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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 170 Retreat

Luo Xiuhan turned a blind eye to the woman in the red dress who was mad with hatred. His spiritual thoughts moved across the entire battlefield, and the sound was transmitted to a group of powerful people in the Heavenly Realm, as well as many powerful Yuanshen Realm warriors fighting around the battlefield.

“Retreat to the southeast fortress, and someone will be there to help you.”


The Commander-in-Chief of the Demon Suppressor sent a message together to give orders.

After hesitation, a group of human race experts began to retreat.

After the woman in the red dress shouted loudly, many heavenly demons gathered around the woman in the red dress without further entanglement.

At this moment, in this desolate battlefield, the number of heavenly demons has exceeded the terrifying number of tens, and the demonic aura fills the sky, flooding the entire sky.

The human race began to retreat, but the strong demon race men did not press hard and stopped their attacks. In the melee just now, both sides suffered a lot of casualties.

In the blink of an eye, many strong men from the human race left the battlefield, leaving only the members of the Shengwu Immortal Sect headed by Luo Xiuhan.

“Luo Xiuhan, I want to make your soul into a soul-burning lantern, to forever suppress His Highness the Demon Emperor, to be trampled by thousands of demons, and to be burned in purgatory forever, in order to honor my sister’s spirit in heaven!”

More than a dozen heavenly demons surrounded Luo Xiuhan and the others, their blood energy rising into the sky, and their terrifying aura suppressed the world.

“When you killed my sister’s soul, you should have thought that there would be consequences today!” The woman in the red dress sneered, her breath of law ready to move.

“I have killed countless demons in my life, how can your sister be qualified to take this to my heart?” Luo Xiuhan looked indifferent, “If you are unwilling to do so, I will send your sisters to reunite.”

The general trend between heaven and earth gathered, Luo Xiuhan’s aura began to rise infinitely, and an unparalleled domineering sword intent filled the world, buzzing and trembling.

“Luo Xiuhan, I have heard your name for a long time. According to rumors, the Tianjue Demon Emperor once used his clones to kill you, but you managed to escape. Today, I want to see if you can still survive. Such good luck.” A heavenly demon said coldly.

“Since you dare to stay, then bury your bones here!”

Another sky demon spoke sternly, and a blast of destructive divine light burst out, tearing the void and starting a battle!

The other heavenly demons took action one after another and created the seal of law that shattered the world!

“Jun Yan, stop it!”

“The rest of the heavenly beings have retreated, please leave this land of right and wrong quickly!”


The remaining six Yuan Shen Realm experts who came with Yan Mobei stood in the Gangfeng layer, thousands of miles away, and sent messages to persuade Yan Mobei, whose eyes were red.

The rest have begun to retreat. If Yan Mobei still stays here, he will definitely be besieged. If Yan Jun dies here, it will be a heavy blow to the entire Bai family.

The sea of ​​golden swords around Yan Mobei calmed down, and he stood in the void, holding the sword, and the redness in his eyes slowly faded away.

Several people around him breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. Just when they were about to speak, Yan Mobei’s voice came through their minds.

“You wait and retreat first, protect Weiyang, and take him back to the Zhongtian Territory. If I don’t kill this beast today, it will be difficult for me to understand the thoughts in my heart, and it will be difficult for me to advance even half a point with my sword.”


“Fall back!”

Just as a few people were about to persuade them again, they were stopped by Yan Mobei.

After looking at each other for a while, several people reluctantly crossed the space and headed straight for Bai Weiyang’s direction.

“Why did you stop?” The charming man walked out of the void and asked with some confusion: “You can’t do it so soon?”

“I admit that your magic is indeed a bit difficult to deal with, and it has even penetrated my sword domain unknowingly…”

Yan Mobei no longer claimed to be me, and spoke slowly with a calm expression, and the golden sword sea began to collapse.

“You have successfully made my swordsmanship no longer pure. In the past, I thought that if I cut off my soul and cut off my five emotions and six desires, I would be able to eliminate some things and stop my heart from being shaken. Today, I discovered that there are some things You can’t just forget it if you want to. I’ve lost part of my soul and am no longer complete…”

The charming man raised his eyebrows and said, “So you are not a complete man. No wonder you regard beautiful women as beautiful as skeletons with pus and blood. It is understandable.”

After saying that, the man said with a pity look on his face: “It would be too pitiful to not experience the joy of love between a man and a woman.”

Yan Mobei’s expression was calm. A passage opened behind him. On the other side of the passage was a vibrant world, full of nascent vitality.

A somewhat illusory sword shadow floated out from the passage and merged into the cyan ancient sword. The ancient sword seemed to be injected with life and became alive, and its energy became several times stronger.

A bit of hazy spiritual light floated out from the hilt of the sword and blended into the center of Yan Mobei’s eyebrows.

“How can one call a person without emotions or desires…”

Yan Mobei’s calm expression gradually changed, and he sighed with complexity.

“I thought you would come up with some brilliant move, but it turned out you made a wrong move.” The man’s face was slightly cold, “I thought you could bring some fun, but you let me down so much.”

“Disappointed? You should feel honored.” Yan Mobei’s eyes were like swords, pointing straight into the sky, and said with a smile on his lips:

“Today, I will kill you with my sword as a sacrifice. With your sword sharpening your heart and mind, you can become a stepping stone on my way to the imperial level. You will be glorious and glorious. With such great merit, you will be able to escape from the animal realm and be reincarnated as a human being in the next life.” , and it’s not impossible.”

The man not far away narrowed his eyes slightly, “You still have all your emotions and desires cut off. You look more pleasing to the eye, but now you are just annoying.”

“I like you very much. There are not many people in the world who are qualified to die by the Qingyu Sword, and you are one of them.”

The ancient cyan sword in Yan Mobei’s hand chanted softly, and the surrounding sword domain slowly opened up. The golden color was gone, and it was filled with a faint clear light.

The human race began to retreat, and the strong demon race that happened to block its retreat was mercilessly run over like dirt on the roadside.

A large number of mid-level and high-level demon clans died, and the beast herd was in chaos. Shi Lan and others broke out in all directions, and the pressure dropped sharply.

Seeing the hope of survival, everyone’s morale soared and they exerted 120% of their combat power.

Shi Lan raised his hand and slashed down nearly a hundred low-level monsters with his halberd, clearing a clearing. The edge of the beast group was already in sight.

Since the breakout, the Black Domain has never been closed, and has been absorbing the blood in the field, allowing Shi Lan to maintain strong energy and achieve peak combat power for a long time.

Looking at the edge of the herd of beasts in front of him, Shi Lan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. The door to life had been opened…


The horse’s hooves were raised, and a purple halberd tore apart the herd of beasts and rushed out of the siege. Everyone following Shi Lan breathed a sigh of relief. What they thought was a fatal situation suddenly took a turn for the better. It was really a recovery. Saved a life.

Before Shi Lan could breathe a sigh of relief, an invisible force held down everyone who had escaped to the sky, including people and horses.

Shi Lan froze. This feeling was so familiar, and it was the power of space.

A black figure fell from the sky. It was a man with red hair hanging down past his waist. His aura was hundreds of times more ferocious than that of the Demon King in disguise. Shi Lan felt that his chest was congested and he could hardly breathe.

Thanks to Luofeng Qingshang, Cai Xu Tushen Tushen, book friend 20180619212, Hg rogue rabbit book friend for their reward support, thank you


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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