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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 221 Transformation

There were seven people in this group, both men and women. The leader was a beautiful woman in her twenties, who had not yet reached the level of Earth Evil. She was at the ninth level of the Xiantian realm. She was wearing a long blue satin dress with long sleeves and had an outstanding temperament.

Among the remaining six people was a pretty girl about fifteen years old, who looked familiar to Shi Lan.

After pondering for two seconds, a flash of inspiration flashed in Shi Lan’s mind, and he remembered the girl in the medical clinic in Shuangyue City.

“Shi Lan…brother?”

When the girl saw Shi Lan, she looked at her carefully, then she looked surprised and said.

Compared with when she was in Shuangyue City, Du Yue’er’s appearance had changed slightly, and her temperament was completely different. Shi Lan almost didn’t recognize her at first glance.

However, in more than a year, the innocence and aura in Du Yue’er’s eyebrows have become much weaker, and she appears to be a bit worldly.

“Miss Yue’er, long time no see.” Shi Lan nodded, feeling a little complicated. Shuangyue City was a somewhat special place for her.

Shi Lan didn’t find it strange that Du Yue’er entered the Shengwu Immortal Sect. This was normal. With so many talented new blood coming in, it would be strange if the Shengwu Immortal Sect didn’t absorb them.

On the other hand, she felt a little baffled as to why the people from the Shengwu Immortal Sect appeared in her home.

“Junior Sister Du, do you call her brother?”

The leading woman looked surprised, and the other people also had strange expressions on their faces.

“Ah? No, Senior Sister Fang, I just… made a slip of the tongue…” Du Yue’er came back to her senses, shook her head nervously, and said:

“Shi Lan…sister.”

Du Yue’er didn’t know why Shi Lan disguised herself as a man in the first place, but she must have had some unavoidable reasons.

Now that Shi Lan has changed back into women’s clothing, Du Yuer will naturally not mention this matter again.

A woman who wears men’s clothing and often hangs out among men will always have a bad reputation, even though most warriors are informal.

After hearing what Du Yue’er said, several people’s faces suddenly became clear and they said hello to Shi Lan.

The woman in the long skirt suddenly raised her eyebrows slightly, “May I ask this girl Shi Lan, what is her relationship with senior brother Shi Feng?”

“Called friends.”

Shi Lan answered casually, raised his hand and issued an order to expel the guests.

“I have a lot of private matters to deal with at home today, so it’s not convenient for me to have a long talk with you, please.”

Seeing Shi Lan’s somewhat cold attitude, several disciples of the Shengwu Immortal Sect were a little stunned.

Under the sky of Chengtian Domain, except for the demon-suppressing army, no one or force dared to rebel against the Shengwu Immortal Sect.

Members of the Shengwu Immortal Sect are treated with courtesy no matter where they are, and the attitude of ordinary warriors can even be described as flattery.

Seeing the cold look on the woman’s face in front of them, several disciples of the Shengwu Immortal Sect were unable to recover for a moment.

The leader, the woman surnamed Fang, was not very satisfied with Shi Lan’s answer, but the temper she had developed over the years made it impossible for her to talk to others when they were obviously unwelcome.

“My name is Fang Chan. I hope to have the opportunity to have a long conversation with Miss Shi in the future and learn about martial arts.”

Shi Lan didn’t speak any more and walked directly past the Shengwu Immortal Sect and the others and headed towards the inner courtyard.

As for what Fang Chan said, it was like the breeze blowing by my ears, but it never entered my heart.

There should be nothing to talk about between her and Fang Chan, and it is even more nonsense to talk about martial arts.

Putting aside the fact that she still hasn’t understood what “Tao” is, just talking about the word “武” and a hundred, a thousand Fang Chan tied together is not enough for her.

If she were allowed to suppress her strength, it wouldn’t be called a competition, but a pointer. How could she have the leisure to give pointers to a stranger.

“Is this woman the person that Senior Brother Shi has been looking for?”

“Senior Brother Shi has the same surname as her. Could it be that he is a brother and sister?”

“It shouldn’t be the case. Senior Brother Shi’s appearance is not even remotely similar to his.”

As soon as Shi Lan left, several disciples of the Shengwu Immortal Sect spoke up and discussed in low voices.

“Senior Sister Fang, Shi Lan…Sister, she is still a very nice person, but she is a bit straight-tempered…” Du Yue’er walked to Fang Chan and whispered.

Fang Chan didn’t speak and fell into deep thought.

Shi Lan returned to the room and checked the Yueji skirt again. After all, it cost two high-grade spiritual crystals, which was not a small sum.

Nishang Pavilion’s repair technology was so ingenious that at least she didn’t see any clues about it. Judging from the results, this transaction should be considered worthwhile.

After taking the Yueji skirt back to the Qiankun bracelet, Shi Lan pondered for a moment, took out a wooden box, and began to search for the location of Shi Tianlu at home.

After asking the two maids, Shi Lan went straight to Shi Tianlu study.

“Come in.”

Shi Lan came to the door of the study. Before he could knock on the door, Shi Tianlu’s voice came from behind the door.


Shi Lan responded and pushed the door open.

In addition to Shi Tianlu in the study, Shi Feng is also here.

Seeing Shi Feng, Shi Lan understood why those disciples of the Holy Martial Immortal Sect appeared here.

Shi Feng nodded and said hello with a normal expression.

“Alan, sit down and talk.” Shi Tianlu said.

Shi Lan shook his head, stepped forward, put the wooden box in his hand on the table and opened it.

“This is a dragon’s blood ginseng, which can nourish the blood and be of great benefit to my father’s injuries.”

Inside the wooden box, there lay a foot-long blood ginseng. The skin of the ginseng was blood red with a hint of crystal luster, like blood jade.

Shi Tianlu’s expression moved slightly. Dragon’s blood ginseng is a rumored fourth-grade treasure medicine. It grows in the place where the essence and blood of the true dragon spread. It has miraculous effects on nourishing the vitality and nourishing the energy. It is extremely precious and can only be found but not sought.

There is no sale in the market at all, and ordinary Tiangang realm warriors can’t get it.

After all, in normal times in the Chengtian Domain, traces of monster beasts are rare, let alone the true dragon standing at the top of the monster clan’s pyramid.

If you want Dragon Blood Ginseng, you can only search for it in the Boundless Demon Realm, which is extremely risky.

“Keep this dragon’s blood ginseng for yourself. You are at the peak of your martial arts progress and I wasted it too much.”

Shi Tianlu shook his head, his hair covered with silver threads dancing lightly, closed the wooden box and pushed it back.

Shi Lan did not answer, but resigned directly and left the study. She came here to deliver medicine. She could see clearly that Shi Tianlu’s body had lost too much blood and vitality due to the battle all the way.

If not, with the perfect strength of Shi Tianlu and Earth Evil Realm, he still has at least more than 400 years of life, so why would he have a head full of gray hair.

Shi Tianlu’s current longevity is probably in his late teens.

If it is not taken care of, the loss of vitality will become greater and greater.

A dragon’s blood ginseng was enough to nourish Shi Tianlu’s body back to its peak.

As the door slowly closed, Shi Tianlu looked at Shi Feng, who was silent and silent, and felt a trace of uncontrollable joy in his heart.

Shi Lan is not interested in Shi Feng, which is really… the best thing.

Just like his original thoughts, he still didn’t want any entanglement between Shi Feng and Shi Lan.

What was slightly different from that time was that now he was worried that Shi Feng would have some bad influence on Shi Lan’s martial arts path.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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