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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 20 Accident (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 20 Accident (please vote for recommendation~)

There was no such young man in Shi Lan’s memory, which made her confused for a moment. Has she ever offended him?

After seeing the woman next to the young man, Shi Lan was a little stunned.

What a stunning beauty…

This is the first time Shi Lan has met such a beautiful woman since his rebirth. Even the oiran from Baihua Pavilion yesterday was not as good as this woman.

Perhaps it wasn’t the first time he saw her, so Shi Lan subconsciously touched her chin. If her current body were put on women’s clothes, she might be able to fight.


Shi Tianlu coughed twice, recalling Shi Lan’s thoughts.

“I’ve met my father and my mother.”

“Aunt Shen.”

“Second brother, third brother.”

Shi Lan greeted them one by one.

“Alan, let me introduce these three distinguished guests to you.” Shi Tianlu stood up and walked to the three people.

“These three are all from the famous Lu family in Jiuxiao City.”

“Uncle Shi is too complimentary.” The woman smiled slightly and was courteous.

When Shi Lan heard the words “the famous Lu family”, he suddenly reacted and looked at the smiling woman with some surprise.

Is this her genius fiancée? No wonder the man next to her looked at her so unkindly.

Then come to the door this time.

Shi Lan’s mind started racing. Is the next step going to be the exciting part of breaking off the engagement? How will she respond later?

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi?

Don’t bully young people into poverty?

It seems a bit shameful…

Just as Shi Lan’s mind was churning, her fiancée spoke first.

“Uncle Shi, I’ll do the introduction myself.”

“That’s fine.” Shi Tianlu nodded slightly.

“This is the first time we meet. My name is Lu Yueqing. I am your fiancée who we are married to. This is my third uncle, and this is my cousin Lu Yuan.”

Lu Yueqing spoke slowly and gave a brief introduction to the three of them, with a very gentle and polite tone.

“Uh…Hello.” Shi Lan felt a little embarrassed, she felt like such a gentle woman…

Lu Yueqing’s third uncle kept his eyes slightly closed from the moment Shi Lan entered the door until Lu Yueqing opened his mouth, and did not look at Shi Lan properly.

“Alan, sit down and talk.” Shi Tianlu waved his hand, returned to the main seat and sat down.

“Yueqing’s visit this time is mainly because of the engagement between me and Shi Lan…”

Hearing what Lu Yueqing said, Shi Lan’s spirits perked up. The main event was coming!

“You two are not young anymore, it’s time to discuss the wedding date.” Shi Tianlu nodded and said with a smile.

Shi Yiming and Shi Qinghu, who were sitting at the bottom, heard this and tightened their palms at the same time.

Lu Yueqing, the number one genius within a thousand miles, and also so stunning, how could he be matched with his good-for-nothing big brother?

These two people are obviously one in the sky and one on the earth.

“About our engagement…” Lu Yueqing seemed to have something to hide, hesitating and speechless.

Su Lanyue, who was sitting on the roadside of Shitian Road, felt certain in her heart and let out a long sigh of relief. Lu Yueqing’s behavior must have meant that she had some objections to the marriage.

Seeing Lu Yueqing’s expression, Shi Lan sighed in his heart, the marriage was probably called off.

“Yue Qing has something to say, but it doesn’t hurt to say it. We will all be a family from now on.” Shi Tianlu chuckled, as if he didn’t notice anything.

“Shi Lan and I just met for the first time today. I don’t know him at all, so we talked about marriage too quickly.”

“We can get to know each other slowly after we get married.” Shi Tianlu said nonchalantly, as if he was eager for Shi Lan and Lu Yueqing to get married.

“Yue Qing wants to ask Uncle Shi for something.”

“As long as Uncle Shi can do it, there’s nothing he can’t do.”

“Yueqing hopes that the wedding date with Shi Lan can be discussed later. I want to spend some time with Shi Lan first.”

As he spoke, Lu Yueqing lowered his head, as if he was a little shy.

“Sister Yueqing! How can this be…” Lu Yuan on the side wanted to speak.

After being looked at by Lu Yueqing with a smile, Lu Yuan had no choice but to swallow the second half of his words.

Shi Lan looked at Lu Yueqing who was smiling and couldn’t react. Why didn’t this person play his cards according to the routine?

Do you want to try to get along for a while?

Shi Lan, the eldest son of the Shi family, was born with a useless body. Not only is this fact known to everyone, but it is not far behind.

How could a proud woman like Lu Yueqing tolerate her husband being a useless person?

The smile on Shi Tianlu’s face froze slightly, and he rubbed his sleeves twice.

Lu Yueqing’s words not only made Shi Lan feel incredible, but also exceeded Shi Tianlu’s expectations.

Shi Tianlu was mentally prepared for Lu Yueqing to come to break off the engagement, or it could be said that he was expecting Lu Yueqing to come to break off the engagement.

With Shi Lan’s reputation in Tenglong City, let alone a proud girl like Lu Yueqing, even a slightly ambitious girl would not be willing to marry such a person.

But Lu Yueqing acted like a completely ignorant person, turning a blind eye to Shi Lan’s ‘all kinds of evil deeds’, and instead said that they wanted to get along with each other for a while.

Shi Tianlu suddenly felt that he could not see through this nominal ‘daughter-in-law’.

Su Lanyue was a little panicked. If they stayed together for a long time, Lu Yueqing would most likely discover Shi Lan’s daughter, given her daughter’s delicate thoughts.

Until then……

The hall fell silent for a moment.

“Well… what Yue Qing said makes sense, but…” Shi Tianlu pondered slightly.

“Yueqing wants to chat with Shi Lan alone, and I hope Uncle Shi can agree.” Lu Yueqing stood up and bowed to request.

Lu Yueqing had lowered her attitude so low that Shi Tianlu couldn’t refuse anymore and had no choice but to nod.

“Then let’s stop here for today. I have asked people to prepare the banquet. Please move on.”

Shi Tianlu stood up and walked to the third uncle’s side, raised his hand and said: “Please.”

The third uncle stood up and returned the courtesy: “Master Shi, please.”

Shi Tianlu didn’t shirk anymore and walked out of the hall one step ahead.

“Keep an eye on Lu Yueqing.”

When passing by Shi Feng, Shi Tianlu’s zhenqi condensed into a thread and sent these words into Shi Feng’s ears.

Shi Feng nodded slightly and hid by the roadside.

In the blink of an eye, only Lu Yueqing and Shi Lan were left in the hall.

Lu Yueqing walked up to Shi Lan, put a smile on her lips, and asked, “Shi Lan, can I ask you a few questions?”

“Ah? Okay, you can ask.” Shi Lan was stunned and nodded.

“I heard someone say that you always bring a large number of guards with you when you go out. If you encounter anyone who makes you unhappy, you beat them up or even smash up the store?”

Lu Yueqing took a step forward and looked down at Shi Lan sitting on the chair.

Shi Lan stood up from the chair. For some reason, Shi Lan felt that Lu Yueqing was in danger at this moment.

“The guards were arranged by my father. I have never violated the law by beating up people and damaging stores.” Shi Lan shook his head, took two steps back, and put some distance between them.

“Then do you know Xu Yuanbai?” Lu Yueqing took two steps forward and closed the distance with Shi Lan again.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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