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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 222 Confession

The growth rate of Shi Lan’s strength far exceeded Shi Tianlu’s imagination.

In less than two years, his cultivation has reached the late stage of the Earthly Evil Realm, which is even stronger than Shi Feng, and his true combat power is even more terrifying.

Shi Tianlu had already heard about Shi Lan’s fight against Tiangang realm monsters on the battlefield.

With such talent, there is no need to rely on anyone, and he will naturally be able to protect the Shi family in the future.

In this way, Shi Feng’s existence is not so important.

It was impossible for Shi Tianlu to leave his daughter alone and think about relying on an outsider, even if this ‘outsider’ was trained by him while he watched her grow up.

For a long time, Shi Feng’s longing for Shi Lan has been like a mirror in Shi Tianlu’s heart, but he has never made it clear, because he is worried that Shi Feng’s existence will have some bad effects on Shi Lan.

This was true before, and it is even more true now.

I don’t know how many of the proud daughters of heaven were bound by love, hurt by love, and fell into the dust along the way in martial arts.

Thinking of Shi Lan’s sometimes slightly cold reaction, Shi Tianlu couldn’t help but feel a little worried, and subconsciously touched his temples.

It is good to not be trapped by love, but if you end love and desire because of it, it is too much and not enough.

“Master, I have something to ask of you.”

Shi Feng spoke, interrupting Shi Tianlu’s meditation.

Shi Tianlu came back to his senses and looked at Shi Feng, slightly stunned. Shi Feng looked very serious and his eyes were extremely firm.

“But there’s no harm in talking.”

Shi Feng let out a breath, lowered his eyes slightly, and said calmly: “I have been fond of Shi Lan for a long time. The master of the house is aware of everything and must have known it for a long time.”

“Is this happening?”

Shi Tianlu tightened his fingers and accidentally pulled off a few white hairs, looking puzzled.

He was caught off guard by Shi Feng’s sudden bluntness.

“That’s it for now, I won’t make any more detours. I ask the head of the family to allow me to go beyond the rules and agree with me…”


Just as Shi Feng started talking, Shi Tianlu suddenly coughed violently and spit out a mouthful of blood.

“Master, you…”

Shi Feng was surprised for a while. Shi Tianlu just suffered some shock to his internal organs. How could he be vomiting blood?

“My old injury has recurred and I am in urgent need of retreat for healing, so I won’t keep you here.”

Shi Tianlu stood up, grabbed the dragon’s blood ginseng on the table, and walked quickly outside.

Halfway through the journey, Shi Tianluhui suddenly turned around, looked at Shi Feng who stood up and was about to follow, and said seriously:

“You have now entered the Holy Martial Immortal Sect and become a disciple of the powerful one. It is no longer appropriate to call me the head of the family. Now the relationship between the Holy Martial Immortal Sect and the Demon Suppressing Army is delicate. As the commander of the Demon Suppressing Army, I have interacted with you in private. It’s even more inappropriate if it’s secret, so it’s better that you visit less often in the future.”

Before he finished speaking, Shi Tianlu left the study.

Looking at Shi Tianlu’s windy pace, Shi Feng was about to open his mouth to persuade him to stay, but Shi Tianlu’s figure disappeared in the corridor.

Shi Feng looked up at the sky, staring directly at the sun hanging high in the sky, and took a breath. The change in status and strength gave him the confidence to do certain things, and he no longer had to be as timid as before.

But along with it, things also changed.

Recalling Shi Lan’s cold attitude, a trace of determination flashed in Shi Feng’s eyes.

Shi Lan is not interested in him now, which only proves that he has not yet reached the point where Shi Lan can be tempted.

But as long as he can make himself more powerful and perfect ten times and a hundred times, one day, he can reach the standard in Shi Lan’s mind.

This he firmly believed.

As his cultivation became more advanced, Shi Lan could refine the phoenix blood faster and faster. It didn’t take half a day to refine it once.

As the frequency of Phoenix blood refining increased, Shi Lan felt as if something in his body was quietly changing.

When he left Ancient Fengcheng, Shi Lan didn’t carry much Phoenix blood, and it was almost at the bottom due to constant consumption.

If it weren’t for the critical situation around him at this moment, Shi Lan would even have the idea of ​​returning to Ancient Phoenix City to replenish some Phoenix blood.

The sun was setting in the west, and there was a knock on the door. Shi Lan woke up from his practice, and another acupoint on his back was opened.

The knock on the door was a maid, coming to tell her to have dinner.

Not long after Shi Lan followed the maid, he entered a side hall.

There was only one round table in the hall, and Shi Tianlu was sitting at the head of it. His hair had turned from white to gray, and his blood was much stronger. It was obvious that the dragon’s blood ginseng had begun to take effect.

Su Lanyue and Shen Mingqiu sat beside her.

Shen Mingqiu saw Shi Lan for the first time since returning from beating Shi Lan. Although he already knew about it, his expression still showed a bit of unnaturalness.

The impact Shi Lan gave her was too great, making her a little unbelievable.


Shi Yiming, who was sitting on one side, stood up and said hello with some restraint, not knowing where to put his hands and feet.


Shi Qinghu shouted, with admiration in his eyes. That day, hundreds of demon-suppressing troops came to the door, and he watched from the side.

Young people are impetuous and changeable, and their perception of a person can easily change dramatically.

Shi Lan said hello one by one and sat down across from Shi Tian Road.

It was a very quiet dinner. Once you enter the innate state, you can live without grains and eat spiritual energy to live. However, Shi Tianlu really liked the feeling of eating together as a family.

“Alan, come with me, you can go back and rest.”

After eating, Shi Tianlu gave instructions and left the side hall. Shi Lan got up and followed.

The father and daughter soon came to the study.

Shi Tianlu came to the bookcase and turned the mechanism, opening a tunnel that led directly to the underground.

The corridor was very new, obviously just built recently, and connected to a dark room three feet wide and three feet wide.

A luminous pearl is inlaid on the top of the darkroom, making the surrounding area as bright as day.

A bookcase, a bookcase, nothing else.

“I don’t know what kind of technique you practice, but judging from your zhenqi, I think your grade should be quite high.”

Shi Tianlu walked to the bookcase, rummaged for a while, found three ancient books, and put them on the desk.

“This is what I gained in my early years. It is the foundation of my Shi family. Although the grade may not be comparable to what you have cultivated, it is a mountain stone that can attack jade, so it should be helpful to you.”

Glancing at the three secret books on the desk, Shi Lan raised his eyebrows and said, “Father, when did you know that I was practicing martial arts?”

“Ever since you fainted from strength during martial arts training.” Shi Tianlu shook his head and smiled.

“Knowing that you want to practice martial arts, I borrowed Shi Feng’s hand to send you some spiritual materials. I thought you were just doing it temporarily, but I didn’t expect that it would turn out like this.”

Hearing what Shi Tianlu said, Shi Lan’s eyebrows moved slightly but he didn’t say anything.

His mind fluctuated for a moment, and Shi Lan was slightly curious and asked: “Then when did my father know that I am a woman?”

“The day your mother confessed to me.”

Shi Tianlu smiled and said, “Go back and rest early. I’m afraid it will be difficult to get free time in the future.”

Shi Lan was silent for a moment, put away the three secret books, turned and left.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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