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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 227 News

After receiving the transfer order from the Demon Suppression Order, the father and daughter made some preparations, rushed back to the military camp without stopping, and parted ways in front of the school grounds.

When Shi Lan entered Bai Weiyang’s tent, the tent was already full of people, all of whom were officers above the rank of captain.

Bai Weiyang sat behind the case, with evil eyes and a cold expression. When he saw Shi Lan coming in, he took a quick glance and said in a deep voice:

“The demon clan moved several days faster than originally expected. A large number of beasts have gathered outside Xianwu City, and they are less than a thousand miles away from the city gate.”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the tent tensed up and closed their palms.

Shi Lan’s heart beat slightly faster by half a beat, and he began to speculate on the specific number of this large number of beasts.

Before she could think about it, Bai Weiyang’s next words directly crushed the already solemn atmosphere in the camp.

“The reason why we called you here this time is because the troops that were retreating, including the women’s battalion, were all besieged by the beast tide that was approaching in advance.”

“General, you have summoned us this time, but are you going to rescue the siege?”

“If that’s the case, leave immediately.”

“General, what are the casualties of the women’s battalion now?!”


Inside the camp, most of the people’s expressions changed drastically. Nearly half of the people’s eyes were faintly red, with murderous intent, like crazed tigers, almost ready to devour anyone.

Shi Lan’s heart sank, and he couldn’t help but start to worry about Wu Lingkong’s safety.

Bai Weiyang took a deep breath, pressed her hands, and the tent was completely silent again.

“After discussion with several demon-suppressing commanders, they are indeed preparing to send out troops to rescue the siege…”

“General, this is absolutely impossible!”

As soon as Bai Weiyang finished speaking, an elderly captain stepped forward and said with a serious expression:

“With the current strength of the Monster Clan, we can completely defeat the Women’s Battalion and the rest of the tribe in an instant, but now they are just besieged. It is obvious that the drunkard is not interested in drinking. He wants to lure us out of the city. I also asked the general to advise some commanders to take it back. Success!”

“Shen Ning, what are you talking about?! With so many people still outside the city, is it possible to just let them go like this?”

A captain of ten thousand men who looked to be in his mid-twenties stared at his bloodshot eyes and said angrily.

“Xianwu City is the last barrier in Chengtian Territory. If this place is lost, Chengtian Territory will most likely disappear, and a region will be lost, and all life will be ruined. What a huge mistake is this?”

Shen Ning glanced sideways at him and said in a cold voice: “A man should be cut off immediately. At this time of life and death, how can we allow the love of children to grow? Xianwu City is related to the lifeblood of countless people, and there is no room for any mistakes!”

As soon as these words came out, the camp gradually became quiet. The people present were all generals who had been in charge of troops all year round. In terms of judging the situation, few of them could compare to Shen Ning.

What the demon clan uses is a conspiracy.

Most of the people present had thought of what Shen Ning said, but they did not speak out.

Because they want to save people, their brothers and sisters, and those they care about.

“We shouldn’t have transferred the women’s battalion out alone because of the Holy Martial Immortal Sect!”

In the quiet camp, a low shout suddenly came from the corner.

“The Holy Martial Immortal Sect is only a second-grade force, with only one Human Emperor. It is the lowest existence among the second-grade forces. If it is normal, how can it have the qualifications to make concessions to our demon-suppressing army!”

“That’s enough, let’s stop it.”

Seeing that the conversation was getting worse, Bai Weiyang knocked on the wooden table and gave a soft drink, suppressing the restlessness in the tent.

“Several demon-suppressing commanders have made a decision and ordered the troops to be dispatched…”


Shen Ning looked anxious and wanted to speak, but was blocked by Bai Weiyang’s gaze. In the end, she could only sigh and retreat.

“Each of you go back and reorganize your army and get ready to march.”

Bai Weiyang glanced at the big tent, waved his hand and said.

The people in the camp quickly dispersed. Bai Weiyang stroked the jade sword beside him and closed his eyes in meditation.

The space inside the tent rippled like water, and four men and two women, six figures in a row, slowly walked out.

“Weiyang, the situation is critical now, why don’t you quickly follow us back to the Zhongtian Territory and take shelter for a while?” A woman asked, frowning slightly.

“With the foundation of the Shengwu Immortal Sect, it is impossible to defend the Xianwu City. What’s more, the people of the Shengwu Immortal Sect will not necessarily fight for the Xianwu City. This place is not a place to stay for a long time.” The burly middle-aged man said solemnly.

“I have been inquiring about the movements of the demon clan in the past two days. This time the demon clan really made a big move. They even invited a demon emperor’s holy weapon to break the immortal martial arts Yin and Yang formation.”

“The deployment of the demon emperor’s holy soldiers is almost equivalent to the attack of a demon emperor. Where can Cheng Tianyu find a second human emperor to resist it?”

“Yan Jun doesn’t know where he is at the moment, and it’s hard to predict good or bad fortune. If something happens to you again, how will your family bear the responsibility?”

“Weiyang, let’s go quickly! Do you have to force me to wait?”


The rest of the people spoke out to persuade him.

Bai Weiyang raised his eyes slightly and shook his head slightly, “Running away in the middle of battle is against my will. If I leave like this, I will never be able to hope to become an emperor for the rest of my life.”

As soon as he finished speaking, when several people wanted to persuade him again, Bai Weiyang said quietly:

“The Bai family does not need a Bai Weiyang who has no chance to step into the imperial level.”

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the camp, and you could hear a needle drop.

Shengwu Immortal Sect, the main peak is the Shengwu Hall.

Dozens of figures were scattered and sitting, and the main seat was empty.

“The Supreme Headmaster sent back the message the day before yesterday. It can take as little as half a year or as long as a year before he can return. At that time, strong men will come to suppress the evil.” A middle-aged man in his fifties, who was about 50 years old, sat On a big chair, he said calmly.

“How can we survive in one year? Although the Immortal Martial Yin-Yang Formation is powerful, it cannot withstand the day and night attacks of the Demon King’s Holy Soldiers.” A beautiful woman in black clothes frowned.

“The message sent back by the headmaster once said that if something cannot be done, there is no need to waste your life, Xianwu City can be abandoned.”

“Then…should we prepare early?”

“Open the holy martial arts world and be ready to extradite a group of disciples at any time.”

“Xiu Han, do you have something to say?”

A man in black robes sat on one side, silently closing his eyes and concentrating, stroking the black giant blade across his knees with his palms.

Hearing this, the man in black robe shook his head slightly, “You can make up your mind.”

“Then let’s gather all the true disciples first.” The man sitting on the giant chair made a conclusion.

There are countless miscellaneous disciples of the Shengwu Immortal Sect, there are hundreds of thousands of outer disciples, there are only six thousand inner disciples, and there are only more than a hundred true disciples.

“The Demon Suppression Army just sent a message and wants some help to go out of the city to rescue people.”

“This is clearly a trick of the demon clan. The demon-suppressing army is going to jump into the fire pit!”

“But if you refuse…”

There was a lot of discussion in the hall for a while.

“Let the inner disciples lead the team, and then allocate 10,000 outer disciples to deal with one or two.” An old man in a green shirt said with his eyes lowered.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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