent strength is comparable to There is not much difference between our departments, but…”

Speaking of this, Bai Weiyang increased his tone.

“Since this area is the main battlefield, it is very likely that there will be large demons above the Yuan Shen realm wandering around. The dangers of attack and fixed defense are very high, so I decided to attack them separately and deal with them as quickly as possible. , and then return to the fortress.”

Bai Weiyang glanced at everyone, “If you have any questions, you can ask them.”

“General, it’s not that simple to divide and attack. What should we do specifically?” Ren Kaiyang, the commander of the demon-suppressing army on the side, asked in a deep voice.

After Ren Kaiyang said this, the others also expressed their agreement. After all, this is a large group of beasts, not a small group of more than a thousand beasts. The distance is thousands of miles. For a herd of this size, especially for the transformed demon king, it can Said it was quite close.

It is very likely that a single move could affect the entire body, attracting the other two herds of beasts, and even attracting a more terrifying monster.

“Bait.” Bai Weiyang said in a low voice, “Use people as bait to lure out a group of monsters first.”

“General, there is a transformed demon king in this group of beasts. The strength of the bait cannot be too high. I am afraid that if it cannot run far, it will be overtaken. At that time, the army may be lost in vain, and those demon kings, They are all extremely smart, how can they be easily fooled?”

Ren Kaiyang spoke without any scruples and bluntly pointed out various shortcomings. The battle plan was a vital thing and should never be carelessly taken.

This situation was tacitly approved by Bai Weiyang. Among the demon-suppressing army, such a thing would only happen under Bai Weiyang.

If it were in other departments, just questioning the general order would be enough for Ren Kaiyang to drink a pot.

“If this demon king really takes action, I will naturally have a way to deal with it.” Bai Weiyang looked calm and then said:

“Most of those transformed demon kings are cunning, suspicious, and have changeable minds. The bait may not work. This is just a test. If the demon king is unwilling to take the bait, it is okay to take this opportunity to kill the number of low-level demon beasts. .”

Ren Kaiyang nodded and said: “General, how about leaving this bait position to my department?”

“No, you are the main force and cannot act rashly.” Bai Weiyang shook his head.

“Then who should make this bait?” Ren Kaiyang was a little confused.

“The bait’s cultivation level is around the middle stage of Earthly Evil Realm, which is most suitable. Is there any of you who would like to go?” Bai Weiyang glanced at the people in the meeting hall.

Several captains immediately stood up and volunteered, but they were all pushed back by Bai Weiyang. Shi Lan stood in a corner, lowering her head slightly. She had no intention of being a bait.

When the warriors saw Bai Weiyang glance at them, they all lowered their heads and used them as bait to seduce a group of beasts with the presence of the transformed demon king. The risk was too great.

“We will protect the bait’s life, you don’t have to worry.” Bai Weiyang said calmly, and couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when he saw that there was no response from the council chamber for a long time.

Just as Bai Weiyang was about to let a thousand captain stand on his head, Shi Lan took a step forward and saluted, “My subordinates are willing to go.”


Bai Weiyang looked at Shi Lan, nodded, and looked at everyone, “This discussion ends here.”

The crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only Bai Weiyang and Shi Lan.

“Take this thing with you and crush it when you are in danger. It can withstand three attacks from the Demon King in Transformation. I will rush to your side in an instant.”

Bai Weiyang walked up to Shi Lan and handed over a hollow jade bead.

The jade bead is transparent, with a layer of light rippling in the center, and a spiritual pattern that is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Shi Lan took the jade bead and felt it was cold.

“How many people do you want to go with you?” Bai Weiyang asked.

“You can go alone.” Shi Lan said. She didn’t want to involve others. She wouldn’t die, but the outcome for others would not be certain.

“one person?”

Bai Weiyang frowned, “If you go alone, are you sure you can lure out the monster?”

“You’ll know once you try it.”

Shi Lan left the meeting hall, returned to the quiet room, and opened the system panel.

She suddenly changed her mind just now because of the side mission that the system suddenly introduced.

[Task: Please accept the bait task and successfully lead out the Demon King. 】

[Task completion reward: one intermediate lottery chance and 10,000 reputation points. If the mission fails, 50,000 reputation points will be deducted. 】

“System, what is the role of this reputation value?”

[The opening conditions have not yet been met. 】

Shi Lan frowned. She had a hunch that reputation was important, but she couldn’t tell what was important.

“What will be the consequences if the reputation value drops? Is it possible that the previous reputation will be wasted?”

[The decrease in reputation will not have any impact on the host, and the established facts will not change in any way. The host is asked to explore on his own. 】

Shi Lan scanned the task section, and he had to successfully lure out the Demon King to be considered complete…


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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