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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 18 Battle Simulation

Looking at the vast white space in front of her, Shi Lan was feeling confused when detailed information about this space poured into her mind.

Shi Lan closed his eyes and began to digest this information.

After a while, Shi Lan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of luck. Fortunately, this side mission did not fail, otherwise the loss would be immeasurable.

This virtual space can be roughly divided into three functions: environment simulation, combat simulation, and character simulation.

Environmental simulation, as the name suggests, can also simulate various external environments, including weather, geographical environment, and all items existing in this environment.

The battle simulation includes many branch functions that can simulate Shi Lan’s own mirror image.

All Shi Lanhui’s skills and martial arts are mirrored, and her proficiency level can be adjusted according to her own wishes. From beginner to master, giving her moves can be said to be an excellent way to accumulate combat experience.

Character simulation is a branch of combat simulation, and it is the function that Shi Lan is most interested in. This function can simulate everyone Shi Lan has met, and the similarity of the simulation is determined by the degree of contact.

This similarity does not refer to appearance, but to strength.

Shi Lan clicked on the list of characters that could be simulated now. The first one on the list was Shi Feng. The simulation level had actually reached 100% perfect simulation.

Next in the queue are the names of the guards who went out with her earlier, and their simulation level is about 30% to 40%.

The names of Shi Tianlu and Su Lanyue were ranked behind these guards, and their simulation degrees were similar, less than 20%.

After that, there were a lot of names that Shi Lan didn’t recognize. They should be the people in the city.

After browsing briefly, Shi Lan clicked on Shi Feng’s name. She was still very curious about Shi Feng’s specific strength.

[Character simulation function is turned on, target: Shi Feng. The current simulation level is 100%. Do you want to adjust it? 】

“If you don’t adjust, it’s 100%.”

[Do you want to enable environment simulation? 】

“Open the Shijia martial arts arena.”

The surrounding space was distorted, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a martial arts arena for the Shi family.

The scorching sun was shining overhead and a gentle breeze was blowing around. If it weren’t for the expressionless Shi Feng standing not far in front of him, Shi Lan would have almost thought that he was actually in a martial arts arena.

[The character simulation is completed and the environment simulation is completed. Do you want to start fighting? 】

Shi Lan licked the corner of his mouth, took a few deep breaths with some excitement, and then said:


As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Feng’s figure disappeared from Shi Lan’s sight.

Shi Lan blinked her eyes in confusion, and suddenly her vision dimmed. In the blink of an eye, Shi Feng’s figure had appeared in front of her, less than an arm’s length away from her!

Before Shi Lan could react, he felt a strong attack on his chest.


A series of crisp bone cracking sounds rang in Shi Lan’s ears,

With a sweet taste in her mouth, she couldn’t help but spit out a large mouthful of blood, and her whole body flew out uncontrollably.

Before she landed, Shi Lan felt a big hand grab her head, exerting force instantly!


After a crisp sound, Shi Lan lost consciousness instantly.


Shi Lan kept taking deep breaths, and her body couldn’t stop shaking slightly. She had really died just now, and she was killed without any resistance.

There is indeed great terror between life and death. The ancients do not deceive me.

Shi Lan didn’t want to experience that suffocating feeling a second time.

[The battle simulation is over and the host is defeated. Do you want to replay the battle? 】

Listening to the system’s beep, Shi Lan gradually came back to his senses.

After calming down his emotions, Shi Lan nodded: “Battle replay.”

She didn’t react at all just now, so naturally she didn’t know how ‘Shi Feng’ killed her.

A giant light curtain slowly unfolded in front of Shi Lan, and two figures stood facing each other. It was the replay of the battle simulation she had just played.


After Shi Lan gave the order in the picture, the figure of ‘Shi Feng’ suddenly disappeared, and the next time he appeared, he was already standing in front of Shi Lan.

‘Shi Feng’ didn’t hesitate at all. He raised his hand and hit Shi Lan on the chest. The strong palm force penetrated into the body and shattered Shi Lan’s countless ribs.

Shi Lan’s chest collapsed in an instant, and the clothes on his back were torn to pieces by the force of the palm. His whole body was almost penetrated by the palm.

After Shi Lan flew backwards, ‘Shi Feng’ followed closely, grabbed Shi Lan’s head, and broke her neck without hesitation.

Listening to the crisp sound coming from the light curtain, Shi Lan felt a little bit sour in his teeth. Shi Feng’s move was really bad.

In the end, I still haven’t figured out the extent of Shi Feng’s strength, but it is obvious that her current strength is too weak.

Shi Lan sighed and exited the virtual space.

The most urgent task now is to quickly increase the strength to the fourth level of the body quenching realm and complete the tasks released by the system.

[There are two items in the system’s temporary storage that are about to exceed the temporary storage period. Please take them out in time. If the temporary storage period is exceeded, the system will automatically recycle them. 】

Shi Lan was stunned for a moment, opened the temporary storage area of ​​the system, and took out the body tempering pill. After a moment’s hesitation, Shi Lan also took out the white crane skirt.

After all, it is a two-star item. It would be a pity to let the system recycle it like this. If you don’t wear it yourself, you can give it away.

Shi Lan carefully folded the white crane skirt and stuffed it into the bottom of the wardrobe, then put the Body Tempering Pill into a small brocade box and put it away.

After cleaning up, Shi Lan walked to the desk and picked up a big bite of blood ginseng.

After calculating the specific amount, Shi Lan put the blood ginseng into his mouth again and took a bite.

The familiar heat surged up, and Shi Lan didn’t dare to neglect it. He sat down on the spot and started to use the Jade Forging Technique.

After this burst of medicinal power was gone, Shi Lan felt that his strength had increased again, and he was getting closer and closer to the first level of the body tempering realm.

In the blink of an eye, at noon, Zique came again to deliver medicinal food, this time the amount was much larger than yesterday.

“The mistress asked the eldest son to practice martial arts at home during this period and not to go out to cause trouble again.”

After Zi Que left, Shi Lan finished the medicinal meal three times, five times five times two times, and then immersed himself in practicing martial arts again.

By night, most of the century-old blood ginseng had entered Shi Lan’s stomach.

Thanks to the Jade Forging Art, Shi Lan showed no signs of overdoing it, and his strength steadily increased.

Gradually, Shi Lan’s muscles, bones, skin and flesh seemed to have grown to a critical point, and the white air flow generated by the jade forging technique was moving faster and faster.

Suddenly, as if a layer of window paper had been pierced, Shi Lan suddenly felt comfortable all over his body. He couldn’t help but open his eyes, stood up and started playing Vajra Fist.

As Shi Lan moved, her bones and joints made a series of crisp sounds.

The muscles and bones roar together, the first level of the body tempering realm has been achieved!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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