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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 165 Accident

The moment the blond man disappeared, there was a burst of spatial fluctuations in the sky above the herd of beasts almost at the same time.

Three figures with extremely terrifying auras stepped out of the void.

“What about the Demon King?!” Lei Wuji said in a slightly startled tone, wrapped in thunder.

Looking at the empty center of the herd, the expressions of the three of them changed.

Bai Weiyang’s sword energy spurted out from all over his body, and his eyes were like lightning. He glanced at the group of beasts at his feet, and his spiritual consciousness surged out, covering the surrounding areas. Then he condensed his eyes and shouted softly:

“Come with me!”

The Demon King was actually lured out by Shi Lan?

A ray of golden light cut through the sky and stopped in an instant above Shi Lan and others.

【mission completed. 】

[Task reward distribution: Congratulations to the host for getting an intermediate lottery opportunity and 10,000 reputation points. 】

Shi Lan felt a warning sign in his heart. Quan Dang didn’t hear the system prompt, turned over his hand to put away the God Transformation Pill, and without hesitation crushed the jade bead Bai Weiyang gave him.

A transparent spiritual light curtain emerged, protecting the heads of more than a hundred people in Shi Lan.

Strands of bright golden light were like falling rain, falling all over the sky, and sonorous and harsh sounds continued to sound.

The blond man stood in the air, his wings behind him were like cast gold, his eyes were shining with golden light. Looking at the spiritual pattern light curtain, the man’s expression was cold. Just as he was about to continue taking action, his nose suddenly moved slightly, and the golden light in his eyes skyrocketed. Staring at Shi Lan.

“The smell of Divine Phoenix blood…”

“call out–“

The golden wings behind the man covered the sky, casting a shadow, and golden divine light penetrated the void, like sharp blades, and fell overwhelmingly!


A crisp sound rang in Shi Lan’s ears, and a half-hand-wide crack appeared in the center of the spiritual pattern light curtain. It was obvious that it could not last long.

Seeing this scene, Master Jiyun, who was hiding in the dark, smiled slightly. It was his turn to appear next…

At this moment, Master Jiyun’s face froze slightly, and he turned to look at the sky. A shadow of a giant cyan claw spanning nearly ten thousand feet appeared in the void and grabbed the battleship hovering in the air.

The huge battleship also looks a bit petite compared to this giant cyan claw.

“Venerable, this battleship seems to be protected by Venerable Bamboo. Is there anything wrong with what you are doing?”

In the void, a dark-faced man about forty years old looked respectfully at a tall man in green clothes in front of him.

“I already gave her Zhu Xiyang face last time. Now that we meet again, how can I let her go a second time?”

The man in green snorted, and the giant green claws grabbed the battleship without stopping. He wanted to see what could make Zhu Xiyang, who had always been quite aloof, willing to owe favors.

Seeing that the giant claw was about to fall on the battleship, Master Jiyun frowned slightly, glanced at Shi Lan and the others, sighed, and slowly raised his hand, missing a great opportunity in vain.

A dazzling fingertip was pointed out from Master Jiyun’s hand, stretching nearly ten thousand feet and as strong as a pillar of heaven!


The finger blade seemed to have pierced through the heaven and earth, tearing open a crack in space, and with a terrifying breath of death, it instantly penetrated the giant cyan claw!

“Slow down…”

Master Jiyun said slowly, his body melted into the void, and his breath was gentle, like the spring breeze blowing on his face, which was completely opposite to the breath of silence that just came out of the fingertips.

The man in green looked at the old man in white robe who suddenly appeared in front of him, and sneered, “The heavenly being of the human race dares to run around without taking his people to avoid disasters and survive.”

“In the vast land of China, there is no place that our human race cannot go.” Master Jiyun said calmly, the aura of law flowing around his body, death and rebirth alternated, and the surrounding void began to tremble faintly.

The man in green snorted coldly, raised his hand to tear out a crack in space, and pushed the black-faced man next to him to an unknown place. The aura around him surged, the void burst, and he disappeared from the place in an instant.

Master Jiyun also disappeared from the same place, and a terrifying battle began.


The spiritual pattern light curtain crumbled in the blink of an eye under the attack of the blond man.


“No need for me to take action.”

Just when the spiritual light curtain above everyone’s heads was about to shatter, three figures appeared beside the blond man, encircling him and blocking his retreat.

Bai Weiyang didn’t say anything nonsense. A thousand-foot sword energy struck the blond man’s head like the beginning of the world.

The thunder in the sky evolved into a celestial thunder pool, standing quietly in the void, brewing a thunder strike.

Lin Yusheng said the sage’s instructions in his mouth, and his whole body was filled with awe-inspiring energy. The energy condensed into a gang and was invulnerable to all laws.

Seeing such a scene, Shi Lan did not hesitate and immediately led his people to retreat. The three of them did not take action immediately because they were concerned about their existence.

“Despicable human race, want to bully the minority?”

The blond man’s expression was not disturbed at all, he sneered, and the golden light all over his body became even brighter, like another round of scorching sun, rising across the sky with a terrifying momentum.


The sword energy was the first to strike in front of the blond man. The man’s blond hair was pressed by the sword coming from the pavement, and the curls flew in all directions.


The blond man let out a long roar, with murderous intent in his eyes. He spread out his golden wings and rolled up waves of intimidating air. The overwhelming demonic power swept through him, and a golden light flashed out like a divine sword.

The void was pierced by this golden light, making a ‘buzzing’ trembling sound.


The golden light collided with Jian Gang, and they both disintegrated at the same time.

Seeing that the attack was frustrated, Bai Weiyang frowned. Although he had only used seven points of the sword in a hurry, it was definitely not something that an ordinary demon king could take.

“The sky leads to thunder – the thunder falls!”

Seeing that Shi Lan and others had left, Lei Wuji let out a long roar, and the thunder pool in the air tilted down. Countless lightning bolts as thick as a man’s waist descended on the world and hit the ground. Most of them flooded the blond man in the air.


Facing the thunder that was coming with a destructive aura, the blond man raised his hand and summoned a light black bone whip.

The bone whip is integrated into one body, as if it is forged from the entire spine of some kind of creature. It is filled with ferocity and exudes a chilling demonic power.

Countless whip shadows flew across the sky, with a shrill sound of breaking through the sky, hitting each lightning bolt with incomparable precision, instantly dissipating it and turning it into an electric snake.

The awe-inspiring Qi surged out overwhelmingly, suppressing the soaring violent Qi on the bone whip. Lin Yusheng muttered words in his mouth, and his awe-inspiring Qi turned into countless swords, guns, swords and halberds. The shadows of the divine soldiers filled the sky, like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, and they all shot down!

The bone whip was danced by the blond man, creating countless phantoms, like a ball, protecting itself in the middle, preventing water from splashing in, and intercepting the phantoms of countless magic weapons.

In this storm-like attack, the hostility on the bone whip was also dispersed a lot.

After Bai Weiyang fired the first sword, he temporarily withdrew from the battlefield, adjusted his body, and began to awaken the blood in his body. He wanted to use his greatest strength to kill this demon king.

He also saw the terrifying giant cyan claw just now. If it hadn’t been for the pointing finger later, the battleship would have been destroyed long ago.

This battle has undergone unexpected changes and cannot be delayed any longer…


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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