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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 193 Qingzhou City

Shi Lan briefly glanced at the sword manual found on Liu Anfeng’s body, then put it aside.

Although she didn’t learn much martial arts, she had already entered the Earthly Evil Realm. She could not stand up to the third-rate martial arts in this world, so it was naturally difficult for her to catch her eye.

However, with just a few glances, Shi Lan could already see the difference between the martial arts here and those in the Lingyang Realm.

The martial arts in the Lingyang world, no matter how high or low, are all aimed at being able to exert more powerful power, so that one part of one’s power can be used as two or even three points of power.

The martial arts here rely more on changes in moves. A third-rate sword manual contains thirty-six sword techniques, which also include changes in footwork and body techniques.

In this regard, it is not difficult for Shi Lan to understand. If he cannot make a breakthrough in strength, he has to change his moves and focus on different things. They are all exploring martial arts.

“Can you please tell me your name? It’s not good to keep calling me girl…”

After following Shi Lan back to the ruined temple, Lao Hongtou asked with some anxiety.

Two strong men, holding sharp weapons, were both taken down by Shi Lan with his bare hands. As long as he was not blind, he could tell that Shi Lan was not an ordinary person.

“Shilan, the stone of stone, the lan of Xilan.”

Shi Lan replied, and Ah Qi silently wrote it down, although he didn’t know how to write these two words.

Putting aside the differences in martial arts between the two realms, Shi Lan knocked Liu Anfeng unconscious again, removed the joints of their legs, covered them with straw, and then took Lao Hongtou and Ah Qi to Qingzhou City.

The horses brought by Liu Anfeng and the two men saved some travel.

Ah Qi didn’t know how to ride, but he was smarter. Shi Lan taught him step by step for half an hour, and then he was able to manage a horse.

The Qianyuan Dynasty divided the continent into seven counties for easy administration.

Qingzhou City is located in Ning’an County in the south. It is nine miles long and wide, not too big, not too small.

After arriving near Qingzhou City, Shi Lan never brought horses into the city.

The price of a good horse is about twenty taels of silver. They were dressed like this, but they were carrying two horses. They could easily be regarded as horse thieves, and attracted careful investigation by the soldiers guarding the city.

The gate of Qingzhou City is more than two feet high. There is a team of sergeants wearing simple leather armor standing at the door, checking passers-by and collecting entrance fees.

After the soldiers guarding the city saw how Shi Lan and the others were dressed, they actually waived the entry fee. They only gave them a warning not to cause trouble in the city, and then let them go.

Those who begged were not charged a fee to enter the city. This was a rule written into the law during the Qianyuan Dynasty.

Except for keeping their eyes on Shi Lan for a while, these city guard sergeants did nothing out of the ordinary, which shows their military discipline.

Shi Lan entered the city, feeling a little heavy in his heart. Qingzhou City was just a small place. From the words and deeds of the soldiers guarding the city, one could get a glimpse of the strength of the Qianyuan Dynasty.

Just two steps into the city, Shi Lan saw the notice wall that Ah Qi had mentioned before, and Liu Anfeng’s wanted order was posted on it.

However, the reason written on the wanted order was not for robbing military pay, but simply to capture fleeing robbers.

“Linghua cake, freshly baked, two cents a piece!”

“The old turtle we just caught this morning is stewed in soup to replenish the energy of the whole family. I can’t find it anywhere else, so I only sell it for two taels!”

On both sides of the street, there are various vendors selling goods.

You can also see shops on both sides of the street, including rouge, gouache, teahouses and restaurants.

The streets are crowded with people and passers-by, creating a scene of peace and prosperity, with singing and dancing.

Three years…

On this continent, it is currently peaceful and peaceful, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. If Shi Lan wants to take control of this continent by force, he will definitely start a war on his own initiative.

There will be countless casualties and devastation by then.

Is she really going to sacrifice the lives of so many people just to complete a test?

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shi Lan asked himself, feeling a little uneasy for a moment.

Some things are far more easy to do than just talk.

The few wisps of fragrance filling the air brought back Shi Lan’s consciousness.

Swallowing, Shi Lan put all the messy things behind him. It was more important to fill his stomach. He would think about these things later.

Choosing the largest restaurant, Shi Lan quickly walked in with Lao Hongtou and Ah Qi.

Since it was not time for dinner, there were not many customers in the restaurant.


When the waiter saw the three people coming in, he shook off the rag on his hand and quickly stopped.

“What are you doing? Do you know where this place is? Lift your legs and step in?!”

Putting the rag on his shoulders, the waiter walked over quickly. After looking at Shi Lan and the others for a few times, he waved his hand and said, “Go! Stand on the street! I’ll get you some food.”

Shi Lan had no intention of arguing with him, and threw a few dimes of broken silver over, “Serve!”

“Only meat, no elements!”

Shi Lan added another sentence.

The waiter caught the money, weighed it, and softened his attitude a little. He pointed to an empty table in the corner and said, “Sit somewhere and wait. Don’t run around.”

The three of them sat down at the table, and soon more than ten dishes were served one after another.

Braised pork, braised chicken, roast goose…

There were many varieties and the taste was good, but Shi Lan slowed down his chopsticks after taking a few bites.

There was very little flesh and blood essence that she could absorb from this meat, very little.

This restaurant is not small, with four or five busboys alone. There is not much work to do at the moment. They are all leaning on tables and chairs, looking at the somewhat out-of-place Shi Lan and the three of them, and whispering.

“How do you get the money to eat here with this outfit?” One person asked in surprise.

“I guess I met someone who was generous and got two rewards.”

“This woman is quite beautiful.”

“It’s a pity that he’s not young anymore. I’m afraid he would have already gotten married and had children.” One person felt a little pity.

The age of being in his early teens is not too young compared to most ordinary people who get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

“No, judging from her appearance, I’m afraid she’s not married.” Another person shook his head and said.

“It’s fair to think about it. Looking at her clothes, you can imagine her family background. If you guys want to give it a try, you may not have a chance to win this beauty.”

The voices of several people chatting and laughing were not concealed. It was obvious that the dressing of Shi Lan and the other three people did not allow these handymen to avoid seeing the dignitaries, squires and rich men.

As Ah Qi heard every word, he felt resentful in his heart and couldn’t help but stop holding the chopsticks in his hand.

He wanted to turn around and tell these people to shut up, but because Shi Lan had not spoken, if he caused trouble by speaking, he might make Shi Lan unhappy.

Shi Lan was thinking about something and didn’t notice what the helpers were saying.

After swallowing the braised pork in his mouth, Shi Lan put down his chopsticks and said loudly: “Waiter, cut ten pounds of beef and bring it over!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the restaurant fell silent, and the people at the few other tables put down their chopsticks and looked over.

“Don’t talk nonsense, where does the beef in Manxianglou come from?!” The waiter, who first saw Shi Lan and the others, changed his face and shouted in a panic.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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