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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 214 Breakthrough

After Su Lanyue left, Shi Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

After carving a formation along the room to block the aura, Shi Lan sat on the bed, took out the Phoenix Blood and the God Transformation Pill, and prepared to attack the late stage of the Earthly Evil Realm.

She doesn’t have much time now. She only has a little over a year left before the two years required for the system’s main mission to break through to the Tiangang realm.

After slowly calming down his inner breath, Shi Lan placed the Soul Transformation Pill in his lower abdomen, and then took out two high-grade spiritual crystals from the Qiankun Bracelet. He held them in his palms, closed his eyes and began to extract the vast spiritual energy from the spiritual crystals to nourish and strengthen the true energy.

Cultivation with the above-grade spiritual crystals was too luxurious, but Shi Lan didn’t feel any distress at this moment.

The forward of the demon clan is not too far away from Xianwu City, and there may be an order coming at some point. She needs to increase her strength faster at this moment.

To enter the late stage of the Earthly Evil Realm, one must first open up the ‘Weilu Point’ on the side of the tailbone, allowing the true energy to enter the back, and then climb up like a dragon, step by step, opening twenty-three key points in succession, that is The Earthly Evil Realm is complete.

Shi Lan has been at the peak of the middle stage of the Earthly Evil Realm for some time. The barrier in the late Earthly Evil Realm was already crumbling after only two rounds of infuriating impact.


A low sound came from Shi Lan’s body, like thunder, as his spine stretched, and then there was a crisp sound of muscles stretching.

An invisible wave of air swept across, tearing apart the curtain hanging on the side of the bed.

The air wave swept towards the door, and was stopped by the formation carved at the beginning, and gradually subsided.

The late stage of the Earthly Evil Realm was just a small level, and Shi Lan had expected a breakthrough.

She did not open her eyes, but continued to immerse herself in cultivation, opening up the black field and refining the phoenix blood.

“Shi Lan is back? And became a woman? Are you sure you read it correctly?”

In a side room not far from Shi Lan’s room, Shen Mingqiu frowned, looked at Shi Qinghu in front of him, and confirmed.

“Absolutely not.”

Shi Qinghu shook his head repeatedly.

“How did you get these clothes? Did you fight with someone? Are you injured?”

Shen Mingqiu suddenly changed the topic, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

“It’s okay… I just taught a scoundrel a lesson… Mom, don’t worry.” Shi Qinghu’s eyes flickered.

“Don’t go out much these days. Don’t cause trouble for your father. This place is no better than Tenglong City.”

Shen Mingqiu sighed, thinking about what Shi Qinghu said, his thoughts flickered for a moment, and he guessed the general context of the matter.

“I asked why Shi Lan has never had any thoughts about women. He is mysterious all day long…I see…Su Lanyue…you are so clever…”

Shen Mingqiu murmured in a low voice, a hint of anger rising in his heart, but it quickly dissipated.

There is no point in worrying about these things at this time. Whether Shi Lan is the eldest son with a broken body or the eldest daughter now, there is no difference to her.

Moreover, after all these years, her status was not much inferior to that of Su Lanyue, so if she was fussing over everything, she would appear to be stingy.

The most important thing is that Shi Tianlu is fighting for his life outside now, licking blood from his knife edge. If the family is disturbed, it will only make him more stressed.

Thinking of the current chaos in the outside world, Shen Mingqiu couldn’t help but sigh. When will this end?

In the evening, Su Lanyue sent someone to deliver a dinner to Shi Lan, two cups of medicinal food cooked with one grade of spiritual materials. Shi Lan’s true energy circulated twice before refining it.

In the early morning, Shi Lan slowly finished his work.

After cleaning up the messy room, she went to the courtyard outside the room and started to slow down the Vajra fist to absorb the first pure spiritual energy that emerged between heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy floating between heaven and earth was caught by Shi Lan’s fist and blended into her body. It flowed endlessly, setting off a tide of spiritual energy all around.

A man in green clothes stood at the entrance of the courtyard, looking at Shi Lan who was practicing boxing in the courtyard, his eyes full of surprise.

Although he had learned about it from his mother and younger brother yesterday, he still couldn’t accept it when he actually saw his eldest brother who had lived under the same roof since birth becoming his eldest sister.

Shi Lan had already spotted Shi Yiming standing at the door of the house, but she didn’t have much feelings for this second brother, so she still practiced her boxing unhurriedly.

Shi Yiming looked aside for a moment, feeling secretly shocked. However, after not seeing her for more than a year, his eldest sister seemed to have changed into a completely different person.

Each of these boxing techniques seems slow, but there are terrifying fluctuations of spiritual energy, as if there is hidden terrifying power that can destroy mountains.

It gave him the feeling that he was even more powerful than his father!

What made Shi Yiming’s heart shiver the most was Shi Lan’s calm gaze, which was so calm that it was almost indifferent.

A trace of horror flashed in Shi Yiming’s eyes, his throat felt dry, and a trace of cold sweat quietly escaped from his back. It was somewhat difficult to understand why such a big change happened to Shi Lan’s body.

This change made it difficult for him to connect the woman in front of him with the cowardly brother in his memory.

After watching for less than half a moment, Shi Yiming turned around and left in a hurry, not daring to look any further.


After finishing the last punch, Shi Lan slowly pulled back and exhaled a long breath. The air wave swept across, pressing down on several bushes in the courtyard, making a rustling sound and shaking down countless fallen leaves.

After a set of Vajra punches, her body’s energy and blood had been adjusted to its peak.

The Vajra God Fist in different realms will give Shi Lan different insights. After entering the Earthly Evil Realm, this boxing technique gave her an incomplete feeling, as if something was missing.

Could it be that this boxing technique has a follow-up?

Shi Lan frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

Outside the Shi Mansion, on the street corner, a middle-aged man in his forties was talking quietly with a young man in his early twenties.

“Have you investigated everything clearly?” the middle-aged man said in a low voice.

“This Shi family comes from Tenglong City on the border and is not from the Zhongtian Territory. The whole family, including Shi Tianlu, is a character. He is in the Earthly Evil Realm. He joins the demon-suppressing army halfway and serves as a captain of thousands in the demon-suppressing army. No one is home now.”

The young man said confidently: “Don’t worry, there will be no mistakes. I have an acquaintance who has a wide range of connections and the information is absolutely reliable.”

The young man had some bruises on his face, his left cheek was swollen, two teeth were missing, his speech was leaky, and he looked a little miserable.

“Family members of the demon-suppressing army, how dare you make up your mind? Are you crazy?” the middle-aged man whispered.

“We only want money, and we don’t want to harm anyone. Besides, this time it’s his Shi family who is in trouble. Even Shi Tianlu couldn’t say anything in front of him.”

“No, no, 28% is too little. I want 40% later.” The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment and shook his head repeatedly.

“Sanqi, do you want to do it or not? If it doesn’t work, I’ll find someone else.” The young man said a little impatiently.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and nodded.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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